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热烫漂洗对鲜食草莓品质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以“丰香”草莓为材料 ,采取水浴热烫方法 ,研究了不同温度处理对草莓品质的影响。结果表明 :草莓是典型的热敏性果类 ,随热烫温度上升 ,其外观品质和营养品质均呈下降趋势。除受温度影响外 ,草莓过氧化物酶 (POD)相当耐热 ,温度升高 ,其活性增加 ,并在高温时保持较高活性 ,成为破坏草莓品质的重要因素。综合生化指标检测和感官评判结果 ,热烫漂洗草莓在 60℃不宜超过 10min。  相似文献   
不同育秧基质对水稻秧苗素质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为解决水稻机插秧育秧取土难的问题,对沸石、稻壳灰、珍珠岩、腐熟秸秆、营养土五种育秧基质对水稻机插秧苗素质的影响进行了研究。结果表明:沸石基质和稻壳灰基质培育的秧苗生长速率快,叶龄、株高适宜,叶绿素含量高,不定根数多,最长根长大,地上干重和根干重大,适合水稻机插秧的需要。沸石基质和稻壳灰基质是理想的育秧基质。  相似文献   
试论音乐教育在高职院校素质教育中的重要作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国教育方针规定:"教育必须为社会主义现代化建设服务,必须与生产劳动相结合。培养德、智、体、美、劳全面发展的社会主义现代化建设者和接班人。"全面发展的教育就是素质教育,而素质教育有许多渗透的途径和方法。音乐教育是高职院校素质教育的重要手段之一,需要加强与提高层次。  相似文献   
施用中微量元素对烤烟产量和品质的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
 本文报道了烤烟施用中、微量元素对其产量、品质的影响。结果表明,烤烟叶片产量、外观质量、烟碱、总糖、全氮及蛋白质含量与中、微量元素呈正相关关系。Mg能显著提高烟叶产量;施用中、微量元素的中上等烟比例比对照提高0.6%~3.83%。B,Mg还能改善烟叶颜色;B,Mg,Mn能显著提高烟碱含量。因此,在烤烟肥料中补充足够的B,Mg,Mn等中、微量元素是至关重要的。  相似文献   
The stratospheric ozone depletion and enhanced solar ultraviolet-B (UV-B) irradiance may have adverse impacts on the productivity of agricultural crops. The effect of UV-B enhancements on agricultural crops includes reduction in yield, alteration in species competition, decrease in photosynthetic activity, susceptibility to disease, and changes in structure and pigmentation. Many studies have examined the influence of supplemental UV-B irradiance on different crops, but the effect of UV-B irradiance on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) crops has received little attention. Cotton is one of the most versatile of all the crops. It is a major fiber crop of the world and a major source of trade and economy in many countries. In this study, we provide quantitative examination of the effects of elevated UV-B irradiance on cotton plant (Sukang 103). The tested cotton crop was grown under natural and four regimes of supplemental UV-B irradiance in the field. With UV-B irradiance increased 9.5% throughout the growing season, the negative impacts on cotton growth included reductions in height of 14%, in leaf area of 29%, and in total biomass of 34%. Fiber quality was reduced and economic yield dropped 72%; an economic coefficient was reduced 58%. A brief discussion is included on how the impacts on cotton contrast with impacts that have been observed in other studies on other plants, including trees.  相似文献   
White, blue, black and purple red wheat bran powders were prepared by ultrafine grinding to the particle size distribution of 0.5–100 μm. The effects of wheat bran addition on the qualities of dry Chinese noodles were investigated. Rapid Visco Analyzer results suggested that peak viscosity, hot paste viscosity, cool paste viscosity, breakdown viscosity and setback viscosity of the blends decreased with the increasing bran levels from 2.0% to 6.0% (P < 0.05). Color of dough sheet (L*) decreased with the addition of wheat bran, while a* and b* values increased distinctly. Water absorption and firmness of the cooked noodles showed up trends with increasing addition of bran, while cooking loss showed a downtrend. Tensile strength and elongation rate decreased when bran addition was 2.0%, but increased when bran addition reached 4.0%–6.0%. Storage modulus (E′) and loss modulus (E″) showed decreasing trends with increases in bran addition at frequencies of 0.1–10 Hz. SEM revealed that bran presence could slightly decrease surface connectivity between starch granules and gluten. It is possible to produce fiber-rich noodles by using 2.0%–6.0% ultrafine-ground bran in wheat flour.  相似文献   
对黄淮冬麦区北片水地组2006年和2007年通过国家品种审定委员会审定的7个冬小麦品种,进行了农艺性状及品质分析。结果表明:该区冬小麦品种的特征特性为半冬性,中晚熟,幼苗匍匐或半匍匐,分蘖力强,成穗率高,株高70~80cm,株型紧凑,穗型为纺锤形,长芒,白壳,白粒,籽粒为角质;产量和千粒重水平较稳定,平均产量7883.1kg/hm^2,千粒重39.43g;容重和蛋白质含量水平也较高且稳定,容重795.01g/L,蛋白质含量145.5g/kg;吸水率、湿面筋含量、沉降值、稳定时间、最大抗延阻力和拉伸面积指标,有待于进一步改进。选育和引进抗病品种应该引起重视。  相似文献   
试验以辽粳101为材料,对沸石、珍珠岩、蛭石、营养土四种育秧基质对水稻机插秧苗素质的影响进行了比较研究。结果表明:沸石基质培育的秧苗叶龄、株高适宜,叶绿素含量高,不定根数多,最长根长大,地上干重和根干重大,符合机插秧对秧苗的要求,沸石基质是理想的育秧基质。  相似文献   
氨基酸螯合微量元素肥料在小麦和后作水稻上的效果   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
氨基酸螯合微量元素肥料是一种新型微肥,经过连续盆栽小麦和水稻(收麦后)试验,结果表明,氨基酸螯合微量元素肥料的肥效及有效性明显优于无机微肥,不仅能改善小麦相关生物性状,而且能改善其营养品质,提高小麦籽粒的蛋白质含量和淀粉含量以及稻粒的淀粉含量。氨基酸螯合微量元素肥料用量少,成本低,肥效显著,宜在生产中推广。  相似文献   
AVG对肥城桃采收品质和采后乙烯合成的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在肥城桃正常采收前10d,以质量浓度为1.5g/L的AVG(2-氨基乙氧基乙烯甘氨酸)进行喷施处理,结果表明:AVG在延迟果实采收时间5d的情况下,减少了果实的落果,增加了果实采收时的硬度、单果质量、可溶性固形物和可滴定酸含量。AVG还通过对果实贮藏过程中ACC合成酶(ACS)活性的抑制,减少了1-氨基环丙烷-1-羧酸(ACC)积累水平,减少了乙烯的释放,但对ACC氧化酶(ACO)的活性没有明显的影响。结果还表明,AVG抑制了果实内纤维素酶活性,延缓了果实硬度的下降。  相似文献   
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