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一次持续性区域雾霾天气的综合分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用1994年11月发生在山西省的持续性雾霾天气过程实况资料,计算了多种物理量,并从环流形势、形成条件和维持机制等方面进行综合分析。结果表明:①500 hPa锋区偏北,中纬度环流较平,低空850 hPa持续有暖平流向山西地区输送,是大范围霾天气持续的重要天气背景;而500 hPa阻塞形势的稳定维持,地面回流稳定,是导致...  相似文献   
A particle tracking model was used to investigate the annual spring invasion of the North Sea by Calanus finmarchicus copepodites which overwinter in deep water off the Scottish continental shelf. Flow fields generated by a hydrodynamic model (HDM) were used to simulate the advection of zero drag particles representing the copepods. Particles were released simultaneously from a regular lattice of start positions at a given depth ( D 1), and ascended at a fixed rate ( dD/dt ) until they reached a final depth ( D 2) in the surface layers. The proportion of particles reaching target areas in the northern North Sea was relatively insensitive to a moderate degree of variation (±20%) around chosen default values of the vertical migration parameters ( D 1, D 2 and dD/dt ), derived from field data. The inclusion of horizontal diffusion velocities and diel vertical migration in surface layers did not significantly affect the results. Sensitivity to wind direction was investigated by applying flow fields from HDM runs with different wind forcing scenarios. For the default vertical migration parameters, only north-westerly winds resulted in particles entering the North Sea from release locations north of the Iceland–Scotland Ridge, where dense aggregations of overwintering copepods were encountered during field surveys. The particle tracking model predicted that the major routes for the spring Calanus invasion into the North Sea were the East of Shetland Atlantic Inflow and the Norwegian Trench Atlantic Inflow, which agreed with seasonal trends observed in Continuous Plankton Recorder data. Overall, despite its relative simplicity, particle tracking was confirmed as a robust tool to explore the causal mechanisms behind the annual invasion of the North Sea by C. finmarchicus emerging from diapause in the deep waters off the Scottish continental shelf.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT:   This study explored the fundamental process that controls interannual change in plankton biomass on the Pacific coast of Japan, focusing on the spring period of shirasu fishery. A 1-D model of primary production revealed that the strength of horizontal advection induced by warm water intrusion from the Kuroshio into the Pacific coast is the most critical for plankton biomass compared with other factors such as diffusion and production. This conclusion was also confirmed by a sensitivity analysis of the model.  相似文献   
1993年5月10日,沈阳市出现了罕见的大风天气.这是1次蒙古气旋冷锋形势下的天气过程.对这次大风过程的特点、产生原因进行了天气气候学分析.对此类大风天气的预报进行了研究,并探讨了预报途径和方法.  相似文献   
2020年11月18日,我国南京地区出现了罕见的增温异常,利用常规气象资料和11月16日至20日ERA5逐小时1000 hPa至300 hPa的散度、位势高度、气温、水平风和垂直速度等再分析资料,根据高低空的天气系统的配置和槽脊移动的过程,结合散度、暖平流等天气学原理的相关知识分析冷锋过境前的基本环流形势,并主要结合热力学一级能量方程(温度倾向方程)对影响本次增温天气过程的因子进行了评估分析。结果表明:在这次增温中,温度平流和非绝热加热的贡献占主导作用,前者由于西南暖湿气流带来,后者与冷空气把原来占主导地位的暖气团迅速挤压到狭窄区域聚集增温有关;而垂直运动不是最显著的影响因子。  相似文献   
The Bergen Ocean Model (BOM), a three-dimensional physical coastal ocean model, was used for a numerical simulation experiment to investigate short-term effects of wind-generated coastal upwelling and downwelling on the dynamics of adjacent large outer and smaller inner fjords. The effect of the real alongshore wind regime on advection for an idealized fjord topography, resembling Masfjorden, western Norway, is used as an example. This modelling exercise is a supplement to, and its predictions support, the various hypotheses investigated in ecosystem simulation studies of the Masfjorden. The model predicts that coastal winds from the north cause upwelling and transport the upper water layer out from the fjords. Winds from the south cause downwelling and transport the upper water layer into the fjords. The transport is rapid and ≈50% of the upper water layer may be replaced