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长白山次生白桦林数量特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对长白山1hm2次生白桦林样地的研究结果表明:样地内共有活立木2550株,分属于14科23种;从株密度、平均胸径及胸高断面积等分析看,白桦和落叶松在林分中占有绝对优势;样地内所有林木的径级分布为"S"型,白桦、落叶松和红松的径级分布近似于正态分布,水曲柳和春榆的径级分布近似于倒"J"型;从径级结构分析看,白桦和落叶松等先锋树种的小径级林木在林下分布很少,更新很差,而红松、水曲柳等寿命较长的树种在林下已经占有很大的比例,更新良好,随着演替的进展,它们将逐渐进入主林层;从主要树种的空间分布格局分析看,落叶松在样地中表现出了明显的聚集性分布格局,而白桦、水曲柳、红松和春榆没有表现出明显的聚集性分布格局.  相似文献   
冀北山地杨桦次生林不同林层的空间结构特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用混交度、角尺度、大小比数和开阔比数4个空间结构参数,结合空间结构单元距离尺度,研究了冀北山地杨桦次生林更新层和乔木层(低林层、中林层和上林层)的空间结构特征。结果表明:乔木层和更新层平均混交度分别为0.520、0.228,差异较大,乔木层混交度随林层增加而降低;乔木层和更新层的平均角尺度分别为0.575、0.530,属于聚集分布,乔木层聚集强度随林层增加而降低;乔木层和更新层平均大小比数分别为0.493、0.511,各等级林木分布较均匀;乔木层平均开阔比数为0.713,处于开阔的光环境中;随着林层增加,大小比数呈下降趋势,开阔比数呈增加的趋势,大小比数与开阔比数呈极显著负相关;参照木与4株最近相邻木的平均距离随林层增加呈递增趋势,但大部分相邻木分布在3m以内。  相似文献   
Within different land‐use systems such as agriculture, forestry, and fallow, the different morphology and physiology of the plants, together with their specific management, lead to a system‐typical set of ecological conditions in the soil. The response of total, mobile, and easily available C and N fractions, microbial biomass, and enzyme activities involved in C and N cycling to different soil management was investigated in a sandy soil at a field study at Riesa, Northeastern Germany. The management systems included agricultural management (AM), succession fallow (SF), and forest management (FM). Samples of the mineral soil (0—5, 5—10, and 10—30 cm) were taken in spring 1999 and analyzed for their contents on organic C, total N, NH4+‐N and NO3‐N, KCl‐extractable organic C and N fractions (Corg(KCl) and Norg(KCl)), microbial biomass C and N, and activities of β‐glucosidase and L‐asparaginase. With the exception of Norg(KCl), all investigated C and N pools showed a clear relationship to the land‐use system that was most pronounced in the 0—5 cm profile increment. SF resulted in greater contents of readily available C (Corg(KCl)), NH4+‐N, microbial biomass C and N, and enzyme activities in the uppermost 5 cm of the soil compared to all other systems studied. These differences were significant at P ≤ 0.05 to P ≤ 0.001. Comparably high Cmic:Corg ratios of 2.4 to 3.9 % in the SF plot imply a faster C and N turnover than in AM and FM plots. Forest management led to 1.5‐ to 2‐fold larger organic C contents compared to SF and AM plots, respectively. High organic C contents were coupled with low microbial biomass C (78 μg g—1) and N contents (10.7 μg g—1), extremely low Cmic : Corg ratios (0.2—0.6 %) and low β‐glucosidase (81 μg PN g—1 h—1) and L‐asparaginase (7.3 μg NH4‐N g—1 2 h—1) activities. These results indicate a severe inhibition of mineralization processes in soils under locust stands. Under agricultural management, chemical and biological parameters expressed medium values with exception for NO3‐N contents which were significantly higher than in SF and FM plots (P ≤ 0.005) and increased with increasing soil depth. Nevertheless, the depth gradient found for all studied parameters was most pronounced in soils under SF. Microbial biomass C and N were correlated to β‐glucosidase and L‐asparaginase activity (r ≥ 0.63; P ≤ 0.001). Furthermore, microbial biomass and enzyme activities were related to the amounts of readily mineralizable organic C (i.e. Corg(KCl)) with r ≥ 0.41 (P ≤ 0.01), suggesting that (1) KCl‐extractable organic C compounds from field‐fresh prepared soils represent an important C source for soil microbial populations, and (2) that microbial biomass is an important source for enzymes in soil. The Norg(KCl) pool is not necessarily related to the size of microbial biomass C and N and enzyme activities in soil.<?show $6#>  相似文献   
