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The important root characteristics of root length density (RLD) and root mass density (RMD) generally differ among irrigation managements and potato cultivars. The objective of this study was to investigate the RLD and RMD variations and their functional relationships with gross potato tuber yield for two commercial potato cultivars, Agria and Sante, under different irrigation strategies. Full irrigation and water‐saving irrigation strategies, deficit and partial root drying irrigations, were applied statically (S) and dynamically (D) based on daily crop evapotranspiration. Results showed that SPRD had significantly greater RLD (3.64 cm/cm3) and RMD (132.7 μg/cm3) than other irrigation treatments. Between the potato cultivars, Agria had significantly larger values of RLD (3.50 cm/cm3) and RMD (138.7 μg/cm3) than Sante. The functional relationship between the root growth characteristics and tuber yield showed that under water‐saving irrigations, Agria increased root mass at the expense of gross tuber yield but Sante increased root mass to maintain larger gross tuber yields. However, Agria produced more roots and gross tuber yield than Sante, and it is concluded that Agria is a more drought‐tolerant potato cultivar, which is recommended for tuber production in regions where water might be scarce. It was shown that larger root production in potatoes was associated with improved tolerance to water stress.  相似文献   
The effect of three herbicides, diclofop-methyl (DM), imazamethabenz-methyl (IM) and fenoxaprop-ethyl (FE), was investigated at the recommended rate (×) and double the recommended rate (2×) in a durum wheat crop. FE had the smallest effect on root system characteristics, while IM had the greatest effect. For all herbicides, the double rate treatment gave a greater statistical reduction than the single rate for root system characteristics. FE had the smallest effect on the activity of aerobic microorganisms, while DM gave the greatest reduction, 10 days after application, and all three herbicides reduced earthworm abundance. DM gave the smallest reduction in the number of tillers and in plant height, while the double rate of IM gave the greatest reduction. For all three herbicides, double the recommended rate resulted in a significant reduction in the weight of 1000 seeds, while no statistically significant deviations were noted at the recommended rate. Finally, the use of all three herbicides resulted in significantly lower statistical yields compared to the sample (control plot), although there were no significant statistical differences among them, for either recommended or double recommended rates.  相似文献   
Monokaryotic strains of Helicobasidium mompa were used as vectors of a mycovirus between various H. mompa isolates to examine the transmissibility of one of the mycoviruses, totivirus (HmTV1–17 virus) in the hypovirulent isolate V17 of H. mompa. The isolates that acquired HmTV1–17 virus were also examined for any alteration in the virulence. Twelve dikaryotic isolates of H. mompa, belonging to 11 mycelial compatibility groups (MCGs) and being mycelially incompatible with isolate V17, were used as recipients of HmTV1–17 virus. Two monokaryotic isolates that were mycelially incompatible with isolate V17 and all of the recipients were also used as vectors of HmTV1-17 virus between isolate V17 and the recipients. When isolate V17 and recipients were directly paired on plate media, HmTV1-17 virus was transmitted from isolate V17 into 2 of the 12 recipients (i.e., 2 of the 11 MCGs). Two monokaryotic strains were paired with isolate V17, and the monokaryotic strains that acquired HmTV1-17 virus were then used as new virus donors. When the monokaryotic strains containing HmTV1-17 virus were paired with the 12 recipients, HmTV1-17 virus was transmitted into 7 of the 12 recipients from the monokaryotic strains (i.e., 7 of 11 MCGs). Based on these results, we concluded that monokaryotic strains could act as vectors to transmit HmTV1-17 virus into H. mompa isolates. When four of the H. mompa isolates that acquired HmTV1-17 virus were used to inoculate apple rootstock Malus prunifolia, the virulence of all of the isolates was attenuated from that of their parental isolates. Moreover, because the DNA fingerprints of the fungal isolates that acquired HmTV1-17 virus were the same as those of their parental isolates, the infection with HmTV1-17 virus is considered the cause of virulence attenuation of H. mompa.  相似文献   
The plants of field bean var. Nadwiślaνski were detopped after about 1 month since the beginning of flowering and after that all flower buds were removed from some plants. The effect of a change in the trophic balance on the setting and subsequent growth of root nodules was studied.
The removal of pods had the greater effect on the increase in the weight of the remaining organs than the detopping of plants. Detopping retarded the ageing of the plants and delayed the phase of the greatest reduction of the number of pods. The detopping of plants revealed their considerable compensative possibilities in terms of production of the pod weight and the potential of leaves for biomass production. The data obtained indicate that plant detopping may disturb the root–bacteria exchange of signals, necessary to initiate the nodule development, while the further growth of nodules depends, above all, on the amount of available photosynthates.
