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This review focuses on the present distribution of populations of the crayfish Astacus leptodactylus that are harvested in Turkey. It also examines the history of this harvest and the impact that crayfish plague has had on them. Crayfish plague, caused by the fungus-like organism, Aphanomyces astaci Schikora, 1906, is a severe parasite of freshwater crayfish and has caused a lot of damage to A. leptodactylus populations in Turkey since 1984. Turkey was the largest provider of A. leptodactylus to Western Europe from 1970 (or possibly earlier) until 1986. For example, the peak production was reached in the early 1980s, with over 5,000 tonnes being exported in 1984. On the other hand, as a result of the crayfish plague the harvest of A. leptodactylus was reduced severely in most populations in Turkey after 1985. The harvest was only 320 tonnes in 1991. After the occurrence of crayfish plague in Turkey, in order to increase crayfish production uncontrolled A. leptodactylus stockings have been carried out in many waterbodies throughout Turkey. These introductions have caused an increase in the number of A. leptodactylus populations, but exploitation of A. leptodactylus is still under the pressure of the plague, although there has been a steady increase in crayfish production in recent years. The harvest increased to 2,317 tonnes in 2004. Fortunately, among those populations affected by crayfish plague, large amounts of A. leptodactylus can still be harvested from three lakes, ?znik (Bursa), E?irdir (Isparta) and Çivril (Denizli). Thus, it seems that A. leptodactylus has a degree of resistance to crayfish plague. It is therefore interesting to investigate the resistance of A. leptodactylus caught from these populations to crayfish plague.  相似文献   
Ninety sexually mature Cherax quadricarinatus females were exposed to various combinations of photoperiod and temperature for 2 months during the summer. Females were randomly assigned to either “winter” “semi-winter” or “summer” simulation treatments. In the “winter” treatment, crayfish were exposed to a simulated winter photoperiod (gradual decrease from 14L:10D to 10L:14D, 4 weeks at short day length followed by gradual increase to 14L:10D) and temperature (gradual decrease from 27 to 15 °C, held for 4 weeks, and then gradual increase to 27 °C). In the “semi-winter” treatment, crayfish were exposed to a simulated winter photoperiod and a summer temperature (27–29 °C). In the “summer” treatment, the crayfish were exposed to summer water temperatures and a photoperiod of 14L:10D. Following the 2 months of conditioning, the females were stocked for 7 months in small groups with males under environmental conditions similar to those of the “summer” treatment. All females were individually tagged and molting and spawning events were monitored. Females exposed to “semi-winter” conditioning in the summer, demonstrated a threefold increase in the rate of first spawning during the winter (December–February) compared with the other females. Crayfish breeders can easily implement these findings since shifting the breeding season into the winter only requires shortening of the photoperiod in the summer. The stocking of ponds in the spring with large nursed juveniles that hatched from eggs spawned in the winter, would allow the attainment of market size at the end of the limited growout season in temperate zones.  相似文献   
In this study, a range of commercially available animal and fish feeds were tested in the production of juveniles of the crayfish Procambarus llamasi, an endemic species of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. A randomized block design was implemented to observe the effect of commercial shrimp (Crude Protein, CP = 38%), trout (CP = 43.2%), tilapia (CP = 31.8%), rabbit (CP = 16.1%), turkey (CP = 18%), and pig (CP = 15.2%) diets in a recirculating aquaculture system. Shrimp food showed the best results in terms of growth performance, while lowest growth values (P<0.05) were obtained with farm animal diets. Trout and tilapia diets were intermediate. Pig feed was the most cost-effective at US$ 0.44 per kg of crayfish growth. Where no feeds specifically for crayfish are available, terrestrial animal feeds have the advantage of low price, ready availability in the market, and acceptable performance.  相似文献   
克氏原鳌虾又称小龙虾、红鳌虾、淡水小龙虾,是淡水经济虾类。因肉味鲜美,深受广大消费者欢迎,因其杂食性,生长速度快,适应能力强而在当地生态环境中形成绝对的竞争优势。由于小龙虾的高密度养殖,在诸多因素影响下产生了大量铁壳虾,铁壳小龙虾,又称“丁壳虾”“钢虾”等。笔者于2019年5月份走访龙虾田口,安徽地区小龙虾养殖行业增加了很多稻虾养殖户电话,微信中虾农时常提起“铁壳虾”,“红头虾”,顾名思义,虾壳厚且坚硬,甲壳呈现艳红色,而且头大身子小,尾部肉质较少,松散。全身黑色,看上去很脏,并且身黏附着很多水生微生物。本文分析了影响克氏原鳌虾产生铁壳虾的因素,指出“铁壳虾”给养殖户带来的危害,结合各地铁壳虾情况,提出有效降低稻田中铁壳虾比例的有效方法,最后提出关于稻虾田水质管理的指标,供养殖户参考。  相似文献   
