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为快速、准确获取江淮麦区县域冬小麦赤霉病发生信息,选用中、高空间分辨率卫星遥感影像做多尺度信息融合研究。在筛选适宜冬小麦田块分布特征的空间尺度遥感影像基础上,通过分析冬小麦长势指标和赤霉病病情指数之间的互作关系,构建基于多农学参数的冬小麦赤霉病估测模型,并对县域冬小麦赤霉病空间变化进行遥感监测。结果表明:(1)2m×2m、8m×8m和16m×16m三种空间尺度融合影像的均值相差不大,平均梯度和标准差存在明显差异。16m×16m融合影像的清晰度最好,信息量也多,比较适合研究区域冬小麦田块分布特征。(2)16m×16m融合影像提取的归一化植被指数(NDVI)和比值植被指数(RVI)值明显高于2m×2m和8m×8m融合影像,说明16m×16m融合影像光谱信息量较丰富,有利于冬小麦的识别。(3)冬小麦叶面积指数、叶片叶绿素含量和地上部生物量是影响赤霉病发生的主要长势指标。基于主要长势指标构建冬小麦赤霉病估测模型,平方根误差(REMS)为10.5%,相对误差为14.6%。该方法可以实现对县域冬小麦赤霉病空间变化的有效监测。  相似文献   
基于改进边缘分割算法的幼苗信息提取   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
优化特征空间和改进分割算法是利用面向对象技术准确获取幼苗信息的关键,也是高空间分辨率数据提取目标地物信息迫切需要解决的问题。研究了在多光谱影像进行去噪声处理基础上,采用改进的基于边缘的算法进行影像分割,同时选取纹理、形状、光谱特征构建特征空间,实现幼苗信息提取的方法。结果表明,该方法对幼苗信息提取的总精度达86%,比传统技术提高了12%,KAPPA系数达0.814 5,比传统技术提高了0.115 9。该方法可以对幼苗信息进行准确快速提取,能够为生产或管理部门进行准确监测和决策提供依据,对未来造林情况进行预测和评价有重要意义。  相似文献   
为了快速监测小麦叶片水分含量,以敏感波段组和植被指数组2种变量分别作为输入变量,以地面同步观测的冬小麦叶片含水量作为输出变量,分别采用偏最小二乘(partial least squares, PLS)、极限学习机(extreme learning machine, ELM)和粒子群算法(particle swarm optimization, PSO)优化极限学习机,建立冬小麦叶片含水量预测模型,并对其反演效果进行比较。结果表明,光谱反射率和植被指数与叶片含水量之间存在较为密切的相关性,依此确定的敏感光谱波段为红光、蓝光和近红外波段,敏感植被指数为绿度指数、过红指数、归一化绿红差值指数、三角形植被指数和过绿指数。从2种变量的建模效果看,基于植被指数组构建的模型的精度和稳定性均优于敏感波段组,其中基于植被指数组的PSO-ELM模型在6个叶片水分含量反演模型中表现最佳,其r2和RMSE分别为0.98和0.26%。利用最优模型反演得到研究区冬小麦叶片含水量的分布范围为45%~75%,平均为64.57%,反演结果与地面实测较相符,说明基于无人机光谱数据通过建立以植被指数为...  相似文献   
基于无人机多光谱遥感的冬小麦冠层叶绿素含量估测研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为探讨利用无人机多光谱影像监测冬小麦叶绿素含量的可行性,基于北京市大兴区中国水科院试验基地的2019年冬小麦无人机多光谱影像和田间实测冠层叶绿素含量数据,选取16种光谱植被指数,确定对冬小麦冠层叶绿素含量显著相关的植被指数,采用一元二次线性回归和逐步回归分析方法建立各生育时期及全生育期的SPAD值估测模型,通过精度检验确定对冬小麦冠层叶绿素含量监测的最优模型。结果表明,两种分析方法中逐步回归建模效果最佳。拔节期选取4个植被指数(MSR、CARI、NGBDI、TVI)建模效果最好,模型率定的决定系数(r~2)为0.73,模型验证的r~2、相对误差(RE)和均方根误差(RMSE)分别为0.63、2.83%、1.68;抽穗期选取3个植被指数(GNDVI、GOSAVI、CARI)建模效果最好,模型率定的r~2为0.81,模型验证的r~2、RE、RMSE分别为0.63、2.83%、1.68;灌浆期选取2个植被指数(MSR、NGBDI)建模效果最好,模型率定的r~2为0.67,模型验证的r~2、RE、RMSE分别为0.65、2.83%、1.88。因此,无人机多光谱影像结合逐步回归模型可以很好地监测冬小麦SPAD值动态变化。  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to compare the performance of two different remotely sensed techniques in detecting the effects of terminal heat stress and N fertilization on final maize aerial biomass (AB) and grain yield (GY). The study was conducted under field conditions for two consecutive growing seasons. Six N treatments combining three doses [0, 100, 200 Kg N ha−1] and two timings [at V4 and at 15 days before silking] were applied. Within each N treatment three heat treatments were applied (pre-flowering, post-flowering and the control treatment at ambient air temperature). Remote sensing measurements were taken with a multispectral band camera to measure the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and a digital Red/Green/Blue (RGB) camera to measure the normalized green red difference index (NGRDI). Both indices failed to predict the GY of pre-flowering heat-treated plants due to grain set establishment problems that could not be detected by vegetation indices which are designed to capture differences in green canopy area. In contrast, both the NGRDI and the NDVI correlated