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Climate change is expected to increase the frequency and magnitude of extreme thermal events in rivers. The Little Southwest Miramichi River (LSWM) and the Ouelle River (OR) are two Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) rivers located in eastern Canada, where in recent years, water temperatures have exceeded known thermal limits (~23°C). Once temperature surpasses this threshold, juvenile salmon exploit thermal heterogeneity to behaviourally thermoregulate, forming aggregations in coolwater refuges. This study aimed to determine whether the behavioural thermoregulation response is universal across rivers, arising from common thermal cues. We detailed the temperature and discharge patterns of two geographically distinct rivers from 2010 to 2012 and compared these with aggregation onset temperature. PIT telemetry and snorkelling were used to confirm the presence of aggregations. Mean daily maximum temperature in 2010 was significantly greater in the OR versus the LSWM (p = 0.005), but not in other years (p = 0.090–0.353). Aggregations occurred on 14 and 9 occasions in the OR and LSWM respectively. Temperature at onset of aggregation was significantly greater in the OR (Tonset = 28.3°C) than in the LSWM (Tonset = 27.3°C; p = 0.049). Logistic regression models varied by river and were able to predict the probability of aggregation based on the preceding number of hours >23°C (R2 = 0.61 & 0.65; P50 = 27.4°C & 28.9°C; in the OR and LSWM respectively). These results imply the preceding local thermal regime may influence behaviour and indicate a degree of phenotypic plasticity, illustrating a need for localised management strategies.  相似文献   
本研究应用生态位软件MaxEnt和地理信息系统软件ArcGIS预测柑橘木虱在西南地区的潜在地理分布范围,筛选影响柑橘木虱分布的关键变量。结果表明柑橘木虱在西南地区高适生区主要位于西藏东南部、四川中东部、重庆大部、贵州大部和云南中北部,总面积为52.03万km 2,占西南地区总面积的23.89%。影响柑橘木虱分布的关键变量为最冷月最低温度、最冷季度平均温度、最湿季度降水量、最暖季度降水量、最暖季度平均温度和最暖月最高温度。本研究不仅模拟了柑橘木虱在西南地区的潜在地理分布,更为该虫的分布与环境变量之间关系的研究提供了理论参考。  相似文献   
2011年西南大西洋拖网渔获物阿根廷滑柔鱼生物学分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘岩  张秀梅  周游  孙明 《南方水产》2012,8(3):39-47
根据2011年1月~4月双拖网船在西南大两洋作业时采集的901尾阿根廷滑柔鱼(lllex argentinus)样本,对其渔获群体组成、摄食等级、胴长-体质量关系以及性腺发育等进行了分析。结果表明,样本个体大小随采样时间的推移有明显增大趋势;小胴长组阿根廷滑柔鱼的摄食能力较大胴长组弱,摄食等级的高低与其繁殖高峰期有关。阿根廷滑柔鱼雌、雄初次性成熟胴长分别为191.6mm和182.6mm,性腺成熟度为Ⅴ期个体的平均胴长小于处于Ⅲ、Ⅳ期个体的平均胴长。综合分析推测,该研究采集的901尾样本为南部巴塔哥尼亚群体和夏季产卵群体的混合样本,在拖网作业后期,渔场补充了部分大个体的夏季群体。  相似文献   
本文研究了川西南山地安宁河流域干热河谷和干性森林的水分收支状况。结果表明:(1)干热河谷和干性森林的年降水量分别为1 067.95 mm和1 371.73 mm,年降水量的90%以上集中在6月~10月的雨季和夏秋季节;(2)干热河谷和干性森林年蒸发量为1 280 mm和1 089.75 mm,春夏蒸发占年蒸发量的65%和66%,旱季蒸发占年蒸发量的58%和61%,4月~6月是蒸发旺季,其次是7月~8月;(3)干热河谷和干性森林年水分盈余量分别为43.6 mm和481.95 mm,均存在季节性水分匮缺期,7月~10月、夏秋季节和雨季均是水分盈余期,其余为水分匮缺期;(4)干热河谷和干性森林年干燥度分别为1.205和0.8,表明该地区分别为半湿润和湿润性气候,还存在明显的季节差异,7月~10月、雨季和夏秋季节气候湿润,其余时期为半湿润或干旱气候;(5)干性森林在年降水量和水分盈余量上高于干热河谷,在年可能蒸发量和干燥度上明显低于干热河谷,这种差异还体现在水分参数的月分配、四季分配、旱雨季分配上;(6)干热河谷湿润程度差于干性森林,干热河谷植被和干性森林对各自水分收支状况具有良好的适应性;(7)封山育林需要注意旱季防火,人工促进还需要考虑土壤水分平衡规律和适地适树,进行"适度"造林。  相似文献   
Abstract – Standard metabolic rate (SMR, closely related to basal and resting metabolism) varies by up to threefold among juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., of similar size at common temperature. Here, consequences of this variation are predicted by combining empirically derived relationships between SMR, specific dynamic action, energy budgets, water velocity, food level in the environment and food availability to fish. The range of velocities across which growth is predicted to occur is inversely related to a fish’s SMR. Growth is positively related to SMR at high but negatively related to it at low‐food levels. The relationship between food level and the range of velocities over which lower SMR fish can grow but higher SMR fish cannot is asymmetrically bi‐phasic and peaked. It is predicted that maternal manipulation of offspring SMR would generate fitness benefits through bet‐hedging against unpredictability in food level and increases in the overall range of velocities that the family of offspring can occupy and thrive in.  相似文献   
Within this paper we describe an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) based method to estimate the spatial feed pellet distribution in salmon fish-cages and exploit it within a case study to determine the radial pellet distribution for different rotor spreaders and blower configurations. Compared to previously used methods, capturing pellets thrown from a rotary feed spreader in rows of Styrofoam boxes, the UAV based method is simpler and faster to setup and allows to cover a larger portion of the sea cage surface area. We compare results obtained with the Styrofoam box method with results we obtained by an automatic analysis of aerial videos taken by the UAV during feeding experiments. The employed method helps to gain insight into the spatial feed pellet distribution in full-scale salmon fish-cages where the feeding pipe and actual fixation of the spreader may influence the dynamic behaviour of the feeding system. This can also be seen as a step towards a continuous measuring of the feed pellet distribution, particularly in view of possible future feeding systems that may allow to adapt the feed pellet distribution to the actual fish distribution.  相似文献   