In the process of exploring ways to intensify crayfish culture, a growout system of individual cages (cells) was designed to determine the effects of gender and cell size on the growth of the red claw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus. Cells of three different diameters—large (25 cm), medium (20 cm) and small (16 cm)—were used. When crayfish were stocked at a mean weight of approximately 10 g, growth rate of males was significantly higher than that of females. The growth rate of the males in the large cells was 0.31±0.14 g/day, while that of the females was 0.18±0.09 g/day. The size of the cell had significant influence on the weight of males. Male crayfish in the large and medium cells grew better than those in the small cells. When males were stocked at a higher mean weight (about 23 g), their mean weight after 206 days was higher in the large cells (69.28±15.72 g) than in the small cells (58.11±12.66 g), suggesting that the growth of large males was also affected by cell size. Regardless of cell size, male animals of this species grew faster than females under conditions of individual cells. This intensive culture method appears to present a powerful improvement in yields, by as much as two orders of magnitude, in comparison with communal cultures.  相似文献   
Growth experiments carried out with two juvenile crayfish species, Astacus leptodactylus Eschscholtz and Pacifastacus leniusculus (Dana), at different temperatures and densities highlighted the problem of cannibalism under conditions aimed at intensifying crayfish production. Cannibalism proved to be much lower in A. leptodactylus than P. leniusculus, suggesting that the former might be the better candidate for astaciculture. In the first of two population survival trials, A. leptodactylus showed a higher survival rate than P. leniusculus, with 26% of P. leniusculus surviving in the first replicate, compared to 42.3% of P. leniusculus, and 40.76% surviving in the second replicate, compared to 47.6% of P. leniusculus. The same trend was observed in the second experiment, with P. leniusculus showing survival rates of 48.5 and 55.3% (first and second replicates, respectively) in comparison to 65.2 and 68.2%, respectively, for A. leptodactylus. It is therefore highly likely that if P. leniusculus were to become established in Turkey, it would outcompete the native A. leptodactylus even if it were not to be devastated by the crayfish plague that has decimated the native species. The experiments also highlighted the problem of differential growth, with some juveniles hardly growing at all while others reached a relatively large size. The range in carapace length (CL) was 9–18 mm for A. leptodactylus and 8.5–18.5 mm CL for P. leniusculus at the end of the first experiment. While both species grew quickly, P. leniusculus hatched earlier, giving it an advantage over A. leptodactylus; consequently, by the end of the summer, the juveniles of the former were larger than those of A. leptodactylus. Specific growth rate values showed that the juveniles of the two species had similar growth rates. The results also revealed that growth was not significantly affected by density in both species at 15°C, but at 25°C, growth was significantly better at a density of 234 juveniles m−2 than at 468 juveniles m−2, and better at 468 juveniles m−2 than at 937 juveniles m−2 (P < 0.01 and P < 0.001, respectively). We conclude that P. leniusculus is a good candidate for aquaculture as it has a rapid growth rate and early hatching and maturity; however, its aggressive behavior may make it a less attractive proposition than A. leptodactylus, which is also fast growing but less aggressive. This study is a part of PhD study of M.M. Harlıoğlu, who is supported by Fırat University Elazığ, Turkey.  相似文献   
Failure to consider both the consumptive and non-consumptive effects of predators on prey can lead to erroneous conclusions about the net effect of the relationship. The predatory devil crayfish, Cambarus diogenes Girard functions as an ecosystem engineer constructing extensive burrow systems through aquatic habitats. Despite crayfish posing a serious predation threat, preliminary data indicate that the federally endangered Hines Emerald dragonfly larvae, Somatochlora hineana Williamson regularly inhabit crayfish burrows. During late summer, S. hineana larval habitat dries up; leaving crayfish burrows as some of the only wetted habitats. Thus, C. diogenes can affect S. hineana through both direct, negative and indirect positive effects. We examined the positive role of crayfish burrows as drought refuges, and the threat of predation by C. diogenes on S. hineana larvae. Monthly field sampling indicated that S. hineana use open channel areas in spring and early summer moving into burrow systems in mid summer when channel areas normally dry. Laboratory experiments and field observations confirmed that crayfish prey on S. hineana larvae. Adult crayfish were a larger predation threat than juvenile crayfish. Despite their negative predatory impact, removal of crayfish from burrows in the field did not enhance densities of S. hineana larvae. Although S. hineana may face the threat of predation in burrows, they face a greater risk of desiccation if they remain in the open channel. These results lead to the counterintuitive conclusion that the maintenance of a predator is important for conserving an endangered prey species.  相似文献   
