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介绍了日本大阪栽培葡萄采用棚架上盖薄膜、疏果、掐穗尖、叶面喷肥、喷赤霉素等方法取得了稳产优质的效果和通过农协切磋技艺及推销产品的经验。分析了南京葡萄栽培和采收中的问题。提出了控制产量、保证优质、修剪果穗,推迟采收、叶面喷肥、秋施基肥、推行棚架、加强冬管等一系列改进措施。  相似文献   
为提高贝贝南瓜的种植水平和种植效益,筛选适宜的整枝方式,以不整枝栽培为对照,研究了单蔓、双蔓、三蔓整枝方式对贝贝南瓜的品质及产量的影响。结果表明:采用双蔓整枝、三蔓整枝方式比对照分别提早采收4、3 d,叶片浓绿,长势较好,病虫害发生较少,第1雌花节位低,分别在7.3、7.4节,坐果率分别为97.00%、95.83%,果型大小均匀,平均单果质量分别为0.40、0.38 kg。双蔓整枝方式667 m2产量可达2 502.06 kg,三蔓整枝方式次之,为2 467.5 kg,分别较对照显著提高58.2%、44.1%。生产中建议贝贝南瓜选择双蔓整枝方式为最佳,可促进南瓜早熟,提高坐果率,降低畸形果率,提高产量;三蔓枝可备选。  相似文献   
李婷  张静  李万元  刘中华 《蔬菜》2021,(3):12-14
为提高风味甜瓜的产量,以"帅果7号"为试验材料,采用随机区组试验方法,设置单蔓整枝留1果、单蔓整枝留2果、双蔓整枝留2果3个处理,研究不同整枝及留果方式对风味甜瓜生长、产量和品质的影响.结果表明:风味甜瓜单蔓整枝留1果和双蔓整枝留2果效果均佳,果实大小适中,果形周正,果实含糖量以单蔓整枝留1果处理最佳,667 m2产量...  相似文献   
为探究湖州地区春季西瓜高产优质栽培技术,对小型西瓜的不同留瓜个数和中型西瓜的不同整枝方式进行了比较.结果表明:小型瓜单株留2个瓜,中心糖含量可达10.67%,667 m2产量达2419.2 t,既保证了西瓜的品质优良,又保证了生产效益;中型瓜可采用双蔓整枝,在保证产量和品质的同时,简化了田间操作,节约了土地.  相似文献   
农林间作导致间作花生区域光合有效辐射和花生产量的下降,而且花生产量与光合有效辐射呈极显著正相关,表明了光能竞争是导致农林间作花生产量下降的主要原因。2001年6月初剪枝后,5龄和9龄南酸枣间作系统花生相对光合有效辐射分别从5月份的79.2%和63.4%增加到88.7%和67.5%; 但随着南酸枣生长,5龄和9龄南酸枣间作系统中7月份的花生相对光合有效辐射又下降到80.8%和65.7%。2001年剪枝以后,5龄南酸枣和9龄南酸枣间作系统花生相对产量分别由2000年的64.1%和55.4%提高到68.2%和58.1%。这表明剪枝在短期内能在一定程度上减轻光能竞争,但仍然不能满足花生生长需要。  相似文献   
摘要:采用黄孢原毛平革菌处理不同粒度的玉米秸秆,测定了秸秆降解率、木质素降解率、有机质、总腐殖酸、H/F、羧基和酚羟基含量,探讨了秸秆处理过程中的腐解特征。结果表明,在秸秆腐解过程中,腐解物的质量、有机质、木质素含量逐渐降低,其分解率和分解时间与秸秆粒度具有相关性;H/F总体呈上升趋势,腐殖化程度升高;酚羟基含量逐渐降低,羧基含量逐渐升高。这些现象表明秸秆的腐解过程为氧化过程,酚羟基被氧化为羧基。  相似文献   
剪根稻苗移栽后叶鞘3H-同化物的运转分配特点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用3H同位素示踪方法研究了剪根稻苗移栽后叶鞘同化物的运转分配特点。结果表明,剪根处理稻苗各器官干重均低于对照,而3H-同化物的比活度却高于对照,标记后10d多数器官高出对照1倍左右,分蘖高2倍,新根高4倍。剪根处理发根节和新根的放射性总活度和3H-同化物的分配比例均高于对照,意味着其新根的发生更加依赖于主茎叶鞘物质输出。  相似文献   
[目的]分析广西大青山西南桦(Betulaalnoides)人工林藤本植物区系特点,为开展人工林藤本植物研究提供参考依据.[方法]通过野外样地调查和查阅相关文献资料,分析广西大青山西南桦人工林野生藤本植物区系的物种组成、生活型、攀援方式和地理分布类型.[结果]大青山西南桦林下共有野生藤本20科27属30种,其中双子叶藤本植物具有明显优势,占该群落藤本植物总种数的93.33%,蕨类藤本和裸子藤本较贫乏,均仅有1科1属1种;在科属构成中,单种科和单种属比较集中;木质藤本是大青山西南桦群落的优势藤本,占总种数的70.00%;藤本生活型以高位芽植物为主,占总种数的60.00%,其余各生活型所占比例均较小;攀援类藤本以缠绕类最多,占总种数的60.00%,其次是卷曲类,搭靠类和吸固类所占比例较小;分布区类型以热带地理成分为主.[结论]西南桦人工林林下藤本植物种类较多,生活型和地理分布类型较复杂,有较大的开发利用价值.  相似文献   
A pot and a field experiment were conducted to assess the effects of root/shoot ratio (R/S) on the water use efficiency (WUE) and grain yield of winter wheat. The R/S was regulated by pruning the roots during the stem elongation stage, resulting in reduced root systems of the plants. At the heading stage, the root dry weight of root-pruned plants was less than that of intact-root plants, but their R/S was similar to that of intact-root plants under both experimental conditions. After tiller pruning, the R/S of root-pruned plants was significantly lower than that of intact-root plants (p < 0.05). Root pruning reduced the rate of leaf transpiration and lowered the number of tillers per plant (p < 0.05) during the vegetative stage. As a result, root-pruned wheat showed reduced water use when compared to intact-root plants before heading (p < 0.05). At anthesis, there was no significant difference in transpiration between plants with intact roots and those with pruned roots in the pots. However, under field conditions, transpiration of root-pruned plants was significantly higher than that of intact-root plants at anthesis. Additionally, at anthesis root-pruned plants had a higher rate of leaf photosynthesis