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育肥猪屠宰前饲粮中短期添加乙酸镁,研究其对氟烷基因杂合子育肥猪肌肉加工品质的影响。选用体重相近的氟烷基因杂合子(HalNHaln)大长猪(大白猪×长白猪)36头随机分为2组,即对照组、乙酸镁组,每组18头。乙酸镁组在屠宰前5 d,基础日粮中添加镁1 500mg/kg(以乙酸镁形式),对照组饲喂基础日粮。试验表明:在猪屠宰前饲粮中短期添加1 500 mg/kg水平的镁对试验猪的平均日采食量没有明显影响(P>0.05);可以显著降低肌肉的滴水损失(P<0.05),提高猪肉的熟肉率,从而提高猪肉的加工品质。  相似文献   
饲粮短期高剂量添加天冬氨酸镁对猪肉品质的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本试验研究了在基础日粮中短期添加不同水平的天冬氨酸镁对猪肉品质的影响。试验共分4个处理,每个处理6头猪。处理组镁(天冬氨酸镁)的添加水平分别为0、1 500、2 500和3 500 mg/kg。结果表明:屠宰前7 d饲粮添加天冬氨酸镁提高了猪肉品质,背最长肌肉中镁的含量分别比对照组提高了10.35%(P<0.05)、16.83%和18.61%(P<0.01),血清中镁的浓度分别比对照组增加了14.29%、27.14%和34.29%(P<0.01);显著提高了猪肉的初始pH(6.16~6.50)和最终pH(5.61~5.75)(P<0.05);对肉色评分改善显著(P<0.05);显著降低了滴水损失(P<0.05);但对猪的屠宰率、瘦肉率、背膘厚、眼肌厚度和肌肉中胶原蛋白含量等无显著影响(P>0.05)。回归分析结果表明:当镁的添加量在2 500~3 200 mg/kg时,对pH、滴水损失和肉色的改善作用达到最大,此时血清和肌肉中镁的含量约为0.90 mmol/L和241 mg/kg。  相似文献   
In southern Jiangxi province of China, ‘Newhall’(Citrus sinensis Osbeck) navel orange presented a conspicuous symptom of boron (B) deficiency in mature leaves, whereas B deficiency symptoms were not manifested on ‘Skagg's Bonanza’(C. sinensis Osbeck) navel orange. In this study, changes in concentrations of B, calcium (Ca), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), and zinc (Zn) were comparatively investigated in the structural parts of the fruit (rind and pulp) and leaves (old leaves from last season and spring-flush leaves from current year) of ‘Newhall’ and ‘Skagg's Bonanza’ navel orange during the growing season. Two peaks of B concentrations were observed in the rind of the two cultivars during fruitlet growth and fruit enlargement, respectively. Boron concentrations were relatively high in the rind during fruitlet growth, and then decreased in both rind and pulp, whereas, during middle and late fruit enlargement significant increases were found for B in both rind and pulp of the two cultivars. Boron concentrations in old leaves of ‘Newhall’ decreased progressively and remained relatively low, whereas that of ‘Skagg's Bonanza’ was relatively high and changed slightly as the season progresses. Both Ca and K concentrations were above the critical threshold values, while their dynamics were reverse to that of B in fruit and leaves during certain times. Old leaf Mg concentrations of samples at 140 days after full bloom from the two cultivars and spring-flush leaves from ‘Newhall’ were below the threshold limit for sufficiency. In addition, Mg in old leaves was much lower from ‘Newhall’ than from ‘Skagg's Bonanza’. Spring-flush leaf concentrations of Mn and Zn and Mn concentrations in old leaves from ‘Newhall’ were relatively lacking during middle and late season, which accelerated the occurrence of B deficiency symptoms on mature leaves of ‘Newhall.’  相似文献   
菜心的土壤钙、镁营养诊断指标及施肥效应研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在不同地方,不同钙、镁含量水平的菜园土壤进行菜心钙、镁肥田间试验。根据20个试验点的钙肥试验和15个试验点的镁肥试验结果,分别建立菜心相对产量与土壤交换性钙、镁含量的回归方程。研究结果表明:菜心产量与土壤交换性钙、镁含量分别呈抛物线相关;在质地为中壤土的菜田上种植菜心,土壤交换性钙的适宜含量为4.26 ̄9.60cmolL-1,交换性镁的适宜含量为2.01 ̄2.31cmolL-1;在参试的所有菜田中,施钙肥增产显著的菜田占50%,增产率为0.65 ̄33.8%;施镁肥增产显著的菜田占47%,增产率为-1.6% ̄34.7%。  相似文献   
