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The present study investigated the replacement of soybean meal with combinations of two or three alternative protein sources in diets for pond‐raised hybrid catfish, ♀ Ictalurus punctatus × ♂ Ictalurus furcatus. Alternative protein sources evaluated included cottonseed meal, distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS), peanut meal, and porcine meat and bone meal (PMBM). Hybrid catfish fingerlings with a mean initial weight of 35 g/fish were stocked into 25 earthen ponds (0.04 ha) at a density of 14,826 fish/ha. Fish were fed once daily to apparent satiation for 166 d. No significant differences were observed for total diet fed, net yield, weight gain, survival, carcass yield, fillet yield, or fillet proximate composition among dietary treatments. Results show soybean meal may be completely replaced by combinations of cottonseed meal and one or two other alternative protein sources including DDGS, peanut meal, and PMBM in the diet without markedly affecting production and processing characteristics and fillet proximate composition of pond‐raised hybrid catfish. These alternative diets may be used during foodfish production when prices are favorable.  相似文献   
针对南疆地区水资源短缺、作物水分利用效率低等问题,以棉花为试验材料进行田间小区试验,在棉花现蕾期、开花期以及结铃期分别设置3个亏缺灌溉水平(W1:50%ETc,W2:65%ETc,W3:80%ETc,ETc为作物蒸发蒸腾量),以全生育期100%ETc灌溉处理为对照(CK),研究膜下滴灌条件下,不同生育期亏缺灌溉对棉花生长、产量、氮素吸收和水分利用效率的影响.结果表明:现蕾期亏水对棉花株高、叶面积指数、地上干物质生长、氮素吸收和产量有不同程度的抑制效应,但复水后补偿效应显著,其中轻度亏水(W3)在籽棉产量减少3.48%的条件下,WUE高达1.57 kg/m3,显著高于CK的1.48 kg/m3;开花期亏水,棉花的各项生长指标均有显著降低,复水后补偿效应不显著,不利于棉花生长发育;结铃期亏水对棉花地上干物质累积、氮素吸收和产量均有显著的抑制效应,但在W2和W3水平下,WUE均达1.51 kg/m3.综合考虑在保证棉花产量的同时达到节水增产的目的,可在棉花蕾期进行80%ETc灌水,其他生育阶段实施充分灌溉,来控制营养生长,促进生殖生长,获得更高的水分利用效率.  相似文献   
介绍了成卷工艺对棉卷结构的影响以及棉卷成卷过程中起泡现象与准备工艺的关系.分析了棉卷成卷工艺过程中起泡过程和起泡原因,提出了防止起泡的措施.  相似文献   
通过对棉花不同时期去主茎叶、叶枝叶、果枝叶和全部叶片的研究,初步探讨了棉花叶源对库的影响.结果表明:无论蕾期还是盛铃期,叶片是棉花光合产物的主要来源,没有叶片棉花就不能正常生长,也很难保证其产量;不同部位的叶片中,主茎叶的作用显著,蕾期去主茎叶后株高日增长量减少0.5 cm以上,干物质积累明显下降,盛铃期则导致棉铃大量脱落,成铃平均减少2个以上;去果枝叶的作用相对较小,去叶枝叶几乎无影响.  相似文献   
复合图书馆作为图书馆的一种发展形态,有其自身的特点和要求,有许多值得研究的内容。复合图书馆的读者服务工作是图书馆工作的出发点和各项业务工作的最终价值体现。文章分析了目前图书馆读者服务工作面临的形势,探讨了我们应采取的措施。  相似文献   
地膜覆盖对棉枯萎病发生的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地膜覆盖显著降低了棉花枯萎病的发病率与病情指数,极显著地提高了棉花的产量。  相似文献   
李伟丰 《杂交水稻》2006,21(3):10-12
水稻香亭病(Balansia oryzae-sativae Hashioka),又被称为水稻"一柱香"病(Ephelis oryzae Sydow),是当前影响杂交水稻种子出口的一种真菌病害.从该病原菌的命名、分布、寄主、生物学特性、危害症状、经济损失、检测方法和防治等方面进行了概述.  相似文献   
为了明确几种分析方法对杂种棉后代综合评价的异同,于2002-2003年通过聚类分析、关联度分析以及多目标综合值评定分析原理对10个杂种棉后代在不同生态点的主要农艺及经济性状进行了分析.结果表明:3种分析方法对杂种棉后代的综合评价趋势基本上一致.从纤维品质来看,以湘Z-010,湘Z-004,湘Z-008,湘Z-007纤维品质较好.从产量性状来考虑,以湘Z-001,湘Z-002,湘Z-004产量较高.从湖南定位50-60支纱区划方针和产量性状来看,以湘Z-004表现最好,属于高产优质品种.  相似文献   
常伟  李志  李跃建 《中国蔬菜》2005,(10):85-86
翠玉是以自交系0123为母本,0219为父本配制成的苦瓜一代杂种.中早熟,果实长棒形,纵径30~35 cm,横径10~13 cm,瓜肉厚1.0~1.5 cm,单瓜质量500~700g,产量2 500~3000kg·(667 m2)-1,皮墨绿色,大刺瘤,对白粉病和枯萎病的抗性强于对照翠妃,适宜南方春秋种植.  相似文献   
Components of the energy and heat balances were examined in two maize hybrids grown at three different plant densities (40, 70 and 100 thousand plants per hectare). One of the hybrids was drought tolerant, while the other was bred for cultivation under irrigated conditions. An increase in plant density influenced not only the size of the leaf area, but also the distribution of the leaves at various plant heights. The extinction coefficient, which provides a quantification of radiation penetration, was higher in the irrigated treatments. By contrast to the other two treatments, the plant canopy in the thinly sown stands remained open throughout the vegetation period, and thus behaved quite differently to the closed stands, making it impossible to compare them. Smaller albedo values were recorded for the hybrid bred for irrigation and in thinly sown stands. The low plant density allowed more energy to reach the soil, from which it was reflected, making a considerable contribution to the final temperature in the stand. The latent heat, in keeping with the quantity of water transpired, was the greatest in the densely sown stands. There was little difference between the latent heat values of the normal and dense stands in either hybrid, indicating that they both had a similar sensitivity to increased stand density. If sufficient water is available it would appear that the stand density could be increased even for the drought-tolerant hybrid.  相似文献   
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