A researcher’s perception of a target species’ landscape strongly influences the design of habitat studies conducted at broad spatial scales. Consequently, researcher-dependent perceptions may misguide conservation efforts. Although the life histories of some crayfish (i.e., primary burrowers) are centered on a fossorial existence independent of surface water, all North American crayfish are viewed in an aquatic context. This paradigm restricts the range of habitats that are typically sampled and managed for crayfish conservation. This study used presence/absence of the primary burrower Distocambarus crockeri at 137 locations within the Long Cane Ranger District of the Sumter National Forest, South Carolina, USA, to model the habitat association of the species across a GIS-based landscape. Logistic regression indicated that D. crockeri presence was most strongly associated with a terrestrial habitat defined by a set of morphologically similar soils located along ridge tops. Furthermore, the species was negatively associated with aquatic habitats such as streams and floodplains. The results indicate that D. crockeri is a terrestrial habitat specialist and should be modeled and managed at the landscape as a terrestrial organism. When viewed as a subset of the total United States cambarid fauna, primary burrowers are disproportionately imperiled. Primary burrowers comprise only 15% of the total crayfish fauna, while they account for 32% of those crayfish ranked critically imperiled. Habitat loss and an aquatic bias that restricted sampling to aquatic and semi-aquatic habitats might explain the group’s disproportionate imperilment.  相似文献   
Invasive crayfish are a major threat to stream ecosystems, yet research has seldom identified successful ways of preventing their spread. Thirty-two stream sections were surveyed during 2000 and 2001 in the Santa Monica Mountains of southern California to determine the distribution of the invasive crayfish Procambarus clarkii. Streams with large barriers (waterfalls, culverts) often did not have crayfish present upstream of barriers. A mark-recapture study indicated that P. clarkii moved both up and downstream between pools, but that barriers significantly reduced movement between pools. Seasonal high flow velocities likely increase passive movement downstream and reduce movement upstream. Results indicate that crayfish mainly spread downstream from a point of colonization and are restricted in their movement to adjacent upstream sections by both natural and artificial barriers. We suggest management strategies for removing invasive crayfish and reducing their spread by focusing on smaller stream segments that are bounded by a downstream barrier and by timing removal efforts to follow large flow events.  相似文献   
A diagnostic procedure, based on a polymerase chain reaction method (PCR) was developed to detect infection of crayfish with the Oomycete Aphanomyces astaci. A set of oligonucleotide primers was designed to specifically amplify A. astaci DNA in the ITS region surrounding the 5.8S rDNA gene. The PCR amplifies a 115 bp amplicon. The specificity of the primers was demonstrated by testing on 27 A. astaci strains and against 20 non-A. astaci Oomycetes and 5 fungal species. Most of the non-A. astaci Oomycete or fungal species included in the study are either known parasites of freshwater crayfish cuticle or can be found in their natural environment. Specificity was also tested against crayfish tissue and some known parasites and bacteria infecting crayfish.

A protocol for the extraction of A. astaci DNA from infected crayfish tissue was developed. The optimised method allows the detection of two genome equivalents of purified A. astaci genomic DNA.

The method was tested on noble crayfish (Astacus astacus), artificially infected with A. astaci. Detection of A. astaci was possible at the very first time of sampling, which was 2 days after the beginning of spore exposure.  相似文献   

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