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An enriched environment is widely used to improve domestic animals’ welfare and promote their natural behaviors. Music can reduce abnormal behavior in humans, nonhuman primates, and rodents. However, little is known about the effects of music on pigs. This study aims to explore the effects of repeated music stimulation on the behavior, physiology, and immunity of growing pigs. A total of 72 hybrid piglets (Large White × Duroc × Minpig) were randomly divided into three groups, including music (Mozart K.448, 60 to 70 dB), noise (recorded mechanical noise, 80 to 85 dB), and control (natural background sound, <40 dB), and 6 h sound stimulation was given per day (1000 to 1600 hours) from 40 to 100 d of age. The behavioral activities of the pigs were observed during the music stimulation, and their serum cortisol, salivary cortisol, and serum immune indices were also measured. Compared with the control group, the music group and noise group increased activity but decreased lying of pigs (P < 0.05). A significant increase in tail-wagging, playing, and exploring behaviors of pigs was found in the music group (P < 0.05), and the noise significantly increased the aggressive behavior of the pigs (P < 0.05). Tail-wagging, playing, exploring, manipulating, and aggressive behaviors decreased over time. Short-term (8 d) music stimulus had a lower cortisol level than that of the noise and control groups (P < 0.05), whereas long-term (60 d) music stimulus increased immunoglobulin G (IgG), interleukin-2 (IL-2), and interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) levels (P < 0.05) and decreased interleukin-4 (IL-4) level (P < 0.05). Long-term noise stimulus significantly reduced the level of IgG (P < 0.05) but did not affect the level of IL-2, IL-4, and IFN-γ levels (P > 0.05). In conclusion, short-term music stimulus (8 d) reduced the stress response, whereas long-term music stimulus (60 d) enhanced the immune responses. In addition, the noise increased the aggressive behavior, and long-term noise reduced the immunity of the growing pigs.  相似文献   
泵的叶轮扫掠蜗壳隔舌时产生的压力脉动是引起船用泵振动噪声的原因之一.为尽可能弱化这一影响,分别设计了叶片出口边与前后盖板基本面垂直和倾斜的2种不同形式叶轮,将其配置在相同的双蜗壳中,通过数值计算与样机试验相结合的手段,对蜗壳内9个不同位置的压力脉动情况进行对比分析.结果表明:出口边倾斜的叶轮相比于出口边垂直的叶轮可明显改善蜗壳内次脉动的“驼峰”现象,且可以进一步降低隔舌处主波动的压力峰值;对蜗壳内2个隔舌稍前的位置,出口边倾斜的叶轮反而会使得该点的压力系数幅值明显增大,且该点主波动的周期数发生改变;2种叶轮出口边的不同形式对蜗壳出口位置的压力脉动的影响基本相同;采用出口边倾斜叶轮对改善因叶轮与隔舌间的液流压力脉动是可行的.  相似文献   
通过对13个制材车间车间环境噪声的测试分析,揭示了制材车间环境噪声的现状和特性,车间噪声严重超标,其声压级较高值出现在1 ̄16kHz频带范围内,根据测试分析结果,提出了降低制材车间环境噪声的途径。  相似文献   
通过野外实地调查和定位观测,系统研究了灌木林盖度和高度对地表风况及空气动力学参数的影响。结果表明:风速轮廓线受灌木林覆盖度和高度的影响显著;风蚀率随灌木林覆盖度的减少呈指数增加,灌木林高度对土壤风蚀影响相对较小。空气动力学粗糙度及零风速平面位移高度均与灌木林覆盖度之间呈幂函数关系。灌木林高度对空气动力学粗糙度的影响不明显。  相似文献   
针对电动无人机应用于农业遥感监测时受其续航时间限制的问题,从实际应用角度出发,设计了一种续航时间长、适用于农业遥感监测的翼身融合布局的轻型电动固定翼无人机.提出了翼身融合布局轻型固定翼无人机的总体设计方法,确定了轻型固定翼无人机的结构参数,建立了物理模型并对其参数进行了优化分析.通过计算流体力学(Computation...  相似文献   
为了研究水泵水轮机发电模式下甩负荷过渡过程压力脉动特性及其对流动诱导噪声的影响,以国内某抽水蓄能电站机组为研究对象,基于网格壁面滑移技术与分离涡湍流模型,通过ANSYS软件对瞬态流场进行数值模拟计算,并将所得流场信号作为声场源在LMS软件中进一步开展流动诱导噪声的仿真.结果表明因2个无叶区流态分别受动静干涉(固定导叶与...  相似文献   
Geographic variations in the dolphin whistles could be useful in assessing association and isolation among populations. Whistle of free-ranging Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (Sousa chinensis) among the Pearl River Estuary (PRE), Leizhou Bei (LZB) and Sanniang Bay (SNB) populations were investigated. A total of 2850 whistles with legible fundamental contour were extracted and 15 acoustic parameters were measured. Contrary to SNB, PRE and LZB had the same relative proportion of tonal type compositions with flat and sine representing the most frequent types. The generalized linear model analysis showed significant