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Rainbow trout were fed either a diet containing fishmeal (FM) as the crude protein source or a diet containing 50% replacement with soybean meal (SBM) for 16 weeks. An enteritis-like effect was observed in the SBM group; villi, enterocytes and microvilli were noticeably damaged compared with the FM group. The posterior intestine microvilli of SBM-fed fish were significantly shorter and the anterior intestine microvilli significantly less dense than the FM-fed fish. Electron microscopy confirmed the presence of autochthonous bacterial populations associated with microvilli of both fish groups. Reduced density of microvilli consequently led to increased exposure of enterocyte tight junctions, which combined with necrotic enterocytes is likely to diminish the protective barrier of the intestinal epithelium. No significant differences in total viable counts of culturable microbial populations were found between the groups in any of the intestinal regions. A total of 1500 isolates were tentatively placed into groups or genera, according to standard methods. Subsequent partial 16S rRNA sequencing revealed species that have not been identified from the rainbow trout intestine previously. Compared with the FM group levels of Psychrobacter spp. and yeast were considerably higher in the SBM group; a reduction of Aeromonas spp. was also observed.  相似文献   
为了揭示猪增生性肠炎黏膜免疫相关细胞数量的变化情况.采用组织学方法,比较PCR检验阳性猪(获得胞内劳森氏菌特异性扩增产物)与阴性猪(无胞内劳森氏菌特异性扩增产物)的十二指肠、空肠、回肠黏膜淋巴细胞、杯状细胞、肥大细胞的数量和分布变化.结果表明,阳性猪十二指肠、空肠黏膜上皮内每100个柱状细胞间淋巴细胞的数量同比阴性猪稍...  相似文献   

Case history and clinical findings: A flock of 20 sheep was kept within three paddocks on a single property. None of the animals in the flock had been vaccinated against any disease for at least three years. Abdominal bloating and haemorrhagic diarrhoea were observed in Lamb 1 at 24 hours-of-age. The lamb subsequently died within an hour of the onset of clinical signs. Lamb 2 was 3-days-old when observed to be recumbent with opisthotonus. The lamb was treated with dextrose, vitamins B1 and B12, and penicillin G, but died 4 hours later.

Pathological findings: Examination of Lamb 1 revealed markedly increased gas within the peritoneum and within dilated loops of intestine. The intestines were dark red and contained large quantities of haemorrhagic fluid. Histology of the intestines revealed peracute mucosal necrosis with minimal accompanying inflammation. The intestinal lumen contained cell debris, haemorrhage, and myriad large Gram-positive bacilli. The intestines of Lamb 2 did not appear bloated or reddened. However, multiple fibrin clots were visible within the pericardial sac. Histopathological examination revealed small foci of necrosis within the mucosa of the distal intestine. The necrotic foci were often associated with large numbers of large Gram-positive bacilli.

Immunohistochemsitry and molecular biology: Intestinal samples from Lamb 1 were processed for Clostridium perfringens immunohistochemistry, which revealed large numbers of intralesional, positively immunostained rods. Fragments corresponding to the expected sizes for genes encoding alpha, beta, and epsilon C. perfringens typing toxins were amplified by PCR from DNA extracted from formalin-fixed sections of intestine.

Diagnosis: Lamb dysentery due to C. perfringens type B.

