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BackgroundCanine herpesvirus type 1 (CaHV-1) infects dogs and is associated with neonatal deaths and reproductive, ocular, neurological, and respiratory problems. In Brazil, reports of CaHV-1 have been restricted to the southeast and south regions, particularly in municipalities in the state of Rio Grande do Sul.ObjectivesTo assess the presence and variability of CaHV-1 in canine populations in the state of Pará, North Brazil.MethodsBiological samples from 159 dogs from 4 municipalities in the State of Pará were evaluated using polymerase chain reaction and phylogenetic analyses, with the target being the viral enzyme, thymidine kinase.ResultsCaHV-1 was detected in 13 dogs (8.2%), with 2 animals being from the municipality of Santa Bárbara do Pará, 8 from Algodoal Island, 2 from Salinópolis, and one from Capanema. The study sequences revealed 100% identity among themselves and 64% to 100% identity with the other nucleotide sequences from Australia, Brazil, United Kingdom, and United States, including 100% identity with the 2002 isolate from Australia. The 1996 isolate from France was grouped in a branch that was different from the sequence of this study.ConclusionsThis study presents the first molecular detection of CaHV-1 in dogs from the Amazon region in northern Brazil. The nucleotide identity between the strains and cytosine insertion in the sequences isolated in this study suggests at least 2 strains of CaHV-1 circulating in Brazil (Pará and BTU-1).  相似文献   
Attempts at natural forest management of mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King) have so far met with limited success, whilst many plantations are beset by the shoot borer Hypsipyla spp. In this paper we present preliminary results of an approach to enrichment planting that aims to balance economic returns (rapid growth and good silvicultural form) with intervention costs and changes to forest structure. Mahogany seedlings were planted in gaps created by selective timber harvesting and that ranged in vertical projected area from 91 to 542 m2 (mean = 257 m2). Seedlings grew within the matrix of gap regrowth, with limited control of competing vegetation. Sixty-one percent of seedlings had survived by 4.4 years (equivalent to an annual mortality rate of 10.5% year−1), and had reached a mean height of 4.5 m. Stocking levels of mahogany were similar to that of naturally regenerated commercial species in unplanted gaps of the same age, but mahogany seedlings were significantly taller. The incidence of shoot borer attack on mahogany stems was relatively low (54.7%), but, more importantly, most damaged stems (58%) responded by producing a single replacement leader. The cost of the proposed methodology (US$ 94 per gap over 4.4 years) was low compared to the high value of mahogany timber relative to other species in the forest. The implications of planting mahogany in gaps for forest management and the potential benefits to conservation of the species are considered.  相似文献   
Developing sustainable extractive industries in otherwise intact tropical forest regions requires a sound understanding of the production potential of key resource populations. The oleoresin extracted from Copaifera trees is an economically important non-timber forest product harvested throughout the lowland Amazon basin. We studied oleoresin extraction from four species of Copaifera trees with known harvest histories within two contiguous extractive reserves in western Brazilian Amazonia. We conducted a large-scale experimental harvest of 179 previously unharvested Copaifera trees, in both seasonally flooded (várzea) and adjacent unflooded (terra firme) forests. The likelihood of trees yielding any oleoresin was principally determined by their species identity: C. multijuga was the only species to regularly yield oleoresin (70% of trees). Yield volumes varied both amongst species and forest types: C. multijuga (restricted to terra firme forest) had the highest mean yield of 505 ml, whilst C. guyanensis produced higher volumes of oleoresin in várzea (139 ml) than terra firme (15 ml) forest. Intraspecific differences were driven mainly by tree size. To assess extraction sustainability, we reharvested a sample of C. multijuga trees and compared the oleoresin production of 24 conspecific trees that had been initially harvested one year previously with that of 17 trees initially harvested three years previously. Reharvested trees produced just 35% of the oleoresin volume compared to that when originally drilled, but this response was not affected by the time interval between consecutive harvests. We demonstrate that, within a population of Copaifera, both morphological and environmental factors restrict total productivity; consideration of these factors should inform sustainable management practises. We additionally raise methodological considerations that may improve the comparability of studies.  相似文献   
Anthropogenic conversion of primary forest to pasture for cattle production is still frequent in the Amazon Basin. Practices adopted by ranchers to restore productivity to degraded pasture have the potential to alter soil N availability and N gas losses from soils. We examined short-term (35 days) effects of tillage prior to pasture re-establishment on soil N availability, CO2, NO and N2O fluxes and microbial biomass C and N under degraded pasture at Nova Vida ranch, Rondônia, Brazilian Amazon. We collected soil samples and measured gas fluxes in tilled and control (non tilled pasture) 12 times at equally spaced intervals during October 2001 to quantify the effect of tillage. Maximum soil NH4+ and NO3 pools were 13.2 and 6.3 kg N ha−1 respectively after tillage compared to 0.24 and 6.3 kg N ha−1 in the control. Carbon dioxide flux ranged from 118 to 181 mg C–CO2 m2 h−1 in the control (non-tilled) and from 110 to 235 mg C–CO2 m2 h−1 when tilled. Microbial biomass C varied from 365 to 461 μg g−1 in the control and from 248 to 535 μg g−1 when tilled. The values for N2O fluxes ranged from 1.22 to 96.9 μg N m−2 h−1 in the tilled plots with a maximum 3 days after the second tilling. Variability in NO flux in the control and when tilled was consistent with previous measures of NO emissions from pasture at Nova Vida. When tilled, the NO/N2O ratio remained <1 after the first tilling suggesting that denitrification dominated N cycling. The effects of tilling on microbial parameters were less clear, except for a decrease in qCO2 and an increase in microbial biomass C/N immediately after tilling. Our results suggest that restoration of degraded pastures with tillage will lead to less C matter, at least initially. Further long-term research is needed.  相似文献   

