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中国主要海洋底层鱼类生物学研究的回顾与展望   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
回顾了中国海洋主要底层经济鱼类资源生物学的研究历史和科研成果,并重点叙述了带鱼、小黄鱼、大黄鱼和绿鳍马面鲀等重要经济鱼类资源生物学研究概况.概述的内容包括地理种群及其产卵群体的鉴别和划分、生活史型的演变、种群和群体结构、种群数量变动、年龄组成和生长特性、摄食习性、性成熟周期、性腺成熟指数(GSI)、产卵群体生殖力、产卵场、索饵场、越冬场及洄游路线、资源量和渔获量、各种作业渔船的调整及其捕捞力量的限制措施等,并展望了中国海洋底层经济鱼类资源生物学研究的前景.  相似文献   
Adoption of the ecosystem approach to fisheries management relies on recognition of the link between fish and other components of the ecosystem, namely their physical and biological habitat. However, identifying the habitat requirements of marine fishes and hence determining their distribution in space and time is scientifically complex. We analysed the methodologies and findings of research on temperate, demersal fish habitat requirements to highlight the main developments in this field and to identify potential shortfalls. Many studies were undertaken over large spatial scales (≥100s km2) and these generally correlated abundances of fish to abiotic variables. Biological variables were accounted for less often. Small spatial scale (≤m2), experimental studies were comparatively sparse and commonly focused on biotic variables. Whilst the number of studies focusing on abiotic variables increased with increasing spatial scale, the proportion of studies finding significant relationships between habitat and fish distribution remained constant. This mismatch indicates there is no justification for the tendency to analyse abiotic habitat variables at large spatial scales. Innovative modelling techniques and habitat mapping technologies are developing rapidly, providing new insights at the larger spatial scales. However, there is a clear need for a reduction in study scale, or increase in resolution additional to the integration of biotic variables. We argue that development of sound predictive science in the field of demersal fish habitat determination is reliant on a change in focus along these lines. This is especially important if spatial management strategies, such as Marine Protected Areas (MPA) or No Take Zones (NTZ), are to be used in future ecosystem‐based approaches to fisheries management.  相似文献   
通过试验给出了对虾、鲈鱼、毛蚶和文蛤四种渔业经济生物不同受试天数的油臭阈限值,并指出受试天数越短,油臭阈限值越大;受试天数越长,油臭阈限值越小,油臭阈限值与渔业生物的受试天数呈负相关关系。  相似文献   
Yong-Hae  KIM 《Fisheries Science》2003,69(3):535-546
ABSTRACT:   The presented model involves the application of chaos theory to generate fish movements resulting from environmental stimuli. The model uses three steps within a model neural network such as input stimuli, central decision making and response output resulting in fish movements. The stimuli in the first step include the main abiotic and biotic factors, which could be quantified as an intensity parameter that was then normalized as a ratio between 0 and 1. The decision-making process can be generated using chaos dynamics with the stimuli parameters. The response of fish movements from the output signal representing movement speed and direction of fish can be re-regulated as main movement pattern depending on physiological state or life cycle by third response filtering. The simulation results seen as a movement pattern for sea bream and flounder using this neural chaotic model fitted very well to the observations of fish tracked in the sea by ultrasonic tracking methods. It was also revealed that the fish movement components generated as movement velocity and direction when in tidal flow had similar patterns to those patterns seen in field observations with similar irregular and chaotic variations with time.  相似文献   
阿鲁科尔沁旗是天然麻黄最主要的分布区之一。多年来,随着草原的退化、沙化,麻黄的分布面积在迅速的减少,甚至有灭绝的危险。为了保护生物多样性,加强生态建设,使麻黄资源能够可持续利用,旗委、旗政府决定有效地开发荒山、荒坡,大力发展麻黄产业,创立生态和经济典范。  相似文献   
Information about the population structure of Conger conger (L.) is scarce, being a limiting factor for fisheries assessment. To make available important baseline information and to test the hypothesis that the population in the mid-North Atlantic (Azores region) represents a fishery management unit, fishery-dependent and survey data relating to bathymetric distribution, length composition and movement patterns were examined. Fishing impacts were also evaluated using abundance and size trends over the last 25 years. The greatest abundance was in depths between 300 and 600 m. Sizes ranged from 14 to 260 cm, with larger individuals around seamounts. Tagging data showed a strong sedentary behaviour. Results combined with previous genetic and otolith studies indicated the stock in the Azores may represent a self-contained population. Abundance and size trends were stable, but the species is considered vulnerable to overfishing due to its biological characteristics. Monitoring and adequate rational resource management are of utmost importance.  相似文献   
In the present study, we examined the effects of climate on temporal variation in the abundance and geographical distribution of demersal fishes at both interannual and decadal scales in the Tsushima Warm Current region of the Japan Sea using single‐trawler fishery data (1972–2002). This single‐trawler fishery targeted multiple species with different geographical affinities and life history traits. Thus, these data were suitable for examining the biological mechanisms that underlie how species respond to climate variability. Our results indicate that the distributional changes of species in response to decadal climate variability are best explained by asymptotic length, which indicates that warming has greater negative effects on larger fishes in the Japan Sea. However, none of the variables examined (including geographical affinity, asymptotic length and age at maturation) could explain the shift in abundance at interannual or decadal scales. It should be noted that life history traits and geographical affinities only provide partial explanations of the responses of species to environmental variability, thereby suggesting that other factors, such as interactions among species, may be involved in mediating species responses.  相似文献   
The daggertooth pike conger, Muraenesox cinereus (Forsskål), has become an important fish resource in the western Seto Inland Sea, Japan, since the 1990s. However, introducing sustainable fisheries resource management for this species is difficult in this region because stock assessments have not been performed, and official fisheries statistics for this stock were discontinued after 2007. This study used existing limited data sets to compile the first report for fisheries resource management for this M. cinereus stock. Yield‐per‐recruit analyses showed that increasing fishing pressure above current levels would provide only a minimal increase in expected catch levels. Hence, the current harvest level is considered to represent the upper limit of fishing pressure. Age composition in a given year could potentially be used to forecast landing abundance for the following 2 years. This study provides a basis for establishing effective fisheries resource management strategies for M. cinereus.  相似文献   
研究磨刀溪回水区的鱼类早期资源,可为三峡库区重要生境、水生生物多样性保护提供科学依据。2019年的4-6月,在三峡库区支流磨刀溪回水区江段(新津乡-龙角镇)开展鱼类资源监测,以了解该区域鱼类早期资源种类组成、仔稚鱼密度的时间动态以及与环境因子的关系。结果表明,采集到7种产粘沉性卵鱼类的鱼苗中,以贝氏?(Hemiculter bleekeri)、鲤(Cyprinus carpio)、鲫(Carassius auratus)为主;密度高峰期集中在4月下旬至5月中旬。磨刀溪新津口至龙角镇江段共分布有鲤、鲫集中产卵场4处。冗余分析(RDA)表明,饵料丰度、溶解氧和pH是影响鱼苗分布的主要因素。磨刀溪变动回水区江段是粘沉性鱼类产卵场的分布区域,三峡水库4-6月水位的快速消落,很可能导致鲤、鲫等产粘沉性卵鱼类资源的损失。建议通过实施生态调度减小水位日变幅或在回水区放置人工鱼巢、恢复水生植被来减缓其影响。  相似文献   
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