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The overall objective of this work was to improve fruit quality, break alternate bearing and reduce hand thinning using fewer chemicals in fruit crops. A device was constructed for mechanical thinning, which consisted of three independent horizontal rotors with ropes and freely adjustable angles on a frame, mounted on a front three point hitch and powered by the tractor hydraulics. This can be adapted to any fruit tree trained as spindle, Solaxe, (tall) vertical axis or fruit wall (le mur fruitier) irrespective of rootstock employed. Rotor speed varied from 300 to 460?rpm at either 5 or 7.5?km/h tractor speed. Eight-year-old or twelve-old apple trees cvs. ‘Gala’ and ‘Golden Delicious’ were mechanically thinned in 2007 between pink bud and full bloom (flower bud stages 6–8 or F1–F2) near Bonn, Germany; non-thinned and hand-thinned apple trees of the same block and variety served as control. Mechanically thinned flowering branches showed a similar amount of ethylene efflux (0.4–0.6?ppm C<sub>2</sub>H<sub>4</sub>/branch) as non-thinned flower branches, preventing potentially unexpected subsequent fruit drop, except for those removed by the rotors. The impact of the horizontal rotors on the branches was from the upper side and removed excessive flowers right to the tree trunk <em>viz.</em> the centre of the tree canopy, where fruits of lesser quality are expected leaving 2–3 flowers per cluster. Leaf damage was less than??10%, even at the fast rotor speed of 420?rpm, which was associated with negligible wood injury. Mechanical thinning induced firmer and sweeter fruit, i.e. tastier apples with longer shelf life, relative to control fruit from non-thinned apple trees. The greatest efficacy in terms of final fruit quality in the grading/sorting was achieved by a rotor speed of 360?rpm attractor speed of 5?km/h: Fruit mass increased by up to 20?g and the proportion of fruit larger than 70–75?mm by 10–30% compared with the fruit from non-thinned trees. Mechanical thinning with this newly constructed device led to a 10–20% reduction in yield, but increased returns due to better fruit size and colouration in apple with the potential to overcome alternate bearing.  相似文献   
白蜡树属树种的园林应用探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前对城市环境的要求越来越高,而提高环境质量的诸因素中,搞好园林绿化是最直接最有效的措施。构成园林绿化的主要材料是园林植物,其主体是树木。作为1个城市,当然是园林树木品种越多,越能构成丰富多彩的园林空间。但是由于地域、气候、科技、经济与自然因素和人为因素的制约,园林树木品种的利用也受到了限制。园林树种的选择不仅要适合本土生长,还要形成地方特色和风格。  相似文献   
水稻抗白叶枯病近等基因系CBB30的培育及Xa30(t)的初步定位   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
 【目的】将普通野生稻资源Y238所携有的抗白叶枯病新基因Xa30(t)导入栽培稻JG30,培育近等基因系,进行分子标记定位,以便应用于育种实践。【方法】以感病籼稻品种JG30为轮回亲本,Y238为供体进行杂交、回交、自交培育近等基因系;以JG30/Y238的一个BC6F2代群体为定位群体,利用分离集团分析法(BSA),借助SSR、EST、STS等分子标记对Xa30(t)进行分子标记定位。【结果】成功培育了携有Xa30(t)基因的水稻抗白叶枯病近等基因系CBB30。从343个分子标记中筛选出4个能揭示抗感多态性的标记RM1341、V88、C189及03STS,用该4个标记对BC6F2代群体303个单株进行分子检测和连锁分析,结果表明上述4个标记均位于水稻第11染色体长臂,与Xa30(t)的遗传距离分别为11.4 cM、11.4 cM、4.4 cM及2.0 cM,且它们位于Xa30(t)基因的同一侧。【结论】通过构建近等基因系及分子标记检测找到4个与Xa30(t)基因连锁的标记RM1341、V88、C189及03STS,将Xa30(t)基因定位于水稻第11染色体长臂上。  相似文献   
蒙古牛肌肉生长抑制素基因编码序列检测分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
肌肉生长抑制素(myostatin)基因是影响骨骼肌生长和发育重要的候选基因。实验以2头双肌皮埃蒙特牛和30头蒙古牛基因组DNA为模板,针对牛myostatin基因设计了3对引物并扩增了3个外显子和部分5’调控区。对PCR扩增片段克隆、测序结果显示,2头皮埃蒙特牛均在编码序列938处发生G到A突变,使编码氨基酸由半胱氨酸变为酪氨酸,符合前人检测结果。首次在蒙古牛中发现在6个不同位点存在单核苷酸突变,其中3个无义突变,3个突变引起了编码氨基酸变化,反映了牛myostatin基因在进化过程中具有较高的突变性。  相似文献   
苏钰  程万  高霞飞  程刚 《安徽农业科学》2013,(20):8799-8801,8826
从葡萄酒和酿酒葡萄的理化指标入手,综合分析其对葡萄酒质量的影响。通过t检验、模糊聚类分析、相关性分析等多种方法,综合分析了评酒员对葡萄酒品尝评分的结果、葡萄和葡萄酒的理化指标以及葡萄和葡萄酒的芳香物质数据,建立了葡萄和葡萄酒的理化指标对葡萄以及葡萄酒质量的影响关系多元线性回归数学模型,运用SPSS、Matlab软件得出了酿酒葡萄和葡萄酒之间的理化关系。最终,建立起一个以葡萄和葡萄酒的理化指标来判断其质量等级的数学模型,为判断酿酒葡萄和葡萄酒质量提供一个相对完善的理化评判标准。  相似文献   
洞庭湖平原越冬稻虫捕食性天敌群落结构初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过系统调查研究并经室内鉴定,洞庭湖平原稻虫捕食性天敌越冬群落的物种组成,包括捕食性天敌昆虫4目10科20种和稻田蜘蛛8科16属21种,其中天敌昆虫优势种为稻红瓢虫,稻田蜘蛛优势种为拟水狼蛛和食虫沟瘤蛛。稻田异质性的高低是影响稻田越冬捕食性天敌群落物种组成及丰富度的一个重要因素。  相似文献   
