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用盆栽方法进行播量对寒地水稻生长发育及干物质积累影响试验,结果表明:稀播的秧苗发根力强、分蘖多、茎基宽、充实度高。播量200g/m2的产量最高。  相似文献   
笃斯越桔硬枝扦插繁殖技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用笃斯越桔硬枝扦插,用生根剂处理插穗,并在不同的基质上进行扦插试验,结果表明:笃斯越桔硬枝扦插用河沙作为基质最好,生根剂ABT处理的插穗生根率最高。  相似文献   
对黄瓜、番茄在育苗前期进行短时间的人工补光有明显促进生长的效果。农用荧光灯(BR)的补光效果优于日光型荧光灯(W)。早春育苗进行人工补光的时间以下午自然光照强度稍高于光补偿点、叶片气孔尚未关闭之前为好,呼和浩特、包头3月份16:00、4月份17:00开始补光为宜。补光的光强度在500~800lx 效果明显。光源距幼苗的距离以10cm 为宜。  相似文献   
针对我国目前对木瓜剖半设备研究较少,剖切方式不合理,切割效果差等问题,设计开发了新型木瓜剖半机。该机切割方式选用滑切切割的方式,由运料系统、切割系统、出料系统组成,设计合理,结构简单。为此,计算了滑切角、切割角等主要切割参数,并给出了新型剖半机的主要技术参数。试验表明:该机切割效果好,能够有效提高生产效率。  相似文献   
Abstract. Usual residue-management options are to remove the residue, use it as mulch with or without undercutting or to incorporate it into the soil. While the role of surface mulch in evaporation has been widely studied, the information on the effect on evaporation of mulch with undercutting or residue incorporated into soil, particularly in relation to soil type and evaporativity (Eo) is lacking. We studied the effect of wheat straw used in various ways on the course of evaporation loss from soil columns with three soils at Ludhiana, India and one soil at Bushland, Texas, USA, under two Eo's Energy-limited evaporation rates under mulch (Eom) followed the soil-specific relation Eom/Eo= a e(bRes+cEo), where Res is residue rate t/ha and a, b and c are constants; Eo, is expressed in mm/d. In an effort to model the total evaporation (CE) during the energy-limited stage ‘U’ was obtained from appropriate CE versus time curves and (CE-U) was regressed over (t - ti)0.5 to obtain the slope ‘α’ (Ritchie 1972) for the soil-limited evaporation stage. The observed ‘U’ was independent of mulch rate and Eo but was strongly affected by soil type, Values of ‘α’ decreased with increase in mulch rate and decrease in Eo and coarseness of soil. The otherwise short lived benefit of evaporation reduction with mulch per se, which peaked after a few days was maintained when residue was mixed with soil at the stage when evaporation reduction reached a maximum; this benefit continued for several weeks. Cumulative evaporation values computed from ‘U’ and ‘α’ agreed closely with the observed values under straw mulch for loamy sand and clay loam soils and for ‘undercut’ and ‘residue mixed’ treatments on all soils regardless of Eo, and for all situations under small Eo. However, for sandy loam and silt loam soils under Eo of 10 mm/d, the modified square root of the time function of Jalota et al. (1988) gave a better fit.  相似文献   
椰糠对黄瓜穴盘苗生长发育的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
将草炭、椰糠、蛭石按不同比例配制育苗基质,探讨椰糠对黄瓜秧苗生长发育的影响。结果表明,椰糠具有较好的保水性,酸碱度适合于作为穴盘育苗基质,出苗情况较好,秧苗质量高,证明椰糠是一种良好的园艺栽培基质。  相似文献   
烯效唑浸种对黄瓜的壮苗效应   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
研究不同浓度烯效唑浸种对黄瓜幼苗生长发育的影响。结果表明,烯效唑可抑制黄瓜幼苗徒长,使株高降低,比叶重增加,根冠比和壮苗指数增大,叶绿素含量增加,根系活性增强,在形态上和生理上表现出显著的壮苗效应;烯效唑对黄瓜有极显著的增产作用,以20 mg·kg-1处理最佳,促进增产的主要原因是提高了单株结瓜数。  相似文献   
介绍了在大菱鲆苗种培育过程中,添加微藻、有益复合菌、弧菌疫苗,在稳定的水环境中培育健康苗种,取得较高的成活率。  相似文献   
4种外源激素处理对羊草种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研究了100~600μg/g赤霉素(GA3)和吲哚乙酸(IAA)、25~100μg/g 6-苄氨基嘌呤(6-BA)和脱落酸(ABA)对羊草种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响。结果表明,100~300μg/g GA3和IAA以及25μg/g 6-BA对羊草种子的萌发最终表现为促进作用,总体效果为GA3>IAA>6-BA。当GA3和IAA浓度大于400μg/g或6-BA浓度大于50μg/g时对羊草种子的最终发芽率均表现为不同程度的抑制;25~100μg/g的外源激素ABA对羊草种子萌发没有抑制作用。GA3处理均能显著促进羊草幼苗的伸长,IAA和6-BA则表现为不同程度的抑制作用;GA3、IAA和6-BA 3种促进激素对羊草的根长和根冠比均表现为抑制作用;25~100μg/g ABA对羊草苗长、根长以及根冠比没有显著影响。  相似文献   
为了筛选出适宜北京地区春茬番茄的穴盘育苗基质,并明确其物理和化学性质,以提高育苗基质的标准化,推动育苗技术精准控制的标准化进程,选取了北京地区各大育苗场常用的3种商品基质和6种以草炭、蛭石、珍珠岩为主要原料复配的自配基质,用于番茄穴盘集约化育苗,分析育苗基质的理化性质及育苗效果。结果表明:A3处理(北京绿穑生物商品基质)番茄幼苗茎粗最大,较CK(草炭、蛭石、珍珠岩体积比为3∶1∶1)增加13.1%,根冠比和壮苗指数也均最大,分别为0.132和0.069,A5处理(草炭、蛭石、珍珠岩体积比按3∶1∶1混合,每穴添加1 g基质伴侣)仅次于A3处理,两处理春季育苗效果好,建议进行推广应用。  相似文献   
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