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关超 《中国农学通报》2011,27(23):47-50
为探讨NPN(non protein nitrogen 非蛋白氮 简称NPN)补充料在奶牛养殖业中的作用,选取相关材料和方法进行研究。中国荷斯坦奶牛32头随机分为试验组和对照组,每组16头。试验组在精料中用NPN补充料取代一定数量的常规蛋白质补充料,对照组饲喂常规饲料,不添加NPN补充料。经过60天的试验,结果表明:试验组奶牛总产奶量16108 kg,比对照组的15289 kg增产819 kg,平均每头每日增产0.85 kg,以当地鲜奶时价2 元/kg计,计算出日增收1.7 元。再来计算饲料成本,在用NPN补充料替换出常规蛋白质补充料胡麻饼时,精饲料总成本降低544 元,即试验组比对照组饲料成本节省544 元,通过相关计算可得试验组平均每头每日节约饲料成本0.57 元。从而得出NPN补充料对奶牛产奶量及经济效益的影响结果,对其在生产中推广应用有指导作用。  相似文献   
不同型号酵母浸粉及补糖对异养微藻生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
微藻在FM802、FM902和FM760 3种不同型号的安琪酵母浸粉配制的培养基中进行异养生长,培养条件为28℃、200 r/min的摇床中进行暗培养,培养过程中补糖1次,每隔24 h取样20 mL进行分析检测。结果表明:补糖情况下,型号为FM802的酵母浸粉比FM902培养微藻的效果稍好,FM760培养效果稍差;补糖有利于微藻干物质重的增加;在pH值为4.2~5.5的培养基中,微藻仍能快速生长。  相似文献   
[目的]分析2001—2010年江苏省南通市通州区耕地占补的时空特征,初步探讨县级土地利用总体规划对耕地占补的管控效果,为进一步改进土地利用总体规划的编制与实施提供科学依据。[方法]以通州区2001和2010年2个时期的土地利用动态数据为基础,采用GIS空间分析方法,分析该区2001—2010年耕地时空变化。[结果](1)2001—2010年通州区耕地总面积由92 503.47hm2减少到72 466.52hm2,补充速度慢于占用速度,占用和补充的水田比例都较高。(2)耕地占用的主要去向是建设占用,96.80%是农村居民点占用,耕地补充的主要来源是建设用地,水域及其他农用地,其中农村居民点整理补充耕地的比例为71.67%。(3)耕地占用主要集中在通州区西北部和中部地区,耕地补充主要集中于研究区中部以及北部地区。(4)从空间规模与空间结构控制效果来看,通州区土地利用总体规划在2001—2010年对耕地占补的管控效果较差,对具体地类而言,对新增城镇工矿占用耕地的管控效果要优于农村居民点用地。[结论]2001—2010年通州区耕地总面积减少,其占用的主要去向和补充的主要来源均是建设用地,且呈现一定的空间分布规律,土地利用总体规划对耕地占补的管控效果较差。  相似文献   
报道中国植物志51卷(堇菜科,1991)尚未记录的10种堇菜属植物,它们是光萼堇菜、Viola yunnanfuensis W.Becker.杜氏堇菜Viola duclouxii W.Becker.暗色堇菜Viola pulla W.Becker.卵萼堇菜Viola gan-chouenensis W.Becker、荠叶堇菜Viola dentariaefolia Boissieu、法氏堇菜Viola forgesii Boissieu、梅氏堇菜Viola mairei Leveille、矮堇菜Viola perpusilla Boissieu、条纹堇菜Viola striatella Boissieu以及矛叶堇菜Viola belophylla Boissieu。所有标本及文献均引自英国邱园及爱丁堡植物园。  相似文献   
Reasons for performing study: Feed supplements are commonly used by owners to alleviate headshaking; however, randomised, controlled trials are required to assess their efficacy. Objective: To determine the efficacy of a feed supplement for alleviation of the clinical signs of headshaking using a randomised, blinded, placebo‐controlled trial. Methods: Using a crossover design, 44 horses previously diagnosed with chronic idiopathic headshaking received both the supplement and a matching placebo per os for 28 days with a washout period between of 14 days. Video recordings were taken at rest and exercise prior to the study and at the end of both periods of treatment. The degree of headshaking was assessed in a blinded, randomised manner by 2 veterinary surgeons. At the same time points, owners completed a questionnaire to assess the severity of headshaking signs. A Wilcoxon signed rank test was used to compare the scores while on supplement and placebo. Results: Using the video assessments, there was no significant difference between scores while on supplement compared with placebo (P = 0.7). Using the questionnaire responses, there was no significant difference between scores for any activity when the placebo and the supplement were compared with each other. However, owners reported significant improvement during all activities for both placebo and supplement compared