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Totally 13575 ewes of two different breeds, Dala and Spel, were inseminated with semen, frozen in straws and thawed at 70°C for 8 sec. An insemination dose of 0.2 ml containing approx. 150 × 106 spermatozoa with at least 45 to 50% progressive motility was imerted 5 to 12 mm into the cervix. The insemination was performed once between 12 and 30 h after the onset of heat. The NR rate of the Dala ewes increased significantly during the season. The NR rate of the ewes inseminated before 15. November was 44.3%, from 15. to 20. November 52.2%. from 20. to 25. November 55.3% and from 25. November and later 61.4%. The corresponding values for the ewes of the Spel breed were 57.3, 58.7, 61.5 and 71.0% respectively, and only the difference between the two last values was statistically significant. The difference between the fertility of the two breeds was significant within each of the periods .  相似文献   
为研究日粮蛋白质水平对云南半细毛羊空怀母羊能量代谢的影响,试验选择25只云南半细毛羊空怀母羊,平均分为5个组,分别饲喂蛋白质水平为8.4%、10.0%、12.3%、13.6%、15.9%的日粮,用全收粪法进行消化代谢试验,试验期共19 d,预试期14 d,正试期5 d.结果表明:(1)日粮蛋白质水平对总能摄入量无显著影...  相似文献   
专门化肉用种羊选定、引进后,通过适应性研究,在较大规模养羊业生产实践中。对现代集约化肉羊业的主要关键技术进行研究、完善和创新,组装集成并应用于生产。技术研究应用结果既为市场提供了大批专门化肉用种羊和优质安全的杂种肉羊,取得了高水平的研究成果及显著的经济效益和社会效益.又为我国目前正在迅速发展的集约化肉羊业提供了可靠的技术支持和理想的生产模式:从适宜的专门化肉羊品种到运用高效母羊快速扩繁技术.建立和完善有效的肉羊杂交利用体系,普遍应用种羊鲜、冻精生产大批肉用杂种羔羊,种植高产优质饲草及其科学加工调制和利用.建立严格兽医防疫制度.实行放牧 补饲或全舍饲的精细管理和集约化育肥,至生产优质、安全、标准肉羊,获得显著的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   
将45只处于妊娠后期(90~150 d)的苏尼特母羊随机分成4组,以不同的营养水平(ME:0.20、0.33、0.44、0.86MJ·kg-1·W-0.75·d-1)分组饲养,分娩后进行补偿生长试验,研究妊娠后期不同营养限制程度的母羊在补偿初期(分娩后0~6周)对饲料中钙、磷以及氮的代谢规律.结果表明,受限制各组母羊在补偿初期,随着受限程度的降低,钙、磷平衡(g·d-1)值呈升高的趋势,氮平衡(g·d-1)值呈下降的趋势.  相似文献   
The heparin antagonist protamine inhibits bone resorption. In the present study protamine was given i.v. at a dose of 10 mg/kg to goats and sheep in various stages of pregnancy and lactation. It is known that bone resorption increases as pregnancy progresses. In sheep maximum in bone resportion is reached at early lactation. The hypocalcemic response to protamine followed a similar course. The slightest decrease in serum calcium was obtained during early pregnancy and the greatest during late pregnancy and early lactation. Protamine increased serum inorganic phosphorus. The increase was most pronounced during early pregnancy. Protamine did not significantly change serum magnesium.Five lactating ewes were given 25000 i.u./kg of vitamin D3. Serum calcium increased and the hypocalcemic response to protamine was greater after vitamin D3 administration than before.The results showed that the hypocalcemic response to protamine can be used as an indicator of the role of bone resorption in calcium homeostasis in various physiological situations.  相似文献   
本研究通过饲养试验与屠宰试验来探讨限饲对绒山羊生产性能和屠宰性能的影响。将20只育成羊随机分成4组,即分别为自由采食组(AL)及自由采食组采食量的90%(IR90%)、80%(IR80%)和70%(IR70%)。正式试验期为90 d。结果表明:AL的日增重比IR90%组I、R80%组显著高出91.21%和194.92%(P<0.05),但IR90%和IR80%之间无显著差异(P>0.05),另外IR70%组的日增重为-6.3 g/d。宰前活体重、空体重、胴体重和屠宰率随着营养水平的降低有所减少(P<0.05)。随着营养水平的降低,肾周脂肪、系网膜脂肪占空体重的比例显著减少(P<0.05)。随着限饲强度的增加,日增重逐渐下降,体内脂肪沉积也随之减少。综合分析显示,绒山羊的限饲的阈值为IR80%。  相似文献   
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of shearing on physiological and oxidative stress parameters in ewes. Twenty Comisana ewes were used and divided into two groups. Ten ewes were left unshorn as a control group (Group A) and 10 ewes were shorn (Group B). All measurements were taken before and after shearing, and repeated 8 h after shearing and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 and 15 days after shearing. Reactive oxygen species (dROMs), antioxidant barrier (oxy‐adsorbent), thiol antioxidant barrier (SHp) and packed cell volume (PCV) were assessed