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The prevalence of bovine mastitis has been reduced over the past 25 years due to the implementation of a five-point control plan aimed at reducing exposure, duration and transmission of intramammary infections by bacteria. This has markedly reduced the incidence of bovine mastitis caused by bacteria which show a contagious route of transmission, but has had little effect on the incidence of mastitis due to bacteria which infect the gland from an environmental reservoir. Streptococcus uberis is one such bacterium which is responsible for a significant proportion of clinical mastitis worldwide.The inadequacies of the current methods of mastitis control have led to the search for additional measures, particularly vaccines to prevent intramammary infection by this bacterium. Such an approach requires detailed knowledge of the pathogenesis of intramammary infection. Our understanding of this area has grown in recent years but a lack of information still hampers disease control. Both live vaccines and, recently, crude sub-unit vaccines have shown promise against bovine mastitis due to S. uberis. Vaccines against mastitis must, however, be able to control infection without the participation of a marked inflammatory response. This review provides an overview of the recent advances which have been made in our understanding of host-pathogen interactions which promote infection and disease and highlights areas for strategic research aimed at controlling this bacterial infection.  相似文献   
选择17头28日龄的CSFV和PRRSV抗体均为阴性的仔猪,于试验的第1天和第14天分别对其进行猪瘟耐热保护剂活疫苗(兔源)和高致病性猪繁殖与呼吸综合征Nsp2A1882—2241弱毒疫苗免疫。在免疫后的第28、42天采集外周血液,分析特异性抗体表达量和外周血T淋巴细胞表型的变化,评估猪瘟免疫对猪繁殖与呼吸综合征免疫的影响。结果显示,在CSF免疫后第28、42天,CSFV高抗组中的CD4^+、CD4^+/CD8^+、CD4^+CD8^+和CD4-CD8数目均比CSFV低抗组高,CD3^+和CD8^+细胞数量比CSFV低抗组低;PRRS高抗组中,CD4CD8-细胞含量高于PRRS低抗组;在CSF免疫后第28天,CSFV抗体产生较高(阳性比率为73.33%),PRRSV抗体产生较低(阳性比率仅为6.67%)。在CSF免疫后的第42天,CSF高抗组中PRRSV抗体阳性比率较CSF低抗组高8.33%。结果表明,CSFV特异性抗体产生高时能增加PRRSV特异性细胞免疫应答,增加CD4^+细胞、CD4^+CD8^+细胞数量,提高机体免疫水平。CD3+和CD4CD8-细胞应答作用值得重视。  相似文献   
A total of 70 sheep and 330 goats were selected randomly. All the animals were kept under same housing and management conditions. Serum samples were collected from all the animals and tested for the presence of antibodies against Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) virus using competitive ELISA (cELISA). All the animals were found negative showing percentage inhibition (PI) values <50. The animals were vaccinated against PPR with Nig/75/1 strain vaccine of PPR Serum samples were collected from randomly selected 12 sheep and 30 goats at 10, 30 and 45 days post-vaccination. The samples were subjected to cELISA to determine the presence of antibodies against PPRV. The samples with PI >50 were considered as sero-positive. The sheep found positive at 10, 30 and 45 days post-vaccination were 1(8.3%), 7(58.3%) and 12(100%) respectively. In case of goats 3(10.0%), 29(96.6%) and 27(90.0%) animals gave positive results at 10, 30 and 45 days post-vaccination respectively. Mean PI values in sheep at 10, 30 and 45 days post-vaccination were recorded as 37, 65 and 91 respectively, whereas in goats these values were 43, 78 and 86 respectively.  相似文献   
基因疫苗在畜禽传染病中的应用及前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了基因疫苗的免疫学特性、增强免疫效力策略以及在畜禽传染病领域中应用的最新动态,展望了其广阔的应用前景,并提出了基因疫苗在应用过程中产生的一系列有待于进一步解决的问题,从而为畜禽传染病的防制提供了新思路和新途径。  相似文献   
鸡传染性支气管炎病毒S1基因免疫对鸡的保护作用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
将鸡传染性支气管炎病毒肾型 T 株 S1 基因c D N A 连接于pc D N A3 的 Hind I I I与 Ba m H I位点之间构建含有 C M V 启动子及 B G Hpoly A 信号序列的鸡传染性支气管炎病毒 S1 蛋白真核表达质粒。实验证明, S P F 鸡肌注免疫后血清 Ig G 抗体逐渐升高,至第35 日龄左右达到高峰,攻毒后血清 Ig G 抗体先下降而后升高,血清 Ig G 抗体升高幅度不及 I B 油苗免疫组。质粒 D N A 免疫鸡攻毒后有40 % 的鸡可耐过强毒的攻击,说明 S1 基因在体内获得了表达并使鸡产生了一定的免疫力。  相似文献   
Aerosol administrations of RIT 4030 and other available vaccine strains have been carried out in SPF and in conventional chickens. The results indicate that the RIT 4030 and Ulster 2C strains are significantly less reactogenic than the LaSota and the Hitchner B1 strains.The RIT 4030 strain produces an immune response even when administered to chickens with maternal antibodies and induces a better protection to challenge than the Ulster 2C strain.The replication of the RIT 4030 strain in the respiratory tract will be discussed with respect to its attenuation and transmissibility.  相似文献   
Chicks and chickens maintained under commercial conditions were vaccinated against Newcastle Disease via drinking water. Prior and after different times of vaccination blood samples were drawn from different numbers of birds and checked for HI antibodies. The modes of distribution of the antibody titers within the random sample were assayed. The following results were obtained:
1. 1. On the basis of the distribution of the serum titers can be concluded whether the antibody level within a flock is increasing or decreasing.