and lower rate of root respiration, which resulted in a significantly higher grain yield at maturity when compared to plants with intact roots. Under both experimental conditions, there were no significant differences in shoot dry weight per plant between root-pruned and intact-root plants grown in monoculture. When root-pruned plants were grown with intact-root plants, the root-pruned wheat was less productive and had a lower relative shoot dry weight (0.78 and 0.86, respectively) than the intact-root plants (1.24 and 1.16, respectively). These results suggest that plants with pruned roots had a lower ability to compete and to acquire and use the same resources in the mixture when compared with intact-root plants. Root pruning improved the WUE of winter wheat under both experimental conditions. This suggests that appropriate management for the root system/tillers in wheat crops can be used to increase grain yield and water use efficiency. Specifically, lowering the R/S improved the grain yield and WUE of winter wheat significantly by lowering its competitive ability and improving root efficiency. Therefore, drought-resistance breeding to improve the grain yield and WUE, at least for wheat, should be made by targeted selection of less competitive progeny with a small R/S for cultivation in arid and semiarid areas.  相似文献   
 The effects of Leucaena leucocephala and L. pallida prunings and cattle manure on maize nutrient uptake and yield were investigated in a hedgerow intercropping trial in the Ethiopian highlands. Hedgerow intercropping (also called alley cropping) is an agroforestry system in which trees are grown in dense hedges between alleys where short-cycle crops are grown. The hedges are pruned periodically during the cropping period and the prunings are added to the soil as green manure. For each leucaena species, the experiment had 16 treatments resulting from a factorial combination of four levels of leucaena leaf prunings (no prunings applied; first prunings applied; first and second prunings applied; first, second and third prunings applied), two levels of air-dried cattle manure (0 and 3 t dry matter ha–1) and two levels of N fertilizer (0 and 40 kg N ha–1 as urea). Uptake of N, P and K increased significantly with application of the three nutrient sources, but uptake of Ca and Mg either did not respond or decreased with application of prunings and manure. All the three factors increased maize grain and stover yields significantly, usually with no significant interactions between the factors. At least two applications of prunings were required to significantly increase nutrient uptake and maize yield. Maize in the row closest to the hedge did not respond to these nutrient inputs. It is concluded that hedgerow intercropping, with or without manure application, can increase crop yields moderately (to 2–3 t ha–1 maize grain yields) in the highlands, but P, Ca and Mg may have to be supplied from external sources if they are deficient in the soil. Additional N is still required for higher yields (>4 t ha–1 maize grain yields). However, quantification of the competition effects of the trees is also required to confirm these results. Received: 27 January 1997  相似文献   
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