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ABSTRACT:   The reproductive traits and the monthly larval abundance of the mantis shrimp Oratosquilla oratoria were investigated in Tokyo Bay, Japan, in 2002. The goal of the study was to elucidate the cause of changes in the monthly pattern of larval abundance from the 1980s to the 1990s as these changes relate to variation in the stock size of the adult shrimp. Oogenesis was divided into 10 stages by histological observation. The developmental stage of oocytes in an individual's ovary was synchronous, suggesting that almost all the oocytes in an ovary are spawned at the same time. The size at first maturity was estimated to be 7 ≤ body length ( BL ) < 8 cm. Fecundity was expressed as a function of BL , ranging from 19 300 eggs for 8 cm BL to 92 100 eggs for 14 cm BL . Small female shrimps (<10 cm BL ) spawned around August. Most large female shrimps (≥10 cm BL ) spawned around May, and some large female shrimps also spawned until September. Although most large female shrimps spawned in spring, the larval abundance was low before July and high from August onwards. The results suggest that a substantial decrease in the stock size of large individuals causes the low larval abundance before July.  相似文献   
性引诱剂用于蔬菜害虫的预测预报和发生规律研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
小菜蛾、斜纹夜蛾、甜菜夜蛾是蔬菜上的重要害虫,应用三种性引诱剂预测预报三虫,具有灵敏高度、高峰清晰、规律清楚、省工省时等特点。  相似文献   
2008年4月初在广东省饶平县对2006年5月人工孵化和培育的2龄条石鲷( Oplegnathus fasciatus)成熟亲鱼进行激素诱导,研究和观察条石鲷亲鱼初次性成熟的繁殖生物学。结果显示,在南海区全人工养殖的条石鲷亲鱼初次性成熟年龄为2龄,成熟亲鱼的最小型为全长245 mm、体质量610 g,最大个体为全长300 mm、体质量1450 g;产卵季节为4月10日~7月15日,产卵盛期为4月中旬至6月下旬;为升温产卵型鱼类,产卵温度为20.0~28.8℃,适宜的产卵温度为20.7~27.6℃;雌、雄亲鱼发育同步,个体大小和成熟年龄差别不大;雌鱼属于一年一次分批产卵类型,产卵期超过3个月;24尾初次性成熟雌性亲鱼的总产卵量为3180.0×104粒,日最高产卵量为341.5×104粒;其产卵量和受精卵质量与水温的变化关系密切,受精卵的浮卵率随温度的变化而变化,在水温相对衡定时,浮卵率相对稳定并维持在80%~95%的较高水平;受精卵平均卵径为(0.860±0.023)mm,油球径为(0.191±0.009)mm。  相似文献   

为研究不同群体柔鱼 (Ommastrephes bartramii) 生长的异质性,文章根据2016—2018年在北太平洋采集的柔鱼样本,对该物种胴长和体质量的性别和月间差异进行了分析。构建了广义线性模型 (Generalized linear model, GLM) 和9个线性混合模型 (Linear mixed model, LMM),用于研究不同群体柔鱼的胴长和体质量关系 (m=aLb) 在性别及时间上的差异。结果显示,东、西部群体不同性别柔鱼胴长、体质量均存在极显著差异 (P<0.01);各月份间也均存在极显著差异 (P<0.01)。东部群体异速生长参数 (b) 的固定值 (2.763 4) 小于3,表示其为负异速增长,肥满度随胴长增加而减少,胴体趋于细长;西部群体b的固定值 (3.117 19) 大于3,表示其为正异速增长,肥满度随胴长增加而增大,胴体趋于宽厚。研究表明,性别和月份对不同群体柔鱼胴长和体质量关系均有显著影响,线性混合模型能将性别和月份的异质性通过随机效应在单个模型中更准确、方便地体现出来,进一步证实了此模型在个体生长异质性研究中的优势。

