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遮阴已成为影响夏玉米产量的重要因子,提高玉米耐阴性可为高产、抗逆栽培提供理论依据。以‘苏玉29’为试验材料,系统研究了小喇叭口期增施氮肥、硼肥缓解花期遮阴胁迫对夏玉米形态建成、物质积累和产量的影响。结果表明:遮阴处理降低了株高、茎粗、单株叶面积和干物质积累量,并延长了散粉吐丝间隔期。与遮阴处理比,小喇叭口期增施硼肥、氮肥不同程度提高了株高、茎粗、单株叶面积和干物质积累量,且同时增施硼肥、氮肥增幅最大。遮阴处理显著增加了秃尖长,降低了穗粒数和粒重,增施硼肥氮肥缓解了遮阴对突尖长、穗粒数和粒重的影响。增施硼肥、氮肥和同时增施硼肥、氮肥处理产量分别较遮阴处理提高36.7%、8.0%和43.1%。遮阴处理降低叶面积影响干物质积累,产量的降低与突尖增长、穗粒数较少和粒重降低有关。小喇叭口期增施硼肥和氮肥是缓解花期遮阴对产量不利影响的有效措施。 关键词:玉米;遮阴;氮肥;硼肥;产量;农艺性状  相似文献   
植株中全硼测定方法的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以硝酸-高氯酸为湿灰化法的氧化剂,不同植物材料为试验对象,干灰化法的测试结果为参比,探讨研究湿灰化法测定植株全硼的可行性。结果表明:湿灰化法测定植株全硼含量与干灰化法的结果基本一致,利用湿灰化法进行样品消解是可行的,这为批量测试植株中的全硼含量提供了有益的探索。  相似文献   

This investigation was conducted during two successive seasons (2014/2015) and (2015/2016) using 15?years old productive mango (Mangifera indica) trees cv. Zebda. The trees were grown at AlMalak Valley Farm, El-Sharkeya Governorate- Egypt (30–51° North; 32–53° East). Trees were planted 8?×?8 meter within and between rows in sandy soil under drip irrigation system using the Nile water. The objective of this study is to alleviate alternate bearing in cv. Zebda using mineral nutrients (nitrogen in the on year and boron in the off year). Treatments included three concentrations of nitrogen (1000, 1250, 1500?g/tree/year) and three concentrations of boron (0.0, 250, 500?mg L?1). Nitrogen was applied to the soil as ammonium sulfate and boron was applied as foliar spray of boric acid. The extra amount of nitrogen fertilizer (250 and 500?g N/tree) was applied at three installments in (May, June and July). Treatment was arranged in a factorial Completely Randomized Block Design with three replicates for each treatment. Results show that the on-year nitrogen fertilization significantly increased mango tree vegetative growth (number of shoot/branch, shoot length, shoot thickness, number of leaves/meter and leaf area) and yield. The average yield in the on year is 85.5?kg/tree at 1250?g N/tree but 67.4?Kilogram/tree at 1000?g N/tree (the control treatment). While in the off year boron foliar application resulted in a significant increase in flowering, initial fruit set, final fruit set and fruit yield. The average yield in the off year is 47?kg/tree at 250?mg L?1 boron but 9?kg/tree at 0.0?mg L?1 boron rate (the control treatment).The interaction treatment of 250?mg L?1 boron + 1500?g nitrogen/tree is the best treatment as it resulted in the highest values for all the tested parameters. The average yield of this treatment is 53.5?kg/tree. This treatment helps alleviate alternate bearing phenomenon by 41% and obtain the highest economic yield in the off-year, i.e. increased yield by 5.9 fold.  相似文献   
施用锌肥和硼肥对玉米穗粒性状和品质的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为了探究微量元素锌和硼对玉米果穗的影响,以豫单606为材料,采用盆栽试验,设置不施用锌肥和硼肥(对照,CK)、施用锌肥、施用硼肥、同时施用锌肥和硼肥4种处理,调查了玉米穗粒性状和品质的变化。结果表明,施用锌肥和硼肥,秃尖减少,行粒数增加,产量显著提高;施用锌肥籽粒长度增加,粒厚、百粒体积和百粒重降低,由于穗粒数提高,单穗产量增加;施用硼肥籽粒长度、百粒重、百粒体积和单穗产量均增加。与CK相比,单施锌肥、硼肥及锌肥和硼肥配施均能提高籽粒蛋白质含量;施用锌肥籽粒脂肪含量显著提高,施用硼肥籽粒脂肪含量降低;各施肥处理淀粉含量均无显著差异。与CK相比,施用锌肥或硼肥以及锌肥和硼肥配施显著提高了籽粒锌和硼的含量。本研究结果为锌肥和硼肥在玉米生产中的应用提供了参考。  相似文献   
两种硼肥对油菜新品种生长发育及产量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
两种不同含量的速溶硼肥,solubor和宽甸硼砂施用于油菜新品种中双9号、华双3号、中油杂2号和华杂3号的田间试验结果表明,施硼增加油菜苗期、越冬期、初花期干物重,增加株高、主花序长度、分枝数、单株角果数、粒数和粒重,而叶数、根茎粗和千粒重变化不明显;不同施硼菜籽产量平均增加5.7%~20.1%,喷施等量0.075%、0.10%、0.15%硼肥溶液,solubor优于宽甸硼砂,增产率分别为13.3%、18.3%、20.1%和5.7%、9.9%、15.2%;喷施等量有效硼时,两种硼肥的油菜单株粒重及菜籽产量均相近。表明两种硼肥对双低常规油菜与双低杂交油菜均有相似的显著增产效果,其增产率取决于有效硼施用量;在低硼土上,可满足双低油菜产量达2500~2800kg/hm^2的硼素需求为每公顷喷施宽甸硼砂5.7kg或solubor硼肥2.85kg。  相似文献   
