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羊群行为属于行为经济学的一部分,认为市场主体在信息环境不确定的情况下,其行为易受到其他参与主体的影响,模仿他人决策。基于Hwang和Samlton羊群行为测度方法(HS方法)及EGARCH模型,运用2003年1季度至2014年3季度我国30个省市房地产市场销售价格数据,验证我国房地产市场羊群行为的存在性,并分析购房者羊群行为对中国房地产价格波动的影响。结果表明:我国房地产市场羊群行为显著存在,且购房者羊群行为与房地产价格波动呈正相关关系。  相似文献   
泵用压电振子与泵腔体积变化的测试研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了准确获得压电泵泵腔体积的变化量,针对影响泵腔体积变化的关键因素——压电振子的变形特性进行分析,并采取非接触的测量方式对基板直径为65 mm,陶瓷直径为60 mm的圆形压电振子进行变形测试.在测试中对该压电振子的中心点在不同电压信号驱动下振幅随频率、驱动电压的变化规律以及压电振子径向各点在正弦电压信号驱动下振幅随半径的变化规律进行了研究.根据压电振子径向各点振幅的变化规律利用Matlab软件进行二次函数曲线拟合计算,得到压电振子的径向切面变形拟合曲线,根据拟合曲线,建立了压电泵泵腔体积变化量的理论计算方法.结果表明:压电振子中心点振幅随频率的增大而逐渐减小,随驱动电压的增大而增大;径向各点振幅随各点半径的增大而减小;拟合计算结果与实测数据基本吻合,最大相对误差仅为6.96%;利用压电泵泵腔体积变化量的理论计算方法,计算得到利用该圆形压电单晶片振子制作的压电泵在100 V,30 Hz正弦电压信号的作用下,泵腔每次振动产生的体积变化量约为34.009 mm3,理论上最大输出流量为61.216 mL/min.  相似文献   
构建GARCH模型,揭示糖11期指、郑糖期指和柳糖现指的波动规律及共生关系。估计结果表明:三种指数均具有尖峰厚尾特征;糖11期指和郑糖期指均存在杠杆效应;国内郑糖期指和柳糖现指表现出明显的共生关系,中外白糖指数之间的共生关系不明显。  相似文献   
A healthy soil is often defined as a stable soil system with high levels of biological diversity and activity, internal nutrient cycling, and resilience to disturbance. This implies that microbial fluctuations after a disturbance would dampen more quickly in a healthy than in a chronically damaged and biologically impoverished soil. Soil could be disturbed by various processes, for example addition of a nutrient source, tillage, or drying-rewetting. As a result of any disturbance, the numbers of heterotrophic bacteria and of individual species start to oscillate, both in time and space. The oscillations appear as moving waves along the path of a moving nutrient source such as a root tip. The phase and period for different trophic groups and species of bacteria may be shifted indicating that succession occurs. DGGE, Biolog and FAME analysis of subsequent populations in oscillation have confirmed that there is a cyclic succession in microbial communities. Microbial diversity oscillates in opposite direction from oscillations in microbial populations. In a healthy soil, the amplitudes of these oscillations will be small, but the background levels of microbial diversity and activity are high, so that soil-borne diseases will face more competitors and antagonists. However, soil-borne pathogens and antagonists alike will fluctuate in time and space as a result of growing plant roots and other disturbances, and the periods and phases of the oscillations may vary. As a consequence, biological control by members of a single trophic group or species may never be complete, as pathogens will encounter varying populations of the biocontrol agent on the root surface. A mixture of different trophic groups may provide more complete biological control because peaks of different trophic groups occur at subsequent locations along a root. Alternatively, regular addition of soil organic matter may increase background levels of microbial activity, increase nutrient cycling, lower the concentrations of easily available nutrient sources, increase microbial diversity, and enhance natural disease suppression.  相似文献   
中国西北荒漠地区极端天气事件频发,探究荒漠植物适应环境波动的调节过程和机制,可帮助预测未来气候变化背景下荒漠生态系统群落的演替和发展。该研究选取宁夏盐池毛乌素沙地优势物种油蒿(Artemisia ordosica)为研究对象,进行叶绿素荧光的长期原位连续观测。运用小波分析方法探究油蒿光系统II(Photosystem II,PSII)能量分配参数与光合有效辐射(Photosynthetically Active Radiation,PAR)、空气温度、饱和水汽压差(Vapor Pressure Difference,VPD)和土壤含水率(Soil Water Content,SWC)在多时间尺度上的动态格局。结果表明:日尺度下,PSII能量分配参数滞后PAR 43 min,分别滞后空气温度、VPD和SWC 3.3、4.6和10.72 h(P<0.05),油蒿可能通过叶黄素循环等热耗散机制和改变气孔导度等途径调节PSII能量分配。在季节尺度下,PSII能量分配参数分别滞后于空气温度、VPD和PAR 7.2、8.8和14.7 d,滞后于SWC长达21.6 d(P<0.05),油蒿可能通过提高PSII修复能力、增加特定蛋白数量和叶绿素浓度等方式调节PSII能量分配。油蒿PSII能量分配参数和最大光化学效率的波动符合其物候期规律,最大光化学效率和实际光化学效率在7和8月降低,调节性热耗散和非调节性热耗散增高。5和9月,非调节性热耗散增高且伴随最大光化学效率低值出现。研究认为,不同时间尺度PSII能量分配调控机制存在差异,油蒿通过修复损伤最大光化学效率维持在0.78附近使PSII生理状态恢复正常生理水平,对水分亏缺、极端温度和高辐射有一定适应能力。该研究可为农作物生长实时监测与保护农业生态平衡提供科学参考。  相似文献   
In a Mediterranean climate, water stress is one of the principal constraints on proper forest ecosystem functioning. Drought influences rates of organic matter degradation by affecting microbial growth and enzyme activities. The objectives of this study were: (i) to evaluate the effect of repeated drying-rewetting cycles on cellulase, alkaline phosphatase and fluorescein diacetate (FDA) hydrolase activities of three distinct Quercus ilex L. litter layers, and (ii) to investigate the effect of these cycles on γ-irradiated litters in order to distinguish the abiotic influence on the fluctuations observed. Results, for all three layers, showed high correlations between litter water content and enzyme activities. Under mesocosm conditions, and using non-sterilized litter samples, cellulase, alkaline phosphatase, and FDA activities significantly decreased or increased during drying or rewetting cycles respectively. Significant differences were also found when evaluating the effect of litter depth on enzyme activities, the intermediate depth (OLv layer) generally being the most active. For γ-sterilized samples, FDA activity still fluctuated with drying-rewetting cycles. Assays showed that pre-humidification of γ-irradiated litter increased FDA activity two-fold in the first 30 min. All these results have shown that, following drying-rewetting cycles, some of the fluctuations occur independently of microbial growth, suggesting abiotic interactions, such as desorption, in combination with both solvatation status and conformational changes of enzymes.  相似文献   
