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新疆各类陆栖脊椎动物近 70 0种 ,占中国这一类动物种数的 32 %,其中鸟兽资源尤其丰富 ,计有 42 5种鸟类和 1 5 5种兽类 (哺乳类 ) ,占中国鸟兽种数的 31 %。本文主要以新疆三大山区———阿尔泰山、天山、昆仑 -阿尔金山地区鸟类和哺乳类动物的多样性及区系分布作综合性介绍和分析。根据实地考察和以往文献资料 ,新疆阿尔泰山区记录在 1 2 4种鸟类 ,其中古北界北方型鸟类 5 1种 (占 41 .1 %) ,中亚型鸟类 31种 (占 2 5 .0 %) ,广布种鸟类 2 7种 (占 2 1 .8%) ,其他类型1 5种 (占 1 2 .1 %) ,显出以北方型泰加林鸟类为主的鸟类区系特征 ;分布的 5 0种兽类 ,区系上以古北界北方泰加林为主 ,即北方型兽类占该山区种数的 5 2 %。天山山区记录的鸟类大约2 81种 ,北方型种类占绝对优势 ,即北方型 1 0 6种 (占 37.72 %) ,北方广布型 76种 (占 2 7.0 4 %) ,中亚型 39种 (占 1 3.88%) ,高地型 1 8种 (占 6.41 %) ,广布型 33种 (占 1 1 .74%) ,东北型 9种 (占 3.2 1 %)。兽类分布有 62种 ,北方型兽类区系占优势 ,有 30种 (占 48.40 %) ,广布型 1 2种 (占 1 9.40 %) ,中亚型 1 1种 (占 1 7.70 %) ,特有种 9种 (占 1 4.5 0 %)。昆仑—阿尔金山地区 96种鸟类中 ,中亚类型成份占 2 8.1 %,高地型成分占 2 6%,北方型成?  相似文献   
为掌握云南楚雄武定和牟定两栖爬行动物的种类,2015年5月和7月通过样线和样点法,以及资料查阅、访谈调查和专家咨询等方法,在2县展开专项研究。结果表明:武定和牟定共有两栖类18种,隶属2目8科14属,爬行类23种,隶属3目9科17属。属于国家一、二级保护动物的各有1种,属于云南特有种类5种。在这些种类中,除4种广布种外,其余种类均为东洋界物种,多数为西南、华南、华中3区共有成分。调查到的种类及种群数量比预期的要少,就其原因进行探讨。2县所处地区刚好处于滇中,为金沙江以北和哀牢山及其以南两栖爬行动物种类分布的过渡区域。在2个县均发现了外来种牛蛙,武定县还有外来种红耳龟。外来种对土著种和生态系统的危害是不言而喻的,应该给予高度重视,监测外来种的种群动态和控制其扩散,保护当地的物种多样性和遗传多样性。  相似文献   
江西马头山自然保护区昆虫区系分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2001年5-7月对江西资溪县马头山自然保护区进行调查,共采集昆虫标本3000余号,鉴定种类582种,对其中415种标本进行区系分析。结果表明,马头山昆虫种类与世界七大昆虫区都有不同程度的联系,以东洋区种类为主,占总数的58.55%,在中国地理区划中与西南、华中、华南三区昆虫的相互关系最为密切。  相似文献   
Sandstone massifs with their deep ravines or gorges offer the instructive opportunity to study the response of organisms to steep environmental gradients. In 2008–2010, many groups of soil fauna were studied along transects across three ravines in the Bohemian Switzerland National Park (north-western Czech Republic), a part of the Elbe Sandstone Massif. Each transect included five sampling positions: two opposite edges, two opposite mid-slope positions, and the ravine bottom. The ravines had a specific microclimate characterized by temperature inversion. In general, the cooler and more humid ravine bottoms had also less acid soil with lower carbon content but enriched by litter of deciduous trees and herbs. The other transect positions were characterized by spruce (mid-slopes) and pine (edges) stands with mor humus, exposed to drought in the upper parts. The soil animal communities (identified to species level) differed substantially in dependence on their position along the transects. Ravine bottoms hosted a diverse soil fauna, including a rich macrofauna. The thick duff layer of acid soils on the slopes and edges hosted a poorer fauna but supported high densities of important decomposers such as enchytraeids, oribatid mites and microbivorous nematodes. In general, these were higher on the slopes, presumably due to the drought exposure of the edges. Vertical position in the ravine and soil pH were the most important factors explaining community composition. This confirmed that the area's high geomorphological diversity, leading to steep microclimatic gradients and heterogenous soil conditions, is a major cause of its high biodiversity. A shift in community structure in the lower parts of the ravines, observed after the first half of the study period, was possibly caused by summer flash floods. An increased frequency and severity of dry spells and flash floods due to heavy rains, predicted by relevant climate warming scenarios, will probably have an detrimental effect on the ravines'soil fauna.  相似文献   
