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Freshwater fishes are threatened globally, and often too little is known about threatened species to effectively guide their conservation. Habitat complexity is linked to fish species diversity and persistence, and degraded streams often lack habitat complexity. Beaver Castor spp., in turn, have been used to restore streams and increase habitat complexity. The northern leatherside chub Lepidomeda copei is a rare, small‐bodied, drift‐feeding minnow that has anecdotally been observed to use complex habitats associated with beaver dams in the western United States. To investigate this anecdote, we conducted fish and habitat surveys, the latter focusing on quantifying habitat complexity, in a sub‐basin of the Upper Snake River Basin in the USA. Complementary generalised linear model and path analyses revealed that northern leatherside chub occurred more often at sites with complex streamflows, and streamflows were more complex when beaver dams were present and pools were deeper. Northern leatherside chubs were also more likely to occur when temperatures were warmer, aquatic macrophytes were abundant and stream channels were narrow and deep. The linkage between chubs, complex streamflows and beaver dams needs to be evaluated more broadly to completely understand its role in the rangewide status of the species. However, it does suggests that increased use of beaver reintroductions and dam analogues for stream restoration could be a boon for the northern leatherside chub, but such efforts should be monitored to determine their effectiveness to help adapt beaver‐based restoration approaches to best benefit the species.  相似文献   
介绍一种基于MDT的犁壁曲面双样板曲线近似展开法,在MDT平台上直接用直线投影法求样板曲线,并直接将正视图投影到三维犁曲面上求各元线实长,减少了计算工作量,具有快捷方便的优点,该方法已用于双翼翻土防漏耕犁的设计,效果良好。  相似文献   
黄土丘陵区小流域淤地坝纪录的泥沙沉积过程研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
淤地坝是黄土丘陵区小流域水土流失治理的重要工程措施之一,在拦蓄泥沙的同时,也记载了小流域侵蚀产沙的历史变化过程及特征.该研究根据流域历史降雨资料,分析了黄土丘陵区关地沟小流域淤地坝1959~1987年泥沙沉积旋回变化及各旋回层泥沙中、小流域沟间地和沟谷地表层土体中放射性同位素137Cs含量,研究了小流域侵蚀产沙变化过程及泥沙主要来源.结果表明:该小流域在淤地坝建设初期,侵蚀产沙强度很大,其后产沙强度由强变弱,呈显著降低趋势,淤地坝内沉积泥沙的70%来源于沟间地;微小流域与较大流域在泥沙来源方面存在较大差异.  相似文献   
Anadromous fishes are frequently restricted by artificial barriers to movement such as dams and culverts, so measuring dispersal helps identify sites where improved connectivity could promote range expansion and population viability. We used a combination of DNA‐based parentage analysis and mark–recapture techniques to evaluate dispersal by juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in a population in the initial stages of colonisation following installation of fish passage structures at a previously impassable dam on the Cedar River, WA, USA. The spatial distribution of individuals within maternal families revealed that dispersal was common. Among the offspring of radio‐tagged mothers, 28% were collected outside the spawning reach and dispersed up to 6.3 km (median = 1.5 km). Most juveniles captured in a tributary (Rock Creek, where few adults spawned) had immigrated from the Cedar River and represented many different families. Juvenile dispersal therefore provided a secondary phase of spatial expansion following initial colonisation by adults. Consistent with the condition‐dependent dispersal hypothesis, juveniles that dispersed farther upstream in the tributary were larger than fish collected near the tributary mouth. Overall, the results demonstrated widespread dispersal in a system with low coho salmon densities, and this might increase the rate of population growth if it reduces the effects of local density dependence. By implication, juveniles can take advantage of rearing habitats reconnected through barrier removal, even when such areas are located several kilometres from adult breeding grounds.  相似文献   
Petrosky CE, Schaller HA. Influence of river conditions during seaward migration and ocean conditions on survival rates of Snake River Chinook salmon and steelhead.
