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The infection process ofRhizoctonia solani AG-3 was studied on potato sprouts, cv. Bintje, in growth chamber trials at 15 °C. Initially hyphae ofR. solani grew predominantly in the longitudinal direction of the sprouts (runner hyphae). They tended to follow the junctions between epidermis cells as was observed by SEM. The hyphae formed side-branches mainly half-way of the subterranean parts of the sprouts. They branched several times with short swollen cells to form infection cushions. Lesions developed only underneath the infection cushions and were first observed five days after inoculation. The necrotic area was proportional to the area covered with infection cushions on the sprouts. Depth of the lesions could extend up to the vascular bundle. Sprouts were colonized only in healthy tissue in the epidermal layer underneath the infection cushion and in necrotic tissue. A few days after appearance of the lesions,R. solani formed brown, uninfective mycelium on and in the circumference of these lesions.Aldicarb did not influence any part of the infection process. Ethoprophos delayed the emergence of sprouts, but increased the number of sprouts per tuber. As soon as sprouts had emerged, growth was considerably promoted by ethoprophos. Ethoprophos delayed the appearance of lesions and reduced their size. Oxamyl showed the same effects to a smaller extent.As the size of lesions appears to be proportional to the size of the infection cushions, any agents that change the size of the infection cushions, such as pesticides or antagonists, may alter the severity of the disease.Samenvatting Het infectieproces vanRhizoctonia solani AG-3 werd bestudeerd op aardappelspruiten, cv. Bintje, in een klimaatcel bij 15C. Aanvankelijk groeide de schimmel met runnerhyfen voornamelijk in de lengterichting van de spruit. Via SEM kon waargenomen worden, dat de hyfen hierbij vooral over de begrenzingen van de epidermiscellen groeiden. Het mycelium vormde veel zijvertakkingen, bestaande uit iets gezwollen korte cellen, welke voornamelijk halverwege op het ondergrondse deel van de spruit gevormd werden. Een dichte massa van deze cellen vormde een infectiekussentje. Lesies, welke vanaf vijf dagen na inoculatie werden waargenomen, bevonden zich slechts onder spruitoppervlak bezet met infectiekussentjes. De lesiegrootte was recht evenredig met het spruitoppervlak dat bezet was met infectiekussentjes. De diepte van de lesies reikte tot aan de vaatbundels. De spruit werd alleen door de schimmel gekoloniseerd in gezond epidermisweefsel onder het infectiekussentje en in necrotisch weefsel. Enkele dagen na verschijning van lesies vormde R.solani bruin, niet infectieus, mycelium op en rondom de lesies.Aldicarb had geen effect op het infectieproces. Ethoprophos vertraagde de opkomst en verhoogde het aantal tot ontwikkeling gekomen spruiten per knol in gestoomd zand. Direct na opkomst had ethoprophos echter een sterk groeistimulerend effect. Ethoprophos vertraagde de lesievorming en reduceerde de lesiegrootte, vergeleken met onbehandelde planten. Oxamyl vertoonde deze effecten in geringere mate.Daar de lesiegrootte direct gecorreleerd blijkt met de grootte van het infectiekussentje, mag verwacht worden dat elke beïnvloeding van de ontwikkeling van het mycelium van R.solani, bijvoorbeeld door pesticiden of antagonisten, een verandering van de lesiegrootte ten gevolge heeft.  相似文献   
陈萍  王秀江 《齐鲁渔业》2006,23(4):17-18
以臭氧在大菱鲆亲鱼养殖回用水系统中的工程实例数据,分析臭氧在养殖水处理系统中的杀菌效果、脱除转化氨氮的效能。结果表明,臭氧在该工艺流程中杀菌率可达51.82%,对氨氮 亚硝酸氮的平均去除率达56.30%,这表明臭氧应用于工厂化养殖水处理中具有较好效果。  相似文献   
Here we report on the frequency of melanized fungal hyphae in 323 soils, covering different land use types. The proportion of total hyphae that was melanized averaged 61%. Arable fields with loamy sand, heathlands and city parks on sandy soils had the highest percentage of melanized hyphae. In addition to the frequency determinations, a microcosm study was performed on the role of melanized hyphae in two different ecosystems: an ex-arable field and a forest. Melanized hyphae appeared to be part of the active hyphae in the forest soil but not in the ex-arable soil. In conclusion, our results indicate that (1) melanized hyphae represent a large proportion of the total fungal biomass in soils and that (2) their function might differ between ecosystems.  相似文献   
