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Germinating seeds and young plants of winter rape var. Górczañski were vernalized for 56–63 days under conditions of 9-hour day, at the temperature 2 and 5 °C and in continuous darkness at the temperature 2 °C. After vernalization the plants grew under conditions enabling to complete vernalization: in a glass-house at the temperature day/night 15/10 °C and in semi natural conditions of open vegetation hall in the period from June till August. After sub-optimal vernalization further growth of the plants at lowered temperature increased its effectiveness (completion of vernalization). Depending on the degree of the vernalization of the plants the completion of their vernalization was both obligatory, i.e. conditioning the acquisition of the ability of generative development, and facultative i.e. accelerating this development. It has been demonstrated that the population of plants of the examined variety is strongly differentiated not only with respect of vernalization requirements in the particular plants, but also what regards the effectiveness of vernalization completion. New observations have been made indicating that the mechanisms controlling the successive phases of generative development, i.e. phase of forming flower buds and the flowering phase are not identical which may be interpreted as indicating that the "flowering factor" is polymorphous.  相似文献   
In controlled environment experiments, sporulation of Pyrenopeziza brassicae was observed on leaves of oilseed rape inoculated with ascospores or conidia at temperatures from 8 to 20°C at all leaf wetness durations from 6 to 72 h, except after 6 h leaf wetness duration at 8°C. The shortest times from inoculation to first observed sporulation ( l 0), for both ascospore and conidial inoculum, were 11–12 days at 16°C after 48 h wetness duration. For both ascospore and conidial inoculum (48 h wetness duration), the number of conidia produced per cm2 leaf area with sporulation was seven to eight times less at 20°C than at 8, 12 or 16°C. Values of Gompertz parameters c (maximum percentage leaf area with sporulation), r (maximum rate of increase in percentage leaf area with sporulation) and l 37 (days from inoculation to 37% of maximum sporulation), estimated by fitting the equation to the observed data, were linearly related to values predicted by inserting temperature and wetness duration treatment values into existing equations. The observed data were fitted better by logistic equations than by Gompertz equations (which overestimated at low temperatures). For both ascospore and conidial inoculum, the latent period derived from the logistic equation (days from inoculation to 50% of maximum sporulation, l 50) of P. brassicae was generally shortest at 16°C, and increased as temperature increased to 20°C or decreased to 8°C. Minimum numbers of spores needed to produce sporulation on leaves were ≈25 ascospores per leaf and ≈700 conidia per leaf, at 16°C after 48 h leaf wetness duration.  相似文献   
不同复种油菜-轮作模式对马铃薯耗水特征及产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨马铃薯不同轮作系统复种饲用油菜对马铃薯耗水特征及产量的影响,2017年在长期大田定位试验基础上选取4个处理,即马铃薯连作(CK)、马铃薯-小麦复种油菜-马铃薯(WPRP)、马铃薯-豌豆复种油菜-马铃薯(PPRP)、小麦-豌豆复种油菜-马铃薯(WPPR),研究不同复种轮作模式对马铃薯耗水特性、水分利用效率和产量的影响。结果表明:马铃薯块茎增长期到收获期,CK 160~200 cm土壤水分含量和播前无差异,而WPRP、PPRP、WPPR 0~200 cm土壤各层含水量均大于播前,其中,块茎增长期到淀粉积累期,各层土壤平均含水量分别提高了43.02%、38.58%、24.63%,淀粉积累期到收获期,分别提高36.47%、33.63%和21.43%; 120~200 cm土壤各层含水量表现为:WPRP>PPRP>WPPR>CK。WPRP、PPRP、WPPR耗水深度和贮水量均大于CK,其中,块茎增长期到淀粉积累期,耗水深度较CK分别增加42.86%、42.86%、42.86%,土壤贮水量较CK分别增加10.36%、12.91%和8.49%;淀粉积累期到收获期,耗水深度较CK分别增加了25.00%、12.50%、12.50%,土壤贮水量分别增加了12.56%、6.78%和2.95%,且WPRP贮水量较CK显著提高12.56%。块茎形成期、块茎增长期和淀粉积累期,WPRP耗水量较CK分别减少了16.2%、25.2%和5.1%。WPRP、PPRP、WPPR较CK产量分别增加33.51%、40.05%、14.47%,WUE分别提高54.83%、52.32%、19.78%。综上,马铃薯轮作系统复种油菜增加了降雨入渗深度、土壤贮水量和耗水深度,降低了阶段性耗水量,提高了马铃薯产量和WUE。且马铃薯-小麦复种油菜-马铃薯为该地区较佳的轮作模式。  相似文献   
