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乌桕综合评分法选优性状指标体系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前乌桕的资源分布特点,决定了只能采用综合评分法进行选优。采用改进的投影寻踪技术,通过优化指标函数,根据投影方向值确定各主要性状所占分值,建立乌桕综合评分的性状指标体系。建立在改进的投影寻踪技术上的综合评分法选优指标体系,具有较高的可靠性和较强的可操作性。  相似文献   
千年桐种源间叶绿素荧光特性的比较   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
以不同种源千年桐叶片为试验材料,测定叶绿素荧光参数Fo、Fm、Fv/Fo、Fv/Fm、Yield、qP和qN,结果表明:不同种源千年桐叶片的叶绿素荧光参数Fv/Fm、Fv/Fo、qP值均存在极显著差异,Yield值存在显著差异.参数Fv/Fm、Fv/Fo、Yield是林木光合效率的重要依据,其中莆田种源的三值均较高.据千年桐不同种源荧光参数综合指标投影值的计算结果,6个种源的优劣排序为:莆田>建阳>尤溪>顺昌>沙县>政和.结合叶片SPAD值、苗木的苗高和地径以及叶片的叶绿素荧光参数综合考虑,千年桐的早期选择可以优先考虑莆田种源、建阳种源和尤溪种源.  相似文献   
为探索基于全波段冠层高光谱以及变换光谱的冬小麦地上部生物量的遥感估算方法,以2016、2017年冬小麦田间试验为基础,通过对冠层光谱和地上部生物量的相关性分析,筛选拔节期、抽穗期的冬小麦冠层光谱、一阶导数光谱、对数变换光谱和连续统去除光谱对地上部生物量的敏感波段,并结合偏最小二乘法(PLS)分别建立拔节期和抽穗期基于SPA算法的冬小麦地上部生物量估测模型,再与基于任意两波段组合的最佳归一化光谱指数、比值光谱指数、差值光谱指数和已报道光谱指数的冬小麦地上部生物量估测模型进行比较。结果表明:(1)SPA算法较好地利用了全波段冠层光谱信息,并显著降低了光谱维度,不同变换光谱的地上部生物量敏感波段个数在4~14之间;(2)拔节期和抽穗期冠层光谱与地上部生物量的相关性高于开花期和灌浆期,各生育时期一阶导数光谱与地上部生物量之间的相关性优于连续统去除光谱、对数变换光谱和光谱指数;(3) 利用抽穗期一阶导数光谱敏感波段建立的预测模型和验证模型达到了较高的精度,其预测模型的决定系数和均方根误差分别为0.78和0.87 t·hm-2,验证模型的决定系数和均方根误差分别为 0.84和0.69 t·hm-2,预测相对偏差为2.74。这说明,抽穗期是估算地上部生物量的最佳生育时期,且基于冠层一阶导数变换光谱,结合连续投影算法和偏最小二乘回归方法所构建抽穗期地上部生物量估算模型具有最优的精度和预测能力,可用于地上部生物量的定量估算。  相似文献   
5种家禽小脑至脊髓的直接投射——HRP逆行追踪法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用微电泳和微量进样技术将竦根过氧化物酶分别引入鸡麻鸡,鹅,鸽和鹌鹑脊髓的颈,胸,腰不同节段的一侧灰质内,逆行追踪了小脑核团向脊髓的直接投射。结果表明在颈髓不同节段单侧引入HRP后,上述动物对侧的小脑内侧核中出现了不同数量的标记细胞。  相似文献   
对于有机化合物,给出其费歇尔投影式,就很容易用R/S构型命名法对其命名,现讨论含有两个手性碳原子的有机化合物的构象透视式、纽曼投影式与费歇尔投影式的相互转化的方法。  相似文献   
采用扫描图像与Photoshop图像处理软件结合的方法研究柽柳、柠条、红砂和珍珠的叶片投影面积与叶干质量之间的关系,结果表明:柽柳、柠条和红砂叶投影面积与叶干质量呈线性相关;红砂、柽柳、柠条在生长季单位叶面积所积累的叶干质量分别为(0.0840±0.0031)、(0.0610±0.0011)、(0.0366±0.0007)g/cm2,红砂和柽柳分别是柠条的2.30和1.67倍;珍珠的叶片是多浆汁叶,形状极不规则,不能利用日前的扫描仪计算出它的投影面积;柽柳在不同环境下生长时的叶片投影面积与叶干质量的关系均为线性相关且差异不显著,表明这种线形关系不受生长环境的影响。因此,可以用叶干质量代替叶面积来研究这些荒漠植物的光合作用特性。  相似文献   
Altogether 82 plots (261 estimations) of Picea abies (L.) Karst, and 193 plots (360 estimations) of Pinus sylvestris (L.) stands were estimated by a vertical tube. The “crown free projection”, CFP, of stands thinned in three methods with different thinning grades was measured: unthinned, heavily and very heavily thinned, heavily thinned delayed first thinning, extra heavily thinned and thinned from the top. Basal area (m2ha?1) density (stems ha?1) and diameter sum (m ha?1) were plotted against CFP. Basal area was the best practical measure of stand in this study. Generally Scots pine stands have higher CFP and the curves are steeper than in Norway spruce stands. Depending on the grade of thinning, heavily and very heavily thinned spruce stands, delayed first thinning included, have CFP values of 10–15% and stands thinned from the top, 20–40%, compared with 30–80% and 30–60% respectively in pine stands. Extra heavily thinned stands have the highest CFP, 20–80% in spruce and 50–90% in pine stands. The CFP levels after thinning are too high in pine stands for avoidance of sucker and sprout production of aspen and birch. In dense Norway spruce stands thinned from the top or heavily and very heavily thinned, the CFP values are low enough (≤30%) to diminish the production of suckers.  相似文献   
