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 为明确氰氨化钙与秸秆还田协同处理对土传病菌的抑制效果以及对土壤微生物群落的恢复和土壤理化性质的影响,采用实时荧光定量PCR(Real-time quantitative PCR, qRT-PCR)、平板分离计数等方法测定土传病菌和微生物数量动态变化。生菜收获期测定植株农艺性状和产量,结合土壤理化性质开展土壤处理模式与土壤微生物互作相关分析。结果表明,氰氨化钙和玉米秸秆协同处理对生菜根腐病和生菜茎基腐病的防效分别达到56.81%和47.49%,且增产率(44.08%)较高,具有防病促生效果。氰氨化钙和玉米秸秆协同处理在消毒揭膜0 d微生物数量显著减少,定植期微生物数量逐渐恢复。此外,两种土壤处理均可提高土壤pH值,降低电导率含量。其中氰氨化钙和玉米秸秆协同处理可提高土壤有机质、有效磷和全氮含量。因此,氰氨化钙和玉米秸秆协同处理可抑制土传病菌增殖,增加生菜生物量,改善土壤理化性状,后期土壤微生物数量恢复且不会对微生物群落产生明显的扰动影响,对环境较安全。  相似文献   
Replant diseases in strawberry caused by Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium oxysporum and Verticillium dahliae are serious problems for its sustainable production under continuous cropping. This research studied the inhibitory effect of calcium cyanamide on pathogenic fungi in Petri dishes and on sterilized soil. Results indicated that calcium cyanamide had an obvious inhibitory effect on three pathogens on potato dextrose agar (PDA) plates. Among them, the inhibitory effect on Rhizoctonia solani was the highest. As the concentrations of calcium cyanamide was increased from 0.1 to 10 mg/mL, the inhibition rate on mycelial growth increased from −1.43% to 100%. Inhibitory effects on Fusarium oxysporum and Verticillium dahliae also existed on Petri dishes but to a lesser extent. Similar results were also observed in sterilized soil. When the concentration of calcium cyanamide in sterilized soil was 0.1%, the inhibitory effect on Fusarium oxysporum and Verticillium dahliae was 68.46% and 54.46%, respectively. The inhibitive effect of calcium cyanamide on Fusarium oxysporum and Verticillium dahliae increased quickly as the soil moisture changed from 10% to 40% for Verticillium dahliae and from 10% to 60% for Fusarium oxysporum. This indicated that the inhibitive effect of calcium cyanamide could be influenced greatly by the moisture content in the soil.  相似文献   
硝酸钾和石灰氮打破苹果和葡萄自然休眠的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]打破苹果、葡萄的自然休眠。[方法]用浓度为1%、3%、5%、7%和9%的硝酸钾涂抹苹果品种嘎拉的休眠芽,用浓度为2倍液(石灰氮与水的重量比为1∶2,下同)5、倍液和8倍液的石灰氮涂抹葡萄品种巨峰的休眠芽,研究不同浓度的硝酸钾、石灰氮打破果树自然休眠的效果。[结果]2006年试验发现,浓度为5%、7%的硝酸钾打破嘎拉休眠芽的效果最好,平均萌芽率分别为72.00%和69.33%;2007年试验发现,浓度为5%的硝酸钾打破嘎拉休眠芽的效果最好,平均萌芽率为78.33%。2年试验发现,浓度为5倍液的石灰氮打破巨峰休眠芽的效果最好。[结论]浓度为5%和7%的硝酸钾打破苹果自然休眠的效果最好,浓度为5倍液的石灰氮打破葡萄自然休眠的效果最好。  相似文献   
为了探讨单氰胺对大樱桃萌芽和成熟期的影响,萌芽前,在平度、泰安两地的“红灯”樱桃树上喷洒单氰胺1.5%和2.5%溶液。平度保护地的施药时间为2003年12月24日,泰安保护地和露地的施药时间分别为2004年1月12日和2月10日。试验结果表明,单氰胺能有效促进大樱桃萌芽和开花。平度试验点:经单氰胺处理的樱桃萌芽、开花、成熟期分别比对照提前13d、8d、7d,单果重略小于对照。泰安试验点:经单氰胺处理的萌芽期比对照提前7d,但果实成熟期与对照差异不明显。因此,单氰胺在大樱桃上的作用效果与施药时期有关。  相似文献   
Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) seedlings (cv. Tsakoniki) were cultivated in soil artificially infested with V. dahliae Kleb. and then sterilized by either methyl bromide (MB) or calcium cyanamide. Grafted seedlings on the wild species Solanum torvum Sw. and the control seedlings (auto-rooted) were cultivated in soil sterilized by MB and then artificially infested with V. dahliae. The plants grafted on S. torvum and the ones grown in soil treated with calcium cyanamide (2001) exhibited significantly lower leaf symptom index (average value LSI = 1.55 and LSI = 1.00) and disease index (average value DI = 2.05 and DI = 1.20), respectively, as compared to the controls (average value LSI = 3.80 and DI = 5.50). Grafted plants on S. torvum and plants grown in soil treated with calcium cyanamide (2001) were more vigorous, as measured by plant height, stem diameter and root biomass than the controls. This resulted in an increased (over years) early (487.8% and 416.2%, 2001) and late production (277.0% and 241.3%, 2001) and mean fruit weight (over years) in early (93.7% and 49.6%, 2001) and late production (38.3% and 22.8%, 2001) as compared to the controls. In conclusion, grafting of eggplant and soil sterilized by calcium cyanamide had positive effects on growth, production and Verticillium wilt control.  相似文献   
