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彭涌涛 《森林工程》2013,(6):106-110
盾构机在城市地铁施工中已经成为主流,盾构在掘进中的姿态控制是确保隧道施工质量的关键技术.由于影响盾构掘进姿态的因素较多,情况复杂,掘进姿态控制难度大.本文结合南京地铁三号线某标段隧道盾构施工,分析隧道设计轴线、盾构轴线和管片中线三者在施工中存在的5种位置关系:一是三条线基本重合,二是盾构轴线与隧道轴线重合,三是管片中线与隧道设计轴线重合,四是管片中心与盾构轴线有偏差,五是三条轴线不重合而且轴线水平移动;从土压的设定值、地质变化、注浆位置与时间、转弯管片的使用、管片的姿态和施工的连续性等6个方面对影响盾构掘进姿态的因素进行总结;从偏移量、油缸行程差和最小盾尾间隙三个方面对盾构掘进姿态控制的参数进行分析与计算;从掘进方向的控制,掘进姿态调整与纠偏两个方面阐述盾构掘进过程中姿态控制的技术方法.  相似文献   
金属网与木单板的复合   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
本研究着重考察不同胶粘剂种类、不同金属材料和不同规格金属网,在不同组坯条件下压制复合板的电磁屏蔽性能。确定木单板与金属网的复合工艺,结果表明,板材的电磁屏蔽效能在1-1000MHz范围内可达到40dB以上;采用处理剂A处理金属网,可改善金属网与木材的胶合;复合板的胶合强度符合国家标准GB9846.12-88的要求。  相似文献   
水的质量吸收系数μ在γ透射法测定土壤含水量中起着重要的作用,它直接影响着含水量的测量精度。本文通过室内试验研究了影响μ值的各种因素,如探头屏蔽状况、探头与放射源间的距离,放射强度以及被探测物体的厚度等。和理论计算不同,对同一确定的材料,μ值的测量结果并不总是常数(依赖于上述诸因素)。所以要得到土壤含水量的一个精确测量,首先要在同样条件下测定μ值。作为对试验的总结,本文给出一种合理测量μ值的方法和最佳工作条件。  相似文献   
庭院生态养猪新技术   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
周元军 《家畜生态》2002,23(3):51-53
本文介绍了庭院生态养殖的基本内涵,猪舍的构造特点,建筑布局及其应注意的问题,并预测了庭院生态养猪在我国的发展前景。  相似文献   
石油库防雷技术的研讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于石油雷电安全规范不够完善,操作管理不够科学,致使石油库雷电灾害时有发生,给国家造成重大经济损失,对人类生命安全构成极大危害。为预防和消除石油库雷电灾害,特对石油企业现行防雷措施进行了考察,并对各种防雷措施的防雷效果进行了分析,指出装独立的避雷针存在以下问题:①有雷击二次效应;②向附近被保护物反击;③接触电压和跨步电压对人畜的危害;④保护范围不可靠;⑤对易燃易爆物品引起爆炸和火灾。介绍了在避雷针基础上发展起来的新装置——消雷器,与避雷针相比,消雷器有四大特点:①能完全地消去由地面向上发展的雷电;②可使对地雷击率减少百分之七十五;③避免雷击二次效应;④保护范围大,因此建议采用少长针半导体消雷器。  相似文献   
本文论述了土工布在道桥施工中遇到护坡时以及城市道路改造工程中作为反滤层的特点,土工布在施工中的方法及注意事项。  相似文献   
Based on complex variable theory in plane elasticity, the equivalent spring stiffness is derived from the analytical solution by means of simplifying shallow shield tunneling to semi-infinite plane with hole, which is applied to response displacement method. The performances of the analytical solution are evaluated and compared with that of the deep shield tunneling through a series of selected various tunnel depths and soil Poisson's ratios. The relation of compression and shear spring stiffness is discussed. Meanwhile, two factors affected soil spring stiffness, tunnel depth and soil Poisson's ratio, are also analyzed. It is shown that soil spring stiffness of shallow shield tunneling is different from that of deep shield tunneling, and the ratio of compression and shear spring stiffness varies along shallow shield tunneling. It is also found that the value and distribution law of soil spring stiffness of shallow shield tunneling greatly depend on tunnel depth and soil Poisson's ratio.  相似文献   