基于计量地理学理论和ArcGIS技术平台,利用澜沧江云南段区域1990—2020年的土地利用数据,以土地利用动态度、土地生态风险指数等为指标,对土地生态系统进行量化分析,并运用灰色系统理论,分析土地生态风险与土地利用之间的相关性,预测未来15年土地生态风险指数。结果表明,30年间澜沧江流域云南段区域的土地利用动态度和土地生态风险均呈上升趋势,其中,2020年土地利用动态度和土地生态风险指数的变化幅度均表现最为剧烈;澜沧江云南段区域的土地生态风险分布具有区域性,表现为上游、下游为中低生态风险区,中游为较高生态风险区;未来15年澜沧江流域云南段区域的土地生态风险有向更高等级演变的趋势。  相似文献   
基于计算机视觉的作物行定位技术   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
针对基于计算机视觉的作物行中心线定位困难问题,提出了基于垂直投影法的作物行定位方法。对作物图像运用过绿特征值分割作物和背景,将得到过绿特征图像划分为若干水平图像条,对图像条过绿特征值进行垂直投影,求取投影曲线上突出峰点的位置;利用稳健回归法对位置点进行线性拟合得到作物的行中心线。采用320×240像素的大豆图像进行作物行定位实验,结果表明采用该方法能够获得较好的定位结果。  相似文献   
CHEN Li 《干旱区科学》2021,13(6):568-580
The extreme temperature has more outstanding impact on ecology and water resources in arid regions than the average temperature. Using the downscaled daily temperature data from 21 Coupled Model Inter-comparison Project(CMIP) models of NASA Earth Exchange Global Daily Downscaled Projections(NEX-GDDP) and the observation data, this paper analyzed the changes in temporal and spatiotemporal variation of temperature extremes, i.e., the maximum temperature(Tmax) and minimum temperature(Tmin), in the Kaidu-Kongqi River basin in Northwest China over the period 2020–2050 based on the evaluation of preferred Multi-Model Ensemble(MME). Results showed that the Partial Least Square ensemble mean participated by Preferred Models(PM-PLS) was better representing the temporal change and spatial distribution of temperature extremes during 1961–2005 and was chosen to project the future change. In 2020–2050, the increasing rate of Tmax(Tmin) under RCP(Representative Concentration Pathway) 8.5 will be 2.0(1.6) times that under RCP4.5, and that of Tmin will be larger than that of Tmax under each corresponding RCP. Tmin will keep contributing more to global warming than Tmax. The spatial distribution characteristics of Tmax and Tmin under the two RCPs will overall the same; but compared to the baseline period(1986–2005), the increments of Tmax and Tmin in plain area will be larger than those in mountainous area. With the emission concentration increased, however, the response of Tmax in mountainous area will be more sensitive than that in plain area, and that of Tmin will be equivalently sensitive in mountainous area and plain area. The impacts induced by Tmin will be universal and farreaching. Results of spatiotemporal variation of temperature extremes indicate that large increases in the magnitude of warming in the basin may occur in the future. The projections can provide the scientific basis for water and land plan management and disaster prevention and mitigation in the inland river basin.  相似文献   
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