The effects of B and Ca treatments on root growth, nutrient localization and cell wall properties in wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) plants with and without Al stress were investigated. Seedlings were grown hydroponically in a complete nutrient solution for 7 d and then treated with B (0, 40 μM), Ca (0, 2,500 μM), and Al (0, 100 μM) in a 500 μM CaCl2 solution for 8 d. The cell wall materials (CWM) were extracted with a phenol: acetic acid: water (2:1:1 w/v/v) solution and used for subsequent pectin extraction with trans -1,2-diami-nocyclohexane- N,N,N,N -tetraacetic acid (CDTA) and Na2CO3 solutions. Boron, Ca, and B + Ca treatments enhanced root growth by 19.5, 15.2, and 27.2%, respectively, compared to the control (pH 4.5). Calcium and B+Ca treatments enhanced root growth with Al stress by 43 and 54%, respectively, while B did not exert any effect. The amounts of CWM and pectin per unit of root fresh weight increased by Al treatment, whereas the Ca and B+Ca treatments slightly reduced the contents of these components. Seventy-four percent of total B, 69% of total Ca, and 85% of total Al were located in the cell wall in the B, Ca, and Al treatments, respectively and 32% of total B, 33% of total Ca, and 33% of total Al were located in the CDTA-soluble and Na2CO3-soluble pectin fractions. A more conspicuous localization of B was observed in the presence of Al. Aluminum treatment markedly decreased the Ca content in the cell wall as well as pectin fractions, mainly in the case of the CDTA-soluble pectin fraction. Boron + Ca treatment decreased the Al content in the cell wall and pectin fractions compared to the Ca treatment alone in the presence of Al. It is concluded that the B+Ca treatment enhanced root growth and, B and Ca uptake, and helped to maintain a normal B and Ca metabolism in the cell walls even in the presence of Al.  相似文献   
在硅、镁、硼营养较缺乏的甘蔗田,进行硅肥、镁肥、磷肥的施肥效应试验,结果表明:硅、镁、硼肥及其不同施肥水平对甘蔗的株高、茎径、锤度、产量和产糖量有明显的影响。施用硅肥使甘蔗锤度、产量和理论产糖量分别比对照增加0.42~1.11,11.04~14.96t/hm^2和1.84~2.10t/hm^2;施用镁肥分别比对照增加0.93~1.26,4.02~9.55t/hm^2和0.99~1.53t/hm^2;施用硼肥分别比对照增加0.41~1.20,5.00~10.00t/hm^2和0.80~1.82t/hm^2。  相似文献   
不同硼营养下甘蓝型油菜体内游离氨基酸成分变化分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究了不同供硼水平(缺硼、正常供硼、硼过量)对油菜幼苗叶片及花药内游离氨基酸成分的影响。实验结果表明,缺硼和硼过量都会造成植株生长异常,幼苗干物重显著下降,植株幼苗叶片与花药内蛋白水解酶的活性升高,而游离氨基酸总量增加,同时,氨基酸的组分也发生了明显的变化。不适宜供棚(缺硼、硼过量)使幼苗叶片内辅氨酸含量明显升高,与之相伴随的是一些氨基酸含量的下降,而花药内脯氨酸含量有所减少。  相似文献   
【目的】研究条施调酸材料的调酸效应及其对马铃薯锌、硼吸收的影响,为调酸材料在马铃薯上的应用提供依据。【方法】以马铃薯为材料,采用田间试验,设置根区施用磷酸一铵(MAP)、硫磺(S)、混合调酸剂(磷酸一铵和硫磺按质量比1∶1混合,MS),以不施用调酸材料为对照,分析调酸材料施入石灰性土壤后土壤pH值、锌硼有效性以及马铃薯叶片、块茎锌硼含量的变化,研究3种调酸材料根区条施后的调酸效应及对土壤锌硼有效性和马铃薯锌硼吸收的影响。【结果】施入调酸材料能显著降低石灰性土壤pH值,在马铃薯整个生育期调酸效应总体表现为MS>MAP>S。施用调酸材料能提高淀粉积累期马铃薯根区土壤有效锌和有效硼含量,MAP、S、MS处理土壤有效锌含量较对照分别提高了58.82%,9.80%和37.25%,土壤有效硼含量较对照分别提高了53.01%,57.83%和61.45%。施用调酸材料后,苗期马铃薯叶片锌、硼积累量分别增加了48.44%~60.83%和40.73%~58.68%,块茎膨大期分别增加了31.43%~39.88%和22.40%~33.06%;在淀粉积累期,MS和S处理马铃薯叶片锌积累量较对照分别降低了51.85%和30.25%,而MAP处理则较对照增加了4.79%,MAP、S、MS处理马铃薯叶片硼积累量较对照分别减少了20.67%,41.78%和38.21%。收获期施用调酸材料后,MAP、S、MS处理马铃薯块茎锌含量较对照分别降低了9.47%,4.94%和14.81%,S、MS处理马铃薯锌积累量较对照分别降低了5.88%和21.08%,而MAP处理提高了30.39%;MAP、S、MS处理马铃薯块茎硼含量较对照分别提高了14.97%,15.51%和63.10%,硼积累量分别提高了67.74%,16.13%和51.61%。【结论】调酸材料降低了石灰性土壤pH值和马铃薯块茎锌含量,但提高了马铃薯块茎硼含量;从调酸效应和马铃薯块茎吸收来看,磷酸一铵与硫磺配施最有利于马铃薯对土壤中微量元素锌硼的利用。  相似文献   
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