为了探索椰糠半基质条件下,钙镁肥对甜瓜产量、品质的影响,确定钙镁肥施用的必要性,配制不同钙镁含量的肥料进行比较。结果显示,不同钙镁含量的肥料与不含钙镁的肥料相比,产量、品质没有差异。在土壤水溶性钙1197.1mg?kg-1,水溶性镁690.8 mg?kg-1,灌溉水钙含量68.0 mg?kg-1,镁含量22.7 mg?kg-1的条件下,能为甜瓜椰糠半基质栽培提供足够的钙镁营养。这对简化施肥设施,减轻投入成本,加速该模式在中小企业及个体种植户中推广有较大的现实意义。  相似文献   
采用磷酸铵镁法(MAP)回收模拟畜禽养殖废水中的磷,考察了pH值、氮磷比、镁磷以及磷浓度对磷回收率的影响。结果表明,pH是影响MAP结晶沉淀反应产生的重要因素,最佳pH位于9-10;当N/P比超过1∶1,N/P比值变化对P回收率无显著影响,Mg/P对P回收率影响较为明显,适宜的Mg/P比为1∶1左右;磷浓度对磷回收率影响甚小,当磷浓度由5 mg/L增加到150mg/L时,磷回收率均处于99%以上。  相似文献   

Magnesium (Mg) is an essential macronutrient element for all living organisms, but literature reports of Mg deficiency in agriculture and forestry appear regularly. In many tropical areas, Mg is added to soils by using dolomitic limestone and as minor additions through impurities in some fertilizers. Minimal information is available on the Mg status of Fiji soils, and deficiencies have been observed in some crops. This study investigated the Mg status of a range of Fiji soils and found that major agricultural soils of Fiji contain variable amounts of Mg, both in the total concentrations and in the different forms of the element present. The variations can be related to the soil parent materials, degree of weathering, clay content, and mineralogy. Low plant‐available Mg concentrations are present in many of the highly weathered soils with limited reserves present. Development of intensive agriculture should consider Mg when developing fertilizer programs.  相似文献   
红壤柑桔园硼铜镁营养失调的诊断   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据植株外部症状及叶片、土壤分析结果,确诊福建省长泰县岩溪果场椪柑和蕉柑出现的叶片黄化、早期落叶等现象,系硼、铜过量及缺镁综合诱发的植株营养失调。发病植株叶片硼、铜含量明显超过适宜值,分别达110~258ppm和26~41ppm;镁含量偏低,为0.22%~0.31%。初步认为连年喷布(或土施)硼肥和波尔多液,以及土壤酸度过高是导致柑桔植株硼、铜、镁营养失调的直接原因。  相似文献   

The sequential extraction procedure currently used to measure magnesium (Mg) fertilizer dissolution in soils consists of removing dissolved Mg (step 1), and partially dissolved Mg (step 2), followed by an 18‐h extraction with 2 M HCl at room temperature to determine undissolved Mg (step 3). This procedure is satisfactory for soluble and moderately soluble Mg fertilizers but is not an accurate procedure for slightly soluble fertilizers, such as serpentine. When step 3 is replaced by a digestion procedure using 2 M HCl for 4 h at 90–95°C (improved step 3), the total serpentine Mg recovery (dissolved and undissolved Mg) from soil samples, either immediately after serpentine was added to soil or after a 21‐day incubation with moist soil, was about 100% compared to 40–50% by the original procedure. The improved procedure also increased the recovery of serpentine Mg applied to field soils. Therefore, this study recommends that the third step of the sequential extraction procedure be replaced by a 4 h digestion using 2 M HCl (90–95°C).  相似文献   
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