positively with GY and AB in the control heat treatment and to a lesser extent in the post-flowering heat treatment. Under the control heat treatment, the NGRDI exhibited higher correlations with AB and GY than the NDVI across the N fertilization treatments. Since the NGRDI is formulated based only on the reflectance in the visible regions (VIS) of the spectrum (Green and Red) without dependence on the near infrared regions (NIR), it performs better than the NDVI. This is because it overcame the reported saturation patterns at high leaf area index and was more efficient at capturing even small differences in leaf colour (chlorophyll content) due to the different applied N treatments. Also, the NGRDI seemed to be a more seasonally independent parameter than the NDVI, which is more affected by temporal variability within the field, and thus the NGRDI predicted AB and GY better than the NDVI when combining the data of the two growing seasons.  相似文献   
In the durum wheat industry, the milling process leads to the production of different fractions such as semolina, flours, bran and thirds. The histological origin and composition of these fractions are not easy to determine. Moreover, the proportions of kernel tissue in a given fraction depend on the wheat cultivar. In the present work, 4 batches of durum wheat were processed in an experimental semolina pilot plant leading to the extraction of 18 representative fractions. Multispectral images of both the final fractions and wheat kernels have been acquired with an in-house imaging system. By performing principal component analysis and a Kmeans procedure on the multispectral images of each fraction, a reference spectral fingerprint was assessed for every fraction. For each pixel of the images of kernel cross-section, it was possible to calculate its probability of belonging to a typical group of fingerprint, and then to build up a probability image. These probability images, presented in false colors, emphasized the areas in the kernels from which a given milled fraction was extracted. The images obtained in this way enable a more precise identification of the histological origin of the different milled fractions.  相似文献   
Increased regulation of chemical fumigants has forced the almond industry to seek alternatives for postharvest control of insect pests in raw almonds. This paper reports developments of non-chemical treatment for postharvest disinfestation of almonds using radio frequency (RF) energy. A pilot-scale 27 MHz RF unit was used to evaluate effects of a RF treatment protocol on quality attributes in treated in-shell and shelled almond samples. The RF treatment protocol used 0.75 kW RF power, a forced hot air at 63 °C, back and forth movements on the conveyor at 0.56 m/min, and single mixing, which all improved the final heating uniformity. RF treatments sharply reduced the heating time from 86 and 137 min for hot air heating to only 6.4 and 8.8 min for the center of 1.5 kg in-shell and 2.4 kg shelled almond samples to reach 63 °C, respectively. Almond quality was not affected by the RF treatments because peroxide values, fatty acid and kernel color of treated almonds were better than or similar to untreated controls after 20 d at 35 °C, simulating 2 years of storage at 4 °C. RF treatments did not significantly affect the kernel moisture content of both types of almonds but reduced the moisture content in the shell. RF treatments may hold great potential to replace chemical fumigation for disinfesting almonds.  相似文献   
