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闫洪颖  胡文冉  范玲 《棉花学报》2009,21(6):456-461
 利用透射电镜观察新疆特早熟陆地棉新陆早36号纤维发育过程中的超微结构变化。在10 DPA纤维细胞初生壁形成期,液泡占据纤维细胞中央,细胞质中有大量的线粒体、内质网、高尔基体等细胞器,初生壁较薄且厚度均匀;在20 DPA时,纤维在初生壁内已明显有一层薄薄的次生壁的形成,细胞质中细胞器部分解体;随后次生壁增厚速度逐步加快,在30 DPA到40 DPA之间,纤维平均增厚速度约为每天0.139 m,在40 DPA到50 DPA之间,纤维平均增厚速度约为每天0.47 m。纤维细胞次生壁向内层逐步层层加厚,形成“日生长轮”。随着纤维细胞的脱水成熟,纤维细胞次生壁增厚使纤维中腔只剩下一条窄缝。观察结果表明,虽然特早熟陆地棉发育进程快,开花早,但纤维细胞的发育进程与所报道的其它棉花品种具有相似性。  相似文献   
The breadmaking quality of wheat is affected by the composition of gluten proteins and the polymerisation of subunits that are synthesised and accumulated in developing wheat grain. The biological mechanisms and time course of these events during grain development are documented, but not widely confirmed. Therefore, the aim of this study was to monitor the accumulation of gluten protein subunits and the size distribution of protein aggregates during grain development. The effect of desiccation on the polymerisation of gluten proteins and the functional properties of gluten were also studied. The results showed that the size of glutenin polymers remained consistently low until yellow ripeness (YR), while it increased during grain desiccation after YR. Hence, this polymerisation process was presumed to be initiated by desiccation. A similar polymerisation event was also observed when premature grains were dried artificially. The composition of gluten proteins, the ratios of glutenin to gliadin and high molecular weight-glutenin subunits to low molecular weight-glutenin subunits, in premature grain after artificial desiccation showed close association with the size of glutenin polymers in artificially dried grain. Functional properties of gluten in these samples were also associated with polymer size after artificial desiccation.  相似文献   
[目的]研究不同施氮量对花后高温下春小麦叶绿素荧光特性的影响,为分析氮素营养调控春小麦高温危害的内在机理提供理论依据.[方法]以宁春4号和宁春47号为材料,设施纯氮120 kg/ha(N1)、240 kg/ha(N2)和300 kg/ha(N3)3个施氮量处理,以不施氮为对照(CK),于花后18~22 d进行(35±2)℃高温处理,测定花后7、14、23、28和33 d不同处理的叶绿素含量及荧光参数.[结果]高温胁迫后(花后23~33 d),与CK相比,3个氮肥处理整体上可增加宁春4号和宁春47号的叶片SPAD值、最大荧光(Fm)和可变荧光(Fv),降低初始荧光(Fo),使Fv/Fo、Fv/Fm上升、Fo/Fm下降,其中N1和N2处理较CK增加或降低的幅度较明显.同时,花后23~28 d,N1和N2处理的单位反应中心吸收的光能(ABS/RC)、单位反应中心捕获的用于还原QA的能量(TR0/RC)和单位反应中心耗散的能量(DI0/RC)显著高于CK(P<0.05,下同),花后33 d时显著低于CK;单位反应中心捕获的用于电子传递的能量(ET0/RC)在花后23~33 d均表现为N2>N1>N3>CK.[结论]适量施用氮肥可缓解高温对春小麦光合器官结构和功能的伤害,有助于提高其光合性能.  相似文献   
Strong adhesion between the hull and the caryopsis is essential for barley to be of good malting quality. Poor hull adhesion, a condition known as grain skinning, is undesirable for malting and downstream processes. At present, the processes mediating hull adhesion during grain development are poorly understood. The barley cultivar Chariot was grown in greenhouse conditions and grain development was recorded at defined growth stages to examine the timing