1971~2009年阜康绿洲气候变化规律分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据阜康市气象站1971~2009年平均气温、降水量资料,运用线性趋势估计、小波分析、距平与累积距平、滑动t检验等方法,对阜康绿洲年平均气温和降水量变化趋势、周期特征、突变特征进行分析.结果表明:(1)1971~2009年,阜康年平均气温和降水量均呈波动式上升;年平均气温以0.44℃/10a的线性倾向率上升,其相关系数...  相似文献   
Anthropogen verursachte Stofffrachten haben seit Beginn der Industrialisierung zur Sedimentation und Anreicherung von Schwermetallen und Schadstoffen in der weitgehend naturbelassenen Flussaue der unteren Oder geführt. Für die Grünlandnutzung in diesem Bereich des heutigen Deutsch‐Polnischen Nationalpark ergeben sich folgerichtig Einschränkungen in Form des Verbots der Milchproduktion. Boden‐, Sediment‐ und Pflanzengehalte sind seit 1990 raumbezogen analysiert worden. Hohe Gehalte im Boden haben nicht zwangsläufig hohe Pflanzengehalte bewirkt, wohl aber war sichtbar, dass die Gehalte in Senkenarealen meist höher als auf den übrigen Flächen lagen. Überhöhte Gehalte in den Pflanzen im Sinne der deutschen Futtermittelverordnung traten vor allem bei Cadmium und Mangan auf. Extensive Weidehaltung mit Mutterkühen, Mast‐ und Jungrindern ist unter Ausgrenzung von Problembereichen möglich.  相似文献   
D—1菌株系从自然死亡的灯蛾虫尸分离的一株苏云金杆菌新菌株。经菌种鉴定与Bt.var.kurstaki相同,属血清Ⅲ型。其培养特性表现为:对培养基成分和培养温度适应范围较小,在温度28-30℃,培养基含固量为4.1-6.7%,C/N为5.7-6.2时发酵正常。32℃以上和浓培养基则影响其正常繁殖。这与HD-1菌株相吻合。对菜青虫、棉铃虫、玉米螟和松毛虫等4种昆虫毒力测定结果表明,D—1菌兼有H_5型青虫菌81—6和H_3型HD-1的杀虫特性。它对菜青虫和松毛虫的毒力与81—6相接近而高出HD—12.7—5.1倍。对棉铃虫和玉米螟的毒力则明显高于81—6也比HD—1强。  相似文献   
Hydroponically grown cucumber (Cucumis sativus) seedlings were inoculated with zoospores of 1 mycoparasitic (Pythium oligandrum) and 2 pathogenic (Pythium aphanidermatum and Pythium <img src="/content/u427t2701158v475/xxlarge8216.gif" alt="lsquo" align="BASELINE" BORDER="0">group F<img src="/content/u427t2701158v475/xxlarge8217.gif" alt="rsquo" align="BASELINE" BORDER="0">) Pythium spp. During the first 2 days after inoculation, all the Pythium spp. caused reduction in the root length. However, roots treated with Pythium oligandrum quickly reached the length of the control and on the 8th day, and for the rest of the experimental period, stimulation of root elongation was noted. Pythium oligandrum was not pathogenic on cucumber and no differences in the fresh weights of control and Pythium oligandrum inoculated plants were observed in the course of the experiment. Pythium <img src="/content/u427t2701158v475/xxlarge8216.gif" alt="lsquo" align="BASELINE" BORDER="0">group F<img src="/content/u427t2701158v475/xxlarge8217.gif" alt="rsquo" align="BASELINE" BORDER="0"> and Pythium aphanidermatum were pathogenic on cucumber seedlings, but their pathogenicities differed. Thus, while Pythium <img src="/content/u427t2701158v475/xxlarge8216.gif" alt="lsquo" align="BASELINE" BORDER="0">group F<img src="/content/u427t2701158v475/xxlarge8217.gif" alt="rsquo" align="BASELINE" BORDER="0"> had a constant, negative influence on root length and plant growth, measured as fresh weight, Pythium aphanidermatum caused generalized necroses of the root system, inhibiting consistently root elongation and plant growth and finally causing plant death. Moreover, the zoospores of 2 mycoparasitic species, Pythium oligandrum and Pythium periplocum, were not attracted to roots of cucumber and accumulated on the roots in very low numbers compared to those of the pathogenic species, Pythium aphanidermatum, which were strongly attracted and accumulated in large numbers. Finally, it was also found that Pythium oligandrum colonized the roots very poorly, while Pythium <img src="/content/u427t2701158v475/xxlarge8216.gif" alt="lsquo" align="BASELINE" BORDER="0">group F<img src="/content/u427t2701158v475/xxlarge8217.gif" alt="rsquo" align="BASELINE" BORDER="0"> and Pythium aphanidermatum were significantly better root colonizers. The significance of these findings is discussed in relation to the ecology of Pythium species and biocontrol.  相似文献   
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