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准噶尔无叶豆是我国荒漠的稀有植物,现已被列入国家重点保护的种类。通过对该植物水分生理生态学特性的初步研究得知:其同化枝水势变化幅度较大,日变化进程为双峰型;蒸腾作用不大,日变化表现为单峰型。蒸腾速率同植物表面温度,大气相对湿度及光照等生态因素有密切关系。经观测统计,在一定的温度范围内,均呈线性关系。  相似文献   
Sap flow meters based on the stem heat balance method were used to measure the mass flow rates or water use in young potted tea (Camellia sinensis L.) plants of clones AHP S15/10 and BBK35. The meters were constructed on site and installed onto the stem or branch sections of field growing plants in an experiment originally designed to study the effects of plant population density and drought on the productivity and water use of young tea clones. The objective of the study was to use the SHB method as a first attempt to use sap flow meters for determining the water use of young tea growing in the field under well watered conditions in Tanzania. The results are reported and recommendation made for further work on using the technique.  相似文献   
The effects of water deficit in different fruit growth stages on the variation of stem sap flux of 6-year old greenhouse-grown pear-jujube trees were investigated. Treatments included sufficient water supply during the whole fruit-growing period (T1), mild water deficit during the flowering–fruit setting stage (T2), moderate water deficit during the fruit rapid growth stage (T3) and severe water deficit during the fruit maturing stage (T4). Results showed that significant compensation effect on stem sap flux after re-watering was observed in T2, but not in T3 and T4 stages. At the end of rapid growth stage, the diurnal variation of stomatal conductance generally had a similar trend as that of stem sap flux, but with a distinct midday depression from 12:00 to 14:00 p.m. In addition, a linear relationship between the relative available soil water content (RAWC) and the ratio of daily stem sap flux to that of sufficient water treatment was observed (R2 = 0.4489).  相似文献   
This study describes the diurnal and seasonal dynamics of the canopy reflectance, water use and water status of Midknight Valencia citrus trees under semi-arid conditions. Hyperspectral canopy reflectance data was collected on 30 trees at monthly intervals over a period of 16 months in a commercial orchard in South Africa. The mean canopy reflectance in the wavelength range 350-2500 nm followed a clear seasonal trend influenced by environmental conditions and tree phenology. Mean monthly reflectance peaked in summer (∼22%) while the lowest value (∼15%) was reached in winter with the seasonal changes in the sun's position accounting for a significant proportion of the variations. A sensitivity analysis of a Penman-Monteith transpiration model showed that water use by individual trees changed by up to 13% when the canopy reflectance was varied over the seasonal range of measured values. This suggested that the seasonal changes in tree water use influenced the seasonal trend of the canopy reflectance. Thus monitoring the canopy reflectance of citrus trees could offer information on the tree water status. To test this, sap flow data of water uptake and loss by the trees were compared with the canopy spectra. Sap flow data showed a heavy reliance by the citrus trees on the internally stored water with up to 25% of the daily total transpiration withdrawn from the trees’ internal water storage pools when soil water was limited. This depletion of internally stored water, and hence the change in tree water status, was detected using spectral indices based on the first order derivatives of the canopy reflectance centered at two and, at most, four spectral bands. We conclude that even if citrus trees are evergreen, their canopy reflectance changes significantly throughout the year with a considerable impact on tree energy balance and water use. In addition, the contribution of the internally stored water to daily transpiration is a possible indicator of drought stress for citrus trees detectable from changes in canopy reflectance and it has potential applications in irrigation scheduling using canopy level spectral information.  相似文献   
