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Summary Stem thickness of the weed Solanum nigrum and the crop sugarbeet was determined with a He–Ne laser using a novel non‐destructive technique measuring stem shadow. Thereafter, the stems were cut close to the soil surface with a CO2 laser. Treatments were carried out on pot plants, grown in the greenhouse, at two different growth stages, and plant dry matter was measured 2–5 weeks after treatment. The relationship between plant dry weight and laser energy was analysed using two different non‐linear dose–response regression models; one model included stem thickness as a variable, the other did not. A binary model was also tested. The non‐linear model incorporating stem thickness described the data best, indicating that it would be possible to optimize laser cutting by measuring stem thickness before cutting. The general tendency was that more energy was needed the thicker the stem. Energy uses on a field scale are discussed.  相似文献   
Three field experiments were carried out in organically grown winter wheat in Denmark. The treatments were sowing time (normal or late sowing) and false seedbed, row width (12 and 24 cm) and weed control method [untreated; mechanical weed control (weed harrowing at 12 cm supplemented with inter‐row hoeing at 24 cm); and herbicide weed control]. Weed biomass in midsummer was greatest on plots sown at the normal sowing time (compared with delayed sowing) and was reduced by mechanical or chemical weed control (compared with untreated plots). Row width alone had no influence on weed biomass, but in the experiment with high weed pressure, the more intensive mechanical weed control used at a row width of 24 cm reduced weed biomass. Normal sowing time tended to give higher yields, but this was only statistically significant in one of the three experiments. Wide rows gave a yield decrease in the experiment with low weed pressure. The effect of weed control on yield was dependent on the weed pressure. At low weed pressure, mechanical weed control caused a yield decrease compared with untreated or herbicide treated. At intermediate weed levels there were no differences, whereas at high weed pressure, mechanical weed control and herbicide treatment caused a yield increase compared with untreated. False seedbeds were shown to contribute to a decrease in the soil seed reserve.  相似文献   
B Bukun 《Weed Research》2004,44(5):404-412
Field studies were conducted over 4 years in south‐eastern Turkey in 1999–2002 to establish the critical period for weed control (CPWC). This is the period in the crop growth cycle during which weeds must be controlled to prevent unacceptable yield losses. A quantitative series of treatments of both increasing duration of weed interference and of the weed‐free period were applied. The beginning and end of CPWC were based on 5% acceptable yield loss levels which were determined by fitting logistic and Gompertz equations to relative yield data representing increasing duration of weed interference and weed‐free period, estimated as growing degree days (GDD). Total weed dry weight increased with increasing time prior to weed removal. Cotton heights were reduced by prolonged delays in weed removal in all treatments in all 4 years. The beginning of CPWC ranged from 100 to 159 GDD, and the end from 1006 to 1174 GDD, depending on the weed species present and their densities. Practical implications of this study are that herbicides (pre‐emergence residual or post‐emergence), or other weed control methods should be used in Turkey to eliminate weeds from 1–2 weeks post‐crop emergence up to 11–12 weeks. Such an approach would keep yield loss levels below 5%.  相似文献   
【目的】转GAT和EPSPS双价基因抗草甘膦大豆‘GE-J16’是我国具有自主知识产权的抗除草剂材料,喷施草甘膦后,评价草甘膦对杂草防除、大豆安全和杂草发生的影响,为其将来商业化种植后的安全监测与杂草治理提供数据支持。【方法】除草效果:每小区以对角线5点取样法取5个0.25 m2样点并标记,施药后28 d调查禾本科和阔叶杂草株数,并剪取地上部分称取鲜重,计算株防效和鲜重防效。对大豆安全性:每小区以对角线5点取样法,每点随机取4株大豆并标记,在喷药当天、药后7、14、21及28 d调查大豆株高和复叶数,观察药害,收获前每小区取50株大豆调查结荚数及产量。杂草发生情况:每小区以对角线5点取样法取5个0.25 m2样点并标记(避开除草效果取样点),调查并记录每种杂草种类、株数,计算每种杂草相对多度。【结果】转基因大豆喷施900、1 800和3 600 g a.i./hm2草甘膦对禾本科杂草株防效2016年分别为84.30%、95.22%和83.62%,阔叶杂草株防效分别为49.80%、64.52%和61.93%,禾本科和阔叶杂草鲜重防效分别在95.36%和82.05%以上,2017年对禾本科...  相似文献   
为了比较4种助剂Silwet 806、红太阳A8、激健、安融乐对异丙隆防除菵草Beckmannia syzigachne的增效作用及机制,采用整株生物测定法测定4种助剂与异丙隆混用后对菵草的生物活性及对小麦的安全性;采用仪器分析法测定4种助剂对异丙隆药液的表面张力、叶面接触角、干燥时间和在叶面上的沉积量的影响.结果 表...  相似文献   
