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采收成熟度对牛肝菌保鲜贮藏的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
不同成熟度的食用菌子实体采后生理、病理及贮藏品质有不同的变化规律 ,本文通过对美柄牛肝菌(BoletusspeciosuFrost)三种不同成熟度的子实体的呼吸强度、呼吸商的测定分析 ,及贮藏过程中菌体外观品质变化综合评定的产生及发展进行分析 ,为牛肝菌采集及贮藏中的原料标准的制定提供依据。  相似文献   
采用随机区组设计,研究不同配比的红壤、泥炭、椰糠和珍珠岩6种基质配方对闭鞘姜生长的影响。测定6种基质的物理和化学性质,观测萌芽率、叶片数、茎粗、株高、株幅、光合日变化、根茎鲜重和根茎干重。结果显示,基质S4(泥炭+椰糠+珍珠岩=1∶2∶2)的植株净光合速率(Pn)显著高于其他基质处理。在6种基质生长的植株叶片净光合速率曲线呈单峰或双峰变化,而蒸腾速率曲线呈单峰变化。最大株高、最大根茎鲜重和根茎干重也出现在基质S4种植的植株。从以上结果可知,基质S4比较适合闭鞘姜的生长和根状茎干物质积累。  相似文献   
应用水蒸气蒸馏法从多花红千层(Callistemon speciosus)叶提取挥发油,利用气质联用仪(GC-MS)分离鉴定,采用GC峰面积归一法确定其相对含量。挥发油得率为1.34%;分离出29个组分,鉴定了其中的21种化合物,占色谱总馏出峰面积的90.303%,其主要成分是1,8-桉叶素(31.987%)、α-松油醇(14.059%)、3-硝基乙醇(13.264%)、瓜菊醇酮(9.246%)、松油醇-4(6.038%)等。  相似文献   
以闭鞘姜为原料,研究开发出闭鞘姜特色风味泡菜、干腌菜和干片三种保健食品。  相似文献   
黄鹂无齿鲹(Gnathanodon speciosus)是一种兼具观赏与食用价值的名贵海水鱼类。本文报道了黄鹂无齿鲹的胚胎及胚后发育特征。受精卵孵化条件为:盐度(30.26±0.67)‰、 温度 (24.72 ± 0.32)°C 、 pH值(7.46±0.12)、溶解氧(5.13±0.33) mg/L、光照强度约3 000 LUX。结果显示黄鹂无齿鲹受精卵为透明浮性圆球形,平均卵径764.29 ± 14.74 μm;含单油球,油球平均直径166.32 ± 18.28 μm。胚胎发育历经受精卵期、胚盘期、卵裂期、囊胚期、原肠胚期、神经胚期、器官形成期与孵化出膜期8个阶段,再进一步细分成24个时期。受精后18 h 30 min孵化出膜,进入仔鱼阶段(含前仔鱼期和后仔鱼期)。前仔鱼期位于孵化后0-3天,卵黄囊没有完全吸收;后仔鱼期位于孵化后4-20天,卵黄囊完全吸收。初孵仔鱼全长1 520 ± 19 μm,出膜后第6天油球储备耗尽并形成鳔。孵化后第20天,鱼体后脊索完全弯曲,各鳍和消化系统发育完善,体表大量色素沉淀且具有独立生活的能力,仔鱼进入稚鱼阶段。本研究为黄鹂无齿鲹苗种培育提供了重要参考。  相似文献   
Different parts of Costus speciosus were investigated for their polyphenol content and antioxidant activity.  相似文献   
通过对闭鞘姜栽培技术的研究,掌握种苗繁育技术,并在扦插方法上获得创新性突破,“分枝顶芽扦插”成苗率达95.6%-98.9%。筛选出最佳栽培模式——网棚种植,每公顷可产鲜根茎60.6t。  相似文献   
通过不同立地(栽培)环境和不同采收期共97个闭鞘姜样品,检测其皂甙含量及差异变化情况,结果发现其皂甙含量均达不到1.0%的商业利用指标。说明闭鞘姜作为皂素工业原料的愿望有待重新思考。  相似文献   
通过不同立地(栽培)环境和不同采收期共97 个闭鞘姜样品,检测其皂甙含量及差异变化情况,结果发现其皂甙含量均达不到1.0%的商业利用指标。说明闭鞘姜作为皂素工业原料的愿望有待重新思考。  相似文献   
In April 2011, horses at Nanjing Racecourse were accidentally overdosed with ivermectin deworming powder, mixed into the feed. After 3 days of medication, most of the horses ate feed only and reduced their hay intake significantly. On Days 5–6, 3 Mestizo horses showed discomfort, no appetite, sweating, abdominal enlargement, restlessness, whinnying, pawing the ground and no defaecation. Of the other horses, 4 showed abnormal sweating. Toxic atony of the large intestine was diagnosed. During the initial treatment process, only glucose saline injection was used to strengthen cardiac function and sustain the balance of body fluid. It was given in an enema with liquid paraffin, or drenched with magnesium sulfate and liquid paraffin. However, these treatments failed to cure the horses. One of the most seriously affected horses died the next morning. Then, analgin was injected i.m. and vitamin B1 was injected immediately into bilateral Guanyuanshu acupoints. At the same time, a decoction of Costus root‐Areca reed‐Rhubarb‐Mirabilite powder (CARMP) was given by gavage immediately. Liquorice root was decocted and then the decoction was fed mixed into the feed, at the dosage of 200–300 g per horse, s.i.d., for 3–5 days. One horse died before the integrated treatment but all others horses recovered. Two additional cases were cured with similar treatment.  相似文献   
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