The role of soil organisms as possible driver of flowering has never been investigated. We hypothesized that Collembola (microarthropods) will change plant allocation to reproductive modes by changing soil nutrient availability. Individual seedlings of Poa annua were planted in microcosms, in the presence or absence of Collembola. Collembola affected biotic (fungal biomass) and abiotic (NNO3, P2O5) soil properties and some morphological (number of leaves, root biomass) and chemical (C:N, K, Mg, N) traits of P. annua. As a result, flowering of P. annua was promoted by the presence of Collembola. This provides experimental evidence that soil microarthropods can affect the reproduction strategy and phenology of a plant.  相似文献   
陕北枣林土壤动物功能类群及其害虫生态调控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在陕北枣林研究区域内,以土壤动物为研究对象,采取野外调查取样、定点动态观测与室内鉴定分类的研究方法,选取了延安万花山、延川县、清涧县、佳县枣林4个样点7个样地,于2007年3月、6月、9月、11月,对土壤动物功能类群进行了初步研究。陕北枣林土壤动物可划分为植食性、捕食性、腐食性、枯食性、菌食性土壤、杂食性土壤动物6个功能类群,基于土壤动物功能类群与枣林病虫害生态调控的内在关系,建构陕北枣林害虫生态调控体系,为深入探讨土壤动物与枣林害虫生态调控的关系提供基础资料和理论依据。  相似文献   
采用石灰和有效微生物群(Effective Microoganisms,EM)处理改善了大兴安岭森林生态系统土壤微酸性环境和较低的微生物活性特征,于2003~2005年采用网袋分解法,揭示土壤动物群落多样性特征,为土壤动物生态地理研究和森林生态系统管理提供科学依据。研究表明,分解袋内土壤动物多样性对石灰和EM处理的响应表现出以下特征:(1)处理样地土壤动物个体数增加但类群数减少,其中螨类和弹尾类增加明显。(2)石灰和EM处理降低了土壤动物群落的多样性,对应分析表明石灰样地与其他样地有所差异。(3)各样地不同网孔分解袋中土壤动物类群数表现为大孔>中孔>小孔,而个体数基本上为中孔>大孔>小孔,是由于网袋内中小型土壤动物占优势而大型土壤动物数量较少引起的。(4)土壤动物类群数、个体数和多样性指数在针叶和阔叶网袋中响应特征不同,但彼此间没有显著差异。  相似文献   
Optimised pre-analytical methods for measuring the chemical properties of soil macro-organisms are needed. We tested the effects of ethanol immersion, freezer storage, and drying method on the reliability of estimates of key stoichiometric elements (carbon [C], nitrogen [N], phosphorus [P]) and abundances of 13C and 15N in samples of crickets (Acheta domestica), cockroaches (Nauphoeta cinerea) and mealworms (larval Tenebrio molitor). Ethanol immersion tended to increase A. domestica C and N, and reduced A. domestica P, relative to the reference treatment (deep freezing and oven drying). For N and P these effects were only present after 28-day ethanol immersion. Nauphoeta cinerea and T. molitor samples were generally unaffected by storage treatments, while δ13C and δ15N were not affected by any storage treatment for any species. Thus, five days of ethanol immersion may be acceptable prior to elemental and stoichiometric analyses of hard-bodied soil invertebrates in comparative studies.  相似文献   
于2014-2019年每年的4-10月、2020年4-8月,对浙江仙居括苍山省级自然保护区的天蛾科Sphingidae昆虫进行了调查,共采集标本128号,经鉴定分别隶属于3亚科、20属、32种(含亚种).依据我国动物地理区系,浙江仙居括苍山省级自然保护区的天蛾科昆虫与华中区、华南区、西南区、青藏区、华北区共有种较多,属...  相似文献   
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