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In the oldest commercial wine district of Australia, the Hunter Valley, there is the threat of soil salinization because marine sediments underlie the area. To understand the risk requires information about the spatial distribution of soil properties. Electromagnetic (EM) induction instruments have been used to identify and map the spatial variation of average soil salinity to a certain depth. However, soils vary with depth dependent on soil forming factors. We collected data from a single‐frequency and multiple‐coil DUALEM‐421 along a toposequence. We inverted this data using EM4Soil software and evaluated the resultant 2‐dimensional model of true electrical conductivity (σ – mS/m) with depth against electrical conductivity of saturated soil pastes (ECp – dS/m). Using a fitted linear regression (LR) model calibration approach and by varying the forward model (cumulative function‐CF and full solution‐FS), inversion algorithm (S1 and S2), damping factor (λ) and number of arrays, we determined a suitable electromagnetic conductivity image (EMCI), which was optimal (R2 = 0.82) when using the full solution, S2, λ = 3.6 and all six coil arrays. We conducted an uncertainty analysis of the LR model used to estimate the electrical conductivity of the saturated soil‐paste extract (ECe – dS/m). Our interpretation based on estimates of ECe suggests the approach can identify differences in salinity, how these vary with parent material and how topography influences salt distribution. The results provide information leading to insights into how soil forming factors and agricultural practices influence salinity down a toposequence and how this can guide soil management practices.  相似文献   
Differences in gas exchange parameters i.e. carbon exchange rate (CER), transpiration (Tr), water vapor conductance (g) were investigated, under a controlled environment, in a semi-dwarf (SD) Triticum aestivum line, its tall (TL) near isoline and the Payne (PA) variety characterized by small leaves. The plants were maintained in: (a) optimal substrate moisture condition (CTR); (b) salinized by watering with a 0.12 m NaCl solution (SLT); (c) water stressed by withholding waterings during a period of six days (STR); (d) stressed and salinized during the same period and with the same saline solution (S + S). CER and Tr were negatively affected by the stresses; SLT and S + S treatments had a higher WUE compared to their respective controls CTR and STR.
SD line had a better performance in terms of CER and WUE, particularly when water and salt stresses interacted. Leaf anatomy and assimilation/internal CO2 concentration curves contributed to explaining the SD performance.  相似文献   
The effect of salinity on seed germination, plant yield parameters, and plant Na, Cl and K concentrations of chickpea and lentil varieties was studied. Results showed that in both crops percentage emergence was significantly reduced by increasing NaCl levels (0–8dSm?1). From the plant growth studies it was found that differences existed among chickpea and lentil varieties in their response to NaCl application. In chickpea, the variety Mariye showed the comparatively lowest germination percentage and the lowest seedling shoot dry weight in response to salinity and was also among the two varieties which had the lowest relative plant height, shoot and root dry weight and grain yield at maturity. Similarly, variety DZ-10-16-2, which was the second best in germination percentage and the highest in terms of seedling shoot dry weight, also had the highest relative plant height, shoot and root dry weights, and grain yield at maturity. In lentil, however, such relationships were less pronounced. Chloride concentration (mg g?1) in the plant parts at salt levels other than the control was about 2–5 times that of Na. K concentration in the plants was significantly reduced by increasing NaCl levels. Chickpea was generally more sensitive to NaCl salinity than lentil. While no seeds were produced at salinity levels beyond 2dSm?1 in chickpea (no seeds were produced at this salt level in the most sensitive variety, Mariye), most lentil varieties could produce some seeds up to the highest level of NaCl application. Overall, varieties R-186 (lentil) and Mariye (chickpea) were the most sensitive of all varieties. On the other hand, lentil variety NEL-2704 and chickpea variety DZ-10-16-2 gave comparatively higher mean relative shoot and root dry weights, and grain yield, thus showing some degree of superiority over the others. The observed variations among the varieties may be useful indications for screening varieties of both crops for salt tolerance.  相似文献   
