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根据抚顺市集中式饮用水源地的水质监测数据,对2006—2010年水源地的水质状况进行了评价,并对水源地水质污染趋势进行了分析。  相似文献   
为了探究饲用麦类作物生物量积累和营养品质动态变化规律,2016-2018年在华北平原的河北衡水测定了黑麦、冬性饲用小黑麦、冬小麦、粮饲兼用型小黑麦、燕麦、青稞和春性饲用小黑麦7类麦类作物从拔节期至蜡熟期的生长发育进程、生物量和营养成分含量动态变化。结果显示:黑麦、冬性饲用小黑麦、冬小麦和粮饲兼用型小黑麦一般在5月中下旬达到乳熟期,而燕麦、青稞和春性饲用小黑麦一般在6月上旬。7类麦类作物的平均生物量从拔节期的2.72×103 kg·hm-2增长到蜡熟期的10.19×103 kg·hm-2,其中冬性饲用小黑麦在各个生育期生物量均显著高于其他6类麦类作物(P<0.05),较其他6类麦类作物平均提高61.4%。7类麦类作物的粗蛋白含量随着生育期进程逐渐降低,淀粉含量逐渐升高,酸性洗涤纤维和中性洗涤纤维含量在开花期前逐渐升高,开花期后略有下降。采用Milk 2006综合评价7类麦类作物饲用品质显示,冬小麦从孕穗期后饲用品质优于其他6类麦类作物,吨干物质产奶量较其他6类麦类作物平均提高6.9%。综合生物量和饲用品质及生育期,冬性饲用小黑麦拔节期至蜡熟期hm2产奶量均显著高于其他6类麦类作物(P<0.05),较其他6类麦类作物平均提高46.3%,综合表现好,适于在华北平原大面积推广种植。  相似文献   
苜蓿新品系Dy-2006亲缘关系的SSR分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用SSR分子标记对苜蓿新品系Dy-2006等6个苜蓿品种(品系)亲缘关系进行了分析.8对SSR引物共扩增出128个位点,106个位点显多态性,多态位点比率82.81%;不同苜蓿品种(品系)SSR多态性百分率存在一定差异,在32.81%~45.31%之间.遗传相似度(F)和遗传距离(D)的变化分别范围在0.9062~0.9689和0.0326~0.0762.聚类分析结果显示,新品系Dy-2006与龙牧801亲缘关系相对较近,与阿尔冈金亲缘关系较远,并与其它供试品种存在一定差异,为一个相对独立的品系.  相似文献   
A method for precision sowing Eucalyptus seeds was needed at the Florida Division of Forestry's nursery. A way to do this is to coat cleaned seeds to form uniform pellets, which are easy to handle with mechanical equipment. The small volume of the seed lots to be pelleted in Florida restricted choice of commercial companies that could do the pelleting. Small volumes (50 to 125 ml) of Eucalyptus robusta Sm. seeds were successfully pelleted in-house with a coating of fine silica sand filler and two polyvinyl alcohol (P.V.A.) binders, and by two commercial companies—Germain's, Inc. and Hilleshog Seed Co., Ltd. Nursery performance of sand-P.V.A. and Hilleshog pellets was similar to that of uncoated seeds, although germination speed was slowed. The binder Gelvatol®,1 a coldwater soluble P.V.A., had advantages over Elvanol®, a cold-water insoluble binder. Plant yield of Germain's Filcoat® pellets was appreciably less than that of uncoated seeds, but the toughness of the Filcoat® pellets might be an advantage in some sowing situations. The Florida Division of Forestry routinely pellets seeds of several Eucalyptus species in a reciprocating-rotating pan using fine sand and Gelvatol®.  相似文献   
In the commercial egg industry the management practice of using feed withdrawal to induce a flock to molt has been under extreme scrutiny. This is because animal rights groups have voiced their concern about using this practice. Thus, about 5 yr ago, the United Egg Producers (UEP) commissioned 5 universities to conduct experiments to develop alternative molting programs that used nonwithdrawal feeding programs to molt laying hens. The studies conducted to date used techniques ranging from feeding hens without added salt in the diet to using readily available, low-cost feed ingredients to develop molt diets that are low in energy level and protein content. The results of these studies indicated that molting laying hens without feed withdrawal could be done successfully. Research at the University of Illinois found that feeding laying hens diets consisting of wheat middlings, soybean hulls, and corn (low protein and low energy) were successful in providing for acceptable postmolt egg production