设施栽培条件下番茄适宜的氮素管理和灌溉模式   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
 【目的】探索设施栽培条件下番茄适宜的氮素管理和灌溉模式。【方法】试验设4个处理:对照、传统氮素管理、优化氮素管理和推荐氮素管理。比较不同处理间的番茄产量、氮肥追施量、氮素损失量、化学氮肥和灌溉水农学效益等。【结果】(1)对照处理未追施化学氮肥,产量仍达到较高水平,冬春季出现了随着氮肥追施量的增加而减产的现象。(2)传统氮素管理每季的氮肥追施量为600 kgN?hm-2,灌溉量约7 500 m3?hm-2,不合理的水氮管理造成每年1 416 kgN?hm-2的表观氮素损失;与传统处理相比,推荐氮素管理每季番茄氮肥追施量减少50%,全年氮肥损失量减少32.2%;优化氮素管理两季番茄氮肥追施量为314和124 kgN?hm-2,灌溉量分别为3 900和4 550 m3?hm-2,全年的氮肥损失量减少38.6%。(3)传统、优化和推荐氮素管理全年的化学氮肥农学效益为0、24.9和0.3 kgFW?kg-1N,传统和优化灌溉的灌溉水农学效益分别为12.2和23.2 kg FW?m-3。(4)优化氮素管理模式每年可减少4 000元/hm2的氮肥和灌溉用电费用。【结论】本试验条件下,氮肥追施量已不是番茄产量进一步提高的主要限制因素。氮素追施调控结合小管出流及夏季休闲时施用小麦秸秆和氰氨化钙的水氮管理是较优的番茄氮素管理和灌溉模式。  相似文献   
不同药剂对打破玫瑰香葡萄芽休眠的效果研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以日光温室内葡萄品种‘玫瑰香’(Vitis vinifera ‘Muscat Hamburg’)为试材,选择不同化学药剂对其进行破眠试验,探讨单氰胺等外源生长调节剂打破休眠的效应以及休眠过程中抗性物质含量的变化。结果表明:2.5% 单氰胺打破葡萄的休眠效果最好,可使萌芽期提前15天左右,萌芽整齐度及萌芽速率高,显著提高了SOD、POD酶的活性,对CAT酶活性有一定的抑制作用,对丙二醛含量的影响不显著;200 mg/LGA3对打破休眠基本无效甚至有抑制作用,处理后萌芽率低于对照,但可促进芽体形成新梢;150 mg/L 6-BA对打破休眠亦有一定的效果,但对终萌芽率影响甚微。  相似文献   
The effect of defoliation (DEF) alone or combined with hydrogen cyanamide (HC) on dormancy state, fruit quality and yield of Anna apple cultivar was studied. Trees were manually defoliated on three successive dates, November 15th, December 1st and December 15th. The flower buds (FB) entered the endodormancy synchronized with vegetative buds (VB) for most of the treatments. Most of the treatments terminated endodormancy between January 27th and February 8th during the season 2004/2005 and between January 18th and February 8th during the season 2005/2006. The treatments were effective in dormancy release of FB and somewhat with VB. Defoliation on November 15th + HC recorded the lowest chilling accumulation needed to reach 50% bud break. All the treatments exceeded the control considering the percentage of flower (FBB) and vegetative bud break (VBB) either in the lab or at the field. Growing degree hours and the number of days required to reach each stage of fruiting were differed between the two studied seasons. The control and DEF on December 15th exceeded all the treatments regarding initial fruit set percentage (IFS). The defoliation treatments alone gave the highest yield (kg/tree). Defoliation + HC treatments gave the best fruit quality, while the control gave the least values.  相似文献   

Blueberry (Vaccinium sp.) production has expanded rapidly in the Southeastern U.S. over the past two decades, and various production problems have been encountered. These problems include poor pollination, low fruit set, freeze damage, variable yields, and small fruit size among others. Plant growth regulators (PGRs) have been utilized to overcome some production problems with some degree of success. This paper reviews findings of research that has been conducted over the past few years with PGRs and blueberries in the Southeast.  相似文献   
针对草净津在工业化生产中存在的收率不稳定、产品质量差等问题进行了分析研究,发现循环溶剂、主要原材料以及中间体的质量对草净津的收率和产品质量都有不同程度的影响,而影响的主要因素是中间体丙酮氰胺的质量.通过对回收溶剂的处理、原材料的提纯和对中间体的精制,使草净津合成的工艺条件得到进一步优化,从而使草净津以三聚氯氰计的产品总收率达90%~95%,产品含量可达970 g.kg-1,且收率和质量都相当稳定.  相似文献   
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