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This thematic review examines the literature regarding the relationship between domestic violence (DV) and pet abuse (PA) particularly in the veterinary clinical and educational contexts. It examines the significance of this relationship for the veterinary profession including the veterinarian’s role and associated legal and ethical obligations, and relevant current veterinary education standards, to identify future clinical and educational directions. Articles were sourced from online databases by searching the keywords without date restrictions. Overall, 70 articles were retrieved and reviewed.

Pet abuse has been identified as a potential risk factor for DV, and DV perpetrators may harm or kill a pet to exert physical, psychological or emotional control over an intimate partner. Given that victims of DV often seek veterinary aid for their pets, veterinarians may act as frontline professionals in the recognition of the link between PA and DV. Veterinarians must assess individual cases for diagnostic indicators of non-accidental injury and consider demographic factors to identify suspected PA and DV. Despite existing legal and ethical obligations of the veterinarian relating to suspected PA and victims of DV, veterinarians have uncertainty and unpreparedness in addressing PA and DV in a clinical context. Many factors may contribute to the lack of veterinary intervention in suspected cases of PA and DV including concern for animal welfare, confusion about the reporting process and uncertainty in differentiating accidental versus non-accidental injuries in pets. Specific published guidelines regarding the recognition and reporting of PA and DV in the veterinary clinical context are required. Limited published evidence exists examining the implementation and success of veterinary training regarding the relationship between DV and PA. Ultimately, veterinary student education is needed to prepare veterinarians for their response to PA and DV in practice. Further research is required to examine the effects of the delivery of content regarding the link between PA and DV in the veterinary curriculum on veterinary student knowledge and attitudes.  相似文献   

