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曹森  江彤  马超  江盼  雷霁卿  王瑞 《北方园艺》2021,(4):101-106
以"东红"猕猴桃为试材,通过采后用不同浓度(0、0.25、0.50、0.75μL·L-1)1-甲基环丙烯(1-methylcyclopropene,1-MCP)进行处理后,将果实至于(20.0±0.5)℃层析冷柜中对其进行货架期贮藏,研究"东红"猕猴桃果实品质的变化,以期为延长猕猴桃货架期品质提供参考依据。结果表明:0.75μL·L-11-MCP能够有效地抑制"东红"猕猴桃果实硬度、b*值、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性及过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性的下降;0.75μL·L-1及0.50μL·L-11-MCP均能够显著降低"东红"猕猴桃果实呼吸强度、乙烯生成速率和脂氧合酶(LOX)活性;0.25、0.50、0.75μL·L-11-MCP能够更好地推迟"东红"猕猴桃果实可溶性固形物含量的上升,而不同浓度1-MCP处理间对"东红"猕猴桃果实可滴定酸含量的作用效果无显著差异。综合比较,0.75μL·L-11-MCP能够更好地保持"东红"猕猴桃的货架期品质,其次为0.50μL·L-11-MCP。综合考虑"东红"猕猴桃货架期品质变化及成本,建议"东红"猕猴桃的1-MCP使用浓度为0.50~0.75μL·L-1。  相似文献   
采用加速破坏性实验模型,分别对经过脱氧包装、真空包装、普通包装的蓝莓月饼和未添加防腐剂的对照组蓝莓月饼进行保质期预测研究,并对储藏期间的基础营养指标进行探究,确定对蓝莓月饼品质保持效果较好的包装方式.结果 表明:在常温25℃、相对湿度60%条件下,脱氧包装组保质期最长,为63.00 d;空白对照组保质期最短,为31.50 d;真空包装组和普通包装组保质期分别为50.40 d和43.75 d;并且,真空包装和脱氧包装也能更好地防止蓝莓月饼水分含量增加,减少脂肪、总糖和蛋白质被消耗.结合感官评分结果,脱氧包装是保持蓝莓月饼储藏品质最好的一种包装方式.  相似文献   
水产品营养价值高,含有多种氨基酸、不饱和脂肪酸、矿物质等营养素而脂肪含量相对较低,深受人们喜爱,也是中国居民膳食指南中的重要组成部分。水产品中由于水分、蛋白质等成分含量丰富,极易在微生物和内源酶的作用下发生蛋白质、脂肪等的降解或氧化而腐败变质,从而缩短了货架期,降低了商业价值。气调包装保鲜技术是指通过使用高阻隔性能的复合包装材料,并调整食品贮藏环境中的气体组成来改善食品贮藏品质并延长货架期的技术,因其安全性高、保鲜效果好而被广泛应用于水产品保鲜领域中,本文总结了近几年气调包装复合其他保鲜技术(低温、紫外杀菌、臭氧处理、超高压处理、化学保鲜剂、生物保鲜剂)在水产品保鲜领域中的应用,旨在为气调包装在水产品保鲜中的进一步应用提供理论依据。已有的研究表明该复合技术能有效地降低水产品贮藏末期微生物总数、挥发性盐基氮、三甲胺、生物胺等指标,并维持较高的感官评分、水分含量、鲜度值,可有效延长水产品的货架期,未来可以从气调包装复合保鲜技术的抑菌机理、理化指标变化机理、包装材料及模式等方面展开深入研究。  相似文献   

The shelf-life of Spanish mackerel caught by line fishing in Northern Australian waters was evaluated. Spiked fish were stored in ice either headed and gutted or left uncut and subjected to sensory, nucleotide, pH, histamine and microbial analysts and the rigor pattern recorded. There was little difference between the two product forms. Rigor in uncut fish lasted for 14 ± 9.8 hours and in headed and gutted fish for 19.6 ± 16.3 hours. Spanish mackerel retained good sensory quality for up to 14 days. The bacterial load reached 105 cfu/g by 18 days. K values were low for most of the storage time, < 40%. Histamine levels did not develop more than 10 mg/kg during storage. The pH of Spanish mackerel did not change much even though bacterial levels become high.  相似文献   
为延长梭子蟹的保存期,以即死三疣梭子蟹为研究对象,以冷藏及冰藏为对照,研究冰温(272K)贮藏对梭子蟹品质的影响,并结合梭子蟹的理化指标变化和零级化学动力学模型与Arrhenius方程,建立梭子蟹货架期预测模型,对其剩余货架期进行预测。结果表明,冰温保鲜可有效缓解梭子蟹品质劣变,在贮藏过程中,总挥发性盐基氮(TVB-N)、菌落总数(TVC)及K值的变化速率均较冷藏、冰藏缓慢,货架期延长了1~2 d;建立的梭子蟹货架期预测模型具有较高的拟合精度,预测值和实测值之间的相对误差小于10%,表明该模型能够准确地预测梭子蟹在特定条件下的剩余货架期。本研究结果为冰温技术在梭子蟹保鲜中的应用及梭子蟹剩余货架期的预测提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
我国芒果产区因缺乏采后处理条件,致使芒果在货架期品质劣变严重。本文研究了在果实生长期喷施茉莉酸甲酯(MeJA)对‘红贵妃’芒果采后品质的影响。结果表明:与对照相比,5 mg/L的MeJA处理显著降低了芒果货架期的病情指数和发病率、延缓了果皮转黄、提高了果肉的TSS和Vc含量、降低了TA含量,使芒果在货架期保持较好的外观和营养品质。同时,MeJA处理抑制了采后炭疽病的发生,在货架前期降低了CAT和POD活性,提高了总酚、总黄酮、H2O2含量,在货架后期提高了CAT和POD活性,降低了H2O2含量。本研究表明,生长期MeJA处理使芒果保持较好货架期品质与其增强果实在货架期的抗病性有关。  相似文献   
朱秦  强胜 《中国生物防治》2004,20(2):122-126
将不同含水量的胶孢炭疽菌婆婆纳专化型菌株QZ 97a分生孢子粉置于4℃和室温下,密闭或开放贮存。结果表明,4℃下密闭贮藏6个月,分生孢子萌发率和芽管长度无明显降低,室温贮藏降低也不明显。贮藏10个月后,各种贮藏方式孢子的活力都显著下降。但以4℃、含水量4%、密闭贮藏孢子活力较为稳定,420d孢子萌发率为70 4%,芽管长度为贮藏60d时的43 2%。含水量9 6%、开放室温下贮藏的孢子粉活力下降最大。因此,温度和孢子粉含水量是影响孢子货架期的两个主要因素。分生孢子粉对温度有一定的耐受性,随温度增高,敏感性增强,60℃下分生孢子的活力下降显著,处理6min,孢子芽管长度较对照下降50%。  相似文献   
