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姚卫华 《大豆科技》2006,(6):12-13,15
通过10年的试验数据阐述了大豆30cm平作窄行密植(以下简称“大豆30cm平窄密”)增产增效是非常显著的。还阐述了该项技术的增产机理和技术关键。并且还对该项技术目前存在的问题进行了认真的讨论。  相似文献   
利用黄淮地区的12个高产夏大豆品种(系),通过NCⅡ交配设计,对12个主要农艺性状的遗传进行了分析。结果表明,所有性状的加性方差大于显性方差。主茎节数、株高、每簇荚数和主茎荚数的加性成分占绝对优势,遗传力较高。分枝荚数、单株粒数和单株粒重的显性成分比例大,遗传力较低,其中单株粒重趋于完全显性。主茎节数的显性成分很少,其它性状均为部分显性。建立了单株产量与产量因子之间的逐步回归方程。  相似文献   
就施过豆磺隆、普施特、广灭灵的大豆茬,对后作水稻本田秧苗生长的影响进行研究。结果表明:各处理对水稻移栽后的幼苗生长发育都有程度不同的影响。  相似文献   
进行了"焦大"磷酸二氢钾在大豆上的应用效果试验,结果表明其可以促进大豆健壮生长,增加单株荚数、单株粒数,提高结实率,增加产量。以鼓粒期喷施1 500 g/hm2增产效果最好,较对照增产5.10%。  相似文献   
田媛媛  黄俊彦 《大豆科学》2008,27(1):154-157
大豆油油墨采用了可再生的大豆油作为原料,大大节省了全球石油资源,具有鲜明的环境保护的优点.将其应用于印刷生产中,使油墨污染程度降到最低程度,符合了世界环境保护的要求,是造福全人类的一项先进技术.本文介绍了环保型大豆油油墨的特点、发展及其应用.  相似文献   
摘要:茄病镰刀菌(Fusarium solani f.sp.glydne)是一种土生细菌,通过侵染大豆根系引发猝死综合症。利用温室盆栽试验和须根培养试验研究了接种茄孢镰刀菌对13个不同基因型大豆的影响。结果表明:接种后所有盆栽大豆主根都有明显深褐色的侵染病斑;移植后21d测定了盆栽植株叶部发病程度,Peking表现最为严重,然后依次为Spencer,Ripley,P3981,Williams82,Essex,Forrest,Iroquois,PI520733,Hartwig,PI567650B,Jack,和PI567374。叶部发病程度与冠高(r=-0.422,P=0.0018)、冠重(r=-0.857,P〈0.0001)和根重(r=-0.732,P〈0.0001)呈显著负相关。主根病斑长度与叶部发病程度没有相关性,表明大豆对病原菌的抗性不能仅通过根系得到充分控制。对培养的大豆须根接种茄病镰刀菌菌丝体10d后,不同基因型大豆的菌落直径的变化范围为17—40mm,差异显著(P=0.05),其中Spencer和Peking须根上的菌落直径显著(P=0.05)大于PI567374和PI520733。对Spencer和PI567374的须根接种10灿茄病镰刀菌常量成分悬浮液,10d后菌落直径分别为50和38mm,差异显著(P=0.05)。通常,不同基因型大豆间茄病镰刀菌在培养须根上的生长与整株的症状间有一定的相关性,但不总是这样,这是因为即使根系对毒素产生抗性来减少叶部病害症状,但并不是所有的大豆都表现出明显的根系抗性。  相似文献   
宝豆10号具有茎秆坚韧、籽粒较大、蛋白含量高、抗逆性强等优点,适合陕西省夏播地区种植。审定后,宝豆10号生产经营权得到转让,种植面积不断扩大。为确保宝豆10号种子纯度不降低,提高宝豆10号种子纯度和制种产量,本文介绍了大豆新品种宝豆10号的特征特性,提纯复壮技术,以及包括播前准备、播种与施肥、田间管理、病虫害防治、去杂去劣、适时收获和储藏等关键环节的良种繁育技术,旨在推进大豆新品种宝豆10号的示范与推广  相似文献   
Coat protein sequences of two isolates in strain A2 and five isolates in strain D of Soybean mosaic virus (SMV), which caused a recent mosaic outbreak in soybeans (cv. Sachiyutaka) in Chugoku and Shikoku in Japan, were compared to published data on 15 other Asian-origin isolates. Sequence comparison and cluster analysis showed that SMV isolates of strain A2 from these districts were closely related, as were those of strain D, but strains A2 and D were not. Thus, the two strains may have different origins and be carried through seed transmission.  相似文献   
Quantifying the amount of carbon (C) incorporated from decomposing residues into soil organic carbon (CS) requires knowing the rate of C stabilization (humification rate) into different soil organic matter pools. However, the differential humification rates of C derived from belowground and aboveground biomass into CS pools has been poorly quantified. We estimated the contribution of aboveground and belowground biomass to the formation of CS in four agricultural treatments by measuring changes in δ13C natural abundance in particulate organic matter (CPOM) associated with manipulations of C3 and C4 biomass. The treatments were (1) continuous corn cropping (C4 plant), (2) continuous soybean cropping (C3), and