There is general agreement regarding the importance of analysing the territories’ roles under different biodiversity management figures in order to support better decision making in the management of natural resources in tropical countries. In this study we analyse the deforestation process to address the question of whether existing strategies such as national protected areas (PAs) and indigenous reservations (IRs) are effective protecting forests in the Colombian Guyana shield. We analyse whether these territories have successfully halted deforestation and agricultural frontier expansion by comparing deforestation occurring within these areas with their surroundings from 1985 to 2002. We also evaluate the impact of roads, illicit crops, and the size of PAs and IRs on deforestation rates. The results indicate that deforestation levels along the outside borders of both management figures were almost four times higher than inside declared PAs and 1.5 times higher than in IRs. However, within IRs, the loss of forested ecosystems was approximately six times greater than inside national parks. As a whole, roads were a significant factor associated with the changes in the region, as well as the influential expansion of coca cultivation particularly outside the national parks. The size of the PAs and indigenous lands also determined their positive impact as barrier against deforestation. Our results suggest strong pressure on areas surrounding PAs, driven by economic forces such as illegal crop expansion, particularly in the last decade. Indigenous lands with small territories have suffered intensive deforestation processes since the 1980s, but changes have been less dramatic in larger areas. Today, PAs are an effective barrier to deforestation, especially given their large extension, but are still under high risk. Future management plans should consider a designed infrastructure development paired with the establishment of new indigenous reservations with minimum viable sizes in order to control accessibility, natural resources extraction, and deforestation.  相似文献   
针对目前雾化栽培领域所用喷嘴无法兼具雾滴粒径细小及大雾化量特性的问题,该文设计了一种带阶梯型谐振腔的流体动力式Hartmann低频超声雾化喷嘴,为了使喷嘴喷雾方向可控,对雾化区域进行了流场主动控制,即在喷雾出口区域设置了圆锥罩,通过数值模拟研究了小尺寸阶梯型谐振腔的振动特性,对其雾化效果进行了试验对比。结果表明:在相同参数条件下,当阶梯型谐振腔第二级阶梯孔与第一级阶梯孔深度比超过2时,其谐振频率达到了传统圆柱型谐振腔谐振频率的1.6~1.7倍;圆锥罩的加入使得腔内流体压力振幅变大,初段起振特性更优;阶梯型谐振腔两级阶梯孔孔径比是影响阶梯腔谐振特性的重要因素,阶梯孔孔径比的改变会使阶梯型谐振腔的谐振模式由"回流模式"转变为"尖声模式"或使谐振现象消失;带阶梯型腔体的低频超声雾化喷嘴比带普通圆柱型腔体喷嘴的雾化效果更好,在0.1 MPa~0.5 MPa的进气压力下,前者比后者雾滴粒径小2~6?m;阶梯型谐振腔式超声雾化喷嘴在加装圆锥罩之后,低压时的雾滴粒径随供气压力变化更大,而在高压时,其雾化效果与没有加装圆锥罩的阶梯型谐振腔式超声雾化喷嘴相比基本一致;索太尔平均粒径SMD(Sauter mean diameter)随Laval管出口与谐振腔之间的距离的变大呈现出先变小后变大的趋势,SMD的变化趋势与腔内声压级SPL的变化趋势基本一致。雾化量为2 L/h下时,阶梯腔式超声雾化喷嘴的最小雾滴粒径为42μm。该研究可为阶梯腔式超声雾化喷嘴在雾化栽培领域的应用提供参考。  相似文献   
建立了纳米粒子系统屏蔽效应的物理模型,应用电动力学理论求出了系统的电荷和电势分布以及屏蔽参量.以Cu和Al粒子为例,探讨了粒子线度和材料对纳米粒子系统的电荷、电势分布和屏蔽参量的影响.结果表明:两种不同金属纳米粒子构成的系统,其电荷密度和电势分布与单个带电粒子的电荷和电势分布不同,它们不仅与粒子的线度有关,而且还与粒子数密度、电子费米能、纳米粒子的分布范围等有关;两种粒子的电荷符号和密度分布不同:一种粒子的电荷密度为正且随离中心的距离增大而增大,而另一种粒子的情况相反;电荷密度随距离的变化快慢取决于粒子的线度,电荷密度的变化主要发生在两种粒子分布区域的分界面附近;系统的电势分布在两种粒子分布区域分界面处取极小值,其屏蔽参量要比块状晶体的值要小,与粒子线度、费米能、粒子数密度和分布范围等都有关.理论结果与文献给出的实验资料一致.  相似文献   
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