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为客观评价天津市农业绿色发展水平,本文从农业资源合理利用、产地环境、生态保护能力、人居环境治理和绿色生产能力五个方面建立指标体系,运用层次分析法对2010-2018年间天津市农业绿色发展水平开展评价.评价结果显示,天津市农业绿色发展指数由2010年的0.29提高到了2018年的0.94,增幅非常显著;2015年以来,有...  相似文献   
马铃薯在南美已有上万年的栽培驯化历史,然其在大陆间的传播仅发生在近代数百年间,海路是唯一可能的途径,但马铃薯引入中国的时间和途径却无定论。本文根据航海史料及最早发现大陆间特异物种的时间推测,马铃薯引进中国的时间可能为明永乐二十一年(1423年)郑和的第6次航海返回之时。根据典籍方志所载分析,马铃薯最初200年主要种植于北京,逐步成为皇宫珍肴。清朝时期于相互毗邻的乌蒙山区、武陵山区和秦巴山区广为栽培,是我国马铃薯最早的集中产区。  相似文献   
Vegetative propagation of Colutea istria Mill. from leafy stem cuttings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study investigates the optimal conditions for the vegetative propagation of the multipurpose leguminous shrub Colutea istria from leafy stem cuttings. The conditions examined included 1) the origin of the cutting (apical, medial or basal), 2) indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) treatment (0, 50, 200 or 400 mg/l), 3) the relative humidity of the propagation environment (high or low), 4) wounding base of cutting, and 5) the season in which the cutting was taken. The rooting ability of the cuttings was significantly influenced by all these factors. Winter cuttings obtained from the middle and base of the branch showed a greater rooting capacity than those harvested from the apical area, while autumn cuttings harvested from the middle and apical areas of the branch showed a greater rooting capacity than those harvested from the base. Winter cuttings showed the best rooting capacity than autumn cuttings. IBA treatment (200 mg/l), high humidity (98-100%), and wounding increased the rooting capacity of the cuttings. The sprout of new leaves was higher in basal cuttings, while IBA and wounding also significantly enhanced the root number of rooted cuttings. A method for vegetatively propagating C. istria plants is given.  相似文献   
论述了图书的形式是不断变化着的,其概念也必然是发展的。对待中国原始图书问题,要有历史发展的辩证眼光。从图书的实物载体、承载的信息内容和记录方式三个方面来考察图书原形,既不提倡图书概念的狭义论,也不支持其泛化论。对"河图"、"洛书"作为中国原始图书起源的流行说法也作出了评论。  相似文献   
Objective To examine whether sub-optimal temperature induced stress and immunosuppression in farmed saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) hatchlings. Design A clinico-pathological study. Animals A total of 140 hatchlings were used. Procedure Body weight and length, plasma corticosterone and immunoglobulin concentrations and total and differential white blood cell counts were measured in 140 hatchlings from five clutches divided between five water temperature treatment groups. Initially all groups were housed at 32°C for 10 weeks, then two groups (L, LC) were changed to low temperature (28°C) and two groups (H, HC) to high temperature (36°C), while one group (C) remained at 32°C. The LC and HC groups were maintained at these temperatures for 10 days, after which the water temperature of both groups was returned to 32°C. Blood samples were collected twice (at 6 and 9 weeks