以"达赛莱克特"草莓为试材,研究1%壳聚糖处理的草莓果实在0℃低温贮藏7 d后20℃常温货架6 d期间的品质变化规律。结果表明:与对照(0.1%醋酸溶液处理)相比,壳聚糖处理降低了低温贮藏后期和货架期草莓果实的呼吸速率、花青素、类黄酮及酚类物质的含量,保持较高的果实硬度,显著减少了货架期草莓果实腐烂和霉菌的发生,对果实失重率和可溶性固形物含量无显著影响。表明1%壳聚糖处理可有效延缓草莓的采后衰老进程,延长果实的货架期。  相似文献   
Summary The effect of the fruit ripening mutants rin, gr, nor and Nr on storage life and pigmentation was investigated in homozygous material, in heterozygous F1 combinations between the mutants with the colour mutant hp and with the normal cv. Kewalo. Crosses with nor showed a 3-to 5-fold increase in storage life in comparison with the normal cv. or with hp. Maximum pigmentation of the fruits of crosses with nor was pale-red with vineripened fruit and pink with fruit harvested at the breaker stage and ripened on the shelf. The ripening inhibitory effect of rin in the different F1 combinations was less pronounced than that of nor, and the colour of the fruits was improved. Fruits of the F1 cross between rin and nor showed greatly improved storage life and developed pink or pale red colour. Most heterozygotes with hp showed improved pigmentation. Problems anticipated in utilizing ripening mutants in breeding for improved keeping quality are discussed.  相似文献   
Seventy-two accessions covering six varieties of Cucumis melo were characterized by using 35 morphological characters with emphasis on shelf-life, and the relationships between shelf-life and related characters was investigated. Principal component analysis (PCA) revealed that development period of plant and fruit, size of seed and fruit, shelf-life, stem hair, flesh juiciness, netting, abscission of peduncle, rapid yellowing of epidermis at maturity, Brix value, and color of flesh and epidermis etc. were the principal characters to discriminate melon accessions examined in the present study. According to the scatter diagram, vars. acidulusand makuwa, both of which belong to the Oriental melon, are closely related because of their short growth duration, small seed, thin pericarp and poor shelf-life, while American cantaloupe (var.reticulatus) and European cantaloupe (var. cantalupensis) are rather closely related due to their climacteric fruit with orange flesh, slipped peduncle and rapid yellowing of epidermis at maturity, which is closely related with their shelf-life. PCA also indicated that var. saccharinus was closer to var. inodorus than to the other varieties, due to their requirement of long period for development, large size of seed and fruit, and half- or non-slipped peduncle. Shelf-life of melon fruit was significantly correlated with the following characters: quality of flesh, size of seed and fruit, abscission of peduncle, development periods of plant and fruit, rapid yellowing of epidermis at maturity, Brix value and color of flesh and epidermis. Accessions with good shelf-life were mostly found in vars. saccharinus and inodorus. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
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