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春优84是中国水稻研究所和浙江农科种业有限公司合作,用春江16A与C84组配而成的三系杂交粳稻新组合。该组合表现出茎秆粗壮、耐肥抗倒、穗大粒多、丰产性好,米质较优等特点。2013年通过浙江省农作物品种审定委员会审定,适宜在浙江省作单季晚稻种植。本文总结了该组合的生育特性及高产栽培技术要点。  相似文献   
Eighty stone fruit nurseries located in different regions of Poland were examined for the presence of crown gall affected plants. The disease was observed in 39 nurseries, and galls were sampled for bacterial isolation. Out of 1213 isolates, 409 were pre‐identified as Agrobacterium/Rhizobium spp. with 23S rDNA‐based multiplex PCR, and out of these, 315 were pathogenic when tested on sunflowers. Sequence analysis of three housekeeping genes (fusA, recA, rpoD) revealed that 366 strains belonged to Rhizobium rhizogenes, 23 to Agrobacterium tumefaciens species complex, and the rest of the strains were allocated to new phylogenetic lineages. Of these, the most numerous was the lineage allocated in the Pararhizobium genus. Positive results obtained from pathogenicity tests were generally in agreement with results obtained by PCR with primers complementary to T‐DNA except for two strains, which were positive for PCR but negative for the pathogenicity test. All detected Ti plasmids were nopaline‐type. Independent of their pathogenicity, 59% of tested strains were not sensitive to agrocin 84 in in vitro tests. Analysis of biochemical and physiological features distinguished 50 groups with different phenotypic profiles, but the tested traits were not consistent for strains classified to one taxon. This finding shows limited value of biochemical tests in identification procedures. The bacteria causing tumours were heterogeneous and strains classified to different taxa were found even in a single tumour.  相似文献   
春优84具有超高产潜力和良好的丰产稳产性,具有很大的推广价值。文章从工厂化育秧技术流程、大田管理和适时收获等方面介绍了春优84机插栽培技术。  相似文献   
为明确84%氯酯磺草胺水分散性粒剂(豆杰)对后茬作物的安全性,指导该药科学使用,2012年通过田间试验系统研究了84%氯酯磺草胺水分散性粒剂对玉米、向日葵、南瓜、西瓜、烟草等大豆后茬作物生长的影响,以出苗率、株高和鲜重作为指标对84%氯酯磺草胺水分散性粒剂的安全性进行评价。结果显示:84%氯酯磺草胺水分散性粒剂对5种后茬作物均存在药害,西瓜和烟草受害最为明显,施用氯酯磺草胺的土地翌年不宜种植西瓜和烟草。氯酯磺草胺对玉米、向日葵和南瓜在早期也有明显药害,但3种作物耐药性较好,在上年用药量低于63 g/hm2的地块种植3种后茬作物时,作物初期受害后期可完全恢复,但前提是降雨量必须充沛。  相似文献   
Nine Italian peach nurseries, which use Agrobacterium rhizogenes strain K84 to protect plants from crown gall, were monitored for three years with the aim of determining whether transconjugant populations may arise following plasmid exchanges between K84 and autochtonous soil agrobacteria. Six hundred and seventy-eight Agrobacterium isolates were obtained from 120 tumours developed on apricot and peach rootstocks that had been treated in pre-planting with the antagonist. Agrobacteria were characterized for pathogenicity, biovar, opine catabolism and agrocin 84 sensitivity. Colony hybridization was used for screening the isolates harbouring plasmids pTi and/or pAgK84. Analysis of plasmid content and Southern blotting were performed on putative transconjugant agrobacteria found in tumours collected from one nursery where a biological control breakdown was observed. The RFLP analysis of 16S + IGS regions showed that pAgK84 was transferred from the antagonist to virulent and avirulent soil agrobacteria belonging to