Abstract. The repeated application of pig slurry to agricultural soils may result in an accumulation of salts and a risk of aquifer pollution due to nitrate leaching and salinization. Under Mediterranean conditions, a field experiment on a sandy loam soil (Typic Xerofluvent) was performed with maize (Zea mays) in 1998, 1999 and 2001 to study the effects of applying optimal (P1) and excessive rates (P3) of pig slurry on soil salinization, nitrate leaching and groundwater pollution. The rate of pig slurry was established considering the optimal N rate for maize in this soil (170, 162 and 176 kg N ha?1 for 1998, 1999 and 2001, respectively). Pig slurry treatments were compared to an optimal N rate supplied as urea (U) and a control treatment without N fertilizer (P0). The composition of the slurries showed great variability between years. Mean NO3? leaching losses from 1998 to 2001 were 329, 215, 173 and 78 kg N ha?1 for P3, P1, U and P0 treatments, respectively. The amount of total dissolved salts (TDS) added to the soil in slurry application between 1998 and 2001 was 2019 kg TDS ha?1 for the P1 treatment and 6058 kg TDS ha?1 for the P3 treatment. As a consequence, the electrical conductivity (EC) of the slurry‐treated soils was greater than that of the control soil. The EC correlated significantly with the sodium concentration of the soil solution. Over the entire experimental period, 2653, 2202 and 2110 kg Na ha?1 entered the aquifer from the P3, P1 and P0 treatments, respectively. The P3 treatment did not significantly increase grain production in 1999 and 2001 compared with that achieved with the optimal N rate treatment (P1). This behaviour shows the importance of establishing application guidelines for pig slurry that will reduce the risk of soil and groundwater pollution.  相似文献   
新疆盐碱地种植耐盐小麦土壤盐分的变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
新疆干旱区有大量盐碱地 ,很大程度上限制农业的可持续发展。盐碱的利用改良和水资源的高效利用的研究 ,面临巨大的挑战。盐碱地上种植耐盐小麦既有生产效益 ,又有改良土壤盐渍化作用。在传统灌溉管理下 ,当土壤原始盐分 2 .0 %时 ,在壤质土壤上种植耐盐小麦 1— 2年 0— 40cm土层盐分可降到 0 .8%。在粘壤土、壤土土质的土壤中 ,种植耐盐小麦 5年时 ,0— 1 0 0cm土层盐分可降到 0 .5 % ;种植 7年后 ,0— 1 0 0cm土层盐分降到 0 .2 %左右 ,且在以后种植条件下 ,土壤盐分趋于平衡状态 ,变化很小。种植耐盐小麦引起的盐分变化 ,灌溉水为主要作用 ,以至经多年种植 ,土壤表现为脱盐碱化现象。  相似文献   
分别构建种植美人蕉(Canna indica)、菖蒲(Acourus calamus)和千屈菜(Luthrum salicaria)的人工湿地,开展对低盐度养殖废水处理效果的模拟研究,设置进水中的C/N/P分别为50/10/1、25/5/1、25/5/2、25/5/3,盐度分别为0.5、1.0和2.0,水力停留时间分别为1 d、2 d、3 d和4 d,测定人工湿地对总氮、总磷和化学需氧量的去除率,出水中的氨氮、硝态氮、亚硝态氮和磷酸盐含量以及3种植物的生长状况。研究表明:当HRT=4 d,盐胁迫浓度为1,C/N/P为25/5/2(COD=50 mg/L,TN=5 mg/L,TP=4 mg/L)时,人工湿地装置TN、TP及COD去除率可达90%、97%和65%;不同植物的人工湿地系统中,美人蕉-人工湿地去除效果最佳,此时美人蕉体内叶绿素(SPAD值)、超氧化物歧化酶含量较高,丙二醛含量较低,分别为40.6、1 212U/g和2.45 nmol/g,氨基酸含量为1.82 %;盐胁迫浓度为1,C/N/P为25/5/2时,人工湿地内微生物群落结构得到优化,优势菌群为变形菌门(Proteobacteria),该菌门是污水处理中常见的功能性菌群。因此美人蕉-人工湿地能够处理低盐度养殖废水,能强化人工湿地处理效果,提高植物-微生物的协同去污和盐度耐受性,为滨海水体修复提供技术支撑。  相似文献   
【目的】新疆有着全中国最大面积的盐碱地和加工番茄的种植基地。在新疆开展两年试验以研究加工番茄在氮盐交互下生长、生理、产量和品质的变化规律,获得适宜新疆盐碱地种植加工番茄的合理施氮量和土壤盐分范围,为新疆扩大加工番茄种植面积和合理施氮提供科学的理论依据及技术途径。【方法】试验于2017和2018年在石河子大学现代节水灌溉兵团重点实验基地进行,以当地主栽品种3166为试验材料,2017年试验共设置4个土壤含盐量水平:1.5、4.0、7.0和10.0 g·kg-1及4个氮素水平:201、166、131和96 kg·hm-2,2018年在2017年的基础上去除10.0 g·kg-1的土壤含盐量,增加5.0 g·kg-1的土壤含盐量和不施氮量处理。试验测定和分析加工番茄的荧光叶绿素参数、产量和品质指标。【结果】在氮盐交互下,加工番茄荧光参数及产量等指标均呈现出复杂的变化规律。绝大多数的荧光参数及产量受土壤盐分的主导作用较氮素强,在同等氮素水平下,7.0 g·kg-1和10.0g·kg  相似文献   
焉耆盆地土壤盐渍化的光谱特征分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
土壤盐渍化是干旱区/半干旱区常见的一种土地退化现象,加强对土壤的盐渍化遥感调查和监测有利于盐渍土壤的改良和利用。高光谱波段众多、光谱信息丰富,在识别和定量演算盐渍土壤盐分含量上具有较大的优势。为了推进高光谱遥感数据在土壤盐渍化监测中的应用,本文以焉耆盆地部分地区为研究区域,通过野外调查以及实地测点,利用便携式光谱仪测量研究区域内不同盐渍程度的土壤光谱,分析土壤光谱曲线与土壤盐渍程度之间的关系,从而为今后的高光谱遥感的盐渍化监测打下基础。  相似文献   
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