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典型农田根际土壤伯克霍尔德氏菌群落结构及其多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄瑞林  张娜  孙波  梁玉婷 《土壤学报》2020,57(4):975-985
在根际环境中伯克霍尔德氏菌(Burkholderiales)是一类重要的植物促生菌,其群落结构变化可能会影响植物的生长和发育。本研究针对伯克霍尔德氏菌目,采用特异性引物16S rRNA基因高通量测序技术,研究了田间条件下黑土、潮土和红壤中玉米根际伯克霍尔德氏菌群落结构及其对地上部作物生物量和产量的可能影响。结果表明:在三种土壤类型中,与未施肥相比,施肥对伯克霍尔德氏菌目的丰富度和多样性均没有显著影响。在伯克霍尔德氏菌的科水平主要检测到三类细菌,分别为草酸杆菌科(Oxalobacteraceae)、丛毛单胞菌科(Comamonadaceae)和伯克氏菌科(Burkholderiaceae),且草酸杆菌科是其中的优势菌。此外,施肥显著增加了有机质含量较低的潮土中马赛菌(Massilia spp.和Massilia sp. WG5)和伯克氏菌(Burkholderiaspp.)的相对丰度(P<0.05);增加了酸性红壤中草螺旋菌(Herbaspirillumsp.ZM319)的相对丰度,但降低了Noviherbaspirillum spp.的相对丰度(P<0.05);而在有机质含...  相似文献   
实验分别采用以Ca3(PO4)2或卵磷脂为唯一磷源的液体培养基接种真菌(F2),在25℃,180r/min条件下振荡培养132h,通过不同时间取样测定培养液的pH、速效磷含量、菌丝体重和菌体所吸收的磷含量,研究真菌F2的生长动态及解磷能力。结果表明:随着培养时间的延长,培养液pH逐渐降低,溶磷量逐渐增加,菌体重量增加;菌株的溶磷量、菌丝体重量与培养液的pH存在负相关关系;F2解无机磷(Ca3(PO4)2)的能力要强于解有机磷(卵磷脂)的能力;F2菌株在摇床培养108h时,菌丝体重量达到最大值,其解磷效果也最佳。  相似文献   
结合形态观察与16S rDNA序列测定对柠条根系内分离筛选得到的解磷细菌C9进行鉴定,Blast比对结果表明C9为泛菌(Pantoea vagans)。在无机磷液体培养基培养条件下,用钼锑抗比色法研究它的解磷能力。结果表明,随着时间的延长,培养液中速效磷含量逐渐增加到4.45mg/L,溶液pH可降至4.2。进一步利用实时荧光定量 PCR 检测柠条根系中、柠条根际土壤与柠条根围土壤中该细菌存在的相对基因拷贝数,结果发现该基因在3种样品中的数量为:柠条根系>柠条根际土壤>柠条根围土壤,表明泛菌解磷细菌能聚集生长在柠条根系内,随着与根系接触距离的增加而呈逐级递减趋势。  相似文献   
陈刚  姜霞 《农业环境保护》2010,(7):1283-1289
表面活性剂能够快速高效处理石油污染土壤,但由于所选用表面活性剂的类型和配比、土壤性质、污染物种类的差异,洗脱效果和作用原理不尽相同。通过研究复合表面活性剂SDS/Tw-80对石油烷烃的表观增溶和从受试土壤中的洗脱过程,探讨和阐释影响洗脱过程的各种因素。结果表明,复合表面活性剂对污染土壤中的石油烷烃洗脱效果较单一表面活性剂更好,且随复合表面活性剂SDS/Tw-80中的组分配合比例的增大而显著提高,同时能够降低胶束的成束浓度要求,扩大目标物在单位胶束内的容纳量,促使各目标长链烷烃进入胶束内部的趋势加大。复合表面活性剂的适用不仅能够改善胶束构成,且组分间表现出显著的协同作用,从而使在保证较高洗脱效率的同时能够大幅降低试剂用量,有效地克服土壤的吸附作用,把对土壤性状的影响降低,对土壤质量的恢复具有积极意义。  相似文献   
对分离自葛藤(Pueraria lobata L.)根际的一株高效溶磷细菌GTR15进行促生特性、主要生理生化指标测定和16S rDNA序列分析。结果表明,菌株GTR15的HD/CD值(溶磷圈直径HD,菌落直径CD)为2.22,28℃液体振荡培养7 d后对磷酸钙的溶解量为138.72 mg.L-1,分泌IAA(3-吲哚乙酸)及有机酸量分别为14.44 mg.L-1、46.00 mmol.L-1。菌株革兰氏染色为阴性,细胞短杆状;淀粉水解、吲哚、V-P(二乙酰试验)、苯丙氨酸脱氨酶、明胶液化及M-R(甲基红)试验呈阴性;柠檬酸盐、过氧化氢酶、硫化氢及硝酸盐还原等试验呈阳性,结合菌株16S rDNA序列分析结果,初步鉴定为肠杆菌(Enterobacter sp.)。该菌株在研制高效微生物磷肥接种剂方面可能具有较大潜力。  相似文献   
Two strains (derepressed-nitrogen fixing, Mac-27 and phosphate solubilizing, PS-21) of Azotobacter chroococcum were inoculated in fish culture ponds, singly and in combination with inorganic fertilizers (urea, single superphosphate–SSP). Physico-chemical parameters of pond waters, plankton production and fish biomass were studied. Inoculation of A. chroococcum (Mac-27) enhanced nitrogenase activity and rate of nitrogen fixation. A slight reduction in nitrogen fixation and nitrogenase activity was noticed when urea at 96 kg ha–1 y–1 was mixed with the biofertilizer (Mac-27). Inoculation of PS-21 enhanced phosphate solubilization, but Kjeldahl-nitrogen concentration values remained low in comparison with controls. On the other hand, inoculation of Azotobacter (either strain) enhanced the accumulation of ammonium-N, nitrite-N and nitrate-N. A significant (p < 0.05) reduction in dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration also took place when Azotobacter (both Mac-27 and PS-21) was inoculated in fish ponds. However, when used along with inorganic fertilizers, the reduction was not significant. The pH values were only slightly lowered when the phosphate-solubilizing strain (PS-21) of Azotobacter was inoculated. Inoculation of biofertilizer enhanced plankton production, net primary productivity and fish biomass. However, highest values in most of these parameters were noticed only in ponds that were treated with the higher doses of inorganic fertilizers (urea 192 kg and SSP 1500 kg ha–1 y–1). © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   
为获得高寒草甸根际土中优良溶磷菌资源,本研究从青海省高寒草甸根际土中筛选了4株溶磷菌,结合16S rRNA基因分析法确定其分类地位,并通过钼锑抗比色法和盆栽试验进行了溶磷与促生效果的研究。结果显示:4株溶磷菌均为假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas sp.),均可形成明显的溶磷圈。在无机磷液体培养基中培养7d后,4株菌株的磷增量在156.17~511.33μg·mL-1之间;溶磷过程中4株菌均分泌多种有机酸,总有机酸量在522.36~986.69mg·L-1之间;盆栽试验表明4株菌均能显著增加披碱草(Elymus dahuricus Turcz.)株高和地上部干重;菌株MXSC5,MXSC6和MQC13可使植株全氮、全磷含量增加,且4株菌株对土壤速效氮、速效磷含量也有正向影响。本研究结果将有助于进一步探究溶磷菌对植物的促生作用及微生物菌肥的开发利用。  相似文献   
Field and pot experiments showed that the P demand of wheat is highest in early stages of growth (up to 1.67 μg P per cm2 root surface and day). The needed orthophosphate ions H2PO4? and HPO42-move from soil to the root by diffusion. This process is controlled by the concentration gradient of the diffusible phosphate and the effective diffusion coefficient according to Pick's first law. Root excretions (rhizodeposition) are able to affect both characteristics. The water soluble portion of rhizodeposition contains more than 50% of up to 8 different sugars, 10–40% carboxylic acids and 10–15 amino acids and amides. The composition varies in dependence on the age of the root parts and on nutrition (Zea mays L., Brassica napus L., Pisum sativum L.). Diffusion experiments using small soil blocks showed that 50–75% of the root exudates were decomposed by respiration within 3 days. The rest was largely chemically converted. Originally present sugars disappeared. Due to the biosynthesis of different organic acids from the individual sugars the mobilisation of Ca3(PO4)2 by Pantoea agglomerans increased when the sugar mixture was derived from the rhizodeposition of P deficient plants with more pentoses instead of glucose and fructose (mainly effect of anions). In the rhizosphere therefore a mixture of rhizodeposition and its conversion products exists which affects the binding of phosphorus in soil and the P transport to the root. This should be considered both for the development of new soil extractants and for modelling the P supply to plants.  相似文献   
黑土区高效溶磷真菌筛选及其溶解磷矿粉效果的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
黑土区高效溶P真菌筛选及其溶解磷矿粉效果的试验结果表明 ,溶P真菌溶P效果高于溶P细菌 ,且其溶P性状稳定。曲霉菌“P39”、“P37”和青霉菌“P6 6”、“P1”溶P效果高于其他供试菌 ,菌株之间溶P活性与培养液pH值和有机酸含量间不存在必然相关性 ,推测不同菌株间溶P活性差异与菌株产生的有机酸种类和数量有关  相似文献   
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