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Broccoli is well recognized as a source of glucosinolates and their isothiocyanate breakdown products. Glucoraphanin is one of the most abundant glucosinolates present in broccoli and its cognate isothiocyanate is sulphoraphane, a potent inducer of mammalian detoxication (phase 2) enzyme activity and anti‐cancer agent. This study was designed to measure: glucosinolate levels in broccoli florets from an array of genotypes grown in several environments; the elevation of a key phase 2 enzyme, quinone reductase, in mammalian cells exposed to floret extracts; and total broccoli head content. There were significant environmental and genotype‐by‐environment effects on levels of glucoraphanin and quinone reductase induction potential of broccoli heads; however, the effect of genotype was greater than that of environmental factors. The relative rankings among genotypes for glucoraphanin and quinone reductase induction potential changed, when expressed on a per head basis, rather than on a concentration basis. Correlations of trait means in one environment vs. means from a second were stronger for glucoraphanin and quinone reductase induction potential on a per head basis than on a fresh weight concentration basis. Results of this study indicate that development of a broccoli phenotype with a dense head and a high concentration of glucoraphanin to deliver maximum chemoprotective potential (high enzyme induction potential/glucoraphanin content) is a feasible goal.  相似文献   
为深入了解青花菜基因型、环境及其互作对花球4–甲基亚磺酰丁基硫苷含量的影响,分析了生长在2006—2008年3个不同栽培年度和2008年内3个不同栽培地点共5种不同栽培环境条件下,11个基因型青花菜花球的4–甲基亚磺酰丁基硫苷含量,基因型、栽培年份、栽培地点等环境因素对4–甲基亚磺酰丁基硫苷含量的影响及基因与环境互作效应进行了方差分析。结果表明,在不同环境中,各参试材料间的4–甲基亚磺酰丁基硫苷含量均存在差异。同年份不同地点硫苷含量的稳定性普遍较不同年份不同地点的稳定性高。在3年内5种不同环境条件下,基因型、地点、年份、基因型与地点互作、基因型与年份互作效应的变异来源分别占总变异的67.3%、0.8%、0.2%、3.8%和1.4%。基因型对青花菜4–甲基亚磺酰丁基硫苷含量的影响极显著(P0.01),栽培地点的影响及与基因型的互作效应均显著(P0.05),而栽培年份的影响及其相关互作效应均不显著。研究结果为筛选稳定性好的高4–甲基亚磺酰丁基硫苷含量材料来培育具保健功能的优质青花菜新品种提供了参考。  相似文献   
 【目的】青花菜的抗癌功能主要与4-甲基亚磺酰丁基硫苷的降解产物萝卜硫素有关,通过测定不同青花菜材料花球、茎和叶片中两者的含量并分析两者含量间的相关性,为青花菜高营养品质育种提供理论依据。【方法】采用反相高效液相色谱法,对24个不同青花菜材料花球、茎和叶片中4-甲基亚磺酰丁基硫苷含量,及其中的10份材料花球、茎和叶片中萝卜硫素含量进行测定和分析。【结果】青花菜不同基因型间以及不同器官间4-甲基亚磺酰丁基硫苷和萝卜硫素含量差异均极显著,4-甲基亚磺酰丁基硫苷和萝卜硫素含量均为花球含量最高,其次为茎,叶片含量最低;不同材料花球中4-甲基亚磺酰丁基硫苷平均含量分别为茎和叶片的4.4和13.97倍,萝卜硫素平均含量分别为茎和叶片的4和8.7倍,而有的基因型材料茎和叶片中4-甲基亚磺酰丁基硫苷的含量较高,约为花球中的50%;参试的10个不同基因型材料的花球、茎和叶片中的萝卜硫素含量与其前体4-甲基亚磺酰丁基硫苷含量间相关系数分别为0.9886**,0.9994**,0.9935**。【结论】不同青花菜材料间不同器官中4-甲基亚磺酰丁基硫苷含量存在显著差异;在青花菜萝卜硫素开发应用中,可选择其前体4-甲基亚磺酰丁基硫苷作为筛选指标,并可筛选茎和叶中4-甲基亚磺酰丁基硫苷含量较高的材料作为提取萝卜硫素的原料。  相似文献   
Many Brassicaceae species are economically important crops and Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Xcc), the causal agent of black rot, is considered one of the most important necrotrophic plant bacterial diseases occurring worldwide on these and many other crops. Therefore identifying resistance mechanisms and genes is crucial. Researchers continue to investigate the role of phytochemicals (plant secondary metabolites) in protecting plants against diseases and pathogens. Glucosinolates (GLS), and more specifically their hydrolysis products, are known to have various biological effects including antimicrobial activity. From the positive results of initial in vitro studies with Xcc and other pathogenic bacteria new experiments were designed to evaluate the possible in planta role of GLS, and also phenolics, in the interaction with Xcc. The in planta studies, with various Brassicaceae seedlings, have shown a correlation between GLS profiles, and therefore the subsequent hydrolysis products, and the inhibition of Xcc growth. There were no significant correlations between Xcc infection and total phenolics. Positive correlations were found between specific and total GLS contents and the severity of disease. Further in vitro and in planta studies need to be performed to evaluate the role of GLS and other defense mechanisms in Xcc and other important bacterial infections of Brassicaceae crops.  相似文献   