2003~2005年度在贵州省安顺市西秀区七眼桥镇用油研7号、油研10号、油研8号等进行油菜撒播高产、高效的轻型配套栽培技术试验示范,面积分别为3.41 hm2和100 hm2,平均单产分别达164.1 kg/667m2和133.2 kg/667m2。其中,2004年验收的10块地(测量面积合计0.685 hm2)的撒播油菜平均产量为158.9 kg/667m2,最高产量达210~230 kg/667m2;2005年验收各类田块19块(面积合计1.159 hm2),单产105~206.3 kg/667m2。除去人工(每个工按15元计)、牛工(每个工按30元计)、物资投入外,667m2纯收入达189.57元,单个劳动力的产值达35.83元,比同地育苗移栽分别高131.11元/667m2和17.83元/个,比当地传统的苦油菜(芥菜型)撒播栽培增收175.72元/667m2。  相似文献   
基于高光谱的冬油菜植株氮素积累量监测模型   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
为无损和定量研究高光谱技术在冬油菜植株氮素积累量(PNA,plant nitrogen accumulation)时空变化监测的适宜性及准确性,该文以两年田间氮肥水平试验为基础,采用单变量线性和非线性回归方法,建立基于特征光谱参数的冬油菜P NA高光谱估算模型。结果表明,采用比值光谱的方法可显著提高冬油菜冠层光谱反射率与PNA间的相关性,其最佳的波段组合为1 259 nm与492 nm处光谱反射率比值(R1259/R492),决定系数R2为0.85。高光谱参数间,以比值植被指数(RVI-5)、归一化光谱指数(NDSI)、线性内插法红边位置(REIP)、三角植被指数(TVI)、742 nm处一阶微分光谱值(FD742)和红边面积(SDR)等光谱参数与PNA相关性较好(平均R2和标准误SE分别为0.69和42.70),且以FD742表现最优(R2=0.79,SE=35.66)。精度分析结果显示,以光谱参数R1259/R492和FD742为自变量的指数方程模型作为高光谱监测油菜PNA的最佳模型,各生育期Noise Equivalent(NE)均较低且表现稳定,同时模型估测精度较高,R2分别为0.98和0.98,相对均方根误差RRMSE分别为0.73和0.72,相对误差MRE分别为14.42%和10.31%。该方法为快捷和精确评估冬油菜PNA提供了新的研究思路。  相似文献   
人工培养角倍蚜的生物学基础*   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
油菜联合收获机滚筒筛式复清装置设计与试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对油菜联合收获机脱粒分离作业后脱出物组分杂,籽粒细小不易分离,导致清选作业清洁率低、人工复清劳动强度大等问题,设计了一种挂接在粮箱上的模块化滚筒筛式复清装置。基于运动学与动力学分析了物料提升螺旋输送器和筛分装置的结构参数与运行参数范围;以滚筒筛式复清装置的损失率、清洁率及筛分效率为评价指标,以滚筒筛转速、筛网内助流螺旋叶片螺距和筛孔直径为影响因素,基于EDEM开展了三因素三水平正交试验,确定了最佳参数组合,并利用收获关键部件试验台开展了验证试验。仿真结果表明:当喂入量为0.6kg/s时,滚筒筛式复清装置的较优参数组合为筛孔直径5mm、滚筒筛转速105r/min、筛网内助流螺旋叶片螺距250mm,此时滚筒筛式复清装置损失率为0.92%、清洁率为98.96%、筛分效率为95.12%。台架验证试验表明,带有滚筒筛式复清装置的清选系统工作顺畅,在最佳参数组合条件下,滚筒筛式复清装置的损失率为0.96%、清洁率为98.67%、筛分效率为95.36%,对比未增加滚筒筛式复清装置前清洁率提升了4.38个百分点。研究可为油菜联合收获机清选装置结构改进和优化提供参考。  相似文献   
油菜基因工程研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近年来,油菜的遗传转化研究日趋成熟,用于转化的目的基因趋于多样化,如:品质改良、抗病、抗逆、不育基因等;较常用的筛选标记基因是新霉素磷酸转移酶基因(NPT II);目前油菜已建立了子叶、下胚轴、茎段、原生质体培养、小孢子培养的再生体系;用于油菜基因转化的方法根癌农杆菌介导法、基因枪法、PEG法、激光微束穿刺法、显微注射法等。本文主要对以上几个方面进行综述。  相似文献   
研究了不同茬口对土壤肥力的结果表明,豌豆茬好,小麦茬差,油菜茬居中。豌豆茬、油菜茬和休闲地肥力水平接近,产量无明显差异。豌豆茬、油菜茬后作产量高,有益微生物数量多,特别是固氮菌和纤维素分解菌占优势。休闲茬有效养分虽高,但却消耗了土壤潜在的肥力。  相似文献   
Summary In Hungary the bird cherry-oat aphid (Rhopalosiphum padi L.) is the most frequent aphid species in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Estimations of infestation by R. padi as well as measurements of grain yield and thousand-kernel mass were carried out in 26 winter wheat genotypes in conditions of naturally infested and not infested (protected) control plots. The experiment was performed in isolated conditions in two field cages covered by nets. The aphids overwintered on wheat and got into cage, extremely quickly multiplied, therefore there was no need to apply any artificial aphid infestation. Highly significant differences were demonstrated among genotypes in infestation severity of R. padi as well as in losses of grain yield and thousand-kernel mass. The most resistant variety GK Zombor had 25% infestation, and the most susceptible one GK Lili had 79.2%. The reduction of grain yield of the most tolerant genotypes (GK Korány, Downy, Mv 4, Jubilejnaja 50, Mv 8, GK Kincsö and GK Zombor) was 26–33%, and that of thousand-kernel mass was 23–30%. The most sensitive genotypes (GK Lili, GK Örzse, GK Koppány and Mv 13) suffered 58–63% losses in yield, and 40–50% in thousand-kernel mass. A close correlation was found between infestation of R. padi in different wheat genotypes and losses of grain yield (r=0.7572, P<0.001). Also there were tolerance differences among genotypes even within the same level of infestation. The reductions of thousand-kernel mass correlated very closely with the reductions of grain yield (r=0.9212, P<0.001), that makes screening possible by reductions of thousand-kernel mass. These results have found application in breeding. The leaf pubescence of the varieties studied did not generally influence the infestation by R. padi.  相似文献   
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