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因山东省旱作灌溉区种植模式多样、技术模式不统一,规模化生产下的机械效能未能充分发挥,存在动力机械与机具配套比低、农机动力与资金浪费问题,在对小麦玉米周年轮作下全程机械化技术模式调研后,总结小麦玉米全程机械化技术路线,构建以作业成本最小为目标的农机装备优化配备模型。通过对平度市某小麦玉米种植合作社进行计算,作业成本较实际情况下降10.9%;总动力优化配备结果为23.712 kW,下降51.36%;农机配套比提高50%。研究结果可为山东省旱作灌溉区小麦玉米全程机械化技术模式优选、农机农艺深度融合、农业合作社的农机配备等方面提供技术参考。  相似文献   
饲料中黄曲霉毒素(AFB1)容易超标,检出率达80%~100%,毒性大,具强致癌性,可抑制生猪免疫机能,降低动物生产性能,引起动物继发感染,还会在动物产品中残留而威胁人类健康,给生猪养殖带来经济损失,降低猪肉食品安全性。本文通过使用先进固体发酵系统设备和益生菌发酵技术,采用单因素试验和响应面中试优化,获得发酵降解猪饲料AFB1的最佳工艺参数为硒浓度0.3 mg/kg,发酵时间12 h,量子波强度30 Hz,益生菌菌种组合CGMCC NO.17328混合CGMCC NO.15611。该工艺将猪饲料AFB1量从63.41μg/kg降解到2.98μg/kg,降解率达到95.30%,AFB1含量达到国家饲料安全标准。生产工艺适合养猪场低成本快速生产AFB1达标猪饲料。  相似文献   
以藏羊肉和蕨麻为主要原料进行新型复合型蕨麻佐餐藏羊肉酱的制作,在单因素试验基础上采用感官品评和正交试验分析,对复合酱配比、植物油添加量、藏羊肉添加量、蕨麻添加量以及复合酱添加量5个因素进行正交试验,依据感官评分表进行感官品评,确定蕨麻佐餐藏羊肉酱加工的最佳配方。结果表明,对蕨麻佐餐藏羊肉酱品质影响的因素依次为复合酱配比>复合酱添加量>植物油添加量>蕨麻添加量>藏羊肉添加量;并确定最终配方为植物油20.7%、羊肉17.2%、蕨麻3.4%、辣椒酱13.8%、甜面酱5.2%、花生酱5.2%、牛肉精膏0.3%、葱沫8.6%、蒜沫8.6%、盐1.0%、鸡精2.0%、味精1.7%、白糖3.1%、生姜粉0.3%、海天酱油3.1%、白芝麻1%、瓜子仁1%、辣椒粉3.4%。  相似文献   
用电沉积法制备Mo-W-Ni-Pb-Ca多元活性阴极,研究了在0.5mol/L H2SO4中的析氢反应,结果表明,多元阴极具有较高的电催化活性,其析氢过电位比软钢阴极降低305mV,i0提高三个数量级,且有较好的稳定性,并用光电子能谱研究了表面组成和结构。证实表面有:Ni,NiO,MoO2,MoO^2-4,WO3,PbO2,PbO,Ca^++等物质。  相似文献   
应用电子显微镜和X射线微分析技术,对貉受精过程和受精卵膜元素研究的结果表明,貉卵子的卵丘细胞具有吞噬和过滤功能;卵丘细胞间的精子顶体尚未发生囊泡化,而附着于透明带的精子发生了顶体反应,并以80°角穿入透明带,在其穿入的前方打开一个通道,最后穿过。穿过透明带的精子以赤道段或顶体后区同卵膜融合,并激发皮质颗粒释放,接着穿入卵内,最终发育成雌、雄原核。原核期受精卵质膜上具有高含量的钙,并呈集团分布,它在皮质颗粒胞吐释放中起着重要作用。  相似文献   
A study of the basic reaction in neutralization of virus (V) by virus-neutralizing antibody (VNA) was performed with infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus and serum collected from naturally and experimentally infected cattle after the primary immunization phase. In constant-virus/varying-serum neutralization tests a direct proportionality between VNA titer and length of preincubation was observed and found to be in accordance with basic laws of neutralization. A deviation from this direct proportionality, which was partly attributed to the presence of a dissociable V-VNA complex, was seen with relatively short preincubation. Expressing a relationship between VNA titer, length of preincubation, and virus dose under conditions where a dissociable V-VNA complex can be ignored, a log. VNA/log. V equivalence factor of neutralization was introduced. A linear relationship was found between VNA titer, taken logarithmically, and preincubation temperature. A rise in temperature by 10°C gave an increase in VNA titer of approx. 1.2 in log2. Formulae are presented for the neutralization rate factor corrected for a demonstrated invalidity of the percentage law, and for the relation between the neutralization rate factor and VNA titer. It is concluded that the results presented have elucidated the possibilities of improving the sensitivity of neutralization tests.  相似文献   
Seasonal distribution of phytoplasmas in Australian grapevines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The distribution and persistence of phytoplasmas were determined in Australian grapevines. Phytoplasmas could be detected using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) from shoots, cordons, trunks and roots throughout the year, and phytoplasmas appear to persistently infect Australian grapevines from year to year. Phytoplasmas were not always detected in samples from the same sampling area from one sampling period to the next. Phytoplasma detection by PCR was improved by sampling from shoots, cordons and trunks, especially during October (early spring). The diseases expressed by the 20 grapevines used in the distribution and persistence studies were monitored. Australian grapevine yellows disease (AGY) was expressed by 17/20 grapevines at some time during the study, whilst only 4/20 and 15/20 grapevines expressed restricted growth disease (RG) and late season leaf curl disease (LSLC), respectively. All grapevines with RG and LSLC also had AGY. The three diseases were persistently expressed in some grapevines and remission of disease was observed in others. The results of PCR detection in the same grapevines indicated that phytoplasmas were more frequently detected in AGY-affected grapevines that also expressed RG and LSLC compared with grapevines expressing AGY alone. Phytoplasmas were detected in symptomless plant material but less frequently compared with AGY-affected material.  相似文献   
华莎  韩鹏  刘亚刚 《四川畜牧兽医》2004,31(4):27-27,29
为建立奶牛淋巴细胞增殖反应MTT比色法,对试验条件进行了研究。应用L16(45)正交试验,对影响MTT比色法的四个主要因素,包括ConA浓度、细胞浓度、培养液小牛血清浓度及培养时间进行了比较和探索。试验表明几个因素对其增殖反应都有显著影响(P<0.05),且最佳反应条件为:15μg/mL的ConA、1×106/mL细胞浓度、10%小牛血清及60h的培养时间;影响增殖反应的先后顺序为细胞浓度、ConA浓度、培养时间及血清浓度。  相似文献   
Mariner转座子与小菜蛾抗性关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以抗溴氰菊酯、杀虫双、杀螟丹小菜蛾种群及其敏感品系为研究对象,借助聚合酶链式反应(PCR)、载体筛选、琼脂糖凝胶电泳等实验技术,检测了小菜蛾4个品系的Mariner转座子的存在及其与抗性的关系。结果表明,在抗溴氰菊酯、杀虫双、杀螟丹以及敏感品系的小菜蛾中都存在两种大约500 bp的Mariner转座子片断,初次证明在小菜蛾4个品系中均含有两种Mariner转座子,并发现一种新的转座子基因片断,但是没有发现Mariner转座子与抗性之间存在直接的联系。研究结果将为利用Mariner转座子标签法在小菜蛾中分离定位基因、转化外源基因、转基因昆虫防治害虫等研究提供理论基础。  相似文献   
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