A very high correlation between the dry weight of the whole plant to the dry weight of leaves ratio and the weight of nodules was observed. It proves the importance of the trophic balance of the plant for the root nodule weight production.  相似文献   
Controlling established horsenettle plants is achieved by suppressing shoot emergence from root systems. The seasonal pattern of shoot emergence and its possible endogenous control in horsenettle ( Solanum carolinense L.) were investigated. The shoot emergence period in an undisturbed population was limited to a seven-week period from mid-April, and a little longer in tilled conditions. Detached roots showed very high shoot-sprouting ability under 15–30°C throughout the year. In shoot clipping experiments, new shoots sprouted only from the stem and not from the root when attached to shoots, whether above-ground or underground. On the contrary, new shoots sprouted from the roots when all parts of the shoots were clipped off. From these results, the limited shoot emergence period in horsenettle is thought to be initiated by temperatures necessary for sprouting and is ended by a growth correlation effect between early emerged and matured shoots.  相似文献   
甘薯根腐病抗性在不同环境条件下的表现及遗传趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结果表明,甘薯根腐病发病轻重与环境条件有很大关系,表现为干旱少雨的年份发病较重,降雨量较多的年份发病较轻;土壤瘠薄的发病较重,肥力条件较好的则发病较轻;通常情况下,年份间品种的抗性表现较为一致,但遇特殊气候则年份间品种的抗性有一定的差异。对1150份甘薯品种资源及育种材料的根腐病抗性鉴定结果表明,高抗型材料占14.6%,抗病型占15.7%,感病型占26.0%,高感型占43.7%。对754份材料及亲本的抗性分析表明,不同的抗性组合后代中均可分离出高抗至高感类型的材料,杂交后代的抗性强弱随双亲抗性水平的提高而提高。中国自1970年以来采用品种间杂交和种间杂交育种技术,先后育成了一批高产、优质的高抗型优良品种。  相似文献   
Common root rot (Aphanomyces euteiches Drechs.) has become a very destructive disease in the French pea crops since 1993. For an accurate investigation of the virulence variability among French A. euteiches populations and between French and foreign populations, a new set of differential pea genotypes was developed. Thirty-three American and European pea lines, displaying different levels of resistance, were screened in a growth chamber against two French isolates. Symptoms (disease severity from 0 to 5, evaluating symptom surface on roots and epicotyl) and percentage of top fresh weight (inoculated/uninoculated top fresh weight ratio) were measured. From this screening 12 relatively resistant lines, from various genetic backgrounds, were identified along with a highly susceptible control. This set of 13 genotypes was inoculated under controlled conditions with 14 isolates from France, Sweden, USA, Canada and New Zealand, to investigate genotype–isolate interactions. Root symptoms were rated (disease severity), and a susceptibility/resistance threshold was established at disease severity = 1. Significant quantitative interactions were observed, and five 'resistance patterns' were identified, leading to a set of six pea genotypes: Baccara (susceptible), Capella, MN313, 902131, 552 and PI180693. Fields trials of this set in 1999 and 2000 gave the same resistance rankings than in growth chamber conditions. This set will allow more accurate assessments of the variability in virulence/aggressiveness of A. euteiches isolates from France and foreign countries, and further investigations of the epidemiological and genetic basis of pea–A. euteiches interactions.  相似文献   
大豆疫病的种子处理技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本试验用不同浓度的瑞毒锰锌、杀毒矾和克露进行大豆种子处理试验,结果表明,500ppm瑞毒锰锌对大豆疫病具有很好的治疗作用,而用杀毒矾以种子重量0.4—0.5%的剂量闷种,能显著地抑制大豆疫霉菌的侵入  相似文献   
盐胁迫对菘蓝幼苗生长和抗性生理的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以“定蓝1号”为试验材料,采用不同浓度NaCl溶液(0,30,60,90,120和150 mmol·L-1)对菘蓝幼苗进行处理,胁迫14 d后测定了其生长指标、生物量积累、叶片相对含水量、根系活力、根质膜透性、渗透调节物质含量以及抗氧化酶活性等指标,分析不同程度盐胁迫对菘蓝幼苗生长和抗性生理的影响。结果表明:NaCl胁迫对菘蓝幼苗株高和根长都有抑制作用,对根和叶的物质积累也有显著影响,并随浓度的递增呈降低的趋势;菘蓝幼苗叶片相对含水量和根系活力均随NaCl浓度的增加呈现下降趋势,而根质膜透性、叶片脯氨酸含量则呈升高趋势;丙二醛(MDA)含量、组织自动氧化速率(RAD)、过氧化物酶(POD)活性和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性都随NaCl浓度的增加呈先升高后降低的趋势。但当NaCl浓度低于90 mmol·L-1时,菘蓝幼苗的生长没有受到盐胁迫的明显抑制,根系活力降低不明显,脯氨酸、丙二醛含量和保护酶活性也未显著升高,说明菘蓝幼苗对低浓度盐环境具有一定的耐受性。  相似文献   
为明确矮化中间砧苹果树合理的施肥位置,减少氮肥的浪费。试验于2018年和2019年,以‘烟富3’苹果/SH6/八棱海棠为试材,借助15N同位素示踪技术,研究了萌芽前在树冠投影范围距树干由近及远的3个水平距离——内环、中环和外环施氮对新梢旺长期细根和土壤15N分布、树体15N吸收以及果实产量和品质的影响。结果表明:各处理的苹果细根(直径≤2 mm)根长密度均在水平方向和垂直方向呈衰减规律,主要分布在距离树干水平方向0~100 cm、垂直方向0~40 cm土层范围;与不施肥(对照)相比,施氮增加了细根根长密度,以施氮区内细根根长密度增加最为显著;从垂直方向0~20 cm土层施氮区细根根长密度增加量来看,内环施氮处理增幅最大,为对照的1.33倍~1.36倍,其次是中环施氮处理。各处理土壤15N含量峰值在水平方向均出现在施氮区域,在垂直方向均出现在0~20 cm土层。不同处理间树体细根根长密度与土壤15N分布空间吻合度(RLD-15N)差异显著,内环施氮处理显著高...  相似文献   
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