acoustic difference among populations and tonal types. All frequency parameters in SNB were significantly higher than those in PRE and LZB, where no significant variation was observed in most of the parameters either at the population level or within each tonal type. Canonical discriminant functions analysis showed a smaller difference between PRE and LZB than between PRE and SNB and between LZB and SNB. Compared with previous recordings, recent recordings demonstrated a consistent pattern of becoming higher in whistle frequency parameters in both LZB and SNB populations, suggesting that noise pollution in LZB and SNB increasing with time according to the acoustic niche hypothesis. Dolphin whistle's geographic variations could be shaped by the combined function of the geographical barrier function of the Qiongzhou strait and local ambient noise. Considering the isolated condition and the relatively smaller population size of the humpback dolphin in the SNB, more effective and proactive conservation actions should be taken to prevent the extinction of small populations.  相似文献   
对连续工作方式下掺Yb光纤放大器的增益与噪声特性进行理论研究,从描述掺Yb光纤放大器的速率方程与光传输方程出发,计算了掺Yb光纤放大器的增益与噪声指数,讨论在975nm泵浦光的作用下,泵浦功率、器件长度对放大器增益和噪声指数的影响。  相似文献   
The associations between feeding activities and environmental variables inform animal feeding tactics that maximize energetic gains by minimizing energy costs while maximizing feeding success. Relevant studies in aquatic animals, particularly marine mammals, are scarce due to difficulties in the observation of feeding behaviors in aquatic environments. This data scarcity concurrently hinders ecosystem-based fishery management in the context of small toothed-cetacean conservation. In the present study, a passive acoustic monitoring station was deployed in an East Asian finless porpoise habitat in Laizhou Bay to investigate potential relationships between East Asian finless porpoises and their prey. The data revealed that porpoises were acoustically present nearly every day during the survey period. Porpoise detection rates differed between spring and autumn in concert with activities of fish choruses. During spring, fish choruses were present throughout the afternoon, and this was the time when porpoise vocalizations were the most frequently detected. During autumn, when fish choruses were absent, porpoise detection rates decreased, and diurnal patterns were not detected. The close association between fish choruses and finless porpoise activities implies an “eavesdropping” feeding strategy to maximize energetic gains, similar to other toothed cetaceans that are known to engage similar feeding strategies. Underwater noise pollution, particularly those masking fish choruses, could interrupt finless porpoises’ feeding success. Fisheries competing soniferous fishes with finless porpoise could impact finless porpoise viability through ecosystem disruption, in addition to fishing gear entanglement.  相似文献   
The funneling effect of noise is the main difficulty in two way CATV modification works. This paper discusses the source of noise and interference, the mechanism to form noise funneling, the regularities of distribution, the characteristics of the spectrum, etc. The purpose is to find the way of reducing funnel noise. The invading noise has the greatest effect on the upstream of two way CATV system, which mainly comes from the indoor of the users. The increase of the number of cable modem will not obviously make greater funneling noise. The cable connectors are the main source of producing and invading noise in outdoor cable network, which is a threat to the safty of the whole upstream channel.  相似文献   
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