of age) before the initial temperature change, and at 10 days and 4 weeks after the initial temperature change (at 11.5 and 14 weeks of age). Results Except for an increase in plasma corticosterone in the HC group and a decrease in the L group when the temperature change was first introduced, changes in plasma corticosterone were not significant. There were no significant changes in immunoglobulin concentrations. There were, however, significant decreases in the total white cell and lymphocyte counts in the LC group after the temperature was decreased to 28°C, and an increase in these counts after water temperature was returned to 32°C. Clutch of origin had significant effects on body weight and length gains, and there were negative relationships between body weight and corticosterone concentrations and between body weight and immunoglobulin concentrations. Conclusions As haematological changes indicative of stress were not associated with significant changes in serum corticosterone, immunosuppression in young crocodiles may be independent of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal cortical axis.  相似文献   
研究旨在通过基于RFID技术的动物标识及疫病可追溯体系的建立,提供可靠真实的相关信息,帮助国家对重大动物疫病防控和动物产品安全问题进行有效追踪、溯源并及时解决。在介绍RF1D技术原理及其主要特点的同时,提出了RFID技术在动物的饲养和屠宰中的应用设想,并对RFID在动物标识及疫病可追溯体系中的技术应用进行了展望。  相似文献   
抗球虫药物在畜禽业应用广泛,可预防治疗球虫病,提高家禽饲料转化率,提升肉品质.但是,随即会出现饲料交叉污染,对非目标动物产生毒性作用,动物性食品中药物残留超标等问题.因此,建立简便、快速、灵敏度高的检测方法检测动物源性食品中的抗球虫药物残留极为重要.基于抗原-抗体特异性结合原理的免疫分析检测技术能够完成快速检测,高通量...  相似文献   
农产品追溯标识双向转换设备研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
条码、RFID等已成为追溯系统中产品标识的重要手段,实现不同标识间的快速转换已成为追溯环节无缝衔接的基础。在分析现有追溯系统标识特点的基础上,设计了集成工业控制器、RFID读写模块、嵌入式打印模块、条码扫描模块的农产品追溯标识双向转换设备,突破了RFID-条码转换中的二维条码动态加密技术,构建了条码-RFID转换中的控制流程,实现了标识读取、双向转换、标识打印、状态监测等功能。利用设计的设备进行了不同转换内容和转换数量下的双向测试,结果表明在RFID-条码的转换中转换成功率均达到了100%;在条码-RFID的转换中随着转换数量的增加、转换内容的增多,转换成功率存在下降趋势。2种转换方式下,转换时间均随转换数量和转换内容增多存在增加趋势。设备可满足加工包装过程中不同包装载体标识跟踪与信息记录的需求。  相似文献   
基于现代信息技术的蔬菜安全预警与追溯平台建设   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
【目的】借助现代信息技术,实现蔬菜从生产到销售整个环节质量安全的预警与追溯。【方法】以蔬菜为研究对象,以国家蔬菜生产基地--寿光市为示范区,围绕寿光市蔬菜质量安全监管和溯源管理的信息化需求,采用WebGIS、物联网、条码识别、数据库等多种现代信息技术,研究蔬菜物流数据的采集和存储形式,并探索蔬菜质量安全预警与追溯平台的建设。【结果】结合物联网数据采集技术,采用SQLServer2008作为前台建立了一套属性数据库,包括产地蔬菜数据、蔬菜加工环节数据、蔬菜运输环节数据、蔬菜销售环节数据等。利用GIS功能制作了一套蔬菜质量安全相关空间数据,包括山东省道路图、寿光市采样点图、寿光市土壤养分图等。在此基础上,建立了一套切实有效的蔬菜质量安全预警与追溯平台。平台设计结合各种信息技术及寿光市蔬菜安全生产业务的需要,同时充分考虑数据的保密性和用户的需求,将平台划分为四大模块:数据查询、蔬菜质量安全预警、蔬菜质量安全追溯、辅助工具。实现的功能主要包括:蔬菜信息录入编辑,蔬菜产品信息及运送信息查询、地理坐标查询,实时预警,蔬菜质量安全追溯,蔬菜空间立体信息展示,蔬菜物流运输路径优化,蔬菜产地土壤养分统计,蔬菜产地土壤养分插值,网络视频监控等。其中实时预警功能利用物联网实时获取数据的特点,将采集的坐标、温度、湿度、时间等信息传送到平台服务器,该平台对蔬菜的温度、湿度、保质期等进行实时监测、预警,确保蔬菜的质量安全;蔬菜质量安全追溯功能根据蔬菜条形码和记载的物流坐标,在地图上对物流配送路径进行追溯;路径分析功能可以根据蔬菜运输的出发地和目的地进行路径的最优设计;蔬菜空间立体信息展示功能可以实现从土壤到地面再到大气的整个垂直面的立体化展示,是空间、时间不同节点信息数据的立体化集成。【结论】本研究充分利用GIS技术更形象地展示了蔬菜从开始种植到最后销售所有环节的信息,对蔬菜质量安全管理的提升有很大的帮助,一定程度上对政府相关部门监管蔬菜安全起到了很好的辅助决策功能。  相似文献   
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