Using a correlation between trunk diameter fluctuation (TDF) and stem water potential (SWP) it appears possible to determine water deficit threshold values (WDTV) for young cherry trees. This correlation must be based on a significant effect between SWP and at least one variable associated with the vegetative or reproductive growth of the trees. The objectives of this study are: (1) to determine the effect of several irrigation treatments on vegetative and reproductive growth and the SWP of young cherry trees; (2) to determine the correlation between TDF and SWP, and; (3) to propose a first approximation of SWP and TDF water deficit threshold values for young cherry tree plants. The experiment was carried out between September and April of the 2005-2006 and 2006-2007 seasons, in Quillota, in the Valparaiso region, central Chile. The irrigation treatments consisted of applications of 50% (T50), 100% (T100) and 150% (T150) of potential evapotranspiration (ET0) over the two growing seasons, using a randomized complete block design (RCB). The effect of irrigation scheduling was observed on: apical shoot growth rate (GRAS), branch cross-sectional area (BCSA), canopy volume (CV), annual length of accumulated growth (ALAG) and productivity. This effect showed that the T50 treatment caused lower SWP (measured pre-dawn), vegetative growth and productivity. The fruit quality variables (cracking and size) were not affected by the different treatments. Combining the vegetative growth, productivity and SWP results shows that the water deficit threshold value, as a first approximation, is between 50% and 100% of ET0, and therefore the critical SWP for defining irrigation frequency should be close to −0.5 MPa. Upon applying a post-harvest drought period (14 days without irrigation), a linear correlation was determined both between SWP and maximum daily trunk shrinkage, MDS (R2 = 0.69) and between SWP and trunk growth rate, TGR (R2 = 0.57). Using these correlations and the SWP reference value, reference values were obtained for MDS (165 μm) and TGR (83 μm day−1), which would permit automated control of water status in young cherry trees.  相似文献   
关于中国生猪产业的周期波动问题探析   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
随着中国养猪业向市场化迈进和产业结构及生产者行为的变迁,生猪周期逐渐显现出来。生猪市场的波动必然影响广大养殖企业和养猪户的生产积极性。本文利用历史数据对生猪市场的价格波动、生产波动及利润波动进行了实证分析,并对缓解生猪市场周期性波动提出了几点建议。  相似文献   
Maximum daily shrinkage (MDS) is the parameter of daily cycle of trunk diameter most widely suggested in irrigation scheduling for several fruit trees. However, as in other plant-measured approaches, the irrigation decision may be difficult due to the influence of the environment on the values obtained. Reference equations of MDS have been established in order to avoid the effects of environmental conditions. Such equations are usually related to simple meteorological data, in order to easily estimate MDS values in full-irrigated conditions. This paper studies the influence of fruit load and the inter-annual variations on the reference equation of MDS in olive trees. These reference equations were calculated during 4 seasons in a full-irrigated orchard and the equations were validated with the data from a different season. The MDS values were related to vapour pressure deficit (VPD) and temperature taken near the experimental orchard. In addition, meteorological data were considered as mean daily or as midday values; only for temperature was the maximum daily value also used. The validation of the equations was made using the fits with all the meteorological data considered (midday and mean daily of VPD and temperature). In addition, two different fits were used in each meteorological data—one according to fruit load and other with the complete pool of data. The equations fit were significantly different each season in all the meteorological data considered. However, seasons with similar fruit load were more similar to each other. In both meteorological data considered (VPD and temperature) the midday values improved the fit in respect to mean daily values. The equations obtained with maximum daily temperature were similar in accuracy to the one of midday. The reference equations in which temperature was used obtained a better fit that the ones calculated with VPD. No significant differences were found in the validation when equations according to fruit load or the complete pool data were compared. The limitations and usefulness of these reference equations are also discussed.  相似文献   
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