two stubble exchange treatments (3 and 4) where the aboveground biomass left after the grain harvest was exchanged between corn and soybean plots, allowing the separation of aboveground and belowground C inputs to CS based on the different δ13C signatures. After two growing seasons, CPOM was primarily derived from belowground C inputs, even though they represented only ∼10% of the total plant C inputs as residues. Belowground biomass contributed from 60% to almost 80% of the total new C present in the CPOM in the top 10 cm of soil. The humification rate of belowground C inputs into CPOM was 24% and 10%, while that of aboveground C inputs was only 0.5% and 1.0% for soybean and corn, respectively. Our results indicate that roots can play a disproportionately important role in the CPOM budget in soils. Keywords Particulate organic matter; root carbon inputs; carbon isotopes; humification rate; corn; soybean.  相似文献   
The aim of the study was to evaluate the fecal fermentation of partial replacing steam rolled corn with soybean hulls (SH) or prickly pear cactus (PC) as energy source in horse diets, in the presence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Steam rolled corn was replaced with SH at 0% (control), 7.5% (SH75), and 15% (SH150) in the first trial, whereas it was replaced with PC at 0% (control; the same of the first trial), 7.5% (PC75), and 15% (PC150) in the second trial. Yeast of S. cerevisiae was added at 0, 2, and 4 mg/g dry matter (DM) of incubated substrates. Fecal inoculum was obtained from four adult English Thoroughbred horses fed on an amount of commercial concentrate and oat hay ad libitum. Interactions observed between PC rations and yeast doses for the asymptotic gas production (GP), the rate of GP and carbon dioxide (CO2) production during some incubation hours. Moreover, with no effect due to SH rations (P > .05), increased (P < .05) rate of GP was observed with the ration PC75 compared with other rations. Besides, PC75 and PC150 rations with 0 mg yeast/g DM linearly decreased (P < .05) CO2 production at some incubation hours. However, SH75 and SH150 ration had increased (P = .005) DM degradability (DMD). Yeast addition at 2 mg/g DM increased the asymptotic GP (P = .048) with the SH75 and PC150 rations. The level of 4 mg yeast/g DM increased the asymptotic GP (P = .048) from the SH150 ration. Yeast addition at 2 and 4 mg/g DM increased (P < .05) ​the asymptotic GP from PC75 and PC150 rations, respectively, with increasing DMD with the both doses. Yeast addition increased (P < .05) CO2 production from SH75, SH150, PC75, and PC150 rations. It could be concluded that SH and PC can replace steam rolled corn at levels of 7.5% to 15% without negative effect of fermentation kinetics and with better fermentation performance in the presence of yeast at 2 mg/g DM of substrates.  相似文献   
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