In terrestrial ecosystems, plants are frequently in symbiosis with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) with mineral nutrients and photosynthesis carbon exchanges in between. This research sought to identify the effects of phosphorus (P) levels on the nitrogen (N) uptake via extraradical mycelium (ERM) and the mycorrhizal growth response (MGR) of maize plants within the AMF symbiosis. Pots were separated into root compartments and hyphae compartments (HCs) with two layers of a 30‐μm mesh membrane and an air gap in between, where only hyphae could pass through, to avoid both N diffusion and root growth effects. Maize plants were inoculated with Rhizophagus irregularis with different N fertilization in HCs under two different P fertilization levels. Our results indicated that a strong increase in MGR with low‐P fertilization. The same tendency was not observed with high‐P fertilization, although both had a large increase in P concentration as a potential source of growth in shoot tissue of mycorrhizal plants. Substantial effects (10.5% more N) were observed in the case of high‐P availability for the host plants from ERM fed with N, whereas under low‐P conditions ERM may prioritize P uptake rather than N uptake. The AM fungi increase the uptake of N and P, which are most limiting in the soil with fewer forces from soil resources. In addition, there was still more P accumulated than N due to the high N for ERM with high‐P supply. Low N in HCs corresponded with a lower colonization rate in roots but with high hyphae density in HCs; this result suggest that N and P availability might change the ratio of extraradical to intraradical hyphae length.  相似文献   
通过对马尾松摘梢与无摘梢造林成活率、胸径生长、高生长情况进行调查分析,结果表明:摘梢造林平均成活率比无摘梢高出28%,摘梢造林与无摘梢造林对马尾松的胸径、树高生长影响均无显著差异,坡位对马尾松的胸径、树高生长影响极显著差异。  相似文献   
采用室外现场实验和室内受控生态系统实验相结合的方法,研究了富营养化水体中浮游动物对藻类生长的控制作用。对浮游动物与藻类的计数与测量数据,利用SPSS统计软件进行了方差分析(LSD多重比较法)和相关性分析。实验结果显示,总磷含量比总氮含量对浮游动物生长的影响更大。浮游动物与藻类之间呈现显著或极显著相关关系,说明浮游动物群体,尤其甲壳类群体,在适当条件下对藻类群体以及其中的蓝藻有一定的控制作用。适当的鱼类密度下,浮游动物能够起有效的控藻作用,但鱼类密度过高会抑制该作用。底泥在生态系统中起重要作用,能够影响浮游动物对藻类的摄食力。  相似文献   
一种基于航空可见光图像的烟草数量统计方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统烟草(Nicotiana tabacum L.)数量清点工作主要依靠人工现场抽样的方式,这种方法费时、费力且统计误差较大。针对这一缺点,提出一种基于航空可见光图像处理的烟草数量统计方法。利用无人机所获取的高分辨率影像,采用K-means聚类方法对烟田图像进行图像分割分类,提取图像中绿色植物部分,提取颜色、面积、长宽比等简单特征对杂草进行预剔除,通过构建烟株与杂草样本库,利用灰度梯度共生矩阵,提取其灰度平均、梯度均方差、相关、惯性等4种特征参量,并基于BP神经网络算法进一步对杂草进行识别,剔除杂草,统计烟株,提取连通域数量,即为烟株数量。  相似文献   
基于白芥子畅达三焦化皮里膜外之痰,探讨白芥子"豁痰"功效在肿瘤疾病中的应用规律。皮里膜外为三焦组成部分,白芥子辛温利气豁痰,可畅通三焦水道,消结散滞。内服治疗肿瘤可温通豁痰消结节,畅达三焦化胸水,寓补于消安五脏;外敷可透皮散肿毒。参透其理,可更深入掌握白芥子"豁痰"治肿瘤的应用规律。  相似文献   
Green fluorescent protein (GFP)‐expressing transformants were used to investigate the effects of strobilurin fungicide azoxystrobin on Mycosphaerella graminicola infection. Azoxystrobin treatments (125 or 250 g AI ha?1) were applied at various stages of the infection process under controlled conditions. GFP transformants showed conserved in vitro sensitivity to azoxystrobin and pathogenicity. Azoxystrobin controlled over 90% of M graminicola infections when applied before or during penetration of the pathogen (15% of the incubation phase). Azoxystrobin also impaired the growth of intercellular hyphae in M graminicola post‐penetration infection stages when applied at up to 50% of the incubation phase. Incubating infections observed in treated leaves were viable, but their growth was impaired and they did not induce necrosis under controlled conditions. Reduction by half of azoxystrobin dosage had little or no effect on azoxystrobin efficiency in controlling M graminicola. The contribution of post‐penetration fungistatic effect to azoxystrobin curative properties toward M graminicola in a field situation is discussed. © 2001 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
国外木材工业企业的热能源自给技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文介绍了国外木材加工企业实现热能源自给的高效,节能除尘-供热系统。  相似文献   
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