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诸家在《论语》“先进”章的分歧体现于字词意义、句式结构、语句内涵等方面。细致考辨之后,清人刘宝楠《论语正义》之说,在上述三个方面皆最为可信。今人杨伯峻依其所作的翻译也甚为可取。然而,刘、杨之说确实存在与史实不合之处。不过,只要将其中的“先学习礼乐而后做官”与“先有了官位而后学习礼乐” 修正为“先学习礼乐而后有资格做官”与“先有资格做官而后学习礼乐”,即可圆满融通。  相似文献   
林辰松  刘畅  王磊 《北方园艺》2010,(12):121-122
为了使人们更加了解礼仪插花,从花材选择、造型设计以及色彩配置等方面介绍了礼仪插花设计原理。  相似文献   
本文从戴东原"群"欲"概念上溯先秦儒家礼义起源于饮食男女。饮食之道可以引喻个人与众人生命的安稳与否,男女婚配则可匹配天地五行之义,故所谓饮食男女,实又不仅仅止于饱食与性欲。儒家以血缘为基础,以两性生命之结合为开端,开展各种社群关系的价值,究其实则俱不离形体生命的繁衍;而价值观念的形成,也都不离血气心知合一的身体。自"欲"至"群",人类社会始简终大、始寡终众,儒家伦理价值观念由此而生。戴东原群、欲之论,与先秦儒典旧义有承继发展之关系。先秦儒者重视饮食男女之身体活动的道德价值提升与开展,东原则特别勾勒出一个  相似文献   
位于长江流域中游地区的湖南,其佛教造像的地域性与民族性特色非常突出。文章以明清时期湖南地区的佛教造像为研究对象,从造像形制、造像的组合与一般供设程式、佛装类型及纹饰的基本特征四个方面,分析其程式仪轨与传统的汉地佛教造像的不同之处,进而揭示出明清时期湖南的区域宗教文化现象。  相似文献   
A survey was conducted to obtain information about the use of forest products by rural women for sustaining food and financial security at household level in the Nigerian rainforest zone. Data analysis reveals that the rural women are heavily engaged in harvesting, processing and marketing of forest products; collection of forest products is a specialised activity based on acquired skills and an ecological knowledge of the forests; and collection of medicinal plants is shrewd in secrecy and involves the performance of rituals. Net income generated from natural forests by rural women in the study area varies from about N23,000 to N113,080 per household per season. Forest regeneration has received little attention from both the rural communities and government and this tends to undermine sustained use of the forests.  相似文献   
从<礼记>可以看出,中国古代家礼的实质就是将个人固定在家族的宗法关系之中,贯穿家礼的是亲亲、尊尊、长长、男女有别的等级思想,这种宗法等级观念对于维系整个社会的等级秩序有重要作用.家礼的各种仪式都有鲜明的政治意义,尤其是家礼的核心观念孝,与政治伦理忠是一致的,这也反映出古代家国同构的历史事实,齐家就可以治国.家礼培养的是孝父尊君的社会观念.  相似文献   
The economic impacts of the Green Revolution have been studied widely, but not its social-cultural effects on different farming communities. The adoption of high yielding varieties (HYVs) of rice changed the nature of rice farming in the two West Bengal villages of Padulara and Naigachi. The villages present an interesting contrast of socio-economic and cultural change due to the differences in the level of adoption of agricultural technologies. This study documents the social and cultural impacts of agricultural technology adoption, specifically the effect on rituals which guided the stages of traditional rice farming and communal life. Agricultural rituals are being modified to suit the processes of modern rice farming, while family rituals are holding strong. The study also shows the evolving nature of rituals as it reflects new found wealth, gender roles, and economic class in these villages.  相似文献   
李光地礼学在继承儒家礼学传统的基础上,主张顺应社会形势,合于人情,同时保存古礼精神,回归“缘情制礼”、“礼以义起”的礼学思维。李光地不仅阐发“礼义”,而且注重礼器之用,这表现在他的个人伦理道德修养上,也体现在他的社会教化活动中,由此真正将“天道性命”落到了实处。这样,李光地礼学兼顾了礼学的理论性和实践性,具有深远的历史影响和丰富的现实意义。  相似文献   
汉儒把"先进"和"后进"理解为一个历史文化概念,固然是毫无根据的臆说;刘宝楠将"先进于礼乐"解释为先学习礼乐而后做官,也有增字解经的弊病."先进"章实际上是一个完整的假设句,准确地表达了孔子对选拔政治人才的看法不论出身如何,在礼乐修养上人人平等."先进"后进"是一种假设的对比关系,而非事实的对比关系.  相似文献   
Abstract: In the process of migration, some traditions persist while others do not. The Yulan Festival, also known as the Ghost Festival, continues to be observed by different subethnic Chinese migrant groups in Hong Kong for a variety of reasons. Although the festival organisation accentuates subethnic distinctions, paradoxically it also enables different groups to integrate into the larger community. The activities articulate various meanings of ‘place’– as ‘ancestral place’ on the mainland where
the rituals are believed to originate, as the specific locality/neighbourhood in Hong Kong where the festival is held, and Hong Kong as a whole. This article, based on interviews with Chiu Chow and Hoklo participants, shows how they think of the different meanings of ‘place’, which in turn reflects the way they make sense of the process of migration.
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