different ribotypes. Pathogenic transconjugants, inoculated on GF677 rootstocks, were not controlled in vivo by K84 and stably maintained pTi and pAgK84 in the bacterial cells for at least one year. At the end of a biocontrol trial, new transconjugant tumorigenic agrobacteria originated by the transfer of pAgK84 to the pathogen. Virulent and avirulent transconjugants may represent a real threat for biological control by K84 strain since all of them produced agrocin and were insensitive to it. Survival in soil of these populations could make the future application of K84 ineffective.  相似文献   
【目的】克隆84K杨水杨酸结合蛋白2(Salicylic acid-binding protein 2,SABP2)基因并预测其功能。【方法】以生长至5片小叶的84K杨组培苗为材料,提取其叶和茎的总RNA。根据毛果杨SABP2基因(GenBank序列号:XM_002310718.2)的完整CDs序列,设计84K杨SABP2基因的引物,采用RT-PCR技术扩增84K杨SABP2基因全长,然后连接到pGM-T克隆载体,转化大肠杆菌TOP10感受态细胞,对84K杨SABP2基因进行克隆,获得该基因的全长序列。通过各种在线软件对84K杨SABP2基因及其编码的蛋白质进行生物信息学分析。【结果】84K杨基因的cDNA序列全长822bp,开放阅读框789bp,编码263个氨基酸。生物信息学分析表明,84K杨SABP2与毛白杨SABP2(GenBank序列号:JQ086570.1)的同源性最高,达98%;84K杨SABP2基因位于微体中;SABP2蛋白有11个蛋白质结合位点,属于α/β折叠水解酶家庭成员中的酯酶,为亲水性蛋白。【结论】成功克隆了84K杨的SABP2基因,其功能与前人对草本植物中SABP2部分功能的研究结果一致。  相似文献   
小麦品系天95HF2抗叶锈基因定位   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
周悦  李在峰  李星  王龙  张晔  刘大群 《作物学报》2010,36(8):1265-1269
苗期基因推导表明,小麦品系天95HF2高抗我国目前多数叶锈菌生理小种。为了确定这一品系所携带的抗病基因,以天95HF2和感病小麦品种郑州5389杂交,获得F1和F2代群体,用叶锈菌小种FHTT和PHTS分别对双亲及其杂交后代进行叶锈抗性鉴定并进行分子标记分析。结果表明,用叶锈菌小种FHTT接种F2代群体时呈现1对显性基因的抗感分离比例,经过亲本和抗感池间标记筛选以及F2代群体的标记检测,Lr1的STS标记WR003和位于5DL的SSR标记wmc443与该抗病基因连锁,遗传距离分别为2.9cM和3.1cM,根据抗性特点和染色体位置推断该基因可能为Lr1。用叶锈菌小种PHTS接种F2代群体时呈现2对基因的抗感分离,分子标记分析结果表明,其中一个基因为Lr1,另一个基因可能为LrZH84。  相似文献   
Strain K84 of Agrobacterium (formerly called A. radiobacter) has been a successful biocontrol agent of crown gall disease for almost 30 years all over the world. In spite of its demonstrated efficiency, the most important risk of failure when using strain K84 is the possibility of transfer of plasmid pAgK84 to pathogenic Agrobacterium strains. pAgK84 codifies production of and immunity to agrocin 84, the main factor involved in crown gall biocontrol by strain K84. Then, a second generation of strain K84 was obtained and the genetically engineered strain was called K1026. It contains a deletion in the transfer region of pAgK84. To date, a considerable number of studies have been performed to compare both strains in its ability to control crown gall, plasmid transfer, antibiotic production, root colonization and survival in the rhizosphere. The aim of this review is to discuss all this comparative available information which advises that strain K1026 should be used as a biopesticide to safeguard biocontrol of crown gall wherever strain K84 is employed.  相似文献   
随着电信网的不断优化和电信业务的不断发展,用户对接入网提出了新的更高的要求。本文介绍了84Mb/sSPDH光传输系统的基本思想、组成、应用及性能优势。  相似文献   
以84K杨为研究对象,通过建立叶片再生系统及卡那霉素敏感性试验,确立了稳定高效的基因转化受体系统。结果表明,以MS培养基为基本培养基,0.5~1.0mg/L6-BA+0.01~0.1mg/LNAA组合时,叶片出芽率不到50%,每叶平均生芽数5~6个;1.0~1.5mg/L6-BA+0.02mg/L2,4-D组合时,叶片出芽率达90%~100%,每叶平均生芽数约20个。用后者附加不同质量浓度梯度卡那霉素,确定叶片外植体芽诱导卡那霉素临界筛选质量浓度为20mg/L。利用对84K杨芽生根效果较好的培养基GMS+0.01mg/LNAA+0.25mg/LIBA,附加不同质量浓度梯度卡那霉素,筛选出芽生根卡那霉素临界质量浓度亦为20mg/L。  相似文献   
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