within 1–2 days. Implications of these physical processes for the dispersal and retention of planktonic organisms and the early life stages of fish are discussed. If strong southerly winds occur frequently, this will transport planktonic organisms into the fjord and may increase the carrying capacity for planktivorous fish. In contrast, frequent strong northerly winds may reduce the abundance of planktonic organisms, including the early life stages of marine fish, and thus possibly reduce recruitment to fjord fish populations. Frequent shifts between southerly and northerly winds would cause an exchange of early life stages between neighbouring fjords and thus enhance genetic exchange.  相似文献   
2014年春季内蒙古2次大风降雪寒潮过程分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
对于环流特征相似的寒潮过程,其爆发的方式、产生的天气和影响的区域基本相似,但个别寒潮过程却存在较大的差异,造成预报上的误判。针对此类特例,基于常规气象观测资料,自动站观测资料和NCEP逐6 h 1°×1°再分析资料,应用天气学分析和诊断方法,对2014年4月24日(过程1)和5月1日(过程2)2次寒潮天气过程的环流、系统和爆发的动力、热力学机制等进行对比分析。结果表明:2次过程北半球中高纬500 hPa环流形势均具有两脊一槽的环流特征。寒潮区域升温明显,前期平均温度分别比历史同期偏高1.0~7.3℃和0.1~10.7℃,500 hPa冷槽和强锋区均在新疆北部堆积、爆发南侵;2次过程在爆发方式和成因上存在着较大的差异,过程1中促使寒潮爆发流场为横槽转竖,槽前疏散结构和正涡度平流使低槽切断出低涡并东南移,冷平流中心移至槽前,横槽转竖寒潮爆发。过程2为低槽东移,冷槽移过阿尔泰山和蒙古高原加深东移,冷空气入侵内蒙古,寒潮爆发。虽然2次过程均造成了全区范围的强降温,但由于上述影响方式和成因的不同,使得大风、沙尘暴和降水呈现出不同的影响特点。寒潮过程中大风和沙尘暴的分布除与冷平流有关外,还与高空动量下传的地点和时间密切相关,对于寒潮过程中的降水而言,低层的温度层结及其水汽输送特点,决定了不同地区的相态变化和降水的量级。通过关注环流相似寒潮过程中的爆发方式和动力过程,对于正确预报寒潮天气造成的不同地区的降温、大风、沙尘和降水具有很好的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
周武  叶树春  黄小丹 《安徽农业科学》2010,38(29):16365-16366,16504
利用NECP1°×1°的再分析资料、常规气象资料对2010年4月21~22日广东省的暴雨过程进行分析。结果表明,此次过程是青藏高原不断有槽下滑影响广东,850hPa切变线西南气流提供强大水汽输送的环流背景下,受地面冷空气触发而产生。冷空气南下过程受南岭山脉阻挡,导致西南地区冷平流从两广交界地区进入广东,影响广东中部地区,导致这些地区的能量和水汽释放,造成强降水。冷空气向θse高值区渗透过程中,不稳定能量迅速被释放,触发强对流天气的发生,正好对应地面强降水位置。  相似文献   
孙仲毅  张睿光  靳冰凌  王敏  徐朝晖  黄真文  李忠亮 《安徽农业科学》2010,38(30):17167-17170,17203
利用常规观测资料和我国气象台站温度资料,采用天气学原理、天气动力学和热力学诊断分析方法,对2010年1月上、中旬黄河中下游地区强降温和持续性低温天气过程进行了环流形势、影响天气系统及成因分析。结果表明,500hPa槽后偏北气流引导极地冷空气不断向南输送,东北亚稳定的冷涡中心起到了阻挡冷空气东移、促使冷空气堆积和加强的作用,西伯利亚深厚低槽压迫高压脊崩溃,强冷空气爆发南下。850hPa强盛的温度冷平流是造成气温骤降和持续性低温天气的主要原因,冷平流中心的演变与强冷空气移动路径相一致。黄河中下游地区从高空到低层均有负涡度平流,深厚的负涡度平流输送有利于高压系统的移动,其值越小冷空气越强,负涡度平流中心与强降温中心相对应。冷平流中心比强降温中心提前12~24h出现,"负涡度平流核"先于强降温天气出现,这些特征为预报强降温天气提供了有利的参考依据。  相似文献   
We used a coupled biophysical model to investigate larval transport and connectivity patterns in the Gulf of Maine lobster ( Homarus americanus ) population. Biological 'particles' were released at over 21 000 locations every 10 days over a 4-month hatching period, and were followed from hatching through late postlarval stage. In addition to circulation and dispersion, model calculations included spatial patterns of egg production, temporal patterns of hatching, temperature-dependent development, vertical distribution and mortality. We ran the model for three larval production seasons using the same hatching patterns and individual-based modeling parameters but different flow patterns in the coastal current system. Model results gave distribution and abundance patterns of competent postlarvae that closely resembled observed, alongshore patterns of lobster settlement density. We evaluated the relative contribution of all source regions to the total number of competent postlarvae in a series of medium-size zones along the coastal shelf, many of which are used in lobster management. Connectivity depended on many factors, including patterns of egg production and transport, and the location and size of the receiving zones. Self recruitment ranged from a few percent to >90% of competent postlarvae. Although it was common for postlarvae to come from many, often distant, sources, most of the competent postlarvae in a zone originated within one to two zones in the prevailing 'up-stream' direction, forming shorter connections along the coast than the energetic currents might otherwise suggest. Inshore migrations during summer hatching may contribute to these shorter patterns of connectivity. Transport in the prevailing 'upstream' direction was also indicated.  相似文献   
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