in blood samples collected by means of jugular venipuncture. Rectal temperature (RT), respiratory rate (RR) and heart rate (HR) were also measured. Two‐way repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA), followed by Bonferroni's test, was used for the assessment of significant effects due to shearing and time. The statistical analysis showed significant increases (P < 0.01) of dROMs, oxy‐adsorbent, SHp, and a significant decrease (P < 0.01) of RT and RR associated with time and shearing. Our results indicate that shearing causes a change in the ewe's homeostatic balance that leads to oxidative stress.  相似文献   
A three-year longitudinal study was conducted to evaluate effects of strategic anthelmintic treatment regimes on age at first lambing (AFL), weight at first lambing (WFL) and lambing interval (LI) of 356 communally grazed ewes and 675 lambs owned by 10 smallholder farmers in the central highlands of Ethiopia. The ewes were stratified by weight and randomly allocated to three treatment groups as untreated control (TG1), twice-dosed per year (TG2) for both nematodes and trematodes in mid-January and mid-June and four-time-dosed per year (TG3) in June for nematodes, in August–September for nematodes and adult Fasciola, in November–December and January–February for immature flukes. The fixed effect of anthelmintic treatments, parity, season and year of lambing on AFL and LI was evaluated. Mean ± standard error (SE) of lambing interval was 292 ± 3 days. Both anthelmintic treatments (TG2 and TG3) shortened (P < 0.01) LI by about 23 days compared to non-treated ewes (TG1). Season and year of lambing had a significant (P < 0.001) effect on LI. Mean ± SE of AFL and WFL was 598 ± 10 days and 17.2 ± 1.37 kg, respectively. Anthelmintic treatments and parity of dam of the ewe lamb did not affect AFL (P > 0.05). Birth and lambing seasons of the ewe lamb had significant (P < 0.05) effect on AFL. On the other hand, lambing season of the ewe had significant (P < 0.05) effect on WFL. Ewe lambs born in the long rains lambed more than 50 days earlier than the ewe lambs born in short rainy and dry seasons. Lambing occurred year-round with two peaks in August–September and December–January, each 5 months after the two rainy seasons. Anthelmintic treatment at the beginning of the two rainy seasons should improve reproductive performance of Menz ewe lambs in similar agro-ecology in the central highlands of Ethiopia.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to discriminate the impact of lighting and feeding conditions on the regulation of lipid metabolism in Ovis aries. Six clinically healthy female Comisana ewes, not pregnant and not lactating were kept under different environmental conditions: 12:12 light-dark (LD) cycle, constant darkness and fasting. Blood samples were collected at the end of each period of treatment every 4 h for a 24-h period. Blood concentration of triglycerides, total cholesterol and non-esterified fatty acid showed robust daily rhythmicity in ewes maintained under 12:12 LD cycle and fed ad libitum. Conversely, either constant darkness or fasting had a deep impact on all lipid parameters investigated. Our results suggest that lighting and feeding conditions have an impact on daily variations in lipid metabolism in ewes.  相似文献   
旨在研究杜蒙杂交母羊的繁殖规律。对内蒙古自治区乌兰察布市四子王旗范围内养殖的杜蒙杂交母羊(n=668)的首次发情时间、妊娠期、产羔率、产双羔率等指标数据进行整理;采用公羊试情方法,观察并记录杜蒙杂交母羊(n=302)的发情周期和发情持续时间。对上述指标数据进行分析,探究该地区杜蒙杂交母羊的繁殖规律。结果表明:杜蒙杂交母羊平均首次发情时间为8.5月龄(最早7.0月龄、最晚10.7月龄),平均发情周期为16.0 d(最短13.5 d、最长18.5 d),平均发情持续时间为24.0 h(最短20.0 h、最长27.5 h),平均妊娠期为146.0 d(最短143.0 d、最长149.0 d),产羔率为119.7%,产双羔率为19.7%。研究结果为掌握杜蒙杂交母羊自然发情规律,以及准确把握最佳配种时间提供了依据。  相似文献   
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