performance and economic benefit compared with using a standard feed withdrawal method. Therefore, after 5 yr of experimenting with nonwithdrawal molting methods done in several university settings, the egg industry has successfully adopted these methods of molting laying hens. In addition, based on the finding of these experiments, the UEP has revised their recommended molting guidelines to state that only nonwithdrawal molting methods will be permitted after January 1, 2006. Thus, these guidelines will apply to approximately 82% of the US egg industry.  相似文献   
杨小华  王翩翩  秦峰 《安徽农业科学》2011,39(20):12601-12602,12604
基于关键词分析原理和方法,以《维普信息资源系统》中《中文科技期刊数据库》为数据源,对1999~2001和2006~2008年《广西植物》论文关键词进行统计,比较分析了关键词数量及其对应论文分布,尤其是关键词偶数量及其对应学科分布,提供了该刊的文献学评价。  相似文献   
2006年江苏省审定通过的水稻新品种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006年江苏省第三十九次农作物品种审定会议召开,会议审定通过了16个水稻新品种。本文简介了16个水稻新品种的特征特性及产量表现。  相似文献   
2006年东海及部分黄海海域表面水温状况分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了2006年东海及部分黄海海域的表面温度状况。研究表明,不同的水团具有不同的温度年变化特点,大陆水系的均极差远大于多年平均水平,说明沿岸海域的表面温度年变化比常年更大,同时黑潮主干区的均极差也比多年平均值高,所以,无论是沿岸海域还是暖流区,2006年的表面温度变化都比常年剧烈。暖流中黑潮暖流、对马暖流以及黄海暖流总体状况与多年平均差不多;而台湾暖流则在2006年大部分时间中保持比多年平均略高的状态。沿岸海域中偏南的区域水温高于多年平均,偏北的区域则与常年差不多,特别是福建沿岸、浙江沿岸和长江口及邻近区域在春季出现了温度偏高的状况。此外,值得注意的是2006年秋季黄、东海区大部分海域的表面温度呈现比多年平均略偏高的状态。  相似文献   
Land degradation is not uniform, even in the same landscape, but nevertheless an overall consensus seems to grow on the fact that many areas are under way of rehabilitation. It is a debateable question whether the improving areas are improving because of interventions—or whether this has more to do with processes of innovation and adaptation. The international symposium ‘HighLand2006’ on land degradation and land rehabilitation, held in Mekelle (Ethiopia), from 21 to 25 September 2006, created a forum for those conducting research in East African Highlands as well as in similar regions around the globe to discuss findings. Tropical highlands (>1000 m a.s.l.) cover 4.5 million km2 with an average population density of 33 inhabitants km−2. Nearly all tropical highlands suffer from land degradation, especially medium to very high water erosion. Exchange of experiences during in-door sessions and excursions led to results which are condensed in this special issue. Studies presented tend to invalidate hypotheses on irreversibility of land degradation in tropical mountain areas. Circumstances are that in highly degraded environments, with high pressure on the land, no other alternatives are left open but to improve land husbandry; and that this is particularly successful in places where decision making processes at different levels in society give the highest priority to the implementation of soil and water conservation and other land rehabilitation, in situ and at catchment level.  相似文献   
辣椒钴60γ辐射突变体的筛选及利用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1994年用3个剂量(5.16、7.74、10.32 C/kg)的钴60γ射线处理辣椒品种兰州大羊角干种子,从辐射剂量为5.16 C/kg的处理中经过连续10 a 选择,选育出性状表现稳定的新突变系C14.以突变系C14为母本,自交系0430为父本配制杂交组合2006D2,熟性早,果实羊角形,果面有皱褶,果长26.0 cm,肉厚0.25 cm,单果质量50~55 g,果色绿,味辣,果实商品性好,品质优良,抗病毒病,耐疫病.前期产量和总产量分别为28 718.55 kg/hm2、64 351.95 kg/hm2,比对照陇椒2号分别增产2.2%、5.9%.适宜于北方保护地和露地栽培.  相似文献   
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