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2010: 19: 520–536. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S Abstract – Improved understanding of the relative influence of ocean and freshwater factors on survival of at‐risk anadromous fish populations is critical to success of conservation and recovery efforts. Abundance and smolt to adult survival rates of Snake River Chinook salmon and steelhead decreased dramatically coincident with construction of hydropower dams in the 1970s. However, separating the influence of ocean and freshwater conditions is difficult because of possible confounding factors. We used long time‐series of smolt to adult survival rates for Chinook salmon and steelhead to estimate first year ocean survival rates. We constructed multiple regression models that explained the survival rate patterns using environmental indices for ocean conditions and in‐river conditions experienced during seaward migration. Survival rates during the smolt to adult and first year ocean life stages for both species were associated with both ocean and river conditions. Best‐fit, simplest models indicate that lower survival rates for Chinook salmon are associated with warmer ocean conditions, reduced upwelling in the spring, and with slower river velocity during the smolt migration or multiple passages through powerhouses at dams. Similarly, lower survival rates for steelhead are associated with warmer ocean conditions, reduced upwelling in the spring, and with slower river velocity and warmer river temperatures. Given projections for warming ocean conditions, a precautionary management approach should focus on improving in‐river migration conditions by increasing water velocity, relying on increased spill, or other actions that reduce delay of smolts through the river corridor during their seaward migration.  相似文献   
黄土高原丘陵沟壑区淤地坝的减水减沙效益分析   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
根据皇甫川、窟野河、佳芦河、秃尾河、大理河五条支流共 4877座淤地坝的调查资料 ,分析了单坝、坝系减水减沙效益 ,暴雨毁坝增沙情况 ,以及与其影响因素之间的关系 ,可为黄土高原的淤地坝设计标准、坝系建设规划、流域效益评价、土地资源的合理利用提供依据  相似文献   
Although burbot ( Lota lota Gadidae) are widespread and abundant throughout much of their natural range, there are many populations that have been extirpated, endangered or are in serious decline. Due in part to the species' lack of popularity as a game and commercial fish, few regions consider burbot in management plans. We review the worldwide population status of burbot and synthesize reasons why some burbot populations are endangered or declining, some burbot populations have recovered and some burbot populations do not recover despite management measures. Burbot have been extirpated in much of Western Europe and the United Kingdom and are threatened or endangered in much of North America and Eurasia. Pollution and habitat change, particularly the effects of dams, appear to be the main causes for declines in riverine burbot populations. Pollution and the adverse effects of invasive species appear to be the main reasons for declines in lacustrine populations. Warmer water temperatures, due either to discharge from dams or climate change, have been noted in declining burbot populations at the southern extent of their range. Currently, fishing pressure does not appear to be limiting burbot populations world-wide. We suggest mitigation measures for burbot population recovery, particularly those impacted by dams and invasive species.  相似文献   
  1. River regulation has extensively changed the ecology and hydrology of rivers worldwide, particularly downstream of dams, affecting the viability of freshwater species. The platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) is a semiaquatic monotreme, endemic to eastern Australia, with a distribution overlapping Australia’s most regulated rivers.
  2. Dams and changes to flow regimes have affected critical platypus habitat, yet our understanding of the impacts of these threatening processes on platypus ecology remains poor. Over a period of 3 years (2016–2018), platypuses were surveyed across three regions (Upper Murray, Snowy, and Border river regions), above and below large dams, and in adjacent unregulated rivers, comparing captures, demographics, abundances, and densities. We hypothesized that platypus captures and abundances would be lower downstream of dams, owing to altered flow regimes that have secondary impacts on the demographics of these populations.
  3. In the Upper Murray Rivers region, captures were significantly lower in the Mitta Mitta River below Dartmouth Dam, compared with captures upstream of the dam and the unregulated Ovens River, probably reflecting significant alteration to the seasonality and temperature of flows caused by the dam. Conversely, there were no significant differences in captures or abundance and density estimates above and below the dams in the Snowy or Border river regions, where the extent of regulation was less severe, probably as a result of restoration efforts in recent years on some rivers.
  4. Low proportions of juveniles on the Snowy River and Mitta Mitta River downstream of the dams, compared with upstream, raises concerns of other impacts of altered flow regimes to platypus breeding success and juvenile survival, given the sensitivity of juveniles to unseasonably high flows.
  5. The results highlighted the potential impact of river regulation, with direct implications for the management of regulated rivers, providing opportunities to mitigate impacts through improved management of the seasonality and temperature of flows, to the benefit of platypuses and other freshwater species.
Much effort has been devoted to developing, constructing and refining fish passage facilities to enable target species to pass barriers on fluvial systems, and yet, fishway science, engineering and practice remain imperfect. In this review, 17 experts from different fish passage research fields (i.e., biology, ecology, physiology, ecohydraulics, engineering) and from different continents (i.e., North and South America, Europe, Africa, Australia) identified knowledge gaps and provided a roadmap for research priorities and technical developments. Once dominated by an engineering‐focused approach, fishway science today involves a wide range of disciplines from fish behaviour to socioeconomics to complex modelling of passage prioritization options in river networks. River barrier impacts on fish migration and dispersal are currently better understood than historically, but basic ecological knowledge underpinning the need for effective fish passage in many regions of the world, including in biodiversity hotspots (e.g., equatorial Africa, South‐East Asia), remains largely unknown. Designing efficient fishways, with minimal passage delay and post‐passage impacts, requires adaptive management and continued innovation. While the use of fishways in river restoration demands a transition towards fish passage at the community scale, advances in selective fishways are also needed to manage invasive fish colonization. Because of the erroneous view in some literature and communities of practice that fish passage is largely a proven technology, improved international collaboration, information sharing, method standardization and multidisciplinary training are needed. Further development of regional expertise is needed in South America, Asia and Africa where hydropower dams are currently being planned and constructed.  相似文献   
提出了污水库坝基防渗治理方案的模糊决策方法.从多目标系统模糊决策基本理论出发,根据酸性污水库坝防渗加固工程的要求,选择治理可靠性、安全性、工程投资、施工工期、施工难易程度以及对环境的影响等6个指标,建立了防渗加固方案优选的评价体系.根据工程评价特点,采用变异系数法和专家调查法相结合的方法确定评价指标的权重,构造出酸性污水库坝防渗加固方案优选的决策与评价模型.利用该模型对矿山酸性污水库坝的防渗加固方案进行多目标优选决策.所得结果与实际建设一致,表明了该方法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   
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