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该研究优化了由包裹橡皮的金属小球、压电式加速度传感器、电荷放大器、光电式触发电路、数据采集卡和计算机等组成的西瓜声学特性测试系统。由所获取的声波信号幅值谱计算出声透过率,采用TQ软件中SMLR(逐步多元线性回归)函数选取6个特征频率:752、869、1001、4556、322、3950Hz,由其对应的声透过率值建立了西瓜品质检测的多元线性回归模型。对47个西瓜样本的试验数据分析表明:将敲击点和接收点分别放置在西瓜自然生长状态的中部对侧可获得最佳的测定模型,模型的校正相关系数R、校正均方根误差RMSEC和预测均方根误差RMSEP分别是0.80753、0.646和0.655。实现了西瓜糖度检测目的,为声学无损检测西瓜成熟度提供了参考。  相似文献   
Free-drainage or “open” substrate system used for vegetable production in greenhouses is associated with appreciable NO3 leaching losses and drainage volumes. Simulation models of crop N uptake, N leaching, water use and drainage of crops in these systems will be useful for crop and water resource management, and environmental assessment. This work (i) modified the TOMGRO model to simulate N uptake for tomato grown in greenhouses in SE Spain, (ii) modified the PrHo model to simulate transpiration of tomato grown in substrate and (iii) developed an aggregated model combining TOMGRO and PrHo to calculate N uptake concentrations and drainage NO3 concentration. The component models simulate NO3-N leached by subtracting simulated N uptake from measured applied N, and drainage by subtracting simulated transpiration from measured irrigation. Three tomato crops grown sequentially in free-draining rock wool in a plastic greenhouse were used for calibration and validation. Measured daily transpiration was determined by the water balance method from daily measurements of irrigation and drainage. Measured N uptake was determined by N balance, using data of volumes and of concentrations of NO3 and NH4+ in applied nutrient solution and drainage. Accuracy of the two modified component models and aggregated model was assessed by comparing simulated to measured values using linear regression analysis, comparison of slope and intercept values of regression equations, and root mean squared error (RMSE) values. For the three crops, the modified TOMGRO provided accurate simulations of cumulative crop N uptake, (RMSE = 6.4, 1.9 and 2.6% of total N uptake) and NO3-N leached (RMSE = 11.0, 10.3, and 6.1% of total NO3-N leached). The modified PrHo provided accurate simulation of cumulative transpiration (RMSE = 4.3, 1.7 and 2.4% of total transpiration) and cumulative drainage (RMSE = 13.8, 6.9, 7.4% of total drainage). For the four cumulative parameters, slopes and intercepts of the linear regressions were mostly not statistically significant (P < 0.05) from one and zero, respectively, and coefficient of determination (r2) values were 0.96-0.98. Simulated values of total drainage volumes for the three crops were +21, +1 and −13% of measured total drainage volumes. The aggregated TOMGRO-PrHo model generally provided accurate simulation of crop N uptake concentration after 30-40 days of transplanting, with an average RMSE of approximately 2 mmol L−1. Simulated values of average NO3 concentration in drainage, obtained with the aggregated model, were −7, +18 and +31% of measured values.  相似文献   
实验采用了狼山、芦花、仙居、北京油鸡和新扬州鸡5个品种的鸡蛋,蛋壳对波长0.6328μm激光的平均透射率为15%左右,当剂量为1J时,约有4.5×10~(17)个光子通过蛋壳,4×10~(17)个光子被蛋黄吸收。吸收的光子影响鸡蛋维生素成分及鸡胚发育。He-Ne激光照射还可提高孵化率8%。  相似文献   
对3个蕃茄品种种皮进行了激光透射率的测量为20%,剖半种子为11.8%。6328A红光照射8分钟,鲜果重增加10—13%。  相似文献   
利用分光计测量角度的精确性及人眼对弱光分辨灵敏的特点,提出了一种研究透明介质通光特性的方法和装置。结合光度计,对玻璃片的Rs及Rp值进行了测量,在有效测量范围内,相对误差小于8%。  相似文献   
Details of the design and testing of a system, capable of monitoring the spatial and temporal variation in the availability of photosynthetically active radiation for interculture, are outlined. The system consisted of an array of filtered selenium photovoltaic cells in specially built cosine corrected mounts. A data logger was used to record the output from these cells at preselected intervals in a form easily accessed by computer. The system was tested in a discontinous canopy of pear (var: Conference) and found to be satisfactory.  相似文献   
黑龙江省节能日光温室冬季光温特点的研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
通过对哈尔滨地区东农 98- 、98- 型节能日光温室冬季光温的系统观测 ,选择有关的光温指标对节能温室的光温分布进行了系统对比分析 ,指出了东农 98- 、98- 型日光节能温室在增光和增温效应上是很显著的 ,它能高效地利用高纬地区冬季的光温资源。进一步指出了提高日光节能温室增温效应所应攻克的难题 ,为 4 4°N以北的高寒地区冬季蔬菜生产安排提供了科学的依据。  相似文献   
油松作为我国北方地区典型的森林植被类型,研究辐射能量在其冠层中的分配、收支及传输,是构建森林冠层辐射传输模型和生态过程模型的理论基础,对阐明森林植被群落中能量流动和物质循环机理具有重要意义。基于贺兰山生态站油松林通量塔定位观测获取的上、下行长短波辐射、光合有效辐射(photosynthetically active radiation, PAR)以及气象数据,分析2021年4—9月不同天气和季节条件下油松林冠层的辐射能量截获及传输特征。结果表明:(1)晴天条件下太阳总辐射的日变化表现为光滑的“单峰”曲线,但多云条件下则呈现不规则的“多峰”曲线,且减弱48.3%的太阳总辐射能量到达冠层顶部。(2)太阳总辐射以下行短波辐射为主,晴天的上行短波辐射日变化虽也呈“单峰”形态,但仅占下行短波辐射的8.1%,上行和下行长波辐射随昼夜交替略有波动。(3)太阳短波辐射的季节动态特征表明,上行和下行短波辐射在6月最高,而上行和下行长波辐射在7月最高。(4)在冠层上方(25 m处)呈规则“单峰”形态的PAR日动态曲线,经过冠层截获和传输作用后,在冠层下方(7 m处)变为不规则曲线;PAR的透过率为32.2...  相似文献   
为了全面了解各种设施的透光率,探究设施内部光照度的变化规律,研究了不同时期不同设施内部光照度的日变化。研究结果表明,试验所用的5种设施均呈抛物线变化,从3月到5月各设施内部光照度逐渐增加;各设施透光率日变化较小,但随时间推移,玻璃温室的平均透光率略有增加,其他设施的平均透光率变化不大,各设施内部光照度大小顺序为:小拱棚>单膜棚>双膜棚、连栋温室>玻璃温室。  相似文献   
本研究对单坡面塑料日光温室结构进行了计算机模拟优化设计,并与生产上应用面积大的“琴弦式”日光温室进行采光性能比较。结果证明:优化结构日光温室在“冬至”节日,地面日辐射总量比对照日光温室提高14.0%,光透过率提高8.69%,光质成分及光分布也有改善。  相似文献   
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