Clinical relevance: C. perfringens bacteria have a worldwide distribution, but disease due to C. perfringens type B has only been diagnosed in a small number of countries and has never been reported in New Zealand or Australia. C. perfringens type B produce both beta toxin and epsilon toxins, therefore both haemorrhagic enteritis and systemic vascular damage can develop. As many animals are exposed to C. perfringens without developing disease, there must be additional unknown factors that resulted in disease in these particular sheep. Vaccines that specifically protect against C. perfringens type B are available and may be recommended for use in smaller non-commercial flocks, as in the present case.  相似文献   
为建立一种鉴别诊断鸭瘟病毒的PCR方法,根据已发表的8株鸭瘟病毒株的长区开放阅读框(LORF11)等位基因序列,在其开放阅读框等位基因的上游5 bp和下游101 bp的位置设计1对特异性引物。应用这对引物对鸭瘟病毒LH2011株、v2085株、VAC株、Clone-03株DNA进行PCR扩增,分别获得了4 448 bp、3 277bp、934 bp和2 518 bp的特异性条带。此PCR方法特异性强,敏感性高,可检测到10TCID50或0.1LD50的鸭瘟病毒。在感染鸭瘟病毒的组织(肝脏)中均能检测到鸭瘟病毒DNA。对疑似鸭瘟的临床病料的检测结果也证明,建立的PCR方法不仅能够鉴别样品是否感染了鸭瘟病毒,而且能鉴别感染的鸭瘟病毒的来源。  相似文献   
为探明鱼类黏膜相关淋巴组织中黏液细胞对疫苗免疫的应答特性,本研究利用组织学和组织化学技术,研究了浸泡免疫灭活迟钝爱德华氏菌前后牙鲆皮肤、鳃、前肠、中肠和后肠中黏液细胞数量和特性的时序变化。苏木精-曙红(HE)、阿尔新蓝-过碘酸雪夫氏(AB-PAS)染色结果显示,免疫前皮肤主要分布含中性黏多糖的Ⅰ型黏液细胞以及含中性黏多糖和少量酸性黏多糖的Ⅲ型黏液细胞,鳃中可观察到Ⅰ、Ⅲ型以及含酸性黏多糖和少量中性黏多糖的Ⅳ型黏液细胞,前肠中主要分布Ⅰ型黏液细胞,中肠、后肠上皮中可观察到Ⅰ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ型和含酸性黏多糖的Ⅱ型黏液细胞。免疫后,牙鲆黏膜免疫相关淋巴组织中黏液细胞总量随时间呈现先增多后减少趋势,后肠在第5天达到峰值,其他于第3天达到峰值;免疫后各组织中Ⅰ型黏液细胞数量减少,含酸性黏多糖成分的Ⅱ、Ⅲ及Ⅳ型黏液细胞数量显著增多,表明疫苗免疫诱导黏液细胞成分由中性黏多糖向酸性黏多糖转变。p H 2.5和p H 1.0条件下AB染色结果显示,免疫后黏膜相关淋巴组织中酸性黏液细胞数量增多,且多数为硫酸化酸性黏液细胞。本研究结果为鱼类黏液的免疫防御功能及黏液细胞在鱼类黏膜免疫中的作用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
Necrotic enteritis (NE) is an important enteric disease in poultry and has become a major concern in poultry production in the post-antibiotic era. The infection with NE can damage the intestinal mucosa of the birds leading to impaired health and, thus, productivity. To gain a better understanding of how NE impacts the gut function of infected broilers, global mRNA sequencing (RNA-seq) was performed in the jejunum tissue of NE challenged and non-challenged broilers to identify the pathways and genes affected by this disease. Briefly, to induce NE, birds in the challenge group were inoculated with 1 mL of Eimeria species on day 9 followed by 1 mL of approximately 108 CFU/mL of a NetB producing Clostridium perfringens on days 14 and 15. On day 16, 2 birds in each treatment were randomly selected and euthanized and the whole intestinal tract was evaluated for lesion scores. Duodenum tissue samples from one of the euthanized birds of each replicate (n = 4) was used for histology, and the jejunum tissue for RNA extraction. RNA-seq analysis was performed with an Illumina RNA HiSeq 2000 sequencer. The differentially expressed genes (DEG) were identified and functional analysis was performed in DAVID to find protein–protein interactions (PPI). At a false discovery rate threshold <0.05, a total of 377 DEG (207 upregulated and 170 downregulated) DEG were identified. Pathway enrichment analysis revealed that DEG were considerably enriched in peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPAR) signaling (P < 0.01) and β-oxidation pathways (P < 0.05). The DEG were mostly related to fatty acid metabolism and degradation (cluster of differentiation 36 [CD36], acyl-CoA synthetase bubblegum family member-1 [ACSBG1], fatty acid-binding protein-1 and -2 [FABP1] and [FABP2]; and acyl-coenzyme A synthetase-1 [ACSL1]), bile acid production and transportation (acyl-CoA oxidase-2 [ACOX2], apical sodium–bile acid transporter [ASBT]) and essential genes in the immune system (interferon-, [IFN-γ], LCK proto-oncogene, Src family tyrosine kinase [LCK], zeta chain of T cell receptor associated protein kinase 70 kDa [ZAP70], and aconitate decarboxylase 1 [ACOD1]). Our data revealed that pathways related to fatty acid digestion were significantly compromised which thereby could have affected metabolic and immune responses in NE infected birds.  相似文献   
水貂病毒性肠炎巢式PCR,PCR-RFLP联合诊断方法的建立   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
根据水貂肠炎细小病毒的VP2基因序列设计4条特异性引物,建立了检测水貂肠炎细小病毒的巢式PCR方法。采用一次扩增的敏感性来检测5个TCID50/mL的细小病毒MEVB株,二次扩增的敏感性来检测0.05个TCID50/mL的细小病毒MEVB株。同时,利用该方法第一轮PCR产物酶切,能够区分犬细小病毒与水貂肠炎细小病毒,具有重要的实用价值和应用的前景。  相似文献   
毛皮动物犬瘟热、细小病毒性肠炎和脑炎防治技术指南   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了预防、控制和消灭毛皮动物犬瘟热、细小病毒性肠炎和脑炎,依据《中华人民共和国动物防疫法》及有关法律法规,制定毛皮动物犬瘟热、细小病毒性肠炎和脑炎防治技术指南,指导毛皮动物犬瘟热、细小病毒性肠炎和脑炎防控。  相似文献   
40只2日龄四川白鹅口服感染雏鹅新型病毒性肠炎病毒,在不同阶段解剖发病和死亡雏鹅,电镜观察组织器官的病理变化发展规律,接种后第2天,十二指肠绒毛顶部上皮细胞发生坏死、脱落。随着感染时间延长,上皮细胞的坏死、脱落迅速向绒毛基部发展,并伴随固有膜炎性细胞浸润和坏死,病变向着空肠段发展,进一步发展为纤维素性坏死性肠炎,于小肠中后段形成假膜包裹肠内容物的栓塞物或直接由纤维素性渗出物与地不死肠粘膜混合凝固形成栓塞物阻塞肠腔,使外观膨大,肺充血和出血,肾充血、出血及肾小管上皮细胞变性。部分病例肝颗粒变性、脂肪变性,后期部分病例气管、腺胃上皮细胞脱落,早期部分病例心充血和出血,食道、胰腺及脑正常,电镜下可观察到小肠上皮细胞核畸形、固缩、核仁消失、核膜模糊和胞核崩解;胞浆严重空化,形成含有很多病毒粒子的“封入体”;粗面内质网扩张呈囊状,其上的核蛋白体严重脱落;线粒体外膜破裂或嵴断裂及空化,部分受到损害的线凿全充满大量的病毒粒子;形成肠道栓子的外层假膜有大量的病毒粒子、细菌以及坏死的肠上皮细胞,肝脏细胞粗面内质网严重扩张及部分线粒体肿胀、脊断裂;而心肌细胞粗面内质网的轻度扩张及胞核畸形。本文还对雏鹅新型病毒性肠炎与小鹅瘟的病理变化进行了比较分析。  相似文献   
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