◦ —A right steep asymmetry can be observed up to 20 days post vaccination.
◦ —In the phase of maximal antibody levels an almost symmetric distribution of the titers is present.
◦ —In later times (more than three weeks p. vacc.) the distribution shows a left steep asymmetry (Poisson distribution).
2. 2. A poisson distribution is also observable during the elimination of maternal antibodies of chicks until complete elimination.
3. 3. The mode of distribution of the HI titers in sera of day-old chicks correlates with the mode of distribution of the dams. Therefore, conclusions are possible from the status of the chicks to the dams and reverse.
4. 4. Factors which interfere with the mode of distribution are:
◦ —Two or more peaks after vaccination of chickens. This indicates an uneven immune response within the flock.
◦ —Distributions with several peaks may also occur if flocks are composed of day-old chicks from parent flocks with different levels of antibody titers.


Des poulets et des poussins maintenus dans un élevage conventionnel furent vaccinés contre la maladie de Newcastle par un vaccin administré dans l'eau de boisson. Avant et à différents temps après vaccination, des échantillons de sang furent prélevés sur un certain nombre de poussins et les anticorps inhibants de l'hémagglutination furent recherchés. Les modes de la distribution des titres en anticorps pour les échantillons pris au hasard furent recherchés. Les résultats suivants furent obtenus:
1. 1. Sur la base de la distribution des titres sériques, on peut conclure si le taux en anticorps à l'intérieur d'une population a augmenté ou diminué.
◦ —Une courbe asymétrique avec un pic déplacé vers la droite peut être observée 20 jours après la vaccination.
◦ —La phase correspondant au taux maximal en anticorps présente une distribution presque normale.
◦ —Plus tard, (au-delà de 3 semaines après la vaccination), la distribution apparaît asymétrique avec un déplacement vers la gauche (distribution de Poisson).
2. 2. Une distribution de Poisson peut aussi être observée au moment de l'élimination des anticorps d'origine maternelle chez des poussins jusqu'à complète élimination.
3. 3. Le mode de distribution des titres en anticorps inhibant l'hémagglutination dans des sérums de poussins d'un jour correspond au mode de distribution observé chez les mères. Des conclusions peuvent donc être faites à partir de l'état immunologique des poussins vis-à-vis des mères et viceversa.
4. 4. Les facteurs qui peuvent intervenir dans le mode de distribution sont:
◦ —Deux pics ou plus après la vaccination des poussins. Ceci indique qu'il existe une réponse immunitaire inégale dans la population.
◦ —Des distributions avec plusieurs pics peuvent être également observées si les populations sont composées de poussins de un jour provenant de populations parentales ayant des taux différents de titres en anticorps.
Keywords: Newcastle disease; vaccination NDVMots-clé: Maladie de Newcastle; vaccination Newcastle  相似文献   
牛结节性皮肤病(LSD)是《中华人民共和国进境动物检疫疫病名录》中的一类传染病,在新疆出现之后迅速在全国范围扩散,对我国的奶牛和肉牛养殖业造成严重经济损失。LSD主要通过在边境地区的动物贸易或虫媒活动传入未发生疫情的国家,疫苗接种被认为是防控 LSD疫情最有效的方法之一。各国根据本土疫情的传播情况,制定了不同的疫苗接种计划,目前用来预防LSD的疫苗主要为针对不同病原的减毒活疫苗。但是,在防控LSD的同时也造成了生物安全风险,导致重组疫苗样毒株引发的疫情从中亚向东亚迅速蔓延。只有将切断传播途径、保护易感动物和管控生物安全相结合,才能有效预防LSD疫情爆发,促进养殖业的繁荣发展。  相似文献   
副猪嗜血杆菌病研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
副猪嗜血杆菌为革兰氏阴性的条件性致病菌,常引起断奶前后仔猪以多发性浆膜炎、关节炎、呼吸困难、高热等临床特征的传染性疾病,给养猪业带来重大经济损失。文章综述了近年来副猪嗜血杆菌病的病原学,流行病学,致病机理,临床症状与病理变化,临床诊断和防治等方面的研究进展。  相似文献   
The objectives of this study were to determine the characteristics of a dog population, including their accessibility to vaccination and health care, in urban and semiurban areas of Gwagwalada, Abuja, Nigeria. Direct street counts and a house‐to‐house survey of city streets were performed. A total of 451 households were surveyed comprising 43.7% urban and 53.3% semiurban areas. A total of 848 owned dogs were identified, along with 3,115 corresponding humans. With a dog‐to‐human ratio of 1:3.7, the dog population in the study area was estimated as 103,758. A total of 396 dogs were counted on the streets with the greater proportion (74%) in semiurban areas. Most dogs in semiurban areas (77.3%) had no certificate confirming vaccination against rabies, compared to 47.2% in urban areas (p = .004). The majority of dogs in the urban (60.9%) and semiurban (82.0%) were free roaming. In the multivariable model, age, presence of a collar, region, sex, use and having ever visited a veterinarian were significantly associated with rabies vaccination. The majority (125/197, 63.5%) of respondents with higher education were willing to pay more for the healthcare needs of their dogs as opposed to those with a lower level of education (93/251, 37.1%, p = .001). The study revealed a high dog population density, vaccination coverage below WHO recommendation of 70% and generally reduced healthcare‐seeking behaviour among dog owners in Gwagwalada, Abuja, Nigeria.  相似文献   
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