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We investigate interannual variations in dispersion for the drift and retention of cod eggs and larvae on the Newfoundland Shelf using a two-dimensional Lagrangian tracking model. The velocity field for the drift model is obtained from a diagnostic calculation of objectively analysed density data. Time-dependent currents are generated using an inertial-current slab model driven by observed winds. Eggs and larvae are treated as passive drifters seeded in a dispersion model of the Newfoundland Shelf region. We identify favourable and unfavourable zones of retention on the Newfoundland Shelf. We show that northerly, shelf-break spawning locations are more favourable than southerly shelf-break spawning locations for northern cod, ( Gudus morhua , in NAFO divisions 2J3KL).  相似文献   
Abstract –  Stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen ( δ 13C and δ 15N) were examined in wild and aquaculture origin Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar , to evaluate their utility to identify escaped farmed fish. Samples of muscle tissue obtained from wild Conne River, Newfoundland, salmon were significantly more enriched in nitrogen ( δ 15N: mean = 12.75; SD ± 0.38‰) but depleted in lipid corrected carbon ( δ 13C': mean = −20.51; SD ± 0.23‰) by comparison with aquaculture specimens obtained from Bay d'Espoir, Newfoundland ( δ 15N = 10.96 ± 0.19‰;  δ 13C' = −19.25 ± 0.17‰) resulting in a complete separation of the two groups. Aquaculture specimens differed in δ 13C' from analyses of commercial salmon diet by 0.24‰, within the enrichment range associated with trophic transfers, while the δ 15N values in salmon muscle were enriched by 5.01‰. Although differences occurred in direct comparisons of white muscle and adipose tissue ( N  = 49), the average δ 13C' and δ 15N signatures varied in absolute amounts by only 0.5‰, supporting the use of adipose tissue as a nonlethal means to determine isotopic signatures of Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   
We developed a deterministic and stochastic age-based matrix projection population model to assess and quantify the impact of mortality caused by chronic oil pollution and legal hunting on thick-billed murre Uria lomvia populations breeding and wintering in eastern Canada. We calculate the potential population growth rate in the absence of anthropogenic mortality sources using a modeling technique that translates absolute number of birds killed from anthropogenic mortality to potential survival rates in the absence of these anthropogenic impacts. The intrinsic growth rate of the deterministic matrix based on vital rates from Coats Island (λd=1.0102), as well as the stochastic growth rate (λs=1.0098, 95% C.I. 0.9969-1.0226), matched observed population trends. Hunting mortality reduced population growth rate by 0.020 (0.012-0.039), oiling mortality reduced population growth rate by 0.025 (0.012-0.039). Combined these sources reduced the population growth rate by 0.047 (0.033-0.610). Although thick-billed murre populations are stable or slowly growing in eastern Canada, anthropogenic sources of mortality are reducing the ability of the population to grow, and increase vulnerability in these populations to changes in their environment and other pulse perturbations. Our modeling technique could be used to assess specific anthropogenic impacts on populations where a vital rates and numbers killed are known, but no long-term trend information is available.  相似文献   
This paper investigates possible linkages between the environment and year-class success of Newfoundland/ Labrador cod. Aspects of the physical environment relevant to recruitment are reviewed and the current knowledge of the patterns of spawning and larval occurrence is summarized. A critical review of investigations aimed at correlating recruitment with climactic fluctuations is made and concludes that these studies have been largely fruitless. A series of numerical simulations of particle drift are presented to investigate the potential importance of storms and to try to identify nursery grounds. These simulations suggest that Labrador Shelf eggs and larvae are segregated from Grand Banks eggs and larvae. Favorable storm tracks appear to be required for significant numbers of eggs and larvae to reach the bays of Northeast Newfoundland.  相似文献   
Hatchery-reared sea scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) spat weremonitored for growth and recovery in three experiments to determine themost suitable system for nursery culture. In Experiment I, four size classesof nursery-sized spat held at two depths from October to July exhibiteddeclining growth rates over the winter period and increased growth ratesin the spring. Overall, season, depth and initial size had a significantinfluence on the absolute and specific growth rates of scallops. Recovery,defined as number of scallops remaining after mortality and loss of spatthrough gear mesh, was influenced by season and initial size, but notdepth. Scallops in the 3.0 mm+ size class had higher growth rates andrecovery than those in the 1.4–1.6 mm, 1.7–1.9 mm and 2.0–2.9 mm sizeclasses. In Experiment II, two gear types containing similar size spat werecompared. Growth rates were significantly higher in 3.0 mm pearl nets thanin 3.0 mm collector bags, although recovery was similar between the twoequipment types. Experiment III, two stocking densities of nursery-sizedspat were compared in collector bags. Neither growth rate nor recoverywere significantly different for the two densities (2600 and 5200spat/collector bag) tested. Overall, these studies indicated that importantparameters for optimizing the growth and recovery of scallops in a farm-based nursery system include season, initial spat size, deployment depthand gear type.  相似文献   
Catch-effort data recorded by observers aboard commercial trawlers fishing the Newfoundland-Labrador continental shelf during the winters of 1980–1991 were used to define the distribution and movements of pre-spawning and spanning Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua. Although cod were widely distributed over the outer continental shelf in the months of January to April, commercial concentrations were consistently located in three areas along the shelf edge. These three areas, constituting only 16% of the 190000 km2 fishing ground for northern cod, were centred north-east of Belle Isle Bank, north-east of Funk Island Bank, and between Funk Island Bank and the northern Grand Bank Tow positions with catch rates 5000 kg h-1 were plotted on a weekly basis to define movements of cod schools during the winters of 1986–1988. It was assumed that change in the collective position of trawlers taking large quantities of cod reflected shoal movements. Analyses indicate that cod moved southeast along the shelf edge in January and February of each year, crossing from NAFO Division 2J into 3K Each March, cod in Division 3K apparently moved northwest against prevailing ocean currents into the Hamilton Bank region of 2J. These movements do not appear to be a direct response to ocean temperature or pack ice conditions, although cod moving along the shelf break were generally in bottom waters of 24°C. We suggest these patterns reflect the migratory behaviour of pre-spawning and spawning cod.  相似文献   
Potential impacts of climate warming on recreational fishing opportunities were addressed by assessing the frequency and extent that Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., rivers in Newfoundland have been closed over a 25-year period (1975 to 1999) because of warm water temperatures and low water levels. On average, approximately 28% of all salmon rivers were temporarily closed annually, with over 70% affected in some years. This has resulted in a loss of 35–65% of the potential fishing days available in some salmon fishing areas with the collective 1995 to 1999 period being impacted the most over the past two decades. Geographically, west and south-west coastal rivers were affected less from environmental closures than east and some south coast fishing areas. A trend for increased closures of rivers related to environmental reasons could reduce the economic importance of the recreational salmon fishery and also make it more difficult to assess the status of Atlantic salmon stocks, which is a requirement for conservation of the resource.  相似文献   
We examined the availability and quality of standing dead trees (snags) for nesting habitat in a harvest chronosequence of boreal forests dominated by balsam fir (Abies balsamea) in western Newfoundland. Snag density declined substantially 10–15 years after harvest, then increased to reach its highest level in 81- to 100-year-old forests that had become senescent. Most (55%) of 1260 snags encountered were balsam fir, which contained 41% of the 81 cavities identified. Cavity presence was most strongly positively correlated to snag diameter at breast height (dbh), followed by decay class, time since harvest and height. Less than 40% of snags available throughout the chronosequence had large enough dbh for cavity nesters. Downy Woodpeckers (Picoides pubescens) were responsible for 47% of all cavities identified, excavating balsam fir 50% of the time. Two larger cavity nesters present, Northern Flickers (Colaptes auratus) and Three-toed Woodpeckers (Picoides tridactylus), were more likely to use large-diameter white birch (Betula papyrifera) snags. Northern Flickers excavated the largest cavities, potentially providing habitat for the greatest variety of secondary cavity nesters. Managing for snags with >30 cm dbh, which flickers target for excavation, has the greatest potential to enhance the broader snag cavity-based community in western Newfoundland.  相似文献   
Abstract – Otolith carbon and oxygen isotope data obtained from distinct genetic and ecological groups of lacustrine Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus L., from Gander Lake, Newfoundland, were used to examine hypotheses regarding the consistency of differential habitat use among the groups. Results indicated thermal habitat separation by group, with small ‘pale’ individuals consistently remaining in cooler profundal habitats and larger ‘dark’ individuals more frequently occupying warmer upper water column habitats. Theoretical measures of resource separation and competition indicated lower thermal habitat overlap among the forms and greater within‐form competition. Depth at capture data indicated more varied short‐term use of available lake habitats by ‘dark’ form Arctic charr, possibly as a result of cannibalistic foraging on profundal ‘pale’ form fish. Nominal capture depth data only partially explained observed variation in the mean temperature of occupied thermal habitat, suggesting that capture depth can only be used as a rough index of thermal habitat use. Provided that sufficient thermal gradients exist in the environments being studied, otolith oxygen isotopes provide a useful means of establishing the significance of niche differentiation among individuals.  相似文献   
Abstract  Five regions in insular Newfoundland Canada, comprising 152 lakes, were studied to identify associations between species composition (presence and absence), geographical location and environmental variables (pH, area, depth, alkalinity, secchi disc depth and shoreline development factor). Correspondence analysis and canonical variate analysis were used to distinguish regional patterns. Five biologically and environmentally distinct areas were identified. The degree of association between biological, environmental and geographical distances were contrasted using Mantel's test. Regional fish community structure was significantly correlated with large-scale geographical distance but not with environmental parameters or small scale distance. It was proposed that large scale processes such as post-glacial dispersion, climate and recent species introductions are important determinates in structuring regional fish assemblages. Differences in individual lake character were important determinates in intraregional variability in fish assemblage type. Sampling strategies for regional modelling and management are discussed.  相似文献   
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