Broccoli (Brassica oleracea L., Italica Group) is a source of glucosinolates and their respective isothiocyanate metabolites that are believed to have chemoprotective properties in humans. Glucoraphanin (4-methylsulfinyl-butyl glucosinolate) is a predominant glucosinolate of broccoli. Its cognate isothiocyanate, sulforaphane, has proven a potent inducer of phase II detoxification enzymes that protect cells against carcinogens and toxic electrophiles. Little is known about the genetic combining ability for glucosinolate levels or the types of genetic variation (i.e., additive vs. dominance) that influence those levels in broccoli. In this study, a diallel mating design was employed in two field experiments to estimate combining abilities for glucoraphanin content. The diallel population was developed by crossing nine doubled-haploid (inbred) parents in all possible combinations (36), excluding the reciprocals. Horticultural traits of all entries were assessed on a plot basis. In fall 2001, glucoraphanin concentration of broccoli heads ranged from 0.83 to 6.00 μmol/gdw, and in spring 2002, ranged from 0.26 to 7.82 μmol/gdw. In both years, significant general combining ability was observed for glucoraphanin concentration and total head content, days from transplant to harvest, head weight, and stem diameter. Conversely, no significant specific combining ability was observed for any trait in either year. Results indicate that a given inbred will combine with others to make hybrids with relatively predictable levels of head glucoraphanin as well as, other important horticultural traits. This should allow identification of inbreds that typically contribute high glucoraphanin levels when hybridized with others.Mention of trade names or commercial products in this publication is solely for the purpose of providing specific information and does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.  相似文献   
The glucosinolate make‐up of the edible parts of some Brassica oleracea L. crops has been investigated previously, but the leafy‐green collard (B. oleracea var. viridis) remains relatively unstudied on this topic. Due to this lack of information, a collection of US landraces was examined for glucosinolate content of leaves. The specific objectives of this examination were to compare levels of certain glucosinolates among the conserved collard landraces, identify any individuals with a distinct glucosinolate profile and determine the potential of collard as a target for chemoprotective‐based plant breeding. During winter 2010/2011, 81 collard landraces, four other viridis and four collard cultivars were evaluated in the field and harvested leaves were assayed for glucosinolates. In a subsequent study, 19 selected landraces plus the cultivars were included in a repeat trial in 2012/2013. Eighteen collard landraces contained relatively high levels of glucoraphanin in leaves in both years, and three (designated G 32575, G 32580, G 32586 in the US National Plant Germplasm System) were found to contain glucoraphanin in excess of 9.5 μmol/g DM. The examined landraces are rich sources of important aliphatic glucosinolates, previously thought to be most abundant in other B. oleracea vegetables.  相似文献   
Sulforaphane is a type of sulfur-containing isothiocyanates hydrolyzed from glucosinolates by myrosinase found in Brassica plants. Sulforaphane is a naturally occurring inducer of phase II enzymes in human and animal bodies to detoxify cancer-causing chemicals. Glucoraphanin is the precursor of sulforaphane and its content is greatly influenced by plant species and genotype, plant organs, pre-harvest factors, and post-harvest processing, thus sulforaphane formation is also directly influenced. Here, we review the formation mechanism of sulforaphane and the factors influencing sulforaphane formation. In the end, the future directions are also discussed.  相似文献   
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