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The formulas of the total potential energy of arbitrary thin- walled open cross section member counting in the geometric non-linear factors is deduced. The deductions are based on the most general finite deformation theory and the two assumptions that"the  相似文献   
云南哀牢山自然保护区南华片区项目建设必要性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对哀牢山国家级自然保护区南华片区的生物多样性、经营现状和经营管理进行评价,对项目建设必要性分析结果:项目建设有利于该保护区的整体效应;有利于对珍稀植物物种和生态系统的保护;有利于对候鸟迁徙通道的保护;有利于社会经济的可持续发展;是加强科研和宣教工作的需要。最后阐述了项目建设的主要内容。  相似文献   
型钢拱架日光温室结构的主要受力构件长细比大,暴雪等极端灾害天气下易引发结构失稳灾变。针对此问题,该研究利用弹塑性力学理论和非线性有限单元法,建立型钢拱架日光温室结构精细化有限元模型,开展雪荷载下日光温室稳定性能分析;通过对型钢截面类型(平椭圆形截面、箱形截面和几字形截面)、温室跨度(8、10和12 m)、雪荷载分布形态(分布厚度不均匀和分布区域不对称)等参数下进行日光温室失稳全过程分析,分别确定日光温室稳定承载力,揭示雪荷载分布对日光温室稳定承载力的量化影响;结合日光温室的荷载系数-位移全过程曲线和不同加载时刻点的变形图、应力图、轴力图与弯矩图,从直观现象和内在本质两个层面深入探明日光温室的静力失稳机理。分析结果表明:在保证不发生平面外整体失稳的前提下,当型钢截面面积和翼缘宽度相同时,相较于箱形截面型钢、几字形截面型钢,采用平椭圆形截面型钢拱架的日光温室稳定承载力分别提高了19.2%和44.2%;跨度对日光温室稳定承载力的影响较大,与8 m跨度相比,10、12 m跨度的日光温室的荷载系数分别下降了27.1%和57.9%;相较于均匀分布雪荷载,在非均匀分布雪荷载下日光温室的稳定承载力最大下降63.8%;相较于不设置拉杆和撑杆的情况,单独设置拉杆的日光温室稳定承载力最大可提高9.0%,单独设置撑杆的日光温室稳定承载力最大可提高66.8%。该研究得出的结果和给出的建议可为型钢拱架日光温室结构抗雪设计、稳定性研究和防灾分析提供技术指导和理论参考。  相似文献   
为了探究长江十年禁渔后安庆江段刀鲚的生境履历,利用X射线电子探针微区分析技术研究安庆江段不同类型长颌刀鲚(Coilia nasus)和短颌刀鲚的耳石Sr和Ca微化学特征。结果显示,根据耳石Sr/Ca值的变化值将安庆江段的短颌刀鲚分为2类,一类是其比值为一直小于3.0的低值,表明其纯淡水的生境履历;另一类是其比值不仅有小于3.0的低值区,还有大于3.0的高值区(小于7.0),表明其不仅有淡水的生境履历,还有高盐度的河口半咸水生境履历。长颌刀鲚的耳石Sr/Ca值均具有小于3.0的低值区和大于3.0 (甚至大于7.0)高值区的显著波动,表现为典型的淡水、河口半咸水及海水的溯河洄游型生境履历,Sr含量面分析图谱也可印证上述结果。本研究表明,长江安庆江段刀鲚群体组成较为复杂,同时存在溯河洄游型、淡水定居型短颌刀鲚和溯河洄游型长颌刀鲚3种生态表型个体。  相似文献   
Zmyslony  Jean  Gagnon  Daniel 《Landscape Ecology》2000,15(4):357-371
Contagious spatial patterns were shown to exist in the landscape of front-yards in street sections of Hochelaga-Maisonneuve, Montréal. Neighbour mimicry was hypothesized as the mechanism behind this pattern (Zmyslony and Gagnon 1998). To assess the role of spatial environmental factors in structuring this pattern, we carried out a path analysis on the front-yard landscape with five spatial factors: relative distance, street side, width, depth and type of front-yard. We removed all non-significant factors from our model with simple Mantel tests and untangled the common spatial component from the relationship between spatial factors and front-yard landscape with partial Mantel tests. We then used path analysis to evaluate the relative importance of all significant spatial factors in structuring front-yard landscape and to determine the r 2 (% of landscape variation explained by spatial factors). Results showed that (1) among all spatial environmental factors, distance (proximity) remained the best predictor of front-yard vegetation – distance alone explained an average of 20% of the landscape variation of a street section, (2) depth, width and type of front-yard also structured the front-yard landscape independently of distance, (3) front-yard landscape expresses greater similarity within the same side of a street section, and (4) in two street sections of Hochelaga-Maisonneuve, spatial factors predicted over 40% of the landscape variation. This suggests (1) that landscape contagion exists also in highly humanized environments and (2) that the mimicry phenomenon was induced not only by proximity, but also by similar environmental conditions in same side street sections and whole street sections. Finally, we suggest that street sections are a very useful and appropriate unit of analysis of urban ecosystems.  相似文献   
水环境承载力是衡量河段能够容纳污水及污染物最大能力的重要指标.应用一维水质模型,计算黄河宁夏段水环境承载力,结果表明:以《地表水环境质量标准》(GB3838-2002)Ⅲ类水体标准计,黄河宁夏段化学需氧量(CODCr)的容量为562.0~716.0 t/d,氨氮(NH3-N)的容量为28.2~32.0 t/d.该计算结果为控制黄河宁夏段污染物排放总量提供了可靠依据.  相似文献   
通过建立等壳水电站的非溢流坝段的准三维有限元模型,模拟了坝体排水管和排水廊道、上下游防渗层、坝基灌浆帷幕、坝基排水管和排水廊道等,对正常蓄水位工况下坝体、坝基的渗流总水头、压力水头、渗透比降、坝基扬压力分布及渗流量进行了计算分析,验证了坝体和坝基的防渗排水措施的合理性。  相似文献   
An algorithm of fault section diagnosis based on topology identification for distribution networks is presented. By decomposing the topologic matrix which describing the distribution network into two parts,one part only contain the complex coupling factor ,and the other ignore the complex coupling factor. Using this method, the fault zones in distribution network can be identified and isolated efficiently, and the vertexes of the zones can also be identified automatically. This approach adapts to the changefully network structures.  相似文献   
Based on analyzing about blasting mode of slope in the construction of road, the paper shows that pre splitting blasting is mostly suitable in the section of severely weathering soft rock with developed joints and fractures, introduced the laying out about the hole of pre splitting blasting that can apply in the high slope of the expressway in the section, and designed the parameter. The practice shows that it gained favourable effect by this method.  相似文献   
In this paper,the axisymmetrical shells of suspension crosssection is studied by means of integral equation in initial parameter form.An example of the shells under uniformly distributed load is calculated.  相似文献   
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