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鸡球虫病是一种对养禽业危害极其严重的寄生虫病,现阶段主要使用药物对该病进行防治,但长期大量使用药物产生了耐药虫株、环境污染等问题,因此球虫疫苗研制成为控制鸡球虫病的首选方法.细胞因子作为疫苗免疫佐剂能增强疫苗的特导性免疫反应,在寄生虫疫苗研究中具有重要作用.文章对细胞因子抗鸡球虫病的作用机制及其在抗球虫病中应用的研究进展作一综述.  相似文献   
妥曲珠利-地克珠利复方溶液设高、中、低3个剂量组,其中妥曲珠利使用浓度分别为20、10、5 mg/L,同时以百球清、妥曲珠利、地克珠利为对照药物,对鸡人工感染地克珠利耐药的柔嫩艾美耳球虫株进行临床抗球虫疗效试验。为评价妥曲珠利-地克珠利复方溶液对靶动物(鸡)的安全性,对试验鸡只连续30 d在饮水中按推荐剂量的5、10 、20倍给药,分别在第15、30 d 通过对增重、饲料报酬、器官系数、血液生化指标、病理组织学等方面进行观察和检测,与不给药对照组比较,以评价复方溶液的使用安全性。结果表明,复方溶液的低、中、高剂量组及百球清组的抗球虫指数(ACI)分别为112.1、182.5、193.9 和178.8。鸡只对妥曲珠利-地克珠利复方溶液的耐受性好,有较宽的安全使用范围。  相似文献   
[目的]探讨姜黄素对鸡球虫病的防控效果。[方法]选取600只1日龄矮脚黄鸡,随机分成空白对照组、球特威试验组、马杜霉素试验组。每组在试验结束后称重,记录各组采食量,计算料重比。分别在20、40、60日龄进行粪便卵囊计数,肠道病变计分,评价其抗球虫效果。[结果]球特威试验组矮脚黄鸡的体增重、料重比、球虫卵囊计数等方面均优于对照组。[结论]以姜黄素为主的中药制剂球特威对于防治球虫病方面具有良好效果。  相似文献   
[目的]对某养殖场送检患病幼兔进行病理学诊断。[方法]剖检后对患病幼兔的肝脏及粪便进行涂片检查,并利用常规石蜡切片对其进行病理变化观察。[结果]剖检可见幼兔肝脏肿大,表面和切面可见黄白色小结节,结节内充满黄绿色脓性分泌物或干酪样物质。肝脏涂片检查可见艾美耳球虫虫卵及大、小配子体,粪便检查未见球虫卵囊。组织病理学观察结果表明,肝脏组织结构破坏,胆管上皮增生,在增生的胆管上皮内可观察到不同发育阶段的斯氏艾美耳球虫卵囊、大配子体和小配子体。[结论]送检幼兔被诊断为斯氏艾美耳球虫病。  相似文献   
目的寻求一种高效、优质药物防治家兔球虫病和大肠杆菌病。方法(1)60只健康兔分4组,第1、2组分别注射球虫清缓释剂、球菌清缓释剂,第3、4组分别用伯氨喹啉、地克珠利 氟哌酸拌料日常饲喂,于d 2、5、7、15、30口服球虫孢子化卵囊,隔10 d取粪查卵囊,观察保护率。(2)球虫病兔20只分为第1、3组,球虫病及大肠杆菌病兔20只分为第2、4组,分别用上述方法给药比较治愈率。(3)日常饲养兔150只分3组,分别为注射球虫清缓释剂、伯氨喹啉拌料日常饲喂、对照组,1、2、3个月后查卵囊,观察转阴率、OPG值、死亡率等。(4)幼兔100只分5组,前4组用方法(1)给药,第5组为对照组,比较增重率、饲料转化率、节省防治费率。结果(1)兔注射球虫清缓释剂、球菌清缓释剂后,在d 2~20时,攻击球虫,其保护率均为100%(3/3)。在d 30时,攻击球虫,其保护率均为66.7%(2/3);而口服伯氨喹啉,地克珠利 氟哌酸防治的兔,在d 2~5时攻击球虫,保护率为0,在d 10时,其保护率均为33.3%(1/3),在d 20~30时,其保护率均为66.7%(2/3)。(2)球虫病和大肠杆菌病兔(1、2组)注射球虫清缓释剂、球菌清缓释剂后d 5~60,球虫病、大肠杆菌病的治愈率均为100%;口服伯氨喹啉、地克珠利 氟哌酸(3、4组)后d 5,治愈率均为0,d 20~60时,治愈率为70.0%~90.0%。(3)球虫清缓释剂组在1~2个月时,球虫卵囊减少率及转阴率均为100%,在3个月时,球虫卵囊减少率为98.9%,转阴率为94.0%,存活率为100%。伯氨喹啉组1~3个月,球虫卵囊减少率及转阴率分别为64.4%~89.8%及33.0%~91.2%,死亡率为22.0%~28.0%,存活率为72.0%~78.0%。对照组1~3个月,球虫卵囊增加78.0%~126.0%,死亡率为46.0%~62.0%,存活率为38.0%~54.0%。(4)注射球虫(菌)清缓释剂比口服伯氨喹啉、地克珠利 氟哌酸及对照组,兔的增重率分别提高71.7%、76.1%、374.6%和69.8%、74.1%、369.3%,节省防治费75%。应用球虫(菌)清缓释剂防治球虫病、大肠杆菌病兔10.5万只,获得经济效益108.67万元(包括增重效益、挽回死亡兔损失、减少饲料费和节省防治费四项)。结论球虫(菌)清缓释剂能安全、高效、经济、方便地控制家兔球虫病和大肠杆菌病的发生,保护幼兔安全度过球虫病和大肠杆菌病高危期。  相似文献   
球痢清等药物对人工感染兔肠球虫病的治疗比较试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
48只30日龄大耳白杂种兔,试验接种感染兔肠球虫的5种混合孢子化卵囊,将球痢清I、球痢清Ⅱ、莫能霉素和氯苯胍分别拌在饲料中饲喂,以比较其抗兔肠球虫的效果。通过临床观察,分析克粪便卵囊数的变化,记录增重、计算饲料转化率和对每组扑杀兔作病理组织学检查,结果表明:球痢清抑制卵囊产生、减轻肠道病变、增重及饲料转化率的效果明显,与莫能霉素相近,并显著优于氯苯胍。氯苯胍效果较差,几乎与接种不给药组相同。无显著性差异。因此说明氯苯胍不宜单一继续使用。应引入新的高效抗球虫药,并指导正确使用抗球虫药物。  相似文献   
为了寻找防治有机肉鸡球虫病效方法,使用大蒜、驱球散等中草药进行肉鸡球虫病防治试验。治疗试验结果表明:大蒜和驱球散联合使用治疗鸡球虫病,治愈率达到96.7%,超过了复方磺胺二甲基嘧啶钠可溶性粉的93.3%的治愈率。预防试验结果显示:在网上平养条件下,大蒜与驱球散联合使用保护率为98%,超过了地克珠利95%的保护率;药物保护作用的大小与饲养环境密切相关,网上平养的保护率显著高于地面平养的保护率。我们认为,中草药只要组方合理,并辅以合适饲养环境,完全可以替代西药来防治鸡球虫病。  相似文献   