赤水河流域上游国酒特殊水源保护区是水源涵养林工程重点地区之一.根据样地调查资料,运用4种常用的物种多样性指数对调查林分乔木层、灌木层和草本层的物种多样性进行研究,分析了该地区森林植物群落物种多样性的特征.结果表明:随着灌草群落阶段Ⅰ、灌丛群落阶段Ⅱ、灌木群落阶段Ⅲ、乔林群落阶段Ⅳ和次顶极群落阶段V的演替进展,群落高度逐渐增加,同时结构趋于复杂;各阶段灌木层较乔木层和草本层物种组成丰富、多样性高.Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Margalef指数、Pielou指数的排序与物种数量的排序一致,Simpson指数则相反.乔林群落阶段Ⅳ的物种组成最复杂,适宜灌木和草本生长,为森林群落结构调整提供依据.总体而言,该区植物多样性指数不高,应采取合理森林经营及适度人为干扰措施,提高森林群落植物多样性,促进水源涵养和水土保持等功能的恢复.  相似文献   
This study examined the vegetation growing beneath Caribbean pine (Pinus caribaea) plantations established within previously abandoned tea lands adjacent to intact rain forest in southwest Sri Lanka. To examine the pattern and composition of secondary succession and factors affecting it, vegetation was sampled in different relative locations (interior and edge conditions) within plantations. Results demonstrated that more vegetation was found near the plantation edges than in the interior, and this pattern was prominent for both wind- and bird- dispersed species. The vegetation represented a mixture of species belonging to a range of successional guilds representing early (17 species, 42.4% in stem count) and late-successional species (52 species, 40.6%), although native long-lived canopy tree species were mostly absent. Bird-dispersed species dominated the flora (80 species, 86.7% in stem count). Abundance of an exotic shrub Clidemia hirta (Melastomataceae) showed a negative correlation with that of other species, indicating its impact on native flora. Underplanting of native canopy species may be effective in assisting secondary succession and control C. hirta in the plantations.  相似文献   
"退耕还林工程"对区域农业生态经济系统演替过程产生了重要影响.通过对高人口密度区的米脂县退耕还林工程实施效果的分析,发现米脂县实施退耕还林工程10 a来,植被恢复明显,森林覆盖率较退耕前提高了13.85%;水土流失得到了有效治理,水土流失治理程度较退耕前提高了12. 73%;农民收人增加,思想观念、生产生活方式变化显著,区域产业结构优化,取得了明显的生态效益、经济效益和社会效益.这一实施效果也证明黄土丘陵区可以实现生态与经济的协调发展.  相似文献   
对舟山岛21个松材线虫病入侵前的马尾松林、黑松林进行典型样地调查,根据更新层树种的重要值采用模糊聚类结果划分为7种演替类群,与17年后对不同演替类群具代表性样地的复查结果比较分析,并综合群落的组成结构、动态特征、树种生态生物学特性、更新树种植株结构以及立地条件、海拔等因子,确定舟山岛松林近阶段的演替结果分别为白栎、枫香占优势的落叶阔叶林,枫香、白栎、苦槠或石栎、四川山矾、栓皮栎占优势的常绿落叶阔叶混交林,马尾松、黄檀、山合欢占优势的针阔混交林,枫香或朴树占优势的落叶阔叶林(疏林),白栎占优势的萌生灌丛和柃木占优势的常绿灌丛。研究结果说明松材线虫病发生迹地的植物群落自然演替具有一定的方向性和确定性。可针对松材线虫病为害后林分不同的演替趋势、立地条件和培育目的,应用本文的预测和林相修复技术及早采取封育、人工造林等措施恢复植被;同时,依据本文总结的演替规律,通过前期的调查和分类,可以较快推测和诊断出演替的过程和结果,从而及早在松材线虫病大面积发生后,根据不同的演替方向进行人工干预和规划。  相似文献   
作物连作障碍的产生及防治   总被引:45,自引:0,他引:45  
阐述作物连作障碍的定义,总结了作物连作障碍的发生原因和防治措施,并展望了今后的研究方向。  相似文献   
滇东北铅锌矿区废弃地的自然演替特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究矿区废弃地的自然演替特征,于2020年10月对滇东北两铅锌矿区废弃地进行植物群落调查和群落土样采集分析。结果表明:两区均受到较严重的重金属污染,土壤Pb、Mn、Zn、Cu和Cd的含量均超过相关背景值。其中,两区土壤Pb和Zn以及富乐镇矿区土壤Mn和Cd的有效态占比大体上都呈现随演替进行而降低的趋势,富乐镇矿区土壤Cu的有效态占比呈现随演替发生而先增后减的趋势,矿山镇矿区土壤Mn、Cu和Cd的有效态占比在不同演替阶段呈现不规则波动。两区土壤全氮随着演替的发生均呈现先增后减的趋势;两区土壤全磷含量变化趋势不同,矿山镇矿区呈现持续增加,富乐镇矿区则呈现先减后增;两区土壤有机质含量都呈现持续增加的趋势。在矿山镇矿区中,Pb和Zn、Pb和SOM呈极显著正相关性,Pb和TP、Mn和TN、Cd和TN、Zn和SOM、SOM和TN呈显著正相关性,Pb和Cu、Zn和Cu、Cu和SOM、Cu和TP呈显著负相关性。在富乐镇矿区中,Pb和Zn呈极显著正相关性,Zn和Mn、Zn和Cu、Zn和SOM、Pb和TP、SOM和TN呈显著正相关性,Pb和Cu、Zn和Cd、Cu和Cd呈显著负相关性。研究表明,矿区次生演替过程与废弃农田和灾后森林等生境的次生演替过程相似,土壤重金属元素的有效态会随演替发生而降低。研究结果可为矿区废弃地的自然恢复提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   
本文着重介绍近年来国外森林生态系统研究的动态和进展。对生物量积累及净生产量和它们的分配、生态系统的营养循环、生态系统的发育和演替三个主要方面的研究动态作了较详细的叙述。  相似文献   
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