河北省冬小麦田杂草群落特征   总被引:3,自引:10,他引:3  
为了明确河北省冬小麦田杂草的群落组成和结构,采用倒置"W"取样法对河北省7个地区146块冬小麦田的杂草进行了调查和物种多样性测度。结果显示,河北省冬小麦田有61种杂草,隶属于21科53属,播娘蒿、打碗花、荠菜、麦瓶草和麦家公是河北省冬小麦田的优势杂草。保定地区麦田杂草群落的物种丰富度最大;沧州地区麦田杂草群落的Shannon-Wiener指数和Pielou指数最大;廊坊地区麦田杂草群落的Gleason指数、Shannon-Wiener指数和Pielou指数最小,优势草种比较突出。经聚类分析和主成分分析,河北省冬小麦田杂草群落分为3组:石家庄、保定、邢台和廊坊的麦田杂草群落中耐旱杂草的相对多度较高;沧州和衡水的麦田杂草群落中耐盐杂草的相对多度较高;邯郸的麦田杂草群落中喜湿杂草的相对多度较高。说明土壤的盐度和湿度是影响河北省冬小麦田杂草群落组成的主要生态因子。  相似文献   
Since varietal differences in allelopathy of crops against weeds were discovered in the 1970s, much research has documented the potential that allelopathic crops offer for integrated weed management with substantially reduced herbicide rates. Research groups worldwide have identified several crop species possessing potent allelopathic interference mediated by root exudation of allelochemicals. Rice, wheat, barley and sorghum have attracted most attention. Past research focused on germplasm screening for elite allelopathic cultivars and the identification of the allelochemicals involved. Based on this, traditional breeding efforts were initiated in rice and wheat to breed agronomically acceptable, weed-suppressive cultivars with improved allelopathic interference. Promising suppressive crosses are under investigation. Molecular approaches have elucidated the genetics of allelopathy by QTL mapping which associated the trait in rice and wheat with several chromosomes and suggested the involvement of several allelochemicals. Potentially important compounds that are constitutively secreted from roots have been identified in all crop species under investigation. Biosynthesis and exudation of these metabolites follow a distinct temporal pattern and can be induced by biotic and abiotic factors. The current state of knowledge suggests that allelopathy involves fluctuating mixtures of allelochemicals and their metabolites as regulated by genotype and developmental stage of the producing plant, environment, cultivation and signalling effects, as well as the chemical or microbial turnover of compounds in the rhizosphere. Functional genomics is being applied to identify genes involved in biosynthesis of several identified allelochemicals, providing the potential to improve allelopathy by molecular breeding. The dynamics of crop allelopathy, inducible processes and plant signalling is gaining growing attention; however, future research should also consider allelochemical release mechanisms, persistence, selectivity and modes of action, as well as consequences of improved crop allelopathy on plant physiology, the environment and management strategies. Creation of weed-suppressive cultivars with improved allelopathic interference is still a challenge, but traditional breeding or biotechnology should pave the way.  相似文献   
Kudzu (Pueraria lobata) is a noxious weed infesting some areas of the USA. Knowledge of its genetic variation in both native and invasive areas can lead to effective biological control measures. Inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) variations were studied in P. lobata and its four closely related congeneric species (P. edulis, P. montana, P. phaseoloides and P. thomsoni). ISSR results allowed a clear separation of these five species. For P. lobata, 108 plants from China and USA were analysed. The samples from the US were genetically closer to Chinese P. lobata populations than to other congeneric populations. High genetic differentiation was found for P. lobata, P. montana and P. thomsoni in Chinese samples. High genetic diversity and low population differentiation was found in P. lobata samples of the US. This supports the hypothesis of multiple introductions into the USA from different sources in Japan or China, followed by subsequent gene exchange and recombination.  相似文献   
为解决现有的田间杂草识别方法无法兼顾高准确率与实时性的问题,该研究提出了一种基于改进MobileViT网络的轻量化杂草识别方法。首先,该方法使用高效的MobileViT网络构建杂草特征提取网络,在保证特征提取能力的同时实现更少的模型参数量与计算量;其次,通过高效通道注意力机制加强下采样后特征图中的重要特征,进一步提升模型的特征提取能力;最后,特征提取网络中的MobileViT模块被用于同时学习局部语义信息和全局语义信息,仅通过少量模块的组合便能够准确地捕捉到不同类别杂草与作物间细微差异。为验证该方法的有效性,该研究以农田环境下采集的玉米幼苗及其4类伴生杂草图像为数据进行了模型训练,试验结果表明,该方法的识别准确率、精准度、召回率和F1分数分别为99.61%、99.60%、99.58%和99.59%,优于VGG-16、ResNet-50、DenseNet-161、MobileNetv2等常用卷积神经网络;同时,可视化结果表明该方法能够有效提取杂草图像中的关键特征,并抑制背景区域对识别结果的影响。该研究提出的方法能够精准、快速地区分出农田环境下形态相似的多种杂草与作物,可为智能除草设备中的杂草识别系统设计提供参考。  相似文献   
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