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中日森林文化比较研究及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本是一个森林大国,拥有着丰富的森林资源和森林文化,其教训和经验对中国乃至全世界的后工业化国家都有着很大的启发和借鉴意义。对日本的森林状况进行回顾和评价,从其森林思想中汲取精华,不断挖掘森林文化所蕴藏的丰富含义,恢复和弘扬森林文化,这对中国正在开展的生态文明建设以及解决环境问题都能提供思考和帮助。  相似文献   
利用36块落叶松一样树混交林标准地调查资料,研究其幼龄期林分Ⅰ级木单位面积株数与林分密度之间的关系,结果表明:Ⅰ级木的株数并非随密度的增加而直线递增,而是趋向“二阶常数”分布,且在同一年龄阶段,在较低的密度范围(2325~4800株/hm2)或较高的密度范围(4801~6750株/hm2).Ⅰ级木的株数变动幅度不太大。  相似文献   
贮藏期间福桔果皮细胞始终具有分裂增殖能力,细胞生长的养分主要通过维管束向果肉吸取,因而促进果肉衰老,形成枯水.枯水果实在贮藏早期就发现果皮细胞层和油腔分泌细胞无丝分裂旺盛,双核细胞多,果皮增厚多.严重枯水时,果皮细胞还具细胞核、线粒体、有色体等超微结构,未枯水果实细胞分裂少见.经预贮后贮藏的果实,由于中断了果皮组织与维管束的联系,果皮细胞生长受抑制,果肉水分、养分消耗少,枯水率最低,  相似文献   
利用远缘杂交创造核果类果树新种质的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以桃、杏、李、樱桃、杏梅等果树的 1 4个品种为亲本 ,3年来共进行了 80余个组合的远缘杂交试验 ,探讨了核果类果树远缘杂交的亲和性 ,并对远缘杂种幼胚进行了胚抢救。结果表明 ,铃铛花期授粉的坐果率显著高于初花期授粉 ;同一杂交组合 ,正反交坐果率差异显著 ,母本对远缘杂交亲和性影响很大 ,选择自交亲和或自然坐果率高的种或品种做母本容易克服远缘杂交的不亲和性 ;适宜场强的静电场、He -Ne激光处理及60 Coγ射线与He -Ne激光联合处理花粉 ,均能显著提高花粉离体萌芽率 ,用上述处理的花粉进行的远缘杂交坐果率也明显高于对照 ;60 Coγ射线单独处理则降低了花粉离体萌芽率 ,远缘杂交的坐果率也低于对照 ;对远缘杂种幼胚及时地进行胚抢救 ,并诱导形成多丛芽 ,是克服核果类果树远缘杂种不育性的有效方法。研究并筛选出了李、樱桃胚萌发与生长、多丛芽诱导与增殖以及生根培养等最佳培养基配方。目前已将欧洲甜樱桃×中国樱桃、大石早生李×泰安巴旦水杏及凯特杏×总统李等一批核果类果树远缘杂种定植于露地 ,其中欧洲甜樱桃与中国樱桃的种间杂种是国内外首次获得  相似文献   
Christchurch, the second largest city in New Zealand is a planned city on a coastal plain on the east coast of the South Island. The birth of the city and the subsequent century of development was characterised by colonial values and tree and garden planting with familiar European species along with those from Australia, North America, and eventually all other continents. The image of an “English garden city” with classical parks of oaks and willow-lined rivers became the accepted norm and the way in which the city has been promoted to potential tourists. Gardening is one of the top two recreational activities and exotic species greatly outnumber native species in the flora and in gardens. This has had serious consequences for the highly fragmented and degraded indigenous vegetation and its co-adapted wildlife. A few hardy indigenous species continued to regenerate through this period, but since the 1970s, there has been a progressive change of attitude and interest in reclaiming the natural heritage of the city, manifest in widespread private and public planting of indigenous species and active habitat restoration. In this article we examine the indigenous and exotic shrub and tree components of the Christchurch flora as planted street trees, in domestic gardens, and in parks. We also present data on shrub and tree regeneration in parks and domestic gardens in the city. Indications are that the more sensitive, less intrusive management of urban environments, combined with the greater density of indigenous seed sources, has allowed regeneration of a wide range of indigenous species across a broad spectrum of habitats – from neglected gardens to pavement cracks to exotic plantations. This is despite the competition from the prodigious seed banks and density of exotic trees, shrubs, and ground covers and albeit minimal impacts of introduced browsing and seed eating mammals. If the present trends continue through appropriate management and facilitation, these tentative signs of native forest regeneration should eventually proliferate into a sustainable mixed origin urban forest that resurrects and preserves the natural character of the region.  相似文献   
三叶木通栽培条件下的生长结果习性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三叶木通[Akebia trifoliata(Thunb)Koidz]是木通科木通属的一种营养价值较高的半落叶藤本野生果树。果实是一种品质优良的野生鲜食水果,但其种子多,果肉少,可食率较低,需要经过驯化选育栽培加以利用。从2005年起搜集野生三叶木通进行人工驯化栽培,观察其生长结果习性。结果:在人工栽培条件下果实最大单果重313.5 g、最小97.7 g、平均单果重78.1~244.1 g,并初步掌握了其生长结果习性,为进一步生产栽培及育种打下了基础。  相似文献   
贵州茶树雪凝冻害发生情况与补救预防措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了2008年贵州雪凝气候特点和茶树雪凝冻害受灾成因及受灾情况,针对不同类型的茶园和苗圃提出了相应的补救和预防措施。  相似文献   
岳阳市观赏植物造景应用评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对岳阳市城市观赏植物区系、植被与群落调查基础上,对观赏植物进行了园林应用分类,并对秋色叶植物和观果植物进行应用评价,提出了观赏植物造景应用方式.  相似文献   
以转Bt基因抗虫棉33B为材料,播前根据种子的大小和饱满度状况设三个子指处理,观测了棉花下部果枝外围果节铃及其对位叶的生长和生理特征。结果显示,大粒饱满的种子处理显著提高了该部位开花当天铃对位叶叶面积,还明显地促进了源叶生理质量的改善,且成熟时单铃子棉的干物重得到明显增加。小粒饱满比大粒不饱满的种子更明显地影响了该部位“铃-叶系统”的生长和生理状况,显著降低了成熟时的单铃子棉干物重。  相似文献   
2004年4-9月,采用线路调查、抽样调查、标本采集等方法,对北京市蒲洼自然保护区的植被和物种进行了不同季节的调查,以期对现存野果资源进行评价,指导开发利用。调查结果:极危种1种、濒危种2种、近危种4种、安全种18种。对濒危系数EI〉0.5的物种,严禁开发利用,对EI〈0.5的一些安全种和使用价值较大的物种提倡重点开发。  相似文献   
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