Paracox anticoccidial vaccine was administered to a 7-day-old flock of commercial broiler breeder stock subsequently reared to point-of-lay in the same house. For comparison, three subgroups of another flock of broiler breeders were also vaccinated with Paracox at 7 days of age, reared to 42 days and then transferred to new litter on another farm until point-of-lay. The first subgroup received no further treatment, but the second and third each received a second vaccination with Paracox, either immediately after transfer to the new litter or 42 days after transfer. Using an Eimeria necatrix model, protective immunity was demonstrated by virulent challenge of samples of birds from all groups by the age of 37–40 days (30–33 days after the first vaccination), and was maintained to at least 122–125 days of age, whether the birds remained on the same litter or were transferred to another farm, and whether they received one or two anticoccidial vaccinations. Therefore, there is no disadvantage in transferring birds onto new litter 35 days after a single Paracox vaccination, nor is there any advantage in giving a second vaccination after such a transfer. Vaccinated birds seeded the new litter with oocysts, despite being clinically immune to coccidiosis. A supplementary laboratory experiment showed that birds vaccinated at 8 days of age passed almost no oocysts after a second vaccination at 43 days of age. This indicated that they were not only protected against clinical coccidiosis, but were almost solidly immune to a homologous infection 5 weeks after a single vaccination. Nevertheless, oocysts appeared in the litter of all four groups of commercial breeders throughout the trial, showing that wild-type heterologous infections occurred whether the birds were transferred to new litter or not, but these did not overwhelm the acquired protective immunity and cause clinical coccidiosis.  相似文献   
Faecal samples were collected 3 times a week for 6 weeks from 22 peripartal cows and for up to 15 weeks after birth from 27 calves in 3 herds, to determine the numbers of Eimeria oocysts excreted and the age at which the calves first excreted oocysts. Only low numbers of oocysts were excreted by the cows and no oocysts were detected in 93% of the samples. However, half the cows excreted oocysts at least once. The age at which the calves first excreted oocysts ranged from 2.5 to at least 15 weeks, and there was a significant difference between the herds in their mean age at first excretion. Oocysts of Eimeria alabamensis, E. auburnensis, E. bovis and E. ellipsoidalis were found in numbers ranging from 7 to 8450 oocysts per gram faeces. About 50% of the calves excreted oocysts before they were transferred to group pens. The primary source of infection of the calves was probably their penmates or the previous occupants of the pens, and the cows probably played a subsidiary role.  相似文献   
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