with pretreatment scores. Conclusions and potential relevance: The supplement offered no benefit over a placebo in alleviating the clinical signs of headshaking. There appeared to be a significant proxy placebo effect when the outcome was based on subjective owner perception of clinical signs. This study demonstrated no beneficial effect of this supplement on the clinical signs of headshaking. The study did show a significant placebo effect, thereby highlighting the necessity of properly conducted, randomised controlled trials, with blinding, to assess true treatment effects in trials in animals.  相似文献   
本文研究了龙爪槐花和其所含的主要糖类对异色瓢虫成虫寿命的影响。室内用龙爪槐花饲养的异色瓢虫雌、雄成虫平均寿命分别为10.96和10.83 d,显著长于龙爪槐叶上成虫寿命(雌:3.98 d,雄:3.65 d);室外龙爪槐花序上生长的异色瓢虫成虫平均寿命(雌性:14.72 d,雄性:15.46 d)也显著高于枝条上的个体(雌:3.90 d,雄:3.82 d)。补充葡萄糖、果糖、蔗糖和麦芽糖4种糖液,能显著延长异色瓢虫成虫寿命。龙爪槐花含糖量较高的花粉与花蜜是异色瓢虫成虫的适宜食物、能维持其种群发生,是花期龙爪槐上虽没有蚜虫发生、但仍有高密度异色瓢虫成虫的主要原因。  相似文献   
To eliminate unnecessary feeding trials, a mechanistic model of sugarcane digestion was used in the search for suitable supplements to improve milk production. Milk production simulated by the model was compared with data observed in four feeding trials published in the tropical literature where crossbred dairy cows were fed sugarcane/urea diets with different types of supplements. The predicted effects of the supplements on the ruminal microbial population, concentrations of ammonia and volatile fatty acids were also compared with the published results in one experiment. The model indicated the nutrient most limiting milk production for the different feeding situations. The addtion of Leucaena to the basal sugarcane/urea improved the availability of amino acids and long-chain fatty acids, with energy becoming the limiting factor. Supplementation with rice bran increased the availability of energy and long-chain fatty acids, but amino acids then became the limiting factor. Supplementation with both Leucaena and rice bran further improved the milk yield, but availability of energy now limited milk production. Supplementation with Leucaena increased milk production more than supplementation with king grass. The main reason for this increase was increased amino acid absorption due to increased microbial outflow. In all feeding situations, the average difference between the predicted milk production and that observed experimentally was 0.57 kg/d (ranging from 0.08 to 1 kg/d).  相似文献   
东北农牧交错区与牧区畜牧业生产不同,其中一个重要的不同点就是农牧交错区具有多种农副产品,这些农副产品在枯草期成为家畜丰富的干物质来源。而这些农副产品由于所含蛋白、纤维、口感等存在很大差异,因而家畜对其有不同的采食行为。对10种东北农牧交错区枯草期最主要的补饲物进行家畜采食行为的试验,为家畜的日常补饲及管理提供参考资料。结果表明:绿豆秸秆、葵盘、葵叶、羊草、玉米叶为补饲物的首选。  相似文献   
本节对东北蕨类植物的4科6属10种2变种进行了补遗和订正,考证了名称及有关文献,讨论了所述分类群与其近亲分类群的区别特征。  相似文献   
以2000、2002、2004、2009年4个时期的TM影像为主要数据源,结合其他辅助资料,利用ArcGIS及其扩展模块patch analyst、ERDAS 9.2提取了4个时期的湿地景观格局及变化信息,选取斑块数(NumP)、平均斑块面积(MedPS)、平均形状指数(MSI)、周长面积比(MPAR)、平均斑块分形维数(MPFD)、面积加权平均斑块分形维数(AWMPFD)等景观格局指数分析南四湖湿地补水前后景观格局的变化特点及原因。研究表明:补水前,南四湖湿地景观破碎,湖水域及裸露滩地面积所占比例比较大,补水后,景观格局得到明显改善。南四湖湿地景观格局变化的驱动因素主要有人为活动的影响和国家补水工程的实施。  相似文献   
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