Observations were made in an experimental stream tank (total area 14.7 m2) on juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L (parr), relating experimental observations to field observations, including the reported diurnal fasting behaviour of juvenile salmon at water temperatures <10 °C. Densities in the tank ranged from five to twenty parr, at water temperatures ranging from 4.6 °C to 15.8 °C. The wide channel of the stream tank, with mean water velocity of 18.8 cm·s?1, was the preferred section, where territorial behaviour was observed. Biomass was regulated in the wide channel by territorial mosaics or by dominance hierarchies. Dominance hierarchies were reflected in coloration of the fish. Dominant salmon were generally in the wide channel. Densities of salmon parr (of mean fork length 10.2 cm) in the channel ranged from 0.84 m?2 to 1.73 m?2, with an average biomass of 14.2 g·m?2. Growth was least at the 5.9 °C temperature treatment. In experiments at temperatures below 10 °C, feeding, dominance hierarchy and territorial behaviour were observed in daylight hours, contrary to the published literature. Interactions with other species may affect behaviour. Some observations were made on a closely related species, brown trout (Salmo trutta L.), a commonly cohabiting species in many systems. Trout displaced salmon from their preferred locations in the tank and were more aggressive than the salmon, reducing agonistic behaviour by the salmon. The commonest agonistic act shown by salmon was ‘charge’ and that by the trout was ‘approach’. Some field observations affecting behaviour and production are discussed.  相似文献   
西南岩溶区水土流失与石漠化动态评价研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以西南滇黔桂水土流失及石漠化遥感数据为例,并分别以我国西南岩溶区土壤侵蚀分级标准和国家林业局关于石漠化程度的界定标准为依据,运用层次分析法确定权重值,建立基于面积和权重的水土流失综合指数(WSL-CI)和石漠化综合指数(KDI),对西南滇黔桂水土流失强度与石漠化程度进行了动态研究。结果表明:西南各区的水土流失强度在总体上有减弱的趋势,而石漠化程度均有上升的趋势,这主要与水土流失强度和石漠化程度关系的复杂性、阶段性,岩溶区水土流失的隐蔽性和岩溶区水土流失解译结果存在误差有关。  相似文献   
基于相对湿润度指数的西南地区季节性干旱时空分布特征   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:11  
西南地区是中国重要农业生产区,季节性干旱是该区域最主要的农业气象灾害,研究季节性干旱时空分布特征对西南地区防旱减灾具有重要意义。该文收集西南地区4个省(市)共97个代表气象站50a(1959年-2008年)的逐日降水量、气温、日照时数、相对湿度、风速、水汽压等气象资料,选用国家标准中相对湿润度指数(M)作为干旱指标,以年、季为时间尺度,研究西南地区干旱频率和强度的空间分布特征,并分析近50a干旱强度和发生范围的年际变化规律。结果表明:西南地区年尺度干旱频率呈西部高,东部低的带状分布,高发区位于川西高原、川西南山地、云南西北部和中北部的山地、高原及河谷地带,发生频率在3年2遇以上;年干旱强度以中旱以上为主。不同季节干旱频率差异大:冬旱发生频率最高,春旱次之,秋旱较低,夏旱最低;干旱强度方面,冬旱强度最大,春旱次之,秋旱较小,夏旱最小;总体而言,干旱发生频率高的地方干旱强度也大。从年际变化看,西南地区总体上略有变湿的趋势,年干旱强度明显减弱,其中春旱、秋旱有减轻趋势,夏旱和冬旱有所增强;但近10a,年干旱强度增大明显,夏旱、秋旱、冬旱也明显上升,这与西南地区近几年干旱频繁发生相吻合。  相似文献   
Little is known about the ecology of loggerhead turtles, Caretta caretta, in Canadian waters. However, Canada's eastern waters off the Scotian Shelf, Georges Bank and Grand Banks appear to be seasonal foraging habitats based on dates and locations where they have been captured as fishery bycatch. Estimates derived from data recorded by the international observer program (IOP) and used for this study suggest that thousands of mostly immature loggerheads have been captured in the Canadian pelagic longline fishery (PLF) in the western North Atlantic since 1999. These data suggest that the PLFs for tuna and swordfish are among the most important causes of incidental capture. Although U.S. and Canadian bycatch estimation methods differ and uncertainty associated with the estimates is high, it is clear from the IOP data that bycatch in the Canadian PLF is substantial and roughly within the same magnitude as that reported for the entire U.S. fleet in the North Atlantic for the same period (1999–2005). Analysis of bycatch observer data from the Canadian PLF and other empirical data suggests that fishing at temperatures below 20 °C using fish rather than squid bait and size-18 circle hooks could reduce loggerhead bycatch and mortality. However, research is needed to identify the best options and their commercial viability. Loggerheads that use Canadian Maritime waters are one of the least studied groups of loggerheads in the world, so systematic long-term studies on the ecology of loggerheads in Canada would help fill important information gaps and assist in developing effective recovery plans for this species.  相似文献   
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