李为  刘彦  吴耿  项俊  栗茂腾  余龙江 《土壤》2007,39(5):746-752
对桂林毛村不同地质背景(石灰岩、白云岩和砂页岩)土壤中Ca、Mg、Cu、Fe、Mn、Zn等主要元素的迁移特征进行了研究,结果表明母岩的地球化学背景对岩溶土壤系统的元素迁移具有重要影响.同时,以不同地质背景生长的典型植物黄荆为例,研究了上述元素的迁聚与植物蒸腾作用的相关性.结果表明,植物蒸腾作用对土壤中Ca、Mg、Cu、Fe、Mn、Zn等主要元素迁聚的影响程度因不同地质背景以及不同元素而有明显差异.植物蒸腾作用对Mn、Cu等较难迁移元素的迁移具有一定促进作用.土壤中Cu、Fe、Mn、Zn等微量元素的迁聚对植物吸收系数的影响程度因不同地质背景而有显著差异.岩溶山区进行植被恢复时必须考虑不同地质背景的差异,因地制宜地选择合适的植物品种.  相似文献   
刺槐光合生理生态特性日变化研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
为了解刺槐光合生理生态特性及生长的适宜生态条件,培育出优质高产的林木,采用LI-6400光合测定系统对刺槐的光合生理特性日变化及其与气象因子关系进行了研究。结果表:(1)刺槐的Pn日变化呈“双峰型”曲线,有明显的“午休”现象,第一个峰出现在9:00左右,第二个峰出现在15:00左右,第一个峰值明显高于第二个峰值。(2)Tr在很大程度上决定于气孔的活动状态,Ci因为Gs的降低而减少,刺槐的光合速率控制因子为气孔限制。(3)Pn与Gs成极显著正相关,与Tr成显著性正相关。环境因子主要是影响叶片的Tr、Vpdl和Tl来影响Pn,PAR对Pn的影响较大,但可能不是导致刺槐光合“午休”的直接因素。  相似文献   
黄土丘陵半干旱区枣林露水量研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用2012年和2013年叶片湿度传感器(LWS)、温湿度仪、热扩散式探针(TDP)、中子仪实测的露水强度、冠层温湿度、树干径流、土壤水分及气象站监测的气象因子,分析了枣林生育期内露水量的变化规律,探讨了其与水资源输入、输出项的关系。研究结果表明,2012年和2013年枣林露水量随生育期变化呈现递增趋势,果实成熟期达到最大值。露水总量分别为31.31、37.87 mm,分别占同期降水量、蒸腾量和蒸发量的6.87%、10.00%、17.65%和7.90%、15.00%、17.90%,露水量日平均值分别达0.44、0.47 mm。此外,露水量具有发生频率高、稳定性强、重度露水量(大于0.20 mm)比重大的特点。在枣树全生育期内,露水量作为水资源输入项会引起蒸腾量在果实膨大和成熟期显著降低(P0.05),但对蒸发量无显著影响。研究显示露水是该区枣林重要水源,是水量平衡中不可缺少的输入项。  相似文献   
Water balance, transpiration and canopy conductance in two beech stands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Measurements of sap flow, vapour fluxes, throughfall and soil water content were conducted for 19 months in a young beech stand growing at low elevation, in the Hesse forest. This experiment is part of the Euroflux network, covering 15 representative European forests. Study of the radial variation of sap flow within tree trunks, showed a general pattern of sap flux density in relation to the depth below cambium. Among-tree variation of sap flow was also assessed, in order to determine the contribution of the different crown classes to the total stand transpiration. Stand sap flow and vapour flux, measured with eddy covariance technique, were well correlated, for half hourly as well for daily values, the ratios of the fluxes for both averaging periods being 0.77. A strong canopy coupling to the atmosphere was found, omega factor ranging between 0.05 and 0.20 relative to the windspeed. Canopy conductance variation was related to a range of environmental variables: global radiation, vapour pressure deficit, air temperature and soil water deficit. In addition to the effect of radiation and of vapour pressure deficit often found in various other tree species, here beech exhibited a strong reduction in canopy conductance when air temperature decreased below 17°C. The model of transpiration was calibrated using data measured in the Hesse forest and applied to another beech stand under mountainous conditions in the Vosges mountains (east France). Measured and modelled stand transpiration were in good agreement.  相似文献   
中亚热带2种原始兰科植物对变化光环境的响应与适应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
金佛山兰为国家二级保护植物 ,个体数极少 ,仅见于南川金佛山及附近的稀疏马尾松林下 ,并只与其亲缘种金兰生长在一起。在温室内 ,模拟研究了金佛山兰和金兰对不同强度变化光环境的响应与适应。结果表明 :①在强光下利用便携式光合仪长时间观测植物的光合速率时 ,由于温度的影响 ,应使用温控系统才能获得更准确结果。②对于PAR 80 0到 2 0 0 μmolphotons·m- 2 s- 1 之间任何强度的光照变化 ,金佛山兰和金兰的净光合速率、蒸腾速率、胞间CO2 浓度、气孔导度和水分利用率均保持相对稳定 ,表现出对大幅度变化光环境较好的适应性 ;对于逐渐遮荫至 10 0 μmolphotons·m- 2 s- 1 左右 ,金佛山兰和金兰均以降低水分利用率、提高光能利用率来适应变化的光环境。③不同强度的间断遮荫对二者光合速率等的影响程度不同。 2种原始兰花的净光合速率随间断遮荫均先迅速降至最低 ,然后逐渐回升 ,在恢复光照后 ,金兰比金佛山兰能更快地恢复光合作用 ;蒸腾速率随间断遮荫迅速降低 ,恢复光照后 ,大多能迅速恢复至遮荫前水平。恢复光照后 ,二者的气孔导度出现不同程度的降低。间断遮荫能导致二者胞间CO2 浓度升高约 2 0 %以上 ,恢复光照后 ,大多能迅速恢复到原有水平。所有这些 ,都反映了金佛山兰和金兰对所在地区变化光  相似文献   
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