蒋发俊 《淡水渔业》2021,51(2):98-102
水温形成的养殖水体上下分层非常普遍且明显.晴天上表水层藻类光合作用产生的氧气,与池底有机物处于缺氧还原环境下脱氮产生的氮气,在上下水层不能进行交流的情况下,经常处于过饱和的现象.生存在这样水体的鱼类,不论是在鱼苗阶段还是成鱼阶段,过饱和游离气体将不可避免地进入其体内,使其患上气泡病.相对于鱼苗气泡病的急性发病症状,患上...  相似文献   
J. R. Sharma    R. K. Lal    A. P. Gupta    H. O. Misra    V. Pant    N. K. Singh  V. Pandey 《Plant Breeding》1999,118(5):449-452
A mutation breeding programme using gamma rays and ethyl methane sulphonate (EMS) was carried out for genetic conversion of narcotic ‘opium poppy’ into non-narcotic ‘seed poppy’. Two families contained 31 latexless (opiumless) and 23 partial latex-bearing plants which were identified in the M2 and confirmed in the M3 generations by the ‘ray-pluck’ method. Thin-layer chromatography (TLC)-densitometry of powdered capsule hulls (straw) from 22 representative plants also revealed that none of the five opium alkaloids (morphine, codeine, thebaine, papaverine and narcotine) was present in the straw. Six plants also possessed high seed yield (4.0–5.66 g/capsule vs. 3.39 g for control) and seven had a high seed oil content (50.7-53.5%). The best mutant genotype, LL-34 of the family C1-Comb-113-2, with 5.66 g/capsule seeds containing 52.6% oil was designated as cv. ‘Sujata’. This, perhaps the world's first opiumless and alkaloid-free seed poppy cultivar, offers a cheap and permanent (fundamental) solution to the global problem of opium-linked social abuse. Simultaneously, it serves as a safe and potential food crop with protein-rich seeds and healthy unsaturated seed oil.  相似文献   
随着老龄化进程的加剧以及核心家庭的迅速增加,机构养老成为部分老年人主动或被动的选择。然而大多数入住民营养老机构的老年人在一定程度上遭受了暴力虐待,这些暴力可以粗略划分为软暴力和硬暴力。机构护工个人素质不高、机构缺乏监管、老年人子女的疏忽都是导致老年人虐待发生的原因。缓解对策主要包括:一是要完善相关法律法规和制度建设,二是民营养老机构要加强监管和控制,三是护工要提高个人素质和技能,四是老年人的子女要加强对老年人的关注,五是老年人要加强自我保护,寻求积极干预,六是要加强第三方的监督和评估。  相似文献   
在家庭暴力中,处于长期遭受虐待的状态之下,弱势一方通常会采取“以暴制暴”的方式来结束自己的受虐生活,但是最终迎接他们的是法律的制裁,而犯罪人往往值得大家同情惋惜。关注因家庭暴力导致杀人的这一特殊刑事犯罪人群,给予犯罪人公平、正义的判决,保障他们应有的权利,极具社会现实意义。本文阐述了家庭暴力的现状及危害,分析了以暴制暴的成因;从刑事法律角度关注因家庭暴力导致杀人的这一特殊刑事犯罪人群;从受虐人杀人量刑一般都较重的状况出发,根据罪责刑相适应原则及我国的宽严相济刑事政策,借鉴国外的“受虐妇女综合症”理论,充分考虑杀人的动机和原因,寻求一种符合我国立法精神的处理思路和制度模式;由最高人民法院制定专门的司法解释,制定出相应的量刑幅度,考虑作出相关司法解释及办案程序规定,并在准刑事司法解释中加以规定,充分体现我国宽严相济刑事政策的意义。  相似文献   
抗菌药物的合理应用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
自从抗菌药物在医学、兽医临诊实践中被广泛应用以来,已取得良好的疗效。但抗菌药既能发挥防治疾病的有利作用,也会对动物产生损害作用。盲目、滥用抗菌药物带来的危害值得人们关注和反思。抗菌药物的不良反应和滥用抗菌药物的危害,主要表现为细菌产生耐药性、动物体内菌群平衡失调等,其次是药物残留对公共卫生和环境的负面影响。论文强调在了解药动学和药效学原理(峰时间、峰浓度、药时曲线下面积、防突变浓度、抗菌后效应、最小抑菌浓度等)的基础上,指出应该坚持病因学诊断,制定科学的治疗方案,同时要遵守国家相关的法规和条例,做到依法防控疾病。  相似文献   
《Journal of Crop Improvement》2013,27(1-2):649-659

Many small farming communities in Latin America have modified their traditional cropping systems to incorporate non-traditional export crops (NTEC). The shift from subsistence to commercial agriculture is perceived by development agencies as an opportunity to alleviate poverty in rural areas. However, most small-scale farmers are not familiar with the production problems of NTEC, such as Bemisia tabaci and various geminiviruses transmitted by this whitefly species. In the absence of adequate technical assistance, due to drastic budgetary reductions in national agricultural research programs, farmers have relied on agrochemicals to protect their NTEC. This situation has led to considerable pesticide abuse and rejection of contaminated produce in international markets. This study analyzes some of the factors determining the adoption of NTEC and displacement of traditional food crops in southwestern Guatemala, and suggests possible measures to allow small farming communities to benefit from broad-based cropping systems that include both traditional and non-traditional food and cash crops.  相似文献   
化肥滥用隐患及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从化肥滥用的种种表现入手,结合农业生产实际,揭示化肥滥用的危害后果,提出控制化肥滥用及科学合理施用肥料的对策。  相似文献   
掠夺性定价是滥用市场支配地位行为的一种典型形式,界定掠夺性定价行为应当进行经济学分析,低于企业成本的销售应当以是否低于企业平均可变成本为判断标准。掠夺性定价行为界定考查的因素包括对市场宏观环境与背景的分析,对市场进入壁垒和市场集中度的分析,对市场竞争秩序的破坏,对竞争对手的排挤,对消费者福利的减损等,其中关于低于成本价销售的损失补偿问题是掠夺性定价行为界定的关键问题。  相似文献   
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