For optimizing in vitro maturation system of bovine oocytes,we firstly examined the influence of four different hormonal regimes(FSH+LH,HMG,FSH+LH+E2 and HMG+E2) on oocyte maturation rates.Then we studied the effects of epidermal growth factor (EGF) in the above defined medium on bovine oocyte maturation,in vitro development and quality of parthenogenetic embryos.The cell apoptotic index of parthenogenetic blastocysts was detected by TUNEL.No significant difference was observed in maturation rates in four groups supplemented with different hormones.However,human menopausal gonadotropin (HMG) provided steady maturation results in replicates.Maturation of oocytes was promoted by supplementation with 17β-estradiol (E2).Combination of HMG and E2 gave rise to steady and efficient mature results.The presence of EGF at 30 ng/mL concentration significantly increased maturation rate and blastocyst rate and reduced apoptotic cells in parthenogenetic blastocysts.Therefore,the optimal oocyte maturation solution could be supplemented with 0.075 IU/mL HMG,1 μg/mL E2 and 30 ng/mL EGF.  相似文献   
开展优质核不育两系杂交油菜早中熟新组合比较试验,结果表明:2种熟期类型杂交组合间产量差异明显,中熟组合单位面积产量极显著高于早熟组合,对比分析产量构成因子,主要是平均角粒数多和千粒重重,2种熟期类型组合间株高和一次分枝数差异较小,油菜菌核病感病程度中熟组合相对较轻。因此,油菜生产不可一味选择和使用早熟类型品种或组合,不然将较难获得理想产量和生产效益。  相似文献   
Variable root restricting conditions were imposed on summer squash (Cucurbita pepo L.) cultivars ‘Senator’ and Dixie’ using container sizes of 0.35, 2.00, and 7.60 liters. Nondestructive and destructive plant sampling were conducted to evaluate leaf area production, dry weight accumulation and partitioning, crop growth rate and net assimilation rate, and flower and fruit development. Within 10 days after transplanting (DAT), ‘Senator’ exhibited declining leaf area production under increased root restriction, and within 17 DAT leaf area was diminished for both cultivars under increased root restricting conditions. Dry weight accumulation in leaves, stems, roots, and fruit was reduced for both cultivars over time and level of root restriction severity. There was a tendency for greater vegetative growth reductions with ‘Senator’ than with ‘Dixie’ at comparable levels of root restriction. Root‐to‐shoot ratio, timing and duration of flowering, and sex of flowers were not significantly impacted by root restriction level or cultivar. Fruit dry weight was greatest for Dixie’ early on, but by 28 DAT, total fruit dry weight produced did not differ for the cultivars except under the most severe root restricting conditions. Fruit dry weight production was limited for both cultivars as container volume became smaller.  相似文献   
不同质地土壤玉米秸秆还田配施腐熟剂效应的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为研究鉴选不同质地土壤秸秆还田适宜的秸秆腐熟剂,于2017—2018年在西辽河平原灌区中壤土和砂壤土秸秆还田配施人元腐熟剂和中农绿康腐熟剂,以秸秆还田不施腐熟剂为对照,共设置6个处理,测定玉米秸秆腐解率、玉米产量、玉米根系特性和土壤化学性状,研究不同秸秆腐熟剂对玉米产量及土壤特性的影响。结果表明:不同质地土壤2种腐熟剂秸秆腐解率间无显著差异;中壤土2年各处理玉米产量及根系特性、土壤化学性状均表现为人元腐熟剂中农绿康腐熟剂秸秆还田不施腐熟剂,且中农绿康腐熟剂和人元腐熟剂显著高于秸秆还田不施腐熟剂,而2种腐熟剂处理之间无显著差异;砂壤土2年各处理玉米产量及根系特性、土壤化学性状均表现为中农绿康腐熟剂人元腐熟剂秸秆还田不施腐熟剂,且中农绿康腐熟剂显著高于人元腐熟剂和秸秆还田不施腐熟剂。2年不同质地土壤中配施腐熟剂在根系特性、土壤化学性状方面表现为砂壤土配施中农绿康腐熟剂效果优于人元腐熟剂,而中壤土配施2种腐熟剂效果无显著性差异。  相似文献   
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