of hull adhesion. Initiation of adhesion was first observed when caryopsis fresh weight and volume were approaching their maximum at 19 days after anthesis, during early dough. Hull adhesion was complete by 27 days after anthesis, or soft dough. Sections of developing grains were observed using light and transmission electron microscopy to examine a lipid-rich cementing layer believed to be responsible for adhesion between the hull and the pericarp. Evidence for a lipid-rich cementing material was supported by the observation that neither pectinase nor cellulase effected hull loosening. Grain growth, the presence of globular material originating from the pericarp and an electron dense material in the cementing layer are discussed in relation to hull adhesion. Grain skinning could be caused by poor adherence of cuticular material or inadequate fusion between cuticles.  相似文献   
开花期对玉米适应不同环境具有决定性作用,是重要的育种目标,对玉米开花期进行QTL定位是进行花期性状改良的基础工作。以玉米自交系黄早四和1462为亲本构建的F2:3群体为材料,结合高密度SNP标记对玉米抽雄期和散粉期进行QTL定位。结果表明,F2:3群体的抽雄期和散粉期呈正态分布,且两性状之间呈极显著相关。利用WinQTLcart 2.5软件的复合区间作图法共检测5个控制抽雄期的QTL,分别位于3、5、6、7、9号染色体上,贡献率在6.19%~26.39%;同时检测到4个控制散粉期的QTL,位于3、5、6、7号染色体上,贡献率7.48%~28.28%,这些QTL的基因作用方式以部分显性和超显性为主。共计发现3个主效QTL(贡献率超过10%),分别位于3号和6号染色体上。利用两个亲本的V6时期的茎尖进行转录分析,在主效QTL置信区间内共发现21个差异表达基因,其中包含可能控制玉米花期的候选基因。  相似文献   
在黄淮海地区小麦-玉米一年两熟种植模式下,常规施氮270 kg/hm2且氮磷肥配施比为3∶1时,夏玉米叶片衰老较缓慢,花后光合能力较强,穗粒数增加,获得夏玉米高产;减量施氮33%并调整氮磷比为2∶1,可延缓夏玉米花后叶片衰老,提升花后光合能力,获得夏玉米丰产高效。综上,施用磷肥90 kg/hm2且维持氮磷配比为2∶1至3∶1,利于夏玉米高产高效。  相似文献   
In current study, dry–matter accumulation (DMA), pre– and post–anthesis nitrogen (N) accumulation, N translocation (NT) and dry–matter partitioning by sunflower seeds was investigated under three sowing dates (January 20, February 10 & March 2), two intra–row spacings (30 & 24 cm) and four nitrogen doses (0, 45, 60 & 75 kg ha–1) in two alluvial soils. Early sowing resulted in higher DMA and NT; leading to higher nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) that could be associated with higher pre–anthesis N accumulation. The closer intra–row spacing resulted in higher DMA by all plant parts except seed. Each graded N dose improved DMA, but improvement in dry–matter partitioning to seed was significant up to 60 and 75 kg N ha–1 during 2014 and 2015, respectively owing to higher NT under respective treatments. NUE was highest at 60 kg N ha–1 during both years.  相似文献   
在花后充分供水与控水条件下,对两个水稻回交组合干物质积累、分配及产量性状进行研究,并进行相关分析。研究花后水分亏缺对水稻回交后代干物质积累、分配及产量的影响。结果表明:花后控水处理水稻回交后代群体干物质积累较对照显著减少,干物质运转和分配同时受到一定影响,并且控水处理的每穗结实粒数、结实率和千粒重均降低,导致经济产量下降。花后水分亏缺籽粒产量与总干重、籽粒产量与穗干重间均呈显著正相关。  相似文献   
不同栽培基质对切花非洲菊生长和开花的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过对切花非洲菊不同基质组合随机区组设计,以常规土壤栽培为对照进行试验,分析比较不同基质对切花非洲菊生长及开花的影响,从中筛选比较适合切花非洲菊无土栽培的基质配方。试验结果表明,以煤渣+珍珠岩+草炭土(2:1:1)为最佳配方。  相似文献   
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