为了解无人机图像空间分辨率对倒伏小麦提取精度的影响,选取2019年6月9日冀南地区倒伏小麦农田为研究区,采用最大似然法、人工神经网络、支持向量机和随机森林四种分类方法,以倒伏小麦分类面积和空间一致性为指标,对不同空间分辨率下小麦倒伏的提取精度进行了比较。结果表明,最大似然法存在严重的错分现象,人工神经网络、随机森林和支持向量机的总体分类结果较好,其中人工神经网络对倒伏面积提取的结果最准确;随着像元尺寸的增大,倒伏小麦分类面积相对误差变化趋势缓慢,但像元尺寸大于40 cm时,分类结果与实际倒伏区域的空间一致性迅速降低。综合考虑无人机图像数据量、获取时间和倒伏小麦提取精度,本研究认为20~40 cm是提取冬小麦倒伏面积较为适宜的空间分辨率范围。  相似文献   
为了探究随机森林算法在春玉米氮营养指标预测精度,于2021-2022年在东北地区进行氮肥梯度试验,以迪卡159为试验材料,设置10个施氮水平,利用无人机搭载多光谱分别在小喇叭口期(V9)、大喇叭口期(V12)和抽雄期(VT)获取遥感数据。利用19个植被指数分别构建地上部生物量(AGB)、植株吸氮量(PNU)、叶面积指数(LAI)和比叶氮(SLN)模型。结果表明,随机森林算法在预测AGB和LAI有较高的精度,R2分别是0.83和0.9。通过相关分析,LAI、AGB、PNU及SLN与结构不敏感色素指数(SIPI)相关性最高,相关系数分别为-0.75、-0.70、-0.84和0.63,SIPI在4个模型中重要性均最高。研究结果表明,随机森林算法在春玉米氮素监测中具有一定的发展潜力,SIPI在氮素监测中有重要作用,研究结果可为春玉米氮素营养监测提供参考依据。  相似文献   
Mycotoxins are the toxic metabolites of certain filamentous fungi and have been demonstrated to cause various health problems in humans, including immunosuppression and cancer. Among them, the aflatoxins have received greater attention because they are potent carcinogens and are responsible for many human deaths per annum, mostly in non-industrialized countries. Various regulatory agencies have enforced limits on the concentrations of these toxins in foods and feeds involved in international commerce. Hyperspectral and multispectral imaging are becoming increasingly important for rapid and nondestructive testing for the presence of such contaminants. However, the high number of spectral bands needed may render such image acquisition systems too complex, expensive and slow. Moreover, they tend to generate overwhelming amount of data, making effective processing of this information in real time difficult. In this study, a two-dimensional local discriminant bases algorithm was developed to detect the location of the discriminative features in the multispectral data space. The algorithm identifies the optimal passband width and center frequencies of optical filters to be used for a multispectral imaging system. This was applied to a multispectral imaging system used to detect aflatoxin-contaminated hazelnut kernels and red chili peppers. Classification accuracies of 92.3% and 80% were achieved for aflatoxin-contaminated and uncontaminated hazelnuts and red chili peppers, respectively. The aflatoxin concentrations were decreased from 608 to 0.84 ppb for tested hazelnuts and from 38.26 to 22.85 ppb for red chili peppers by removal of the nuts/peppers that were classified as aflatoxin-contaminated. The algorithm was also used to classify fungal contaminated and uncontaminated hazelnut kernels, and an accuracy of 95.6% was achieved for this broader classification.  相似文献   
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