In many countries of Africa and Asia, timber production is dominated by concession contracts in public forests. In the neo-tropics, however, timber production occurs on both public and private lands; a mixture that moves countries of the neo-tropics towards the complex systems of forestry sectors in the developed world. Therefore, much of the forest taxation and public forest management literature that currently exists is pertinent to new forest policy decisions in developing countries. Unfortunately, the similarities between forest policies in the neo-tropics and those of developed countries have largely been ignored. This paper begins the process of bridging that gap to show how existing literature is important to the design of timber concessions and accompanying policy instrument design. Although the principles we discuss here apply in any mixed harvest forest economy, we use Brazil as an example because it is in the process of adopting a system of timber concessions in national forests. In our discussion, we suggest that concessions are not a perfect substitute for private forestry in the neo-tropics; concession and other instrument policies must be designed jointly; and because concession policies and government revenue objectives may be linked, the expansion of concessions must be carefully monitored.  相似文献   
The Brazil nut tree(Bertholletia excelsa) is a frequent component of agroforestry systems in the Amazon because of its adaptation to nutrient-poor upland soils and multiple uses.We investigated the aboveground biomass production(kg dry weight),nutrient uptake and requirements(N,P,Ca,Mg,K) of Brazil nut trees of different sizes grown under agroforestry conditions and fertilized at different levels.Eight of 70 experimental trees with different size were harvested and stem,branches and leaves were separated.Nutrient contents were determined for three trees of varying size.Average tree growth was fast,but variability was high,suggesting considerable potential for the improvement of this economically important species.The trees responded to increased levels of fertilizer and lime with significantly increased foliar nutrient contents and growth,probably because of the improved availability of Mg and Ca for which the species seems to have a relatively high demand.In contrast to Brazil nut trees grown in forest or dense plantations,the agroforestry trees invested a substantial part of their biomass and nutrients in large branches and developed spreading crowns.To improve stem form,reduce competition with associated crops for light and recycle nutrients,regular pruning of lower branches or planting arrangements that favor self-pruning are recommended.These measures would also increase the recycling of Ca and Mg,large quantities of which are contained in the branches.  相似文献   
Soil ecosystem engineers produce biogenic structures (casts, mounds, galleries) that strongly affect soil processes. A comparative analysis of the physical characteristics of the casts produced by the earthworm Andiodrilus pachoensis was carried out in four pastures sowed with Brachiaria brizantha and four primary forests on the deforestation front of the Amazonian forest. In both systems, we recorded surface cast density and spatial patterns as well as surface cast physical properties. Cast and vegetation distributions were mapped within plots of sizes ranging from 25 to 50 m2, and cast production was monitored during 2 months. Cast spatial distribution varied greatly among plots and across spatial scales ranging from regular at small spatial scales (0–20 cm) to clumped for larger distance ranges (>80 cm). Cast density was not significantly correlated with grass tuft density and their production was independent from the presence of grass tufts in pastures or litter quantity in forests. Although bulk soil properties (pH, C content, structural stability, etc) differed between pastures and forests, cast physical properties did not differ significantly among the studied ecosystem.  相似文献   
Brazil nut is widely recognized as the cornerstone of the Amazonian extractive economy. Tight linkages between Brazil nut production, regional income, and intact mature forests have thrust this species into focus as a key component of Amazonian conservation and income generation strategies. Nonetheless, a comprehensive synthesis of factors explaining Brazil nut fruit production variation is lacking. We aimed to address this knowledge gap, asking: (1) What are the rates and annual variation of Bertholletia excelsa fruit production at individual and population levels? (2) What factors explain B. excelsa production variation, focusing on spatial and temporal variables, diameter at breast height (dbh), crown attributes, liana loads, and soil attributes? and (3) Does liana cutting affect fruit production?  相似文献   
The analysis of the systematic transitions in the forested landscape and the study of the forest fragmentation patterns allow us to deepen our understanding of the changes in the vegetation ground cover. The importance of knowing the intricate patterns of the land usage of the upper basin of the Amazon region is widely recognized. This zone is one of the most diverse biological areas in the world, is home to large areas of mature tropical cloud forest and demonstrates high probabilities of stable climatic conditions in light of global warming. The research quan- tiffed systematic transitions through the "loss" and "gain" of the different categories of landscape during the eighteen-year study period of the Ecuadorian Amazon Region (EAR), the forest fragmentation patterns were also analyzed based on a set of indicators. Therefore, with respect to the entirety of the landscape, the results registered for the ground coverage in forested areas during the first period (1990-2000), show a decrease of 6.99% and an increase of 0.68%; and during the second period (2000-2008), show a decrease of 3.99% and an increase of 2.14%. It demonstrated that forest and agricultural areas tended to replace or be replaced by herbaceous vegetation faster than expected fortuitously. Finally, the indices of fragmentation signaled intense changes during the 1990-2000 period with a reduction during the period 2000-2008. Per- centages registered in the Largest Patch Index (LPI) were between 79.58%; 52.39% and 49.99% respectively; while the Patch Density (PD) varied between 0.04; 0.06 and 0.07. This suggests the propensity of for- est cover to remain intact. The results of this investigation suggest a tendency towards stability in Ecuador's Amazon landscape. Within the framework for development and management of this area, the tendency is natural regeneration. This permits a consolidation of the conservation, reforestation, forestation and agricultural forestry plans, programs and systems for the protected areas in EAR.  相似文献   
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