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Effects of protein supplementation and of nematode control on production responses in young grazing sheep and on nematode population dynamics were assessed. Young Merino wether sheep (n = 270) were allocated to one of three supplementation (Su) treatments and one of three regimes of nematode control (drench, Dr) in a factorial design. Each of the nine treatments was replicated three times in a randomised complete block. Animals received no supplement (SuO) or were given supplements at a level equivalent to 200 g day−1, fed three times a week. The supplements contained 25% lucerne meal with either 75% sunflower meal (Su1) or 75% formaldehyde-treated sunflower meal (Su2). Nematode control regimes were: not drenched unless survival of individual animals was threatened (DrO); drenched according to a strategic drenching programme (Dr1); treatment with a controlled-release albendazole capsule (Dr2). Infections with Haemonchus contortus were suppressed by use of closantel. Due to drought conditions and lack of pasture growth, lucerne hay was fed to all sheep from Week 14 onwards (350 g per head per day, fed twice a week). Supplementation reduced the need for ‘survival drenching’ in Dr0 sheep considerably. Live-weight gain was increased significantly by supplementation with Su1 or Su2 during the 36-week experiment. Undrenched animals given Su1 or Su2 tended to grow faster than unsupplemented animals in the Dr1 and Dr2 groups. Greasy wool production and fibre diameter were increased by supplementation and anthelmintic treatment. Faecal worm egg counts (FEC) in undrenched sheep were significantly lower for Su1 and Su2 sheep than for Su0 sheep. There were no effects of supplementation on FEC in Dr1 or Dr2 sheep. Worm burden was generally unaffected by supplementation, while the drenching treatments Dr1 and Dr2 reduced worm burden at Week 16 and to a lesser extent at Week 27. Trichostrongylus colubriformis was the predominant nematode species, with smaller numbers of Nematodirus spp., Trichostrongylus vitrinus, Trichostrongylus axei and Ostertagia circumcincta also present. It was concluded that supplementary feeding with protein meal substantially reduced production losses attributable to nematode infections in young grazing sheep. This appears to be due to an enhanced resilience of the host, rather than any major changes in development of protective immunity.  相似文献   
Systemic acquired resistance (SAR) is induced following inoculation of Peronospora tabacina sporangia into the stems of Nicotiana tabacum plants highly susceptible to the pathogen. Previous results have shown that accumulation of acidic β-1,3-glucanases (PR-2's) following induction of SAR by P. tabacina may contribute to resistance to P. tabacina. We showed that up-regulation of the PR-2 gene, PR-2d, following stem inoculation with P. tabacina, is associated with SAR. Studies using plants transformed with GUS constructs containing the full length promoter from PR-2d or promoter deletions, provided evidence that a previously characterized regulatory element that is involved in response to salicylic acid (SA), may be involved in regulation of PR-2d following induction of SAR with P. tabacina. This work provides evidence that regulation of PR-2 genes during P. tabacina-induced SAR may be similar to regulation of these genes during infection of N-gene tobacco by TMV or following exogenous application of SA, and provides further support for the role of SA in regulation of genes during P. tabacina-induced SAR.  相似文献   
为探究无乳链球菌(Streptococcus agalactiae)感染后对罗非鱼的血液和肝胰腺生化指标的影响,本研究以吉富罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus)抗病选育系F5代、奥尼罗非鱼(Oreochromis aureus × O. niloticus)、吉富罗非鱼“百桂”品系为对象,通过人工腹腔注射感染无乳链球菌,检测感染后不同时期肝胰腺和血液中的酸性磷酸酶(ACP)、碱性磷酸酶(AKP)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、总抗氧化能力(T-AOC)和溶菌酶(LZM)活性的变化。结果显示,奥尼罗非鱼、吉富罗非鱼抗病选育系F5代和吉富罗非鱼“百桂”品系的平均死亡率分别为55.4%、60.5%和78.6%,表明奥尼罗非鱼抗感染能力最强;3个品系感染无乳链球菌后,肝胰腺组织中的ACP、AKP、SOD和T-AOC酶活力均呈先升高后下降的趋势,其中,在感染后24 h,奥尼罗非鱼的AKP和CAT酶活力显著高于吉富罗非鱼抗病选育系F5代和吉富罗非鱼“百桂”品系;而感染后24 h,血清中ACP、AKP、LZM、CAT和T-AOC酶均显著升高,而SOD酶则下降,其中,奥尼罗非鱼的ACP、AKP、CAT和T-AOC酶活性明显高于吉富罗非鱼抗病选育系F5代和吉富罗非鱼”百桂”品系。综合比较6种酶在感染后不同时期的活性变化及3个品系的感染存活率,筛选出AKP和CAT作为评估罗非鱼抗无乳链球菌感染能力强弱的指标。  相似文献   
AIM: To investigate the regulation of ‘Tiao Gan Fang Yao’(TGFY) on neuroendocrine-immuno-function of bandage-stressed rat . METHODS:The stressed rat model was made by bandage. RIA was adopted to measure the function of hypothalamus-pitutary-adrenal gland axis (HPAA) of stressed rat. Meanwhile, the immunity of stressed rat and the regulation of TGFY were observed.RESULTS:Bandage stress increased the contents of serum corticosterone(CORT), and ACTH, and hypothalamus corticotropin releasing hormone (P<0.01 or 0.05), which suggested that the excitability of HPAA was enhanced. In addition, bandage stress reduced spleen lymphocyte proliferation (P<0.01) and decreased H2O2 releasing from the macrophages significantly (P<0.01). While TGFY could decrease HPAA excitability of bandage-stressed rat and strengthen its immunity. CONCLUSION:TGFY could regulate disorder of neuroendocrine-immuno-function of bandage-stressed rat.  相似文献   
本试验旨在研究丁酸梭菌对哺乳母猪免疫和抗氧化的影响,选取健康经产长白母猪32头(胎次和预产期相近),随机分为4组,每组8个重复,每个重复1头.对照组饲喂基础日粮,试验组分别在基础日粮基础上添加250、500、1000 mg/kg丁酸梭菌.预试期7 d,试验期为28 d(产前7 d至21 d断奶).结果 表明:哺乳第1天...  相似文献   
茯苓液体培养条件研究及其营养浓缩液的相关检测   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
研究表明,液体培养条件下,茯苓经0~48h的适应期,48~144h的增殖期后进入稳定期,发酵液pH骤降。经检测,发酵液中含有包括十六烷酸和十八烷酸在内的有机酸;发酵罐培养120h,生物量≥30g/l00mL(鲜重)。茯苓营养浓缩液多糖含量≥5.0mg/mL,氨基酸含量≥480mg/100mL。动物实验证明,茯苓营养浓缩液具有显著的抗疲劳和提高机体免疫力作用,其重金属和微生物指标均符合国家标准。  相似文献   
为研究鸡α-干扰素对罗曼雏鸡免疫功能的影响,将60羽健康1日龄罗曼雏鸡随机分为2组,即对照组、试验组。试验组鸡于1日龄胸肌注射鸡-α干扰素,0.5 mL/羽;对照组鸡同期每羽注射生理盐水0.5 mL。试验开始后,于第4 d、8 d、12 d、16 d、20 d对鸡进行翅下静脉采血,并于20日龄剖杀摘取免疫器官。研究表明,鸡注射α-干扰素后,其外周血液ANAE+T淋巴细胞百分率和鸡脾相对湿重显著高于对照组,鸡α-干扰素在一定范围内可提高雏鸡免疫功能。  相似文献   
选择100只断奶新西兰兔,随机分成5组,在日粮中分别添加不同水平的蛋氨酸(0、0.2%、0.4%、0.6%、0.8%),研究其对生长性能、氮代谢、免疫性能及血液生化指标的影响。结果表明:日粮添加蛋氨酸能显著提高日增重和饲料转化率(P〈0.05),添加蛋氨酸0.4%时,日增重和料重比达最佳水平.分别为30.8g、3.29:1;蛋氨酸水平对氮代谢的影响差异不显著(P〉0.05);蛋氨酸对胸腺指数的影响差异显著(P〈0.05),当添加量为0.4%时,胸腺指数达到最大,但是对肝脏指数和脾脏指数无显著影响(P〉0.05)。对免疫球蛋白A、G、M含量也无显著影响(P〉0.05);蛋氨酸对血清中总蛋白、白蛋白和血清尿素氮的含量无显著影响(P〉0.05).  相似文献   
[目的]为研究发酵中药渣对犊牛生长发育、健康状况的影响。[方法]在宁夏固原市肉牛良种繁育示范园随机选取150头犊牛作为试验牛群,采用配对试验设计,试验分为对照组和发酵中药渣组。[结果]日粮中添加发酵中药渣,犊牛采食量增加0.09 kg,日增重增加0.09 kg,料重比(F/G)减少0.06 kg;体重多增加5.2 kg,提高4.4% ,体高、胸围、体斜长分别增长 4.2 cm、5.6 cm、4.4cm,分别提高了4.5%、5.1%、4.1%;试验组滨州筛第 1,2 层筛上物比例下降,说明犊牛消化能力增加,饲料消化率提高;血液总蛋白和白蛋白含量均显著高于对照组;谷丙转氨酶含量显著低于对照组;谷胱甘肽、过氧化物歧化酶、免疫球蛋白G含量显著高于对照组。[结论]在犊牛日粮中添加发酵中药渣可增加犊牛的采食量和日增重,提高饲料报酬,提高血清总蛋白,降低谷丙转氨酶水平,